Chapter 16: Making New Friends?
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Chapter 16: Making New Friends? by Harem-Fan
Leaving one awkward situation, only to walk into another...
This magic-tent is an amazing Time and Space magic-item that combines a luxurious single room of larger size, with security magic for safety, but...
As I looked at this well-lit (magically) room of about 20×20 feet, I saw a makeup table and stool, chest of drawers, and a Queen sized bed. The floors are covered in exotic Demonic Beast furs for soft flooring...
Still standing at the door, I watched Freya getting a change of her Mage Robes, she looked at me in teacher-mode, and told me.
"Whenever you go to the battlefield, or to outings like this one, never sleep in nightwear, and sleep in your uniform. You never know when Monster attacks may happen... Remember, never let down your guard when outside of your home. Also, can you please use your water magic on us to clean us?"
I nod to the request, and cast my spell.
"Refresh and clean, Freya... [Water Utility] Remove the filth from my body... [Water Utility]"
Then the two of us cleaned, and I removed the dirt and waste to a small trash bin in the corner of the tent.
Freya, secretly happy to have a Water user around asked me, while holding her robe.
"Mind turning around for a moment while I switch clothing?"
"Sure, sorry."
RustleRustle! As I turned to face the door, I was assaulted with sounds of silks and clothes being removed and replaced.
I also just noticed how this tent smells like Freya, and my heart, without my consent, beat a bit faster, damn this feeling of love...
Freya on the other-hand, feeling my shyness and fondness for herself, only changed more slowly, watching my nervous back.
Her thoughts are messy, as an older woman who has never entertained thoughts of love between a man and a woman. She even swore to never have a family, and only planned on ever working and even running Rosecrans for her Starling Family.
Her Mother however had always been irritated with the fact she would not take a political marriage, but unlike other noble families, she did not force Freya into it, because Freya was always talented and loyal to the family.
"Sorry to make you wait, you can turn around."
Well, I do not need to change due to the fact that even my shoes and underwear are now clean from magic. But I looked and asked.
"Do you have extra blankets, so I can sleep on the ground?"
Freya is 127 years old now, and even though she had never felt love till now, she knew how innocent my thoughts of being a gentleman were, and she pointed to the bed and said.
"We are wearing our adventuring clothing, so it is fine. We will spend the rest of our lives together, so this won't be the last time for us to sleep next to each-other. Just rest."
I do not argue with her, because if she is not shy about it, I would look dumb, right? So I moved to the Queen-sized bed, and lay on my back leaving the space to my left free for Freya.
I did not get under the sheets, feeling it awkward, besides I am clothed, with only my boots off.
Clap Clap! Freya moved to the other side of the bed, and with her hand-claps, the lights in the room dimmed to faint candlelight.
She gracefully also lay over the sheets, and faced my direction. As my eyes saw her bountiful-valley, I looked to the tent roof, and quietly exhaled, trying to not think of inappropriate thoughts...
So I try to think about Rebeca to distract myself.
After trying to ignore her sounds of gentle breathing, my mind slowly calmed, and I replayed when I killed that Swift Knight today.
I do not regret doing it, because my friend Nevin and I were in mortal danger, but it was still the first Human I killed. His look of surprise and mine mirrored one another. I wonder if that guy had a wife... children... family he loved?
I then felt a soft hand touch my heart, and Freya's soft and warm voice sounded in the dark.
"Do not dwell on today's events so much, because you will face many deaths of foes and loved ones. I have had to kill many times, and you eventually forget most of the pain. Except for your attempt with the Ogre, you did everything perfectly today, so I am proud of you."
Hearing her words of praise, I felt so much better in my heart, so I genuinely say...
"Thank you, and goodnight..."
And soon, she asked me.
"Will you dream of that other world?"
"Yeah, I only did not dream one time in the last 11 years..."
Freya was curious and asked.
"Only one peaceful night, why?"
"It was the first night I held Rebeca in my arms. My heart felt so calm, and I did not enter that world's memories."
I was quiet for a while, and Freya asked.
"Want to test if you can have a peaceful night's sleep if I am held by you?"
The light was too dark to see her face being full of blush and charm, but I said jokingly.
"Well... If I hold you I won't sleep, because I will be nervous, haha."
Slide! I felt Freya pick up my left arm, and she slid into my chest, laying her face on my heart, and she said quietly.
"Then, if you do not sleep, count it as keeping watch, you are a Knight, goodnight, Sam."
I felt really confused, excited, guilty, and a myriad of other feelings, but I only laid my left arm on her back, and closed my eyes.
Freya yelling at herself in her mind, for doing something so impulsive (love lowers IQ) only lay still. But not long, she heard something that astonished herself...
Her eyes drifted to my quietly snoring form.
Her eyes opened wider in surprise of me being so tired, I fell asleep with a beauty in my arms. She then smiled while touching my cheek, and she said.
"Damn it, being in your arms feels great, sigh... Sam, I do not know why, but... I love you, goodnight..."
And now Freya followed her Summoner who captured her Heart and Soul...
When I finally opened my eyes, I realized... I did not dream tonight, but...
I am on my left side, with Freya's back in my chest, while I had spooned her in our sleep. I can hear she is still sleeping, but what has me freaking out are 2 things.
First, the raging morning wood I have pressed on her soft bottom, cough, that is innocent. Well we are clothed, so...
But the second thing is the unforgivable crime... My right hand made it into her well exposed top, and her right breast is currently in my hand's grasp. Her boob is so big my hand cannot hold it all.
Oh, I was wrong, my left hand seems to be pressing on her firm belly.
Damn, I feel excited, but I need to move before she wakes up. (Cough, Freya has been awake for an hour.)
I slowly move my hips from her buttocks, and gently slide my right hand from her breast. I listen to her breathing, and hear it move just a tad faster, but she has not awakened yet...
I then gently slid my left arm from under her, very slowly... Soon, I was free, and I let out an exhale.
And just as I was laying on my back, thinking I avoided disaster, the sleeping Freya rolled over onto my chest again, like how we fell asleep, but thankfully, my tent went down to a manageable level.
Soon, Freya's hazel eyes opened, and she looked into my gold eyes, and she asked, while not moving.
"Did you dream?"
"Actually... No I did not, I had a dreamless sleep for the second time in a long while. Thanks for sacrificing for me."
Mwah! And before my brain could process it, while our faces were close, Freya kissed me, with our lips pressed.
We didn't have a passionate kiss, but with her eyes closed, and her soft warm lips pressed firmly, I lost all thoughts.
As fast as she came, she left. Standing with her back to me, her long red hair draped, and I heard her say.
"You and I both feel it... I just could not help it, sorry."
"Don't be sorry, I felt your heart, and I do not understand it either, but... I feel it too. Thanks."
She put her teacher mode back on and said, or asked.
"Will you make breakfast for me today?"
And the two of us did not bring it up, or make things complicated, and we got up, and did our duties for the outing.
Did I say yesterday was my most awkward moment?
I just cooked breakfast for everyone, while Freya ate elegantly, while Nevin and Frank kept giving me looks of knowing I did something unspeakable... And sadly, I think I did?
My only concern is what to tell Rebeca...
Two hours later, we had almost returned to the meeting location, and we were early.
We have just killed a pack of Wind Wolves, and the Knights are all cleaning the battlefield, while I am now responsible for using water magic to clean them up, so a fair trade.
Freya told me off to the side.
"Sam, I have noticed your feelings, if it is about Rebeca, do not worry."
I keep forgetting she can feel my emotions and passive feelings, so I asked "why", and she said...
"Rebeca and I have already discussed what happened with our feelings when we first saw each-other (chapter 4), and because I am your forever partner, the two of us spoke about things, like what would happen if you and I fell in love. So realize, she already knows."
Well, girls are more attuned to this kind of stuff, but I do feel better and say.
"Thanks, I feel less guilty for my feelings now. I hope you are doing alright with your feelings?"
"I am feeling better now."
Then the team finished, and I cleaned them all up.
Freya told me because we were back, to send her to her pocket space, so I did, and the 8 of us went back without Freya...
As our group walked out of the Beast Forest, we saw about half the groups had already arrived, and then our Party leader, Rando Miller spoke.
"Alright everyone, great work... I will go to the teachers, turn in our results, and fill out the paperwork. About the West Kingdom's attack, Sam, you should go to your Headmaster about that. But I will put it in the report."
As I nodded, he asked me.
"Sam, I would like to treat you and everyone here to drinks on our next weekend, what do you think?"
I look at Nevin, and he nods, so I smile and shake his hand.
"Then Nevin and I will accept your invitation. Let us do it the first Friday night, because I have family matters to attend to on both Saturday and Sunday?" (using Earth days and months because it is easier on readers, but in Myst, the 7-days have different names)
Chuck Donald, also said.
"Well, if I do not show, your event will be a bust, so I will reluctantly come too."
Franklin Starling, grins and puts his arm around my shoulder and shamelessly says.
"Any story I tell you about my Aunt will be innocent and accidental, hehe. Plus, I have to go, to make sure my Aunt's Summoner stays out of trouble."
Kelly Walker, the cold woman, surprisingly said.
"Then, sharing life and death, we should share joy and happiness over drinks, count me in."
Megan Wallis and Sue Tree, both looked at one another, and said together.
""We will go.""
And this was the day I found my core friend group, a nice batch of men and women.
I was left with Nevin and Kelly, while we waited for the groups to be done, and before kelly walked away, she asked me.
"Sam, you are strong, and in the future 1st year campaigns like this, can I become your designated Healer?"
I nodded my head, and shook her hand.
"Thanks Kelly, I am happy to team with you in the future, you are good at your role."
After shaking my hand, she said to Nevin.
"It was also a pleasure to work with you Mr. Glen, goodbye..."
Then we both watched the tall cold beauty leave, and Nevin said with a tease.
"You are too damn popular with the girls now, my sister will be busy chasing them all away, haha."
"Stop it, you know I am not going to chase her, but she is a nice person, and a good Healer. Do not forget, Rebeca is my real designated healer, dammit."
Thud Thud Thud! And as the two of us are guy-joking and playing around, a massive Gold Golem alerted us to a visitor.
"Sam Roland, I was disappointed to see your group got only 2nd place, far behind me. I wanted our results to be closer."
Nevin and I turned to see the aloof, beautiful, but annoying 7th Princess, Vera Lucas. I grinned and said.
"Congratulations on being the top team, I hope you're happy now."
While Vera was glowing in her victory over me, Nevin looked at the massive Gold Golem and stabbed Vera's heart by accident.
"Sam, if you used your Summons in our campaign, would we have gotten 1st place then?"
"Nevin, it can't be helped... Freya refused to take part. But it is fine, our group did really well without her help."
I looked at poor Vera, whose eyes dimmed by half, and tapped The King's Sword, and said to her honestly.
"Please, 7th Princess Vera, if you see your Father before me, thank him for the sword, it really saved my life, and I am grateful."
Seeing my honest feelings, and the sword, she nodded and said tastefully.
"I will convey your words, and it is good you now understand what my Father gave you, I will go now..."
Then her white hair fluttered as she spun to leave...
Nevin looked at her back, and my face, and his eyes glinted in shock.
But I did not notice his thoughts, and our trip ended like that...
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