A NEET’s Guide to the Parallel World: Healer, the Strongest Cheat?

Chapter 56: Departure

Chapter 56: Departure

The next day a regular meeting was held at the white knight headquarters.

Greyberg had disclosed information and Reinhardt now shared it. The castle disappeared. The 5 that he told fell into silent confusion.

What do you mean by disappeared? Raid challenged.

Everything on the premises, including the royal castle, disappeared overnight. Only the wall and gate are left; the king, princess, and everyone else that was there are missing. It seems that a large hole has appeared in its place. There was also another strange account.

Not just raid but everyone in the room seemed to be having difficulty processing this information.

There were several eye witness accounts of a large black sphere. It appeared early in the morning and was visible all the way from Mira, a town near Greyberg. Its thought that the royal castles disappearance has something to do with the sphere.

However Sierras response was different. If the incident involved the dragons heart then it was clear to her that Masamune was involved.

Reinhardt, did dragons heart do it?

It seems to be the newly enthroned kings intention to disclose information. Its written that the cause was most likely Dragons Heart.

In other words Masamune was probably involved. For a moment she was confused and afraid of Masamune, but the castles disappearance was difficult to process and she was skeptical.

Ill report as soon as more information is available. Now then, Sierra, I have something to talk about with you.

With me?

Sierras wandering mind was brought back by Reinhardt.

It seems that Nito will be leaving this country soon. As such, Sierra, Im thinking of releasing you from your role as a White Knight.

Not immediately understanding Sierra was at a loss for words.

Ive consulted Hilda about this.

Sierra looked at Hilda.

This isnt compulsory and you can of course choose to stay.

Sierra, I think you should see the world at least once.

Big sister

If you stay here, youll be the same forever. But if you go with Masamune, youll see the world. Youll see so many things and youll grow as a person and change.

But, Im a white knight.

You can be a white knight when youre older. But chances like this one, theyre rare.

Why are you telling me to change? Is there something wrong with me?

Raid who had remained quiet through this finally spoke.

This is something to be decided between family but, Ive known you for a long time too. So let me say this, Sierra if you look at your sword its easy to understand.

My sword? Whats the problem with my sword?

You have model swordsmanship, if I had to choose someone from the white knights to teach swordsmanship it would be you. There is no openings in your swordsmanship, at least in the sense of it being modeled.

I dont understand what youre trying to say.

Its too normal. You havent experienced and learned from battle. If you stay here, this is as far as youll go, theres no opportunity for you to grow here.

Anger flashed in Sierras eyes but she didnt say anything, choosing instead to hold it in.

There is nothing wrong with you, your sense of justice, your sword, your personality every bit of you is that of a model citizen. Its not something to be embarrassed about but, as you are now you couldnt win against someone on the same level as you. You will only be able to be those lower.

I dont understand, my sense of justice. Are you telling me my way of thinking is wrong?

Your sword is being borrowed, if all you want to ever be is a knight then thats fine. But if you want to go beyond that, you need to find your own sword inside yourself.


You dont have to decide now, but you should do so before Nito leaves.


Ecarlat estate.

Not long after the meeting was over Sierra and Masamune were in the garden. Sierra had called him to talk so he waited for her to speak. Although he was informed in advance so he knew what she was going to say.

I heard about Greyberg, the castle disappeared.

I see.

I also heard that you and Toa will be leaving soon.

Nems going to the church now, and then to Sharon. If she gets permission, Ill take her with me as well. It seems like she wants to come after all.

I see.

Sierra brought up the topic of them leaving to try and postpone her next question but she asks it now.

Do you think that you did the right thing?

Are you talking about Greyberg?


I dont know if it was right, thats not for me to determine but, I dont regret it.

Does that mean that you have no regrets?

Some might say that good and evil are abstract. I chose a path that I wouldnt regret. The words might be different but I guess in essence the meaning Id the same, I dont regret it.

.it seems like there is nothing inside my sword.

Masamune looked at her due to the sudden change in topic.

I was told that my sword, my sense of justice, and my personality were borrowed. I used to have a negative feeling about what you did but what if even that feeling is just borrowed from someone else? Masamune what do I do?

Masamune wondered how he should answer.

Did Reinhardt say that? Obviously its not something for us whos only 17 and 18 years old to decide but, if we hadnt done anything a war would have started.

A war? .So youre saying that it was justified?

I didnt go to stop a war. But thats what Dragons Hearts intention was, in that frame of mind, arent they a necessary evil?

I dont know, I cant judge right now. What should I do?

Ill put it simply, if you want to stay, then stay. If you want to come with us tomorrow, then come.


Sorry its so sudden, I actually planned to leave earlier though. It just got delayed by dragons heart and then the empire.

I see.

Masamune knew what she wanted to say but he thought it was better if she decided on her own.

Wont it be more fun than just being a white knight? I know Toa and Nem would be happy too. After that its up to you to decide.

Nem and Toa could be seen and when Sierra notices she smiled Naturally.

I want to go. I want to travel with everyone.

That was quick.

Maybe it was but, it seems simple now that I think about it.

Sierras expression cleared as she smiled at Nem and Toa, there was no sign of her earlier depressed feeling. But masamunes eyes were clouded as he looked up at the sky a tired smile on his face.


The next day.

When we arrived at the main gate a herd of adventurers lead by Yogi, the white knights, Sharon and the Ecarlat family met us. Maria was already crying.

Maria, if you cry Sierra and Masamune will cry too.

Brown, please call me Nito.

Right, take care of Sierra Nito.

The adventurers cleared the way.

Sorry for calling you weak back then, youre a hero.

Youre a good guy Yogi, lets meet again.

Ill leave this country some day too so, lets meet on the road. Dont forget the name of the guy that bought the hero Nito a beer. When we meet again Ill buy you another.

Ill remember that.

The nun and the children from the orphanage were her to see Nem off while Sierra said goodbye to Sharon and Cedric apologized to Toa.

I really wanted to have a fight with you.

Raid stood at the main gate with Reinhardt next to him.

Sorry for sending you flying that time Raid.

Dont remind me you brat.

Raid walked over to Sierra with a faint smile.

Is it really OK to take Sierra?

Yeah, take care of her. Whats good for her is good for the country.

That doesnt make any sense to me.

Ive told the coachman where youre going, you should arrive in Halekuwait in a few days.

You prepared a carriage for me even though I didnt ask? Thanks for all your help.

Youre a hero, this doesnt begin to be enough.

Well then, protect the capital Reinhardt.

I dont need to be told, Ill do that anyway.

I headed for the carriage and Toa also got in.

Sierra looks lonely.

Shes leaving her home town so, it cant be helped. Let her say goodbye until shes satisfied.

Nem ran and jumped into the carriage.

Nem did you already say goodbye to everyone?

Yeah, if I kept talking to them I would just get sad.

Youll see then again. Well come back some day.

After a while Sierra climbed in and the carriage began to move.


Nem waved to the crowd and the gate, Toa and Sierra also turned around.

Long live the hero!

A loud cheer rose up from the gates and the three of them waved until they couldnt see anyone anymore. Masamune however leaned against the carriage and closed his eyes, on the back of his eyelids were the faces of Aries and Saeki.

Masamune looked up at the sky as if asking it a question, trying to get rid of the feeling of emptiness. But as usual the grey sky didnt answer.

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