Chapter 21: Furious Freya?
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Chapter 21: Furious Freya? by Harem-Fan
"Ah! Come here and give your new Mother a hug, haha! Look Linda, our kids are married, hehe!"
Over in my home, both of Rebeca and Nevin's parents joined us, and currently, Rebeca's Mother has us both in a group hug, with tears threatening to drop, from too much happiness, and she said to me, after kissing my cheek.
"Thank goodness you tied this girl down, I was so worried if she would marry one of those stuck up men from a prestigious family, who would treat her badly. But because it is you, this old woman can be happy, so when are you giving me grand-babies?!"
My Mom with a helpless smile, pulled the overly excited woman off of us, and Rebeca said in fake anger.
"Mother, you are going to make Sam run away, sigh..."
Then My Dad offered Freya a drink and she gladly accepted.
Even though Freya is from a big family, she is finding this cramped family warmth refreshing. And as things calmed I broke the news.
"Everyone, I am not sure if the rumors came to you, but... I became a Summoner, and I contracted with a special Summons..."
Based on the surprise, none of them caught wind of it yet. But they watched me walk to Freya, and took her hand intimately, and I said.
"Teacher Freya Starling became my partner, and I also intend to marry her this weekend."
Then, Nevin said with a knowing grin.
"Damn man, I knew it!"
My Mother, who was faster to recover, stood and came to Freya, and said softly.
"Ah, Dear, welcome to our family then, do you want me to "Witness" your marriage? I would be happy too?"
My Mother impressed Freya, because she ignored the Summons part all together, and only worried about the family part, and as Freya was going to talk, I said.
"Mom, about that, Sunday..."
But Freya cut me off and said to my Mother.
"Then Mother-in-law, please be our witness."
My Mother was so excited, she nodded and said to Freya.
"Then from now on, you are also my Daughter, welcome to our small family."
Huh? That was fast, but I did accept in front of everyone, and all the girls surrounded Freya to talk, while Nevin, and my two Dads came over for a drink, looking over at the women, and my Dad said in a daze.
"Son, when I came back home a month ago, and your Mom said you married little Rebeca, I did not believe it, but now, you even married this beautiful woman... I thought you had planned on staying single for at least a century, while you trained?"
Nevin busts me.
"Uncle and Dad, this guy has turned into the ladies man in school, and Sister has to even chase off girls, hehe."
I get a bit shy when both Dads look at me, and I say sheepishly.
"I really intend to avoid relationships, but... Rebeca is persistent, and Freya, we fell in love at first sight, sorry."
Nevin's Dad patted my shoulder and said.
"Beck has always loved you behind your back, so we were not surprised. And that Freya woman, you really are being a man, and took responsibility, I am proud of you... Now, what about my stupid son?"
"Oh?! There is a senior Loli named Milly Glade who is infatuated with Nevin, hehe!"
Everyone saw a blushing Nevin launch at me, as we started a fist fight on the ground, as Nevin was avoiding his Mother finding out.
We always fight like this when Rebeca is around, because she just heals our wounds after we brawl, but Freya watches us in interest...
After being healed, I took Freya to see my bedroom, and the two of us stood at my window, as I pointed to everything I looked at growing up.
She then answered the question I wanted to ask, but did not.
"I was moved by your Mother, and if I had to choose, I wanted your Mother to acknowledge us... also, I do not have to wait all the way till Sunday to call you my Husband."
At my windowsill, I leaned in, and held my new wife, and kissed her gently, to not mess up her light makeup.
Then, feeling our hearts full of love, she said.
"Husband, let's take Nevin to the appointment now, it is going to be sunset soon."
"Can I really call you my Wife, it feels like a dream?"
"You really are too cute, let us go silly boy."
So hand in hand, we left with Nevin in tow...
A half hour later, and our party of 3 arrived at the entrance of The Tipsy Gentlewoman.
Freya was now hugging my left arm more intimate than ever, as we were escorted to a quiet balcony setting.
It seemed we were the last to arrive, and Rando seemed to have brought a short white haired lady with him, probably one of his wives.
We all waved and greeted one another, and as Freya had guessed and told me, the girls looked a bit out of place, seeing the older sexy woman clinging to me without letting me go.
I actually find this clingy side of Freya nice. Nothing boosts a man's ego more, than the hottest woman in the room, being territorial.
As we sat, Rando said.
"We just ordered a mixed party-plate, so just order your drinks as you go, and eat whatever they bring us. Here, let me toast everyone, to a new friendship!"
"Also, thanks to our outing together, we the Knights all successfully made it to the 2nd Circle, so thanks!"
Kelly, in a blue dress, raised her cup and said.
"I also made it to the 2nd Circle Healer, thanks!"
After we found out that our two Mages did not advance, we felt bad, but they are close to breakthrough. Then Freya, wanting to hammer nails, lifted her cup and said.
"Sam and I just got married!"
Everyone at the table but Nevin was shocked, and Franklin's eyes were strange, as he looked back and forth and could not process it for a bit, and then congratulations rang, but someone was furious...
"No! It is a lie! The rumors can't be true... You are Sam Roland, right? Come here you little bastard, let me avenge Miss Starling for shaming her!"
We all turned to see a beefy man wearing Royal Officers uniforms, and he looked furious.
He is with a woman in a dinner dress, and two other lower rank Knights. This man is super angry, and I am guessing he is some kind of noble pursuer of Freya...
I stood, and held my hands up to my chest, defensively, and said to him.
"Sir Knight, perhaps you drank too much, and misunderstood, Freya here is my wife, so no dignity of the Starling family was tarnished. Perhaps you should calm down and talk things out like gentlemen?"
"Bastard, you enslaved Freya like a common Monster, I hate you!"
A cold voice cut in.
"Drake Fulbright, you have overstepped, now apologize to my Husband, or the Starling Family will have difficulties with your family in the future."
"No, this kid is controlling your mind, bastard~!"
Foosh! This guy swung a wide punch to knock me out, but my martial arts training was good enough, and I barely dodged his hook.
Well fighting in public places is technically fine, as long as spells and skills are not used...
All the knights, seeing a fist fight start, all stood on both sides, while the women stood back, and frowning.
After missing his hook, while using Northern Knight Kickboxing, like me, he tried to front kick me.
Thud! As his kick came, I spun all the way clockwise, and heel-kicked him back.
Even though this guy is a 7th Circle Knight, without using his skills, he is only stronger than me, but I am faster and my skills in Swordsmanship and Unarmed fighting are some of the best for the younger generation.
He skid back a foot or so, because he is a Vanguard, his Defenses are super strong, but I am not trying to hurt this guy. He is only a drunk butt-hurt failed pursuer. He might actually believe Freya was brainwashed as well?
"You work under the Royal family guy, Your actions are not right, so stop now..."
Even his two subordinates are frowning, seeing the frosty Freya holding back her anger, so they step back further, pretending to not know their boss. Even his woman was confused why their evening blew up like this.
I underestimated how much this Drake Fulbright liked Freya, as I had just sensed invisible air flow...
"Air! Fuck, not good!"
"[Bull Rush Stun]"
Just as we both yelled, he almost teleported, with his Air Aura activating his rushing charge...
BOOM~! His charge landed his knees into my blocking arms, breaking my forearms, and I was also stunned and a flash of pain rushed into my brain, causing me to not react for a short time...
Whoosh~! Unable to react, I was sent flying over the rail, like a kite with its strings cut... My mind was still shaken from his move...
Thud~! I hit the street below, and customers were frightened to see a body come landing on the road...
Ugh~! I could tell, my forearms are broken, but other than my back and head hurting, I should be able to get up soon, but... I was dazed by the bright firelight up on the second floor, so I lay there...
Just as Drake was happy his [Bull Rush Stun] caught me by surprise, his spine shivered, looking over to see an angry Freya, with her clothing fluttering in fire magic, who already was mid cast, and in his heart he said... Not Good!
"Crucible of Flame... [Burning Combustion Curse]"
Suddenly, Drake's entire body burst into red hot flames, and even the air in his lungs were drying out, and as he started to yell for her to stop, he heard clearly...
"Threefold Scorch... [Triple Fire Bolts]"
Boom Boom Boom! Then a burst of 3 head sized meteors made of molten flame shot to his body, and was unable to avoid them...
As Drake was rolling on the ground, trying to extinguish the Flame Curse, Freya with cold-eyes drew her Rapier, and slowly walked to the freakin Drake, and he tried to move away, but her Swordsmanship she learned through me, was very accurate, and...
Slitch~! Her sword accurately punctured his thigh, and her eyes looked to the two soldiers about to help, and she said.
"If my husband is not brought to me safely in two minutes, you can carry his body away, go!"
At this time...
"Cough, No need to get me, but my arms are broken..."
Whoosh Crack! Whoosh Crack! Two sexy axe-kicks accurately were brought down and broke the arms of the rolling Drake, and I was reminded she learned Northern Knight Kickboxing from me, and I awkwardly smiled...
"Hold still, heal the broken arms... [Small Heal]"
Freya seeing Kelly healing my arms with her ice magic, calmed, and extinguished the burning curse still affecting this tough guy. When the flames stopped, his cries lessened, as he stared up into the night sky.
By this time, the City Knight Guard had arrived.
There was no nonsense made up drama, the witnesses were staggering, and it was clear he used a Skill first, so Freya's actions were self defense to keep him from continuing his attack on me.
After my forearms were healed, I said to Kelly.
"Really thanks, that would have been a pain to wait till I got home, haha."
Then seeing I was healed, Freya hugged me and said in my ear.
"Next time this happens, I will just act first... I was so afraid when he used his skill. I thought it would just be a fist fight, and I knew you could handle it... Sorry."
I put my forehead on hers and said.
"You did everything fine, it was me who should have just asked for help in the beginning. I was acting proud, and thought I could fight him evenly, but like you said, at most I would get some black eyes from a fist fight."
While we were convincing ourselves who was right and wrong, the restaurant compensated our party, but we decided to just call it a night.
We will get together next month if all goes well.
Frank said to us.
"Like you said, I will not bring up that you got married early to the family, so I will just see you Sunday. Later, and good fight, Uncle, hehe."
I smiled and the other guys offered to escort the girls back to the Portal Gate to go to Rosecrans, because all three girls are from other towns and Cities. Due to this, Nevin went with Chuck and Frank.
So Freya and I took a private carriage home...
As she clung to me, I held her and said.
"From now on, I promise to be more careful, and not take risks like this again. My pride puts you in danger, I will prioritize you over my manly pride from now on... I love you too much..."
As she crawled up into my lap, her face came for a kiss, and she said only one word before making out with me...
[Don't worry, the guy he fought was literally level 7 Tank vs his level 1 rogue and level 3 wizard, he was going to get beat up, and this was a lesson for Sam to learn. He will be more careful in the future. Plus, Freya also gained something here from her feelings.]
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