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4 months ago
A new world with nearly unlimited possibilities. A status, classes, magic and monsters. Sounds... Read more A new world with nearly unlimited possibilities. A status, classes, magic and monsters. Sounds good? Well, for Ilea it didn’t come quite as expected as for some other protagonists, nor was there a king or god to welcome her.The grand quest? Well, she might figure that out someday but for now, a new world with new food is prize enough. Her fists at the ready, she’s prepared to punch and get punched, however long it takes and however many limbs she might have to regrow.***A story I’ve started writing now quite a while ago. Transported to another world, somewhat standard fantasy setting with my beginner attempts to make it dark but funny. There are Litrpg elements here but I do hope it’s not too heavy and annoying. The fights should be interesting and aren’t just numbers vs numbers. Contrary to the title the protagonist will be quite an offensive fighter.Ilea Spears is your average sarcastic kick-boxing fast food worker and soon to be student. She will be transported to another world rather conventionally and will be confronted with survival in the wild. Collapse Female Protagonist, LitRPG, Magic, Transmigration, Monsters, Game Elements, System, Adventurers, Weak to Strong, Modern Knowledge, Medieval, Survival, Character Growth, Skill Assimilation, Level System, Carefree Protagonist I would give a 7/10.Downside: The author made the main character (female) very crazy, she have no idea what she is doing and she never plans nothing and have a severe degree of ADHD (TDAH) when she is not fighting. She often does the opposite she is thinking to do. Also, she is strong in a bad way, not because she is very smart or amazing but because everyone in Elos is dumb.Highside: the class system is amazing and it's what made me keep reading. The bickering between characters is very funny too. Q: So is this the last chapter of Azarinth Healer?A: No. But everything after this, I consider epilogueSo we finished, right? Save to write a review.Welp, here's one:A solid 3/5There's nothing bad about it but nothing good either. The whole story revolves around:1. Me fight.2.Me heal.3.Me gain skills.4. Me kill5. Me lvl up.Fights are... Not to bad, not to good. Can't say to much about them. Creatures aren't bad but everything about the fight is just so basic it gets boring. She hits stuff, stuff hits her, she heals, stuff dies. That's it. No schemes, no traps no suddenness. Just basic farming RPG.Side characters are ok at the start but when she gets stronger they're just irrelevant and when some side story with them happens I just want the plot to switch back to fighting.And when it's fighting I just want to scroll down to see skills.Skills are about the best there is in this book. It's still worse then some books with overcomplicated systems like "The Legend of Randidly Ghosthound" where everything is described in to much details. But at least it's simple and funny. Allows some degree of free development by core points and learning passive skills. Ending: Well, nothing happened. We just beat another boss. Cool. There were some changes in the environment and I guess epilogue will be about how people adapted to it using 'inheritance' she left behind. She made organization that will help everyone, left this thing for that town so they will use it to deal with Calamity. That girl she taught would use what she taught to help people do this and adapt to that problem. Honestly, shouldn't be to interesting. Well, I may be biased because I finished reading Reverend Insanity not long ago, and by comparison, most characters anywhere seem shallow. Especially those 10k year old guys who decide to sleep and do nothing to "maintain balance?" "Meditate?" Well. Whatever. Conclusion: Read if you have nothing to read. A solid book with no big flaws or big innovations Review after all 930 chapters. (Note: 929 is last chapter of the story, 930 and potentially further is an after-credits scenes)Novel is great, I had a blast reading it, and I'm certainly waiting for that second book edit: second book is just publishing stuff, I've been hyped for nothing Now, let me tell you what I liked here in main points:World Building: the whole world of Elos feels living, and not centered around MC like it often happens. Most things, if not all, have their explanations, like a jigsaw puzzle pieces we, along with MC, are putting together as we explore.Main Character: has a personality, her own morale and principles, which shows well on the background of another world. Oftentimes I found myself relating to attitudes she has towards certain things. Absolutely hates politics, and I was glad she did all the way. She has fun on her adventures, and I consider this a plus, since it makes her so much more humane than all those MC's with attitudes like become strong first and foremost, and fun is for after that is achieved.Most notably, even when her personality hasn't changed, it certainly adjusted to fit the 'harsh reality,' and while I'll confidently say Ilea chapter 1 and Ilea chapter 929 are same character-wise, weight of all what happened certainly changed her.Side Characters: like MC, also have their personality, even those we'll only ever see once. Even bandits made exclusively to be somebody to be killed without remorse have their personality. Quite a lot of characters left a lasting impression, and some had their fair share of growth. Quite often there are snippets of side characters POVs, both telling about another perspective and character's thoughts, thus personality. I found myself longing for more of this moments instead of being annoyed by somewhat frequent use, which testaments to something at least.Another point is side character mortality: in quite a lot of stories side characters either don't die at all or die for the sake of MC's character development. Here, I haven't felt such, if they die, they die for themselves, for their own motives and reasons, like, you know, humans do.System: reminds me a bit of Nanomancer Reborn's system, but without all the bullshit. System itself is easy: you do the thing, you're rewarded with abilities, you don't do the thing, you stagnate. Very personalized in terms of paths of power, meaning you wouldn't ever meet exactly same (in terms of powers) mages, etc.But one big thing to note here: system very strongly favors overachieving, creating a viscous positive feedback loop of overachieving leading to more power leading to even more overachieving. Which isn't inherently bad, but does leave some aftertaste for me.Plot: there is no pressing world-wide matters that need immediate solving, which means MC can freely do her own thing without any pressing needs to rush towards, leaving plot a very relaxed walk instead of mad rush from destination to destination. I particularly liked the proportion of fighting and other activities, mainly how before I can get bored with routine or something else, MC just runs off to give us a fight to watch.Talking about plot is borderline spoilers, so I'll just say that every walk has it's own destination, and I was quite pleased with how it was concluded.Time passage: would be a strange thing to highlight if it wasn't so standing out to me. Oftentimes in such adventure-centered stories have time passage mentioned only when author suddenly remembered about it, or time-skips and more often than not in the end it sums up with quite ridiculous number, either too low (like in aforementioned Nanomancer Reborn), or too high for no particular reason. Here, even if not mentioned specifically, time passes, and it feels somewhat right. Like, for example, when MC re-encounters a teenager some time later, and this time they're young adult instead, and it feels... right. There are time-skips, but they're reserved for routine we have already seen, and they're measured in months.Chapter Length: chapters are quite long, but usually not too much, which is a good thing, in my book. System status, which notoriously takes whole chapters sometimes, here is an addition to it instead, at certain points I could even predict there is a status screen in the end by the length of a scroll bar. Maybe it's just me, but chapters get lengthier the further down the line we get, with last few being absolute monsters of a length, but with how action-packed they are, I deem it justified. it's a masterpiece, i just hoped the author gave us more details in the political side of the novel. and actually let us see what is being discussed in the meetings, i know it's against llea's personality but randomly going somewhere, not listening at all, or some of the characters just summarized it for her is such a letdown. kind of want to see how the businesses that claire did boomed. and i know the novel is focused on fighting and it's not really a business novel but do recommend me one. ty You should look up Tree of Aeons, lots of kingdom building in this one, almost one year per chapter at some point cause well the mc's a tree, long chapters (about 3 'normal' chapters in 1), and there's quite a bit of meetings that he listen in for towns, merchants ... okay thank you for the recommendation If you want a business novel then boy do I have the novel for you. It is a finance students wet dream and if you are even slightly interested in money you will definitely enjoy the absolute shit out of it. It's a korean novel called "Past Life Regressor" and it's essentially about a man who saw the end of the world in a system apocalypse and went back in time to the day of his birth through a system reward. He then proceeded to use his future knowledge and finance education to take control of the world's finances as well as get a massive head start on the other awakened. It's genuinely one of my top 5 novels, maybe even top 3. sorry for my late reply, haven't been using this website since i finished the novel. I'll give it a try tho sounds fun if you see chapters past 929 with a slow and unsteady release speed, no, the story is not dying, it ended, the author is releasing PoV and epilogue chapter over long time to give us readers a feeling of fading out instead of a sudden cut. its a good thing. I've spent a long time in the comments. I'm excited to read these kinds of novels, whose writers inspire and teaches me more in writing. She(?) seems cool and I kind of feel a sense of connection with her writer personality evident in her writing style. She's got imperfections but tries to fix it. Okay This Novel Was Great Especially The System It Was Unique And It Did Not Bore You When She Was Leveling..... Until Mc Bullshit Romance Was IntroducedAuthor Keeps Shoving Mc Bisexual Romance In Our Throats...I Basically Don't Care If Mc Was Bisexual Or She Could Have Harem Of Both Women And Men....The Thing That Annoyed Me Is That As I Was Reading "An Interesting Arc Where Mc Was Leveling Up Beating shits Of Things Author Out Off Nowhere Introduce Mc Sad Grimmy Romance Out Off Nowhere Which Basically It Does Not Even Last.....Mc Basically Has Like 6 Failed Bisexual Romance Up To Chapter 800 I Got Tired" Dropped at chapter 46. I kept trying to read more and get to some actual good stuff but the main character turns this novel from a 5/5 to a 1/5.One of those "good" main characters that are actually just stupid, naive, and gullible. With morals that get in the way more than anything. She doesn't even apply those morals to herself and seems to not care if people try to kill her or use her against her will for their own benefit. SpoilerForced to act as a live trap spotter by one group. Someone also lied to her and convinced her to dive into a deadly dungeon that she wasn't ready for. All she did was get angry at them and then later, out of pity, she gave them a ton of extremely precious information on how to advance to a better class.This novel makes me want to read about evil protagonists because at least they'll give a sh*t about their own well being. the author finished the rewrite of the first book, as a result if you start reading or decide to read again the initial part of the story should feel more logical and polished with clearly defined characthers and choices, if you dropped it in the first 100 ch its now a good time to give it a second chance, and remember that old reviews of people who dropped in the early chapters might now be obsolete.more infos in the author notice past chapter 895 for any interested This is a story I wanted to like, but after 140 chapters I give up and it's largely due to the MC. Early on in the story she tells herself jokes in what felt like a coping mechanism to keep her sane since she was thrown into a dangerous new world and was alone for months. Then the first time she goes into a town she buys so much food because she was eating the same thing for months and finally had choices. This was all great and made sense. Then the author decided these two things were going to be her defining traits and the extent of her personality. Is she in a dangerous situation and the people around her are telling her to be serious so they don't all die? Too bad. She's going to continue to goof off and make jokes, then get annoyed at the others for being too serious. Has it been more than 5 paragraphs without her eating? Better stop what's going on so she can eat. It's explicitly stated anyone at her level of strength can go days without eating, but even if they're in that dangerous situation, she's going to pester her teammates for food because the person with crack level addiction to food didn't bring any, further pissing them off. She is a caricature of herself and people who reached 600+ said she is a caricature in even more ways. The more the MC was in a chapter, the more pissed off I'd be at the end.So many of the side characters are uninteresting and the story is basically non-existent. Most of them have one personality trait or thing and that's it, just like the MC, while a few have more to them then that and are interesting. Sadly, most of the interesting characters were introduced in the first 50 chapters and it seems like the author went for quantity over quality after that. As for the story she goes to a place, fights things, gets stronger until she can't get stronger quickly, gets bored, and moves on to the next place. And the "interesting hooks" of the story are told so vaguely that I question if the author even bothered thinking up a story to work towards. There's local issues she has to resolve that gets a bit more thought, but the overarching story is hinted at with as much substance and precision as a fortune cookie. If you have nothing else to read or want junk food you can shut your brain off while reading, I suppose you can do worse, but you can definitely do better. Also, desperately needs a competent editor. Grammar, spelling, etc. swings from a 2/10 at times to a 6/10 at best and many of the issues present in the early chapters, even after supposed heavy editing, were still present over 100 chapters in. Согласен. Если опустить то, как она занимается хернёй и жрёт можно было сократить всё минимум на 200 глав.

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