Chapter 595:
Seeing as I had nothing better to do at the moment, I recalled the previous coordinates and hopped on over to that Death Realm from before.
I had the thought to pop back home, but I didn't want to leave Jeanne here by herself. Call me protective, but it was the first time I took her 'away,' and I want her to feel safe about it. Right now, she knew that I was waiting and ready for her to come back from Asgard. If she knew that I left the world entirely, she may feel more awkward about certain things in the future.
Thus, I have to find some other way to entertain myself that doesn't go against the promise I made her.
I could practice some magic, but I wasn't really in a mood.
Was I irritated because of all the 'demon' talk from before? I'm not like mad, but it certainly grated on me to deal with all those accusations.
It's funny; back home, where everyone knows I'm a Devil, I don't even receive that same amount of negative attention focusing on my Devil heritage. Beyond the obvious group that stands opposite on a religious perspective.
I guess it's just been a while since my demonic side was made such a big deal, and it's been a thing ever since coming here.
I'm not going to bitch and moan about it or cry that life isn't unfair. Well, not in a more serious capacity, I do bitch and moan just because I'm irritated, but it's not a true reflection of my feelings.
Suffice to say, I'm just…annoyed.
So, what to do when you're annoyed? We'll go annoy someone else, of course!And this realm was just as dreadful as it was the last time I was here.
You know, even with like Yomi and whatnot, they feel more…. I don't know the word.
Lived in?
Can you attribute that to a Death Realm?
Hades wouldn't be a fair comparison; a lot of different beings live in Hades, from other gods to spirits to even monsters.
Yomi was a bit closer, but maybe it was the fact that it was a bit less…desolate? Even if Izzy is the only 'person' there any longer.
Funny thing I found out from her: she used to have her own evil spirits and such under her a long time ago. Before she mellowed out, she was still feuding with her ex-husband. They would go out and…well, I won't whitewash it. They did some pretty bad shit, the kind of stuff that the folk stories are pretty accurate with.
That being said, they don't exist anymore, and she lives by herself in Yomi.
And yet, it still felt much more welcoming than this place.
I let out a sigh because I was now missing Izzy and wanted to go bury my face in her lap.
And wouldn't you know it, I found who I was looking for rather quickly.
That same goddess from before, wearing those black and green leathers, the long black hair, and the rather stunning green eyes.
She also noticed me, her eyes barely holding back a certain madness in them. I thought she was going to attack me, and I came here expecting to play for a bit. However...she just turned away.
Was…I being ignored?
I just watched as she began stacking rocks up on one another.
...this isn't how I expected things to go.
I got closer, and she didn't even react. I quite literally peeked over her shoulder, and she made a conscious and direct effort to ignore me.
Honestly, I was kind of at a loss as to what was going on.
I found a big rock a few feet away and plopped my butt on it as I watched her just stack smaller rocks on top of each other.
Was this really how I was going to be spending my time?
Apparently so.
I took out an apple and started munching on it as I found something that would give watching paint dry a run for its money in the stimulation department.
A moment or two later, I took out my wand as well in my free hand and gestured it towards a rock on the ground and slowly floated it up onto her rock pile, carefully setting it there so it didn't fall over.
She stiffened, like she wanted to say or do something, but seemingly also refused to look back at me and continued what she was doing.
It turned into a weird game where every time she would stack a rock, I would also then stack a rock.
I had no idea what the fuck was going on anymore.
Though, finally, the rock tower fell over as she tried to put the latest one up. "Heh, I win." I said rather smugly.
She tensed again, this time turned to glare my way and paused, staring at me with many confusing and contradictory expressions shifting across her face.
In fact, she just stared intensely at me.
Slowly, I took another bite of my apple, noticing she didn't even blink.
" you want one?" I offered because she was making me feel uncomfortable with her staring. She didn't respond, but I took that as affirmation and tossed her an apple.
She snatched it from the air with a sharp jerk of her arm and looked at it with a changing expression. "It's…real?!" Her head jerked back up, looking at me. "You're real?!"
"...last time I checked."
Her mouth opened and closed, and she summoned one of her swords into her empty hand, about to throw it, but caught herself. "You're real…" She whispered, the sword dismissed into nothingness.
Alright, I'm starting to feel bad about what happened before.
Clearly, she hasn't been in her right mind.
"Who are you!? How did you get here? Why do you feel like Odin? Are you a demon!?" She paused, and her nostrils flared. "You threw a piece of cake at me!!!!"
"And you threw swords at me!" I defended.
"Because I thought you were a hallucination!" She nearly screamed, and everything suddenly made sense.
"We fought." I pointed it out.
"I've fought many hallucinations until this point." She scoffed.
"You literally tasted the cake I threw at you." I pointed it out again and noticed her expression. "Holy shit, have you ever hallucinated something like that before? Jesus, what the fuck happened to you?
"You try being trapped here for thousands of years without a morsel to eat or drink and see what happens." She sneered.
Well, fuck.
I really do feel bad now.
"Alright, I'm sorry for throwing a piece of cake at you." I apologized, genuinely. Well, I was like...60% apologetic. "Wait, why did the apple make you realize it wasn't fake?"
She scoffed again and looked at the apple. With a certain madness in her eyes, she nearly devoured the entire thing. Literally there was no 'meat' left on it, just the core bitten to the extreme and the seeds.
She plucked one of the seeds and held it up. "I am the goddess of Death; I can recognize the life
within this tiny seed, considering that there isn't a living thing anywhere in Helheim other than myself."Huh.
I guess that answers who and where we are. Though, I wouldn't say I didn't have my suspicions beforehand.
"So you're Hel then."
"Hella." She corrected.
"Really? It's recorded as Hel in the myths and whatnot, but I guess it's not strange that they're wrong."
"Myths? Am I really only relegated to myths now?" She frowned quite deeply.
"To humans, at least." I shrugged. "Midgard, if you—"
"I know what humans are." Though her expression changed slightly. "Though, I suppose if those humans even remember me at all, it's a miracle. They would forget what happened to them the week before if they weren't reminded."
"They're fairly prolific stories. A lot of children learn them in school, in regards to the myth aspect of it. Stories and all that." I made sure to clarify.
"Midgard has schools?" She seemed surprised. "I would have thought they'd never graduate from the mud and dung they built their huts out of."
"Like you care, demon." She rolled her eyes. "How did a demon come here? An accident?" She muttered. "How long have I been here, the last…oh, the convergence, of course." She apparently had some kind of realization.
"Not a demon." I held my hand up.
"I can smell your demonic stench even after spending thousands of years within this decrepit place."
"First, I'm a Devil. A half-devil. My mother was human." I corrected her as my annoyance for the whole demon thing reached its peak. "Second, don't you live here?"
"Some other sort of demonic being." She waved her hand flippantly as if it didn't matter. "And what could possibly convince you that I lived here willingly?"
"Hela – Helheim." I pointed it out. "Not to mention, you're noted as the Goddess of Death, and it's a Death Realm."
She raised a finger up and apparently considered what I said. "That is…rather convincing if you look at it that way. But I am not here by choice; I am imprisoned here."
"Let me guess, Odin?" I asked as her eyes narrowed dangerously. "You screaming his name and trying to throw swords at me was kind of a dead giveaway."
"And I will take his head the moment I'm free!" She sneered.
"I'm sensing there's some tension there."
I could see the flashes of anger across her face. "The only reason I am bearing your mocking tone is that I have not had anyone to speak to for thousands of years."
"That and you're probably scheming on how to get me to take you out, right?" I cheekily smiled.
She stiffened a little and crossed her arms but didn't deny it. "It's a simple matter of finding the location that weakened and allowed you to slip through."
"And what is so humorous?" She scowled. "Do you think I'm incapable of forcing it out of you? I am a Goddess of Death for a reason, Demon."
Did she forget that I bailed while she was throwing swords at me previously, or was she so wrapped up in her own madness that it was just all jumbled?
"How'd that work last time?" I may have taunted her a little bit.
Funny enough, despite the clear anger and threatening words, she didn't attack me.
In fact…
"Can you even attack me again?" I inspected her a bit more thoroughly. "Your aura is a bit more subdued…." There was a slight twitch of her eye, indicating that I hit the mark. "How weakened are you?" I realized it immediately.
She made a single sword and threw it at me, which I deflected to the side with a flick of my wand.
"Really?" I looked at her.
She just harrumphed.
"Fine, whatever." I sat up, dusting myself off. "I guess I'll just head out then since you're being so inhospitable."
There was another flicker of something in her eyes, like she was warring with herself. "....this realm is my prison; it saps my strength constantly. I used up what I had accumulated in my madness beforehand." It sounded like it took a lot of effort from her to admit that. "It will take me a long time before I can regain what I showed beforehand if I remain here."
"Wow, you must have really not been in your right mind." I blinked. "Would you like something to eat or drink?" I offered because I did feel a little bad. I set out a bunch of things for her to choose from. And contrary to how she treated the apple from before, she was careful and treated everything delicately and with a semblance of manners.
I wouldn't have faulted her if she grabbed things and just shoveled them into her mouth. Perhaps she doesn't require food or drink on a basic level, but without them for thousands of years it would be maddening.
I did that whole thing on Baldr back home, and that was a heavy punishment, I felt. And Hela here had been going through something similar for much longer than Baldr's punishment would have lasted.
"Can I ask you a question?"
"You're the first person to speak to me in thousands of years, and you brought me food and drink. At this point, I wouldn't reject you if you wanted to bed me." She said dryly.
"I'm just curious about the whole demon thing you were throwing my way. It wasn't the first time I've had people get all angry and immediately want to 'smite' me for being a supposed 'demon.'" I asked.
"Do you really not know?" She seemed genuinely surprised.
"Grew up on Earth—Midgard—and—"
"Do Midgardians call their planet Earth?" She interjected.
"That is ridiculous." She sighed. "Continue."
"I didn't even know I wasn't human until I was eighteen years old."
"How old are you now?"
"Probably around 24ish, maybe 25; I don't really know. I spent a long while outside of the normal flow of time, and things were a little wonky." I explained.
"Demons are a scourge on the universe." She replied rather bluntly. "Asgard has waged war against the demons of Muspelheim since its founding. There are many infernal realms that cause havoc and chaos the moment they breach into the universe, destroying mortals and gods alike."
The Ancient One already told me some things, but I was curious about it from her perspective. And I guess it makes a bit more sense now too, as it's not just an Earth thing apparently.
"Why do you have Odin's touch on you?" She asked in return.
"My teacher was taught Runes from him. And when she taught me, she performed a ritual, and Odin observed it and blessed me." I vaguely explained without giving too much away.
"That covetous old man actually taught someone else?" She seemed in disbelief. "Then again, he suddenly became soft all those years again to the point where he wanted to be a peaceful ruler after bathing the universe in blood."
"Sounds like there's a story there. Does it have anything to do with why you're stuck here?"
She eyed me. "And why do you care?"
"Well, maybe I don't. But at least I'll hear what you have to say..." I was already here; I may as well hear her story.
She took a seat near me, against the same rock, leaning back with a strange look about her. "I was his perfect weapon. I was forged with the full intent to be his sword, to point at all his enemies. Hela Odinsdottir, the Goddess of Death."
"Hold on." I stopped her. "You're Odin's daughter? I thought you were Loki's daughter."
She looked at me with confusion written across her face. "Who is this Loki?"
It was my turn to be utterly confused. "Loki? God of Mischief?"
"There is no such God from my time."
"And Thor?"
She tilted her head again.
"None of these names are recognizable to me."
Oh wow, these are really fucking weird in this world-line.
"Alright, ignore me; there are just some differences between what humans wrote down and what-not. Keep going." I gestured for her to continue.
"At my father's behest, I lead our warriors across the universe. Asgard's mighty halls, the towering spires, the floors we walked on, pathed from the gold we plundered across worlds. Blood enough that oceans couldn't contain it and bodies that could encompass stars. We were feared, and we were worshipped."
"Right, you did a lot of warring, got it."
She scowled. "And then he decided that he wanted to be a good king. After everything, after devoting my existence to nothing but slaughter and death, after personally killing millions in his name, he wanted to stop."
"What happened?"
"Of course I rejected him. I continued our conquest, and with my loyal warriors, we continued our rampage across the stars themselves."
"And then he wasn't asking anymore." I could summarize the events from there.
"My warriors were defeated, and Odin cast me down to this wretched place. This place is such that no living being should exist. He used his power to seal the realm completely, and I cannot escape while he still lives." She looked at me with a bloodthirsty smile. "But now that doesn't matter. You can bring me out. I will reward you with anything you desire. Once I take my rightful place back, to sit on the throne of Asgard and begin my conquest anew, I will allow you to sit at my side as a reward."
"Oh, a lowly 'demon' like myself?" I snorted.
"Hmph, don't think just because I am reduced that I cannot sense other aspects you hide. A divine nature that lurks beneath the surface. I know not what you truly are, but you are no simple demon."
Hmm, but she was more than willing to use it as an insult.
Then again, I would have done the same in her shoes to poke at me.
"Humor me for a moment. Say, I bring you out. You kill Odin, take over Asgard, and you rally the warriors or whatever and start warring again."
"We will conquer the universe."
"Say we win. The universe is conquered. Then what?"
"What do you mean?"
"What after the conquest is done?"
"....then I will rule, and you will be my closest confidant." She held her chin high.
"Okay, but why?"
"What do you mean 'why'?" She repeated.
"I'm asking what the point is."
"To be feared and worshipped." She immediately spat it out.
"And why would I care about either of those?"
"Do you not know what that would mean? Billions upon billions would answer to your beck and call. I would be queen, but you would be at my side, no one above you but myself. You would essentially be a king in your own right."
"Why the hell would I want to rule over the entire universe? Are you crazy?" She was about to say something, but I held a hand up to stop her. "Don't get me wrong, I understand the power aspect of it even if I don't personally care. But if you rule, then you have to rule. That means handling the entire universe's problems on a daily basis. All their petty little squabbles, all their problems, all their fighting and power plays. Do you have any idea how stupid the average person is just on Midgard? Multiply that by the entire universe, and you would have to bear with that every day, forever."
I think she was taken off guard by my genuine distaste for the idea.
Personally, I couldn't understand people's desire to rule. Don't get me wrong, I completely admired the likes of Artoria and Yasaka for doing what they do, but I could not, for the life of me, become the same kind of 'leader' they are.
"You would have anything you could possibly desire." She pointed it out.
"I'm pretty darn powerful." I responded.
She frowned, seemingly unable to reject that point. "Wealth."
"I have more 'wealth' than I know what to do with. And mundane wealth means so little to me."
".....women?" She hesitated after a moment.
"I have a harem of women I love and care for deeply." I answered.
She looked surprised by that, but she also went silent.
Frankly, I don't think she even knew what she actually wanted. She said herself she was basically forged as Odin's personal weapon for conquering; it's all she knows.
Though, I felt like I was missing a lot of information here. Like, Odin's entire thing was glossed over. Or her own part in whatever incident that caused Odin and her to fight.
I'd have to be stupid to just take her word for everything.
Though admittedly, I still felt a bit bad for her.
She didn't even know who Thor was, her supposed brother.
I did truly get up this time, dusting myself off. She saw me, getting up herself as if waiting expectantly.
"There was a bit of a misunderstanding about something." I snapped my fingers and created a portal. "I came here of my own power."
Realization dawned on her rather quickly, and she didn't say anything, but she was clearly expectant.
"I'll come back in a few days after I've had time to think." I told her.
She looked like she wanted to argue, but she really had no place to at the moment. She was utterly powerless and couldn't do anything but just accept what I said.
At least, I would see if the library in Kamar-Taj had any information on her to really see what happened.
Or I suppose I could go ask Thor himself.
Either way, if things weren't bad, I'd see what could be done.
I made sure to give her some more food and drink to tide her over before heading on through.
(Line Break)
I came back to Earth, and I noticed that a long time had passed. I guess I didn't realize how long I was in Helheim for because it was already the next morning.
Well, I could wait a few more hours until everyone's up and about in Kamar-Taj before I start skulking around.
For now, I wouldn't mind some breakfast, and it would help ease some of the previous day's tension if I offered some to Thor and them… probably.
I hopped on over to the states, specifically back to New Mexico, where I was before.
And I didn't even hesitate to slide right into that lab space, the same as before.
No one was around just yet, but the lights were on, so I assumed they were nearby. I made myself at home a little bit and looked at some new stuff that Jane presumably was writing on the various whiteboards around the space.
Honestly, she was fairly good. Her calculations weren't anything to dismiss, and based on her limited understanding, they were fairly accurate.
She would have made a good Magus.
Thankfully, it didn't take long before I heard a group of people stomping up the stairs.
"Hey Jane, the Demon is back." Darcy called out behind her as she was the first to enter the building.
"Darcy, don't just shout things like that in public." Jane sighed; though she looked at me a little hesitantly, there was a distinct lack of overt fear that was there the previous day.
"I thought you couldn't come in unless invited." Darcy looked at me.
"Do I look like a vampire?" I deadpanned.
Erik and Thor were right behind them, both carrying boxes of something that they set on various tables.
Like Jane, they both shot me weary looks but didn't say anything.
"Hey Thor, what can you tell me about your sister?" I just asked directly, wanting to see his reaction.
And it was most certainly not the reaction I was expecting. "Sister? I have no sister." He answered quite straightforwardly. "Unless you speak of the times that Loki transformed."
Fuck, now I have that image in my head.
But that aside, it was rather interesting of him to say.
"Does the name 'Hela' mean anything to you?"
"Nay, I have never heard that name before." Thor shook his head rather casually. "For what reason do you ask these questions?"
"No reason; I just heard something odd and wanted to ask." I waved it off, and he didn't dwell on it.
Rather curious.
"So, what are your plans, Thor?" I looked at him as he went about the very mundane task of helping them tidy the place up. "You seem a lot less…intense today."
Thor paused, shifting some loose items around before continuing. "I am learning how to be Midgardian. I know not why I am here, only that I am and must acknowledge my situation. One does not eat or drink without providing work. I am no longer a prince or a god; thus, I must contribute."
Oh wow, what a stark contrast from yesterday. "What brought this on?"
Thor looked at me again, but he wore a rather melancholic look. "I dreamed once more. My friends bow before Loki, and he sits upon the throne. He handles all the affairs with ease, bringing peace to the realm while Father is away. And my mother…she mourns not my banishment; I see her, smiling and laughing with the one who took my hammer…" He sounded kind of heartbroken. "I am left with nothing. Empty titles no longer matter."
It only took him what, a day or two, to be some introspective?
Color me surprised.
Just kidding, I could smell the bullshit from here. It's like when someone makes a New Year's resolution; you just know they're full of it.
"Hey guys, anyone else notice the strange dude across the street spying on him since yesterday?" Darcy called out, peeking from behind a sort of hiding spot that could see out the window.
I glanced out the window, and it was that same Wakandan as before.
"Aye, I recognize them. I felt their eyes yesterday but ignored it." Thor's chest puffed up. "Allow me to handle this miscreant, Lady Darcy." Thor quickly made way towards the stairs and out the door.
"....what did he mean by that?" Jane looked around. "Oh shit." She quickly followed after him.
Erik paused, looked at us, and then followed after them too.
Darcy and I just looked out the window as Thor marched towards the Wakandan. He pointed at him, shouting something we couldn't hear, and the Wakandan tried to turn and leave, but Thor just full-on tackled him, and they started to brawl right there in the street.
Thor was winning.
I took out another apple, and I began to eat it while enjoying the sight.
"You know him?" Darcy asked,"
"Him in particular? No." I shook my head. "But I know where he's from."
"They deserve it?"
"Oh yes." I nodded.
"Nice, then I can watch without feeling bad."
What a lovely morning.
(Line Break)
Wilhelm has a lovely morning with Thor beating up a Wakandan that was spying on them. And he may begin a friendship with Hela; we'll see.
If you want to read 10 chapters ahead or support me, visit my p.a.t.r.e.o.n.c.o.m / astoryforone
I also have a boosty if you can't use the above under the same name.
Wakanda just had a certain visit from Wilhelm over here.
What do you think?
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