Chapter 176: Chuck Meets His Father Salem?
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Chapter 176: Chuck Meets His Father Salem? by Harem-Fan
After I used my water magic on all crimes created by Jasmin and myself, we dressed each-other affectionately.
As she retied my red sash, her eyes softened, and she admitted.
"Husband, I have to confess something to you, and it has to do with the package I gave you before..."
Seeing the charming Dark Mage biting her lower-lip, and fastened her neck strap on her dancer's outfit, I nodded for her to say it.
"My Father was a skilled Diviner, and before you were born, he predicted that Jen and I would become your wives. This is why Jen and I are so forward with you, because we knew one day you would find the two of us. I and Jen are not easy women, and have been waiting for you for a long time... In fact, I and Jen were there the day you were born..."
After seeing the Gods statues on Mount Olympus, I cannot be sure that any of the women I love are a former deity or not, and hearing that the former Wind Mage King who died to stop the Demon King's revival time, does not shock me.
But I can tell that these two sisters have been holding this news of fated futures for a long time, and this explains why Jen would do what she did before she left for the North.
I lifted her chin, and looked into her eyes, and comforted this nervous woman's heart.
"Jasmin, you don't have to worry about telling me things, because I chose you as well. But what do you mean you saw my birth?"
Jasmin, seeing I was not put off, hugged me and lay her head on my chest, then she told her short tale.
"About 50 years before you being born, my Sister and I were curious why our Father married off most of our sisters, but never made us marry for politics and we were happy, but one day he told us... That our destined Husband had not yet been born, and he would be the 3rd Human Mage behind himself. We of course did not believe him, right?"
Her cool palm touched my cheek, and she continued.
"My Father before you were born, told us both to sneak into the North, and witness the birth of Linda Wall's child, your Mother... He told us that the child would first be born as a black-haired, grey-eyed child, but his hair and eyes would quickly change upon birth. We had a mission, for the first week of your birth, I needed to protect you from local Demons and hostile beings from killing you in the dark. So I stayed in the shadows..."
When she mentioned the black hair and grey eyes, I knew she was telling the truth, not from my mother, but from my past life memories. Although my eyes are now electric-blue (electricity and water), they were originally grey in the past.
So I keep listening to her story, and rubbed her back to let her know I am paying attention.
"My Father was right, small Demon Imps did try to kill you at night... Thankfully, they were only 1st Circle Demons, and your parents and others were not harmed, but after that dangerous week of your life, no more foes came to kill you. Father said your Soul and release of Death Element at birth, was like a beacon for some monsters. After that, I believed my Father about our fate..."
Damn, I knew some Planer Creatures like me, but I had no clue I was almost snuffed in the cradle, then I noticed her smile while touching my nose.
"When your parents slept, I would hold you at night and sing. You never once cried when I was around you, but that week was not the only time in your life I visited you..."
I questioned in curiosity.
"So, you were like my nanny? Haha, No I am kidding, but you came to me again, why?"
She put her hand on my heart and said.
"Father warned Jen and I, that if we did not save your life when you were turning 7, you might die... So I again sneaked into the Lucas Royal City with my Sister, and we protected you again... And the night of your 7th birthday, you suffered a devastating fever and nightmare, so we gave you a top level Healing Potion, and put a False Life talisman on you to protect you that night... After you survived that night, we returned and waited for you till this day. Father said we would not meet you again till you were 30 years old, but... you came at 20, so Father's predictions are off a bit." (Zoe, cough.)
Damn, my dreams of Earth started at 7, so King Windless had been calculating me for a while, and without his meddling, Hades would not have been reborn safely...
Finding out that I leaked Death Energy as I was born was surprising, because my parents never mentioned it, well, the birth of a child is chaotic. I will ask Mother some other time about it.
Mwah~! I kissed Jasmin's lips again, and thanked her...
"It seems, I owe your Father, you, and your sister a lot, thank you."
She shook her head and said.
"You do not owe us anything, because we willingly did it, because you are our happy future, so we did it selfishly. I also have one last secret to tell you, so my Sister and I can be fully open with you..."
She waved her hand, and a field of shadows fully enveloped the two of us, and she said firmly.
"For nearly 75 years, I have been the Spymaster for the Anubis Kingdom, and Jen was a subordinate of mine, but I recently stepped down as the Spymaster of the Secret Guard to become your personal maid, are you upset, Sam?"
As soon as I heard it, my lips twitched thinking about Midnight my wife, and a strange smile was on my face, confusing Jasmin, so she asked.
"Sam? I don't know what you're thinking?"
With a grin, I said to her.
"I think having a Wife as a Spymaster has a strange feeling, but I am not bothered by it, and thanks for trusting me with that news. Don't worry, other than Jen, I won't say anything, just don't send back personal things about the ones I love."
She put on a genuine smile and nodded with a lightened heart, and I said.
"I think it is alright for me to read the letter, right? And will Jen know I opened it, and how will she feel?"
"You should open it, and she will know, but she will only be happy, because it means she is accepted by you. My Father said it was a personal letter to you before he died, and his last will."
So Jasmin lowered her shadow shell, and I sat in the chair.
Jasmin then sat in my lap, as I wanted her to see the contents as well...
It started off as such...
Dear Sam Lucas,
As I write this letter to you, my future Son-in-law and Hero to the Human race, I want to say, Thank You.
Based on my calculations, you should be about 30 years old this year, and you finally made peace with my Kingdom, sorry for the problems with my foolish Granddaughters.
But you are now reading this letter, that means you are now in love with one or both of my silly Daughters, right? They are lovely girls, so please protect them both, even if you only married one of them.
Please save and protect the Anubis people for me, as my only one Son may be unreliable, but he was all I had.
Now that you have opened this letter, you should be ready to attack the Demon Lands, so I wish you good luck. But before you go, I will give you my final decree, and it goes as follows, with the document on the back of the letter... Sam Lucas is the legal Husband to both Jasmin and Jen Windless, as long as they are unmarried and alive.
I assume you are a ladies-man like me, won't mind, right?
The long letter contained the following points...
- He talked about his foray to fight the Demon King, knowing he would die to buy me time to grow.
- Both his loved Daughters are my wives, and even Dakar cannot stop it, but won't.
- Tips on where to start my invasion into the Demon Lands, going through an Elf Gate Portal that Kayo controls to sneak attack the Demons.
- He warned me to not kill off the Dark Elves, because they are pivotal in my victory over the new Demon King.
- If he ever sees him in the future, it is not him, but an Undead or Puppet controlled by a Demon, his Soul will be gone forever.
- My Son who should be born, just as I invade the Demon Lands, will take over for Dakar in the future, and this was also decreed with a signed letter.
- And the last most amusing request... To name our future boy with Jasmin after himself, to remember his sacrifice to the Human Race.
As Jasmin held the decree documents in her hands, and we finished the letter, we both looked at her belly, and I asked amused.
"Cough, My Wife, 'officially', are you hiding the fact you have my Son in there, haha?"
Jasmin, who had no idea what nonsense her Dad put in the letter, shook her head and said, unsure.
"No, we clearly have a child when you're 30 according to his prediction, so I doubt it."
"Chad is ten years early, right?"
The always calm Jasmin looked pale, and said with uncertainty.
"I will ask Zoe to check regularly, okay?"
While she is flustered, I tease more.
"Well, I guess you are willing to be my Wife now, right?"
She finally smiled, rolled her pretty purple eyes, and said.
"Master, you did all that to me, should I refuse now, haha... Let's go, your friend Chuck and Brother Salem should be waiting for us, I think."
Remembering what Salinas did before we were all taken to guest rooms, I sigh...
"Sigh, I cannot believe the Mage Queen married both Chuck and Eve on the spot, so now she is a Northern woman... And Chuck is Salem's new Son-in-law... Okay, the look on Salem's face was priceless, but yeah, let's go before anything bad happens to Salem by that stearn woman..."
So Jasmin and I put everything away, and left for the living room...
In the same sitting room as before, 5 hours later...
The maids said Salinas left for work.
Salem looks dead-inside, as the beautiful Elly Eden was kissing his cheek with a smile.
On the other couch, the gorgeous Eve Eden, now in a new dress, was holding Chuck's left arm in her D-cups, and waved to me. She said with a winner's smile.
"Well, you're my Father's sworn Brother, so we are kinda family now, so take care of me up North, haha, right Honey-Chuck~?"
Chuck, who is now as happy as a virgin with a free night in the top brothel, gave her a kiss on her lips, and said to me quietly.
"My new Wife is awesome, right?! Uh, Can you talk with Salem for me, make sure he is not mad at me, hehe?"
I smiled awkwardly and said to Eve.
"Mrs Eve Eden, I welcome you to the North, and thanks for marrying my friend Chuck here, he is a good guy."
Despite my concerns, time will prove that Eve actually fell in love with my dumb-ass friend, and they will be happy, even with his other future harem members.
Salem, who is resigned to growing the Harem he dreamed of, waved us away and said.
"Cough, All of our companions can use a [Gate Portal] spell, so go back without me, I need to talk with Elly and my Sister for a while, and Chuck, treat Eve well, or Elly will kill you, now go..."
I now realized all three women are high Circle Mages, and Eve stood to open a path back for the four of us, landing us back in front of the Inn.
As Jasmin held my arm, I waved back at Salem and said as the portal closed.
"Welcome to Harem life my Brother, and Mrs Elly Eden, it was nice to meet you, see you in the North."
The four of us heard Elly's soft voice as the spell closed.
"You're not too bad, Crown Prince Lucas, thanks..."
Eve took Chuck's hand, and pulled him along, and she said to Jasmin and myself.
"Chuck won't be 'free' till you leave for the Demon Island in the East Sea, he will be busy-with-me, goodbye..."
Seeing Chuck's goofy smile, Jasmin asked...
"Baby Making?"
I nodded.
Jasmin whispered in my ear, asking seductively...
"Baby Making?"
I nodded.
Then Jasmin pulled me to my room...
The rest of the week passed between Jasmin during the day, and Salinas at night.
Now it was time for the End of Year Exam to officially start...
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