Chapter 6 - 6- Aftermath Pt. 1
The centipede's head fell-off cleanly to the ground. Its craggy exoskeleton was no match for the pale-glowing blue sword that Servus 132-X wielded. Green ooze began to spurt from the insect's stump, it corroded the ground it flowed on.
Servus 132-X stumbled back just before some of the corrosive blood got to him. His vision faded slowly as his body finally succumbed to the pain he endured up to that point. The world spinned around him before he finally fell to the ground, beathing heavily. The last thing he heard were incomprehensible screams and grunts.
Servus 132-X's consciousness floated in the flowing stream of memories he had for the past 364 incarnations. The chaotic pool of still-frame moments started grabbing him, plunging him down to the moment of his greatest failure--her death.
The reason why he failed to save the world. The reason why he chose not to sacrifice her anymore. After 364 incarnations the reason became clearer to him, but even so, he was far too late.
" Adlaw-on," a voice called him out by his name-- the only name that mattered most to him.
The first name given to him before he reincarnated for 365 times. The name, that reminded him of the luscious mountains kissed by the shores of the sea. Where the sands were as white as the pearl they harvest. It reminded him of home.
" Adlaw-on," it called once again.
Servus 132-X, looked around for the person who called him, but there was only darkness. Suddenly, someone pats his back. He turned around and saw a woman standing in front of him. She wore vestments made from silk that sparkled and rippled light as if she wore the heavens.
Her face is otherworldly, more beautiful than all the goddesses he saw in his lifetime. Her long silver hair complimented her sparkling cerulean eyes. The freckles on her face didn't look like an imperfection, but rather emphasizes her unearthly allure.
" Who are--" the celestial lady suddenly grabbed his face and kissed him.
It was a kiss that felt so familiar to him. A kiss of longing--a kiss of an endless loneliness that finally broke.
Light finally cracks the dark blanket that engulfed them and presented a cave full of glowing crystals. The translucent blue gemstones glowed brighter than the blade he used against the Giant Centipede. The light flowed inside them, rippling throught the gem like azul waters.
The lady places something in his hand-- a piece of the mysterious crystal.
" Take this," she smiled, " Show it to them. It will save you." her hands held his tightly before fading into pale light.
He suddenly teleported to the destroyed camp. Confused, he looked around trying to understand the reason why he's there. In the distance a pale blue glow of moonlight shines on one of the Centipede's burrows.
He went closer to the hole and as he peeked inside he heard the celestial woman's voice once more.
" In this darkness, you shall find your treasure," the moonlight slowly faded, " Find it and find me."
He opened his eyes and gasped. He finally woke up form his slumber. It had a been a day since he fainted and during that time, he slept as if he was dead. His eyes couldn't believe where he was. It wasn't the same dirty barracks where he usually retires for the day.
It didn't stink of urine and sweat. The ceiling was high and well-covered by thick leather supported by sturdy beams of hardwood. Unlike the damp and warm slave barracks, this one is well-ventilated.
A wave of pain hit his body when he tried getting up. He noticed clean bandages wrapped around his torso and arms. As far as he can recall, he fought a Giant Centipede and got pummeled to the ground be a creature so easy to kill--if only he had his abilities and skills with him.
He stared at the ceiling endlessly as his mind tries to understand his dream. Who was that lady? What does she mean by finding her and the treasure? He sighed exasperated with everything that has happened.
" If only I had my abilities!" he clicked his tongue.
He felt something hard pressing his right flank. He tried ignoring it, but the object kept on poking his back to his discomfort. Reaching for the object proved to be a difficult task for him, as his body started to protest again from the pain.
Beads of sweat rolled from his forehead until finally, he ended his struggle with the object finally in his hands. Before throwing off the bugger, he took a glimpse of it and got dumbfounded with what he saw. It was the same stone the lady gave him on his dream.
" Ah! You are finally awake!" exclaimed Lord Prestonheim, who was at the opening of the tent.
Servus 132-X hid away the precious stone as Lord Prestonheim approaches.
" As you were," Lord Preston gestured his hand, implying him not to move, " Your injured, there's no need for your to bow." he smiled.
" My Lord, I don't understand why am I here?"
" Well, Servus...132-X" the Lord tried to read his tag from his collar, " You saved me! If it wasn't for you, I would've been a corpse already."
Servus 132-X lowers his head in respect to the Lord, " I would do the same for--"
" Nonsense! You should take credit where credit is due!"
" Y-you're too kind my Lord."
" You're too humble. Mostly slaves would've bragged about this feat and stick themselves to their lords! But, you're different." the Lord nodded in amazement.
There was silence after that exchange. Lord Prestonheim paced back and forth as he drowned himself in his own thoughts. Servus 132-X on the other hand, felt uneasy. Could it be that Lord Prestonheim is thinking over what to reward him? Or could it be the other way around? After all, he is just as expendable as the next slave.
Lord Prestonheim finally stopped his worrying pace and look straight at him, " Work for me!"
"I-I'm sorry, My Lord?"
" Did your battle of that monstrous insect damaged your hearing as well?"
" Of course not, My Lord."
"Hmm…" Lord Preston stared at him intently, " Good. Work for me instead!"
Dumbfounded with the offer, Servus 132-X couldn't find words to say. On one hand, he would be out of this hellhole where he's at, but on the other hand, He might suffer a worse fate if his new master dies. @@novelbin@@
It is possible that their traditions here might be the same as that of the Volarions from his 121st incarnation. They bury the slaves alive along with their dead master, so they can serve him in the afterlife.
That would be a gory end to him, if their culture proved to be the same. But the fact that he would no longer work at the mines became very enticing.
" Answer me, slave!" Lord Prestonheim commanded.
" My Lord, I humbly accept your offer."
" You chose well, slave." the Lord smiled.
" It is by your generosity that I have chosen well."
" Spare me those nonsense!" Lord Prestonheim chuckled.
Servus 132-X cracked a smile.
" Very well, slave. What's your na--" Lord Prestonheim paused, " That's right you don't have any names."
" We do not, indeed, my Lord."
" Sometimes I forget!" scratching his head, annoyed by his forgetfulness.
" Tell me then, what should I call you?"
Servus thought about it and realized, he cannot suggest a name, that would be treason. Names in this culture had a heavy impact to a person's ability. The reason why slaves are nameless is to suppressed their potential, thus easier to subdue.
" If my Lord permits, call me by what's on my tag."
The Lord laughed in astonishment, " You're not only good with the sword, but you also have the wit to go along with it."
That's when Servus 132-X realized, his new master is testing him. If he didn't play it right, he coud've lose his head by now. It was a cruel joke and a deadly one at that.
Lord Prestonheim wiped the tears running down his cheeks. He's so amused by Servus 132-X that it took him awhile to stop laughing.
" Very well, 132-X," the composed himself, " I am Lord Augustus Prestonheim of house Prestonheim. Commanding General of the 5th Batallion of the Principalia Prima, Lord of Castle Secunda and Head of House Prestonheim. You best remember that."
" That I will my Lord," he knew deep down, it's going to take a while for him to remember such long titles.
"Very well, Servus 132-X I shall leave to rest, for now."
" You are too kind my Lord."
Lord Prestonheim glances at his new slave one last time before chuckling out of the camp.
It was a delightful conversation, Lord Prestonheim is a reasonable man. Servus 132-X was happy to see how jovial his new master is.
Before the tent's flap closed itself, something caught his attention. It was the other slaves that helped him during his fight with the Giant Centipede tied to a post being whipped endlessly by some knights.
His eyes opened wide in shock at the gory scene laid in front of him. The knights mercilessly flogged them in the middle of the boiling sun. He could hear their cries of pain and anguish. It echoed in to his ears.
The flap finally closed, the scene left Servus 132-X dumbfounded.
" What's going on here?" he asked himself, " But...they helped--"
" Men! Fifty whips more!" Servus heard.
It might be muffled, be he knew from whom exactly the voice was--
Lord Prestonheim's.
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