A Guide to Kingdom Building ( Me Reincarnated 365 x)

Chapter 239 - 239- A Friendly Quarrel Pt.1


Chandea, Year of Severus, 21st, I.R., the 82nd day of Spring, A.R.T.E.R.I.U.S Headquarters, Southern  Arterian Border


"Two weeks." Ghwynmyr sighed. "Two fucken weeks!" He reiterated.

"Come on, Ghywnmyr!" Urfaal said. "I could see the camp from here!" 

Ghwynmyr stood up from the pile of dead bodies he sat on. 

"It took us two weeks to travel cuz of 'em ban 'its!" He spat.

"I know. But you know we have a mission to do." Urfaal took a deep breath as he took a bandit's carcass and threw it on the side of the sandy road.

Usually, the road to the Southern Arterian Border isn't that long. Most of the travelers can arrive within a week. However, with the current war against the Ardants, the road had become more difficult. Bandits and Ardant ambushers linger on the road. 

Ghwynmyr and Urfaal had the unfortunate luck of meeting the damned brigands on their way to the camp. They had to make detours and sneak out on some camps to arrive in the Southern Arterian Border. 

"Gods balls!" Ghwynmyr scoffed. "Tis 'bout time we've arrived." 

The dwarf looked at the piled carcasses and prayed. "Oh, most merciful, Oyue. May you put their souls to rest in your arms." 

After the brief prayer, the two friends made their way into the road heading the camp. On their way to the camp, the dwarf couldn't help but joke and nag about their entire situation. Bored and tired, Urfaal took his friend's banter to energize himself. 

"Waddya think 'bout the joke, eh…eh…" Ghwynmyr asked.

"Hold on," Urfaal scratched his head. "So, the dwarf laughed at the elf for eating the potato?! Why?" He asked.

"Ughhh… Geez, Ulfie, told ya the tatoes were washed in dah puddle!" He explained.

"Alright." Urfaal said. "Oh… so the urine that the dwarf…" He tried explaining.

"YES! Finally! YES!" Ghwynmyr clapped his hand soon after Urfaal got the joke. "That's exactly the joke!"

"Oh…" Urfaal nodded slowly. "I still don't get it."

"Nevermind—" Ghwynmyr exasperated on explaining his joke.

Urfaal scratched his head. It also frustrated him that he wasn't able to get the joke Ghwynmyr said. He felt like he insulted him and wanted to apologize, but couldn't, in fear that he might just stir the dwarf's anger even more.

It was an uneventful walk after that. They remained awkwardly silent until they finally reached the border gate.

"Who goes there?!" the guard shouted over the watchtower. 

"Morning, good sers. We are from Commander Prestonheim's batallion! We seek his highness, Prince Arterius!" Urfaal answered.

"A dwarf and a beastman in Lord Prestonheim's army?!" the knight scoffed. "Go home! Your kind is not allowed here!" He added.

"Y-your kind?" Ghwynmyr reiterated. "Did yah 'ear dat, Urfie?! We havva paper 'ere verifying our orders!" He added.

"That paper is bullshit!" The knight answered. "Why don't you scram and get back to whichever hell you've come from!" He spat.

Ghwynmyr didn't like what he heard. He wanted to throw a stone at the knight's head to send him plummeting down below. However, the dwarf still wanted to reason with them. 

"Sers, tis a le'er from Commander Prestonheim." Ghwynmyr said. "Please, look at it." He pleaded. 

"And why should we do that?!" The knight was being calloused. 

"Cuz yer heads at stake if yah don't!" Ghwynmyr shouted back. 

"How dare you say that—" The knight unsheathed his blade at the dwarf.

However, before he could properly point the blade at him, Ghwynmyr had already launched himself towards them. He used his earth magic to create a platform high enough to reach the knight. After reaching the top of the tower, Ghwynmyr immediately grabbed the knight by his collar and slammed him on the floor while shoving the papers right on his face.

"Tis an authentic lettar, yeah know?!" Ghwynmyr exclaimed. 

Soon after, knights swarmed on him, pointing their sharp blades on his back.

"Don't! Sheath your weapon!" The downed knight shouted frantically . "The letter is an exclusive order from Commander Prestonheim himelf. The knights immediately sheathed their swords back and went back to their stations. 

"Glad we sorta it out." The dwarf smiled at the knight.

Ghwynmyr helped the knight, stood up and gave him the letter. The knight snatched the letter from his hand and went downstairs to present it to the gatekeepers. After verifying the document, the gatekeeper called out the knights that surrounded the beastman and told them to disperse.

Urfaal was sweating profusely and was heaving. "That was insane, Ghwynmyr!" He exclaimed as he slowly put his arms down.

"Me apologies." Ghwynmyr shook his head. "Tis dah only way them goin tah listen." He explained.

  Ghwynmyr wasn't in his best mood after almost 2 weeks of traveling and fighting off bandits and other highwaymen that were about to kill them. It also didn't help how inhospitable the dessert was, with their supplies stolen on the sixth night, food became scarce. Thus, the dwarf became crankier by the day.

The knights went back to their stations, and they were finally welcomed inside the border. The dwarf and beastman strode inside the border town without saying another word. 

Ghwynmyr could hear his stomach grumbling with every step he took; the hunger was getting worse. Urfaal too had the same dilemma, but both of them knew that it wasn't a good time for them to stop and take a rest.

Prince Arterius' tent was at the very far corner of the town. After passing by the night market in the center square, and some delectable food stalls, they turned left into the military camps. They walked further into the camp after verifying themselves with the knights. 

From the distance, Urfaal felt something weird going on. 

"Is it just me, Ghwynmyr? Or is there a sudden spurt of magic released right now?" The beastman commented as he noticed his arm hair raising. 

"Hmmm…" Ghwynmyr closed his eyes and felt the air. "Modar fuc—" He immediately grabbed Urfaal's hand and ran. "Urfie, it's the prince!" 

They rushed towards the prince's tent. As they look towards the tent's direction, they could see an unusual glow in the sky. Aside from its amber glow, smoke rose from where the tent was. Ghwynmyr and Urfaal rushed towards the tent and were shocked to see the situation.

"Fire!" one knight shouted. "Carry some water!" 

  Ghwynmyr saw some knights running around with a pail of water, trying to extinguish the flame, while some knights used their runes to quench it. However, no matter how much they tried, the fire wouldn't slow down.

"Prince Arterius!" Stolas' voice echoed from the chaotic crowd.

Urfaal tugged Ghwynmyr as he followed the voice and finally found the ward miserably screaming being held by knights.

"Ser Stolas!" Ghwynmyr said. "Ser Stolas! Wut's happenin'?!" He asked.

Stolas' face went pale and was filled with terror. He raised his trembling finger and pointed at the man burning at the center of the tent. 

"Ooz dat?" Ghwynmyr squinted his eyes and tried to see clearly through the flames.

"P-p… prince… Arterius." Stolas' voice trembled.

Ghwynmyr and Urfaal looked at each other, shocked and confused.

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