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Altina the Sword Princess

Regis, an incapable soldier, who is bad at both sword and archery that only reads books. He meets a... Read more
Regis, an incapable soldier, who is bad at both sword and archery that only reads books. He meets a girl at the remote region where he was transferred to. Red hair crimson eyes princess Altina who wields the supreme ruler’s sword.She was appointed to become the commander of the army of the remote region despite being fourteen years old, simply for being the illegitimate child of the Emperor. However, she is holding onto her big dream without being depressed in the environment she is in.«I trust you.»Regis who was sought from her as a tactician stands up to the obstacles together with her. The military fantasy interweaved by the bibliophagic boy and the princess with the supreme ruler’s sword. Collapse
Adapted to Manga, Aristocracy, Beautiful Female Lead, Bookworm, Clever Protagonist, Comedic Undertone, Dense Protagonist, European Ambience, Firearms, Genius Protagonist, Kingdoms, Knights, Male Protagonist, Military, Pacifist Protagonist, Politics, Royalty, Strategist, Strong Love Interests, War Records, Wars, Weak Protagonist
One of THE BEST Japanese light novels of all time. It's so sad that the author of this work chose to focus on his more popular but also, garbage work, how not to summon a demon lord. This one has f#cking HEART. It's really good. The characters make sense and are given time to be fleshed out DESPITE the fact that this is the length of a light novel. The ideologies are given a fair representation so you end up with shades of grey instead of black and white.And the politics are not unnecessarily complex and remains interesting.This is GOOD stuff.The hiatus is sad, but seriously, read this.What can you expect?First book is okay.Second book starts to warm up.Then it just starts flying.
I hate this type of romance, what's with the sudden caring and all, nooo you will get hurt and blah blahWhy can't a lead girl be without being instantly in love with someone
Read Azarinth Healer. It's great and fits your requirements for a strong independent woman mc.
Pidan al señor Supremo antiguo es una buena novela no tengo para pedir hasta enero ayuden lectores rompan el limite
Hmmm so this is talking about the conversation down below about a person not liking female knight stories and stuff. This is my thoughts on this.Personally I really do understand why it feels so milked and so damn stupid. Rey from Star Wars, Cpt Marvel, Mulan(Movie) are just some of the reasons I detest a lot of the genius fmc shows,movies, and books. They Op up the characters with no CD, with no losses, no crushing defeats, and they are just poof OP. This stupid no sense buff to say girls are strong is dumb af.However, there are amazing fmc books and movies aswell, I hate so many fmc stuff, but if it is done well it is like super super good. Like what? Animated Mulan, it explores challenges, the difficulty of overcoming the biological barriers, and also the discrimination Mulan faces simply for being female. So, I guess to summarize, its true in a lot of cases, but if they played their cards right, it can easily be S tier.
Just a heads up...but this FMC isn't as bland. At least not from what I recall. There's a reasoning on why she's a sword weilder and such. Also is aware of her shortcomings.
isnt this one have official english release already..
One of the best novel that i read years ago, such a shame for slow updates, but still a good read
Seriously dude You need series recommendations
Dude i said years ago, when it was my first time reading LN and WN all i see is a bunch of Harem Dense MC japanese novel, like at first it is very entertaining but as soon as I read many books, it started to become shitty, thats why i tried to dig some Other stuff, and found this, at first i though it is boring because the MC is a wimp, but i endure it luckily, it soon led me to like more Strategy slow type Light novel which is this oneWell all i read at that time is considered to be decent or good1. Isekai mahou2. The word master3. Slime datta ken4. Overgeared5. Moonlight sculptor6. Overlord7. Eminence of the shadow8. Berserk of Gluttony9. Sevens10. Amber sword11. The beginning after the end12. Solo levelling13. Everyone else is a returnee14. The death mage who doesn't want a fourth time15. Legend16. Tsuki ga Michibiku isekai douchuu17. Omniscient Reader's viewpoint18. The second coming of gluttony19. Trash lf the Counts family20. My death flag show no signs of ending21. The novel's extra22. Against the god23. Dungeon defense24. Kumo desu ga nani ka25. Mushoku tensei26. The book eating magician27. Arifureta28. The man pick up by the gods29. Ankoku kishi monogatari30. Mondaiji31. No game no life32. Release that witch33. A will eternal34. Kuma kuma bear35. How a realist hero rebuilt a kingdom36. Danmachi37. Utsuri no hako to zero no maria38. Grimgar39. Goblin slayer40. Martial peakAnd many others.All of this that i read years ago and some of them i still remembered is a top quality, so i didn't need a recommendation so far, but you could still drop some for bookmarks, ty.
Oh thanks for the recommendations
A pacifist war tactician?
Pretty interesting right? "Cooperate or die", it's certainly one way to to manifest pacifism. If country A want to make war then country B, C, and D will just have to destroy it. Peace or death. Pacifism or total war. Makes peace a very desirable option.
I know I'm gonna come across as sexist and I know this is fictional and there's magic blah blah blah (if there isn't then idek), but I'm always put off by the incredible female knight prodigy trope. Like, in my mind there's no getting around the fact that men are better at fighting than women. Not only because of physical differences but also technique wise. Also mentally; a mans mind is better for fighting than a womans (especially if that includes killing).Now women of course have their strengths. I'd go so far as to say that if the world was run by women, there'd probably be no war. But that's exactly why men are better suited for it.I know this is all just rubbish that no one really cares about and I probably shouldn't say online, but for some reason I felt compelled to put my 2 cents out there.
While you're right that females on average are physically weaker you seem to forget there have been many prolific female warriors in the past - perhaps it's because they were murdered by men after they were found to be female though?I do understand what you're getting at and in some aspect you are right but also horrible wrong. Like with the comment about achieving world peace, that is also very unlikely. Although one can say the mindset between man and woman are different they're not that different - I would argue some of this can be attributed to differing social roles. Many female fighters exist out there and women can be just as violet as men but often it's put aside because they're just a women; why else would a tern exist just for it (aka catfight). Not calling you sexist but just also giving my opinion.
Yeah that is true, but it's extremely rare to find incredible female fighters throughout history (at least in comparison to male fighters). Perhaps if the trope wasn't so overdone I'd like it more. Like if you found a rare book with an amazing female knight you might be like, "Wow that's interesting". Like Mulan back in the day. Now it's just, "sigh, there's another female knight prodigy story". It's lost it's novelty.Also, I have to say the male and female minds are completely different. Males understand each other but can't understand females. In the same way, females understand each other but can't understand males. The average female is more empathetic and understands emotions better than the average male. While males tend more towards logic and can be more decisive.
You are thinking about this from a more societal role as back in ancient times, (There is some sexist discrimination today as well) women were seen as less than then men. Their roles were to cook, clean, and take care of children, which doesn't exactly provide many opportunities for more than what they had, so I understand your point. However, while not as many as men, there have been plenty of female warriors throughout history. History tends to undermine that part. I don't think you are sexist, but while it has been scientifically proven that men are stronger than women, it doesn't mean to say there are no strong women or no weak men. The part about no wars makes no sense though. People have different opinions, which leads to conflict, which leads to war. Simple as that. People can't all be the same or we would be puppets.
If you wanna go back to ancient times or even now, women did not want to participate in wars because there were men, the strongest woman would have a hard time against a average male warrior that's just how the male body is made, Women's bodies are NOT for fighting, it's just people like you have such an inferiority complex of where you always compare yourselves to men and try to demean them (mostly by calling them sexist), if anything aren't there more occupations that women can easily fit into? Why do we have to create such a stupid comparison of men and women, No matter how much you delude yourself, Men and women are not the same.
They didn't call anyone sexist nor demean anyone - it's rude to put words in someone else's mouth.
I said people "like" you not the one I replied to.
Tbh, I think ur the one with an inferiority complex lol, she(I'm assuming the person u replied to is a woman) didn't call you sexist, she literally said: I don't think you are sexist You were the one that generalized, and it makes me think you've been shut down in an argument like this before by being called sexist. While that sucks, projecting that onto someone else ain't cool. I believe your mistake in this situation was trying to prove the wrong point. The question was(As I saw it, please correct me if i'm wrong): "Can women be prodigious warriors". You tried to say that since all women are on average worse than men in combat, this trope is dumb. However, this doesn't account for if some woman were to be blessed with incredible genetics that would make them much more lethal than the average man(stronger, more flexible, more nimble, etc), then in the absence of a man that also struck the genetic lottery, they would be the most lethal warrior around. Therefore, this trope of a strong female knight isn't impossible to happen both irl and fictionally.As for your actual point:Like, in my mind there's no getting around the fact that men are better at fighting than women. Not only because of physical differences but also technique wise. Also mentally; a mans mind is better for fighting than a womans (especially if that includes killing)As for physical differences, while not stronger, on average most women are lighter (thus more agile) and are also naturally more flexible. They also have a much higher pain tolerance than most men, so a usually debilitating injury might not cripple them immediately. Sure, a man will be stronger and hardier than a woman, but countered with the things I presented above, both have about equal potential to be lethal. As for techniques, are you referring to stances and combat styles? If so, that's a pretty easy fix, just create some that are tailored to the more agility focused womenMentality wise: Women literally go through (on average) intense pain for an entire week every month during their prime years, passively increasing pain resistance and sharpening their will. A prime example is those period cramp simulators. You can clearly see the difference in tolerance between both genders. Furthermore, sure men tend to be more decisive, but women can be incredibly stubborn and vicious too(ik my girlfriend can be like a block of titanium sometimes). Again, just because the trend is that men are more decisive and brutal doesn't mean some women can't be.
Um, the original commenter and the one you replied to are different people lol
Yea I got bamboozled by the yellow profile pictures lol. My b
All good, I thought you might of
First of all, I am a male, just to clear that up. Secondly, while I do agree that women have certain roles that they fit into better doesn't mean they can't do other things. Have you never seen a female athlete? Or a female soldier? Or a male going into a "female" role as you wanted to put it. Such as a male nanny or a male housekeeper. If you wanna go back to ancient times or even now, women did not want to participate in wars because there were men, the strongest woman would have a hard time against a average male warrior that's just how the male body is made, Women's bodies are NOT for fightingSo you are telling me that every female warrior is inferior to men? Both male and females have their advantages when it comes to fighting (ie. Flexibility, Toughness, Endurance, etc), so to undermine that doesn't make sense. No matter how much you delude yourself, Men and women are not the same.I literally never said that. In fact, my whole argument was about how while they are different, they can take on similar roles. Never once did I say they were the same.Why do we have to create such a stupid comparison of men and womenThis is literally this entire comment string lmao.
True, I wasn't really referring to any of that though. I was meaning if you put a woman and a man in the same situation they might make vastly different choices.
Talking to Krux, but okay.
Have you ever spoke to someone from another country and not understood their jokes ect.? Does that mean they are different? No, it's the old 'nature versus nurture' argument which people far smarter than us are still trying to figure out. I believe at least the differences you pointed out with 'woman and men not understanding one another' is due to the different social environments they are surrounded with. If not why would concepts such as 'tomboys' exist?
Well of course there are exceptions. Isn't the reason we have the term 'tomboy' because of those exceptions?Now, I was gonna give a speech about my family but can't be bothered. Suffice to say, I have 9 sisters and 3 brothers and there's a clear difference in the way we react to things.
And both states of mind have important places on a battlefield, you can't be too impulsive and need to understand when to take a step back, but you also sometimes need to be decisive. As a commander, both are invaluable to have, so yes, women do have a place on a battlefield, if only for the different perspective they bring. Coupled with the reply I made above, I believe that your point that women shouldn't fight is invalid.
Mate, I didn't say that. I'm saying that males are generally far better suited to fighting than females. And the strategic stuff... I don't really know about any of that. All I know is that young females and young males aren't suited for that. Why do you think they always have old people doing it? I've always been fine with an older woman having to do with military affairs but a teenager? Doesn't make any sense.
I'll copy the reply I made to Krux, you said: Like, in my mind there's no getting around the fact that men are better at fighting than women. Not only because of physical differences but also technique wise. Also mentally; a mans mind is better for fighting than a womans (especially if that includes killing).As for physical differences, while not stronger, on average most women are lighter (thus more agile) and are also naturally more flexible. They also have a much higher pain tolerance than most men, so a usually debilitating injury might not cripple them immediately. Sure, a man will be stronger and hardier than a woman, but countered with the things I presented above, both have about equal potential to be lethal. Furthermore, women don't have a gigantic weakness between their legs that will leave them incapacitated long enough for a fatal blow.As for techniques, are you referring to stances and combat styles? If so, that's a pretty easy fix, just create some that are tailored to the more agility focused womenMentality wise: Women literally go through (on average) intense pain for an entire week every month during their prime years, passively increasing pain resistance and sharpening their will. A prime example is those period cramp simulators. You can clearly see the difference in tolerance between both genders. Furthermore, sure men tend to be more decisive, but women can be incredibly stubborn and vicious too(ik my girlfriend can be like a block of titanium sometimes). Again, just because the trend is that men are more decisive and brutal doesn't mean women can't be.Taking averages and generalizing it to the entire population isn't applicable in this case, because usually only the ones that have a strong mentality will even try to be fighting on the battlefield.
I am 99% sure pain tolerance has not been tested, if it has then that's inhumane.And of course there can be fighting styles well suited for women. But it would have to take advantage of their flexibility and smaller stature. And I am 99% sure a knight does not have a fighting style like that.Also, if we don't take the average, how are we supposed to accurately say if females in wars make any sense. We could just take any 1 person and define our whole argument off that. Exceptions obviously exist. I'm pretty sure I'd get obliterated by any female mma fighter.
Just my observation from anecdotal evidence, not sure if it's true. As for fighting styles, yea it'd have to be a new style, but my point is that if women were given the same heritage/legacy that men have, they'd also be effective on a battlefield.
Nope, ok so the majority of battlefield fighters are male infantry. And the goal of the goddamn infantry is to push and push and push, now a woman can absolutely do a many things in any battlefield, but it would be crazy to say that they would be more effective then the men.
Yea, I agree with you there. The original comment was about female prodigies being unrealistic, and for that I think both women and men in smaller scale combat would be about equal if given appropriate resources. As for large scale combat, yeah, it's isn't practical to have women becoming cannon fodder bc they're more valuable in the long run population wise. A man can just hit it and quit it, and who gives af after they do, but a woman is stuck for 9 months bedridden and most likely crippled back then. Now ideally both parents would survive, but in a wartime situation, it makes more sense for the women to provide support from back home
Nah, pain tolerance has been tested, but yes it is absolutely inhumane.A rather easy example is Japan's notorious Unit 731, who ran some of the most inhumane experiments ever, they did so until the end of the second world war, when they traded all their research for immunity. If you were wondering if that last part was correct, I assure you it is.
Bruh what? That's shady AF
Japan's unit 731 probably has or some other group of people similar to unit 731 probably has tested pain tolerance.
1. About womans and warsPurely woman team the most toxic place in my country. It's called like snake ball. No one want to be part of this team.2. About different mindsetIt's have historical reason. Most times mans have to be straight and initiate some type of relationship, but fow females be straight was uncultured so they had to provoke initiating relationship from mans. If we talk about some commons thing like conversation about books, there are same rules like conversation between man of videogames and man of forging - they don't have shared interests. It's not gender related things.3. About knights womansThat times have bad medicine (contraceptive and early death) and womans had to gave birth many times so they can't be warrior. Womans was resource to produce humans so they was valuable resource that moreover would broken during producing. They not suitable for war, they producing war mechanism (men).Knight was aristocrat and woman couldn't use this role. This role was inherited like first son or smth.Average woman couldn't wear full armor (i think so) that knight needed coz physiological reason. Some heartless statistic (it's google translated so some times can be not understanding): SpoilerAccording to these studies, the average height of women is 12 cm lower than the average for men, the average weight is 10 kg less, the muscle mass is on average 20 kg less. As a percentage, the total mass of a woman is on average 20% less than that of men, the mass of muscles and skeleton is 40-45% less, the fat mass is 20-25% more. The weight without fat per centimeter of height is 0.36 kg for men, 0.26 kg for women. The size of muscle fibers in women is 35% less, the number of fibers is 14% less. The muscle mass of the upper part of the body in women is 50% less than in men, and the lower part is 30% less. Accordingly, the muscle strength of women according to isometric measurements is 50% in the upper part and 65% in the lower part relative to men. The incision area of the humerus in women is 25-35% smaller, the femur is 15% smaller. The area and volume of the vertebrae are 25-30% lower. The structure of the legs and pelvis – women have a shorter step, according to studies with an increase in the wearable load, women, unlike men, shorten the step even more, increase the duration of time when both feet are on the ground, etc., in general, when walking, increased kinetic load, which is one of the causes of increased injuries. Women also have shin bones 12% thinner and 42% lower twisting resistance.Important parameter: bone density. In women at the age of conscription, bone density is not much lower than in men, this usually manifests itself in old age, but in general, women are three times more susceptible to osteoporosis than men, and during combat training several additional factors act at once: increased physical activity, lack of calcium and vitamin D. Therefore, women are much more susceptible to stress fractures (they are fatigue fractures - "shivrei maamats" - stress fracture) due to accumulated microtrauma. Stress fractures, especially of the feet and lower legs, are the scourge of combat soldiers, in the 80s the percentage of victims sometimes reached 30% of the draft. The problem with stress fractures for the service is that with them the soldier gets relief from physical exertion for 2-8 weeks, depending on the degree of fracture, and with a high degree and more. Therefore, this often means a write-off from the KMB or a team course. Sometimes the course can be completed later or "catch up" at the end, sometimes it is impossible for administrative reasons, sometimes a soldier is generally written off from combat service as a result. For prevention, sufficient sleep and rest are necessary, as well as sufficient intake of calcium and vitamin D – according to all these parameters, soldiers have a serious disadvantage, especially in combat. They fought against this phenomenon by forcing commanders to observe sleep hours, and by introducing more dairy products, and gradually reduced the percentage to 5-10% for men in combat troops on average, depending on the type of troops. But for women, this percentage is always much higher with equal loads, because according to any medical statistics, the female sex is the first risk factor. And in addition to dynamic load, like running and jumping, women suffer from stress fractures even due to prolonged standing, which is not observed in men. Therefore, because of the importance of this parameter, it is always particularly noted in studies.Women have lower ability to aerobic and anaerobic loads – they have on average less heart and lung volume, heart production per unit of time is 20-25% less, hemoglobin is 10-15% lower, maximum oxygen consumption is 20-25% less. On average, women's aerobic loads are 30% lower than men's, and anaerobic ones are 25% lower. The increase in wearable weight, according to research, slows down the performance of a ten-kilometer march in women by 23-28% more than in men: rounded off, the average male soldier will walk 10 km with a maximum speed with a load of 30 kg in an hour and a half, and a woman in two hours.There are also statistics that due to lifting weights during the service, cases of uterine prolapse are becoming more frequent among women, but since this is a comparative statistic with other women, and not with men in the same positions, it goes through a separate paragraph.It's modern army statistic that should be simpler for peoples with modern technologies and techniques (training, life and even wight lifting).So i'm can't image female knight that surpass male in past. They were might exist but should be below average or just hyped for political reasons without real achievements.
Oh, no! What if a woman in a fictional magical setting happened to be strong and a knight? How horrible! I'm not a sexist or anything, but that just smacks of unrealistic writing standards! I prefer my women to be meek, servile, and useless! I, the average Redditor, will not stand and allow women to have cool stories where they kick butt too. After all, that's a MAN'S job!Scarfs down Cheetos.
It's the end of the world man. Didn't you know? Could've sworn the memo was sent to everyone.
Now now, I didn't say that. She could be a mean as assassin or something. They also say the best pickpocketers ever were female. I know there have been great female snipers as well. But a full on knight wielding a great sword? idk...I also think Tsunade from Naruto was done well. I don't know why I think that but just know that I do.
This isn't applicable in this novel. For some reason, even though there's no direct mention of magic in this work, the Imperial family (of which Altina belongs to) has some kind of phenomena working for them that makes them insanely stronger than normal people. Altina and her siblings are all stronger and more durable than normal people and I don't remember seeing this trait in other characters. Some may be as strong as Altina but from what I remember, there's no one that's also as durable as her younger brother (iirc) was also shot multiple times but still survived.Basically, Altina isn't normal.
What do you think?
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