A Summoner?

Chapter 164: I’m Free Motherf*cker?

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Chapter 164: I'm Free Motherf*cker? by Harem-Fan

     Yes, I am shameless, because I have not let go of Jen's alluring body, and not only did she not push me away, but her casting right hand is now on my left forearm around her waist.

     But the two of us are not sexually happy, because we are looking at a 300 foot wide black magic circle that is radiating power.

     My first thought seeing a magic circle the size of Falbium is... 'What did you do Ray?!' (Famous GhostBusters meme.)

     I felt Jen's body tremble feeling fear for what terrifying creature she summoned, she prayed it was not the Demon King himself.

     Just as the Monster was forming I said to her.

     "Relax Jen, I am here, A real threat comes... [Call Summons]×3!"

     Even though the form of the mighty Black Dragon became visible, when Jen heard my words, she breathed in relief and held my arm tighter.

     As the three magic circles on my side lit-up, the massive Dragon, feeling freedom, lifted his large head into the blue sky, and let out his pent up rage and joy...

      [ROOOOOOAR~! I'M FREE MOTHERFUCKER~!] (Hades did, cough)

     After a long and intense release, the Dragon looked around, and saw a City of Humans in the distance, and the edges of his jaw slightly raised...

     Then his arrogant red-vertical-slit-eyes scanned near his feet and saw 5 tiny Humanoids.

     He was so happy, he did not even check their power strengths, nor did he notice the pissed Dracolich behind him, down the dune...

     [Fucking Human male, let go of my Summoner, how dare you touch her! I will eat you first, shit you out, then eat those other three women slowly, hehehe~!]

     As Evelina took off her eye-patch, I started my casting.

     "Evelina, don't kill it, It belongs to Jen, so... How To Train Your Dragon... [Buff Summons]"

     Just as my magic covered Eve, she cast in response, with a wicked smile.

     "Look, it is a family reunion... [Buff Summons]"

     If Falbium could smile, he would, as Evil's grey energy buffed his strength greater than his long missing Brother.

     Freya and Zoe did not hesitate to cast their magics as well, before this Evil Dragon moved...

     "I will bring the fire for a BBQ... [Flaming Transformation]"

     Then the sexy Freya turned into a living Human Torch...

     "I am not a Trophy Wife, but I want to be... [Radiate Healing Aura]"

     And refreshing green tainted winds gently blew from Zoe in a 90 foot radius from her, healing all living allies overtime...

     While I had cast, I simultaneously pulled out the Djinn Blades and handed them to the woman in my arms, who instantly used them to cast...

     "I will shield my Master... [Wind Shield]"

     Then in front of Jen, a Tower Shield sized swirling wind shield was protecting us.

     The maid in gold, wielding my two gold Scimitars with a fierce look, really made my eyes light up.

     [I Elysium, fear nothing, so die...]

     As a large amount of air had entered the Dragon's lungs, he aimed his breath cone in such a way to avoid killing his Summoner, sadly she is protecting the man he wants to crush, but he can finish him off next.

     BLAAAAAAAAARG~! A cone of black cold flames rushed out to cover the group of three women...

     The Black Dragon's breath weapon is a shadow fire that is very cold, even though it is also a flame.

     As the attack ended, my heart clenched, because I hate seeing my lovers be attacked, but...

     Freya's fire body seems to resist some of the attack, so her wounds are light, and I can feel she is fine...

     Zoe is also 9th Circle and healing herself with her aura of recovering magic...

     And Evil is wounded, but not much, because I improved her capabilities.

     [Fuck you, little bitch Brother, you really came out, huh?!]

     BANG! Just as Elysium was feeling good about this attack, he was struck from behind by a large bone tail and knocked to his side in pain.

     As I saw this hit, I was more shocked about Falbium calling this Dragon, Brother?! But I did not stop casting...

     "I leave it to you Freya, cook him... [Buff Summons]"

     As Freya's power reached the 9th Circle range, her fiery hand pointed to the tipped over Black Dragon and tried to attack it...

     [The Sun falls from the sky... [Giant Fireball]!]

     BOOOOM~! Then Freya's favorite large area of effect spell hit the Black Dragon Elysium, like a beach-ball due to its massive size, but in reality it has a diameter of 60 feet.

     Freya sighed in her mind, because the Dragon seemed to only take about half of the damage...

     "He is resistant to all types of Magic Elements but Light, so don't worry, and at least he is not immune to anything but Darkness Element."

     As Evelina said this, she activated her Evil Eye power of... [Telekinesis]

     Suddenly, Elysium felt a large invisible force, pushing him back in front of Falbium's feet, and found he was laying on his back with his black-golden belly scales exposed...

     The magical power was totally unmistakable by Elysium, and when he saw the glowing white eye on the black clad Loli, a long lost memory came to, and he yelled in fear.

     [F-Fuck, you're Evelina Lorelei!]

     Zoe had also cast...

     "Well, let me block for my Master as well, haha... [Air Shield]"

     And then Zoe ran to stand next to Jen, and the two maids made an air barricade for me, and I felt like an army general leading the forces, sigh...

     "Elysium, I am your Master now, obey me and my Master, or you will be beaten to death... [Greater Air Utility]"

     And with the power of the Djinn Blades, she took flight in the air, to interpose herself between me and Elysium.

     [Fuck, Mother imprisoned you for killing me, and I still had not gotten revenge, hehe, take this bitch!]

     BANG BANG CRUNCH BOOOOM~! The bone wings pelted him as Falbium's claws held him down, then the Dracolich bite clamped on Elysium's neck, while the bone tail swung into the abdomen of the Black Dragon, making it flinch in pain.

     The red eyes of Elysium scanned the situation, and realized a few things... First, all of them are protecting the Human male, who oddly seemed familiar in an odd way?

     Then there is that Evil Loli, with the Cursed Eye, who is also the master of his Dracolich Brother, who is strengthened beyond what he can handle.

     And worse, his new Master, who he cannot hurt, is protecting the man, so fucking messed up... This group is too damn strong.

     I know I cannot hurt him much, so I will slow him down more, to restrain his actions, because killing him is not what I want.

     "Elysium, you will not run rampant in Myst, submit... [Mass Electric & Water Restrains]"

     Just as many electrified water snakes wrapped around all of the Black Dragon's limbs, its Dragon eyes dilated after Evil's next move...

     "Let's make the Master stronger, hehe... [Buff Summons]"

     As Death Magic covered me, Elysium felt my Soul felt even more wrong, but suppressive to his blood.

     Then he realized I buffed Evil before, and the others... A Summoner?

     Then just now, that Master used a dual-element spell, and finally Evil Loli cast a buff on him... Did the world get warped while he slept?!

     Zoe had cast a healing spell to top off Freya to full health, and Freya cast in English...

     [Darling, let's hold him down for Rugby to beat him... [Flame Chains AOE]!]

     Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang~! And while Elysium was held by another set of flaming fire snakes, he could not move, and his Dracolich Brother, pelted him repeatedly with bone fist, wings, and a tail.


     At this point, the poor 9th Circle mighty Black Dragon, Son of Tiamat, was beaten into a crying and begging mess... I actually started to feel bad, like I over punished a naughty child.

     Smack~! A giant bone tail hit the sniveling Elysium in his large Dragon head, and Falbium said or asked.

     [Fuck, who is your Daddy now bitch? Say your new Master's name?!]

     With tears in his eyes, Elysium looked at me pitifully and said.

     [Ah, Dammit... Master Sam is my Daddy, and I am a worm... Mistress Jen, please save me, I am sorry?!]

     Falbium wishes he could still smile, because he got bullied by this guy so fucking much when they were a hatchling. All the resentment for his beatings were washed away today.

     Evil is poking the head of the Evil Dragon, nodding in joy.

     Zoe is serving me tea while I sit in a chair.

     Freya was feeding me grapes, mouth to mouth, while I held her in my lap rubbing her meaty thighs, and finally Jen stood behind me, giving me a shoulder rub, feeling a bit sad for her abused strong Summoned monster.

     Jen looked at Elysium and asked me.

     "Master, I think he has learned a lesson, can you save his life for me?"

     The Black Dragon looked at his Human Master with joy and hope, she seemed kind.

     Unknown to the Black Dragon, we are playing him for a fool.

    We have been communicating with Telepathy to put on this show for Jen to subdue him. So I act...

     "Ah, Well, your new Summons is really a pain in the ass, but... You give really good shoulder massages, so because I am happy... Falbium, stop hitting him, he is one of us now."

     Bang! And after I said it, Falbium hit him one more time and said innocently.

     [Oh? Well that last one is because you're ugly... Well, from now on, I am the Big Brother, and don't think getting buffed by Jen will work, because Sam is my Boss, got it?]

     Elysium just wants the pain, humiliation, and madness to end, so he nodded like a good Dragon.

     Jen then asked Zoe as part of the act.

     "Zoe, can you heal his wounds for me?"

     In Zoe's past life, this was not Jen's last Summons, and Zoe liked Jen, who married Sam when he turned 30 and left for the Demon King fight, but now Jen is here earlier than last time. So she does something playful here...

     "Hmm? I can heal the naughty Dragon, only if you give my Master a kiss as payment, hehe."

     Freya and Evelina both looked at Zoe who went off-script, and said nothing.

     Jen blushed under her veil, because she has never had a kiss in her 99 years of life.

     But, knowing her fate, she mustered up the courage, leaned over my shoulder, moved her veil to the side, and kissed my cheek.

     I almost thought she would kiss my lips, but this is good too.

     So as I smiled in satisfaction, I was sneak-attacked...

     Mwah~! While I was not prepared, Jen's soft lips then landed on mine, stunning me!

     Zoe saw it, then held her hand towards Elysium and cast...

     "The Master is satisfied... [Full Heal]"

     As all of the pain left the Black Dragon, Jen's kiss ended, and she said in my ear.

     "The cheek was for healing my new Summons, the lips are for helping me call him, and for myself."

     As she started rubbing my shoulders again, my heart moved faster, because this woman is really good.

     Evil then said after patting her palms together.

     "Alright, we get going away, kisses, then the rest of us have to go back, the kids are waiting... Sam, if this guy gets cocky again, call us and we can beat him for fun, hehe."

     Elysium hears her words, and is praying for her to leave immediately.


     And soon, the two Dragons left to find food in the ocean for Elysium to eat, for he has not had real food for a very long time, and Jen has not yet made a place for him, plus the two Dragons need to catch up.

     Many Adventurers had neared the area after such a large-scale battle, and I sent my Summons back with kisses.

     Soon, Jen and I were returning to the City...


     This time flying back, Jen was sitting on the side saddle in my lap.

     I thought that I would not see her for around a month... And after she kissed me, I wanted no regrets, so I lifted her veil, and she looked at me with her half-closed purple eyes.

     Understanding what I would do, her eyes closed.

     Mwah! I lifted her chin gently, and kissed her soft lips.

     After a few moments, I took it to the next level, and inserted my tongue, which she warmly accepted. And for a long while, we only kissed, and I sent her a mental message.

     ]When we are both in the North, I want to go on a date with you alone.[

     My answer came in the form of a tight-hug around my waist, and a more intense kiss...

     It is good to be the Master... 

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