A Guide to Kingdom Building ( Me Reincarnated 365 x)

Chapter 15 - 15-Around The Fire Pt. 1

The burnt wood hissed as fire slowly engulfed the timber that Servus 132-X fed it with. It's been a while since he felt this warmth. It's been too long since he remembered the warmth and coziness of the campfire. At the distance, he saw the other slaves, setting up the final strings and poles of the tent.

His gamble worked after all, and now they wait for a reply from the capital. He took out the blanket provisioned to them by the 5th Batallion. After all, he technically brought their freedom from a single piece of rock and an elaborate plan to get more of it. He wrapped himself with the blanket, expressing his delight with a sigh of relief.

There is still a lot of things he needs to plan ahead. This has been the third day since he brought themselves out from death, but they still hadn't found a good strategy to enter the burrowed holes left by the Giant Centipedes.

He recalled the meeting they have in Lord Prestonheim's tent.

There were arguments as to how to go about it. Servus 305-M had a heated debate with Lord Prestonheim. The red-haired slave wanted the knights to go and scout the deep levels of the hole to let them survey the area. On the other hand, Lord Prestonheim saw this move to be too risky, especially without the approval of the A.R.T.E.R.I.U.S.

" I would rather let the slaves survey it first!" Lord Prestonheim's eyebrows furrowed at the suggestion of the slave, " Remember this, the contract is still underworks, therefore, unofficial!"

" You would rather get the slaves to go there and die?" Servus 305-M scoffed at Lord Prestonheim's stubbornness, " You know, we slave cannot use magic, remember? This slave's collar suppresses that! You should know any better!" the slave leans forward across the long table.

" I cannot risk my men! I have already few numbers--"

" Few numbers?! How about those slaves?" Servus 302-M pointed out Servus's 132-X group " Tell me now, this could bring a new age into the emp--"

" That's what you said about those aetherite stones…" Lord Prestonheim massage the space inbetween his eyes by his thumb," ...and now, look! We have a prince in line for the throne, obsessed in making glowing rocks!" He spat at the slave.

The mood suddenly changed. Lord Prestonheim looked like he said something that he shouldn't have. His face became remorseful after throwing the spiteful words to Servus 302-M. The slave, on the other hand, became somber. He's looking at the table as if there was something to find there-- there was none.@@novelbin@@

" It looks like we are at an impasse." Lord Prestonheim sighed as he continued to massage the bridge of his nose.

" Indeed, we are." Servus 302-M walked out from the Lord's camp into the sweltering heat of the sun.

That's when Servus 132-X knew, that his gamble, might still end up in shambles. The logs cracked at the burning flames. He snapped out from the hopelessness his mind tried to play with him.

"Sorry…" the tattooed slave came out from nowhere, " Can I sit here?"

Servus 132-X looked at the man's hair-covered face. " Be my guest," he offered the seat adjacent to him.

As the tattooed slave sat by the fire, his features became more prominent. His unkempt hair that covered his face became a see-through veil of his face. He had a scruffy beard, a long-bridged nose with deep-seated eyes that is covered by his furry brow. He had the sharpest canine Servus 132-X had ever saw.

His features gave him a feral appearance, but despite that, there was a warm aura surrounding him. He had a strong sense of humanity, at least that's what Servus 132-X's thought. His eyes gave him that idea. The slave's deep green eyes looked delicate and innocent, giving him a shred of humanity despite his untamed appearance.

" Ummm... They're making supper," the tattooed slave pointed at their tent where the elf was stirring a pot. " I mean she...Where's the dwarf?"

" Right here, ya blind beastman!" The dwarf popped out from the shadows.

" Oh there he is…" the tattooed slave awkwardly pointed at him. It was clear to Servus 132-X that, this slave wasn't used to conversations. "W-where have you been?"

" Ya still sound awkwerd there, lad," the dwarf crinkled his nose as he laughed. " I went to pee, there," he pointed at the dark area near the gate.

" Why would you go there?" the baffled beastman scratched his head.

" Lad, ya need to know about manners," the dwarf said as he sat next to Servus 132-X.

The slave dwarf cozied himself by the flames, rubbing his hands together to get more heat.

" Ya know, lad, we haf a lady with us." the dwarf blinked at the beastman.

" Well she does seem to--"

The beastman got interrupted by the elf who they never saw coming. She brought with her a tray with bowls filled with their supper and slices of bread.

" Thank you, lass!" The dwarf hastily took one of the bowls and a pair of bread slices. " Wus so hungry just looking at the food. I had to get 'un," he smiled at the two.

Servus 312-X took his share as well and thank the elf.

That elf sat beside the beastman who looked stiffed and fidgety. She passed her his share of the soup and bread which he hesitantly took from the elf.

The baffled elf took a glance at the dwarf and gestured to him the words she wants to convey to the beastman. Her hands moved gracefully, as each of her fingers danced to the rhythm of her unspoken emotions.

" Oi! Beast lad! The lady wants to know if you are doing okay." the dwarf iterated the language.

" O-of course I am!" There was a hint of nervousness in his voice. The beastman ate silently, trying to avoid the elf's concerned glances.

" He say's his fine, lass."

" I know that, I can hear you." she signed to him while pointing her long ears.

The dwarf chuckled.

The brief banter made Servus 132-X reminisced a memory from his past. It was during his 10th reincarnation, during a castle siege. He recalled his allies Gallofiel the elf and Umberius the dwarf doing the same thing.

" I heard you the first time, Umberius. There's no need to shout again."

" Yah bettar heard me! Or what good are those long ears for!"

Just remembering it made him laugh so hard that his soup ejected through his nose and mouth.. He coughed violently while laughing at it--the fun times.

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