Chapter 53: The price of battle
Chapter 53: The price of battle
The White Knights will Take them as prisoners of war.
Reinhardt challenged.
I have questions I want to ask them, why they attacked our country, what the empires goal is. If you kill them then we wont know anything, we wont know why they killed our friends.
I also had friends get injured.
With his sword still out Masamune turned a cold gaze on Gido.
If I had been any slower its possible that everyone would have died.
Stop! Reinhardt angry shout rang out across the quiet battlefield. Thank you very much for saving us but, this is a problem between nations and is the jurisdiction of the White Knights, an adventurer doesnt have a place here.
That was pretty arrogant. Masamune sounded as though he was complaining.
Selfish actions will not be allowed inside the territory.
.Wait. you said I saved you? Masamune seemed to suddenly realize what Reinhardt had said. I didnt come to save you, I was eliminating the danger to my friends. I wasnt saving you.
The edge of the blade touched Gidos neck, cutting him slightly and causing blood to trickle down.
Hiiiiiiiii, wa- wait! Save me, if you save me Ill do anything.
Frightened by the pain Gido pleaded for his life, but the sight of Masamunes left eye glowing slightly red silenced him. The sight also causing Frans breath to catch in her throat.
You have the eyes of a lair, youre going to try and run.
N-no I wont run! Ill submit to you!
Masamune smirked causing Gidos behavior to become even more erratic.
Reinhardt, I have a question. Are you able to restrain them?
Masamune asked without turning around.
You werent able to do anything against the monsters, so what can you do? Someone who couldnt even stop one man shouldnt be thinking about capture.
Masamune wait.
Sierra appeared.
Reinhardts strength isnt a lie, hes the strongest knight in Razhousen.
The strongest this country has? Then no, therell be more damage than there already is.
Reinhardt was fighting while paying attention to his surroundings, in a one on one fight he wouldnt lose!
Nem and Toa were next to Sierra, all of them had the same uneasy look. However Masamune wasnt paying attention to them.
Phantom Pain
Masamune suddenly used magic causing Gidos body to be racked with pain. He appeared to be out of breath.
Please stop!
But Masamune couldnt hear what Sierra was saying.
I felt bloodlust.
Masamune brought his own face up close to Gido.
What did you want to do to Sierra just now?
Gido didnt answer, his breathing ragged. He looked scared.
Phantom Pain
Gido stsres up at the sky, tears and snot running down his face, his eyes wide and unseeing.
Reinhardt drew his sword on Masamune.
Torture of prisoners is forbidden in Razhousen!
What do you intend to do? Do you know what it means to point a sword at me?
The next voice Masamune heard helped clear his dark expression.
Whats wrong? This isnt like you at all.
It was Toa.
The fight is over now.
Leave what comes next to them, lets go home.
Masamunes heart trembled at her words, he could see an objective view of himself through Gido.
I was just..
Masamunes breathing was rough as he realized he was doing this not to kill Gido but just to hurt him.
No more words would come out of his mouth, he couldnt even bring himself to look at Toa.
Ill say it again, put down the sword.
OK, Ill leave them to you.
He put away his sword, avoiding Reinhardts gaze. Then releasing his telekinetic hold on Fran and Gido he went over to Toa, Nem, and Sierra.
Im sorry
Masamune stared at the ground a butter expression on his face.
Welcome back.
Toa smiled at him like normal.
..Im back. After a moment of confusion he returned the greeting like usual.
You idiot Knights!
While Gido remained in a dazed like state Fran screamed wildly.
I have you thank you! My hero, Mr. Knight!
Fran smiled at Reinhardt putting distance between them.
Youre going to regret not killing me! Necromancy!
A huge magic circle appeared causing the corpses of knights and adventurers to begin to rise.
Now, Kill them!
Soul break
The magic circle breaking sounded as though glass was shattering.
Impossible, you broke my technique..
Even Reinhardt was speechless.
Toa, this is the last bit, once its over we can go home.
Toa was unconvinced but her expression said there was no helping it.
Told you so.
Masamune muttered to Reinhardt as he slowly walked towards the stunned Fran.
ImpossibleImpossible! My magic! magic!!!
One prisoner of war should be enough.
Masamune seemed to be almost asking Reinhardt if it was OK but he didnt answer.
I wont die here!
Fran turned her back on masamune to escape. Masamune applied mischief inversion[extreme] to fly in his head.
Bound ones
Around Frans feet countless human arms popped out, but they were strange. The skin was pure white and the nails red.
No, noooo!
They quickly restrained Fran to the point that all she could do was scream. Masamune flew by in an instant, the broadsword in his hand decapitating Fran.
By defeating Fran Bolphrene [Lv: 46], the skill Goddesss Blessing was activated. Choose your loot.
Masamune sighed and opened the loot screen.
Skill: Strengthen Magic Temporarily strengthen magic attack power.
Skill: Lighten Temporarily reduce your own weight.
Magic: Fly You can fly by consuming magical power.
Magic: Mademoiselle Pain.summon a ball of pain.
Magic: Mademoiselle JavelinSummon a benevolent spear.
Magic: Necromancyraise the dead.
Equipment: Dress of Love Frans favorite purple fur dress full of love.
Equipment: Topaz Necklace A simple necklace with topaz in the center.
Equipment: Topaz earrings [2] Simple topaz earrings.
Necromancy I guess.
Masamune returned awkwardly.
Alright, lets go home.
Toas smile calmed Masamunes heart, he wondered where he would be without her. Because in his mind, Toa had saved him.
Reinhardts voice was a little clearer than before, masamune looked as though he wanted to complain.
As I knight I could not allow your actions as torture is forbidden in this country.
After he said this Reinhardt sank to his knees. Gradually the other knights did the same until all of them were kneeling in front of Masamune.
Let me thank you. Masamune, without you we this country would have disappeared.
Hey! Hey! Is it really OK for knights to be doing this?
Its a better alternative than this country disappearing, thank you for saving this country.
The birth of a hero! Yogi shouted with both arms over his head.
Hero!? Masamune appeared a little upset by the word.
The hero of Razhousen!
Cedric joined in, but it soon wasnt just the two of them, as everyone agreed.
As soon as Reinhardt said that, cheers of Hero, Hero, Hero! Rose up around the place that was once a battlefield. Some of the cheers mixed in his name causing Masamune to feel a little uncomfortable with worry about his name spreading.
But with Toa by his side Masamune finally smiled.
Restrain the prisoner, then take Daniel and Raid to the infirmary.
After that Reinhardt snuck off to the small hill.
He crouched down, reaching out to touch Edwards broken body.
Im sorry.
From behind Yun Yi silently approaches him and with the curved sword in her hands slashes at his neck.
Blood drips from Yuns mouth her movement stopped. Reinhardts sword had pierced her heart.
There was still someone left huh?
How, did you..
Yun collapsed.
Dont wear perfume when you try to assassinate someone.
Frans perfume had soaked into Yuns clothes but Reinhardt had no way of knowing that.
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