A Summoner?

Chapter 25: Rebeca Took The Stage?

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Chapter 25: Rebeca Took The Stage? by Harem-Fan

     Both Megan Wallis and Sue Tree, the 1st Circle Mages, were defeated, and can no longer move on.

     Kelly Walker, the Ice Healer, had a close call against the Summoner who had contracted the Goblin, but in the end. Her quick thinking and courage pulled her to a win.

     Soon, after the 1st years were done, the 2nd year women all competed, but I knew none of them.

     I have realized, with Rebeca and Freya as my wives, I no longer look at the other women in the arena the same...

     They seem ordinary to me now. Even though I could literally gain a huge harem like those MC's in online novels, I know that is unrealistic. With a wife on each arm, where would the other women go?

     Soon, it was time for the other 3rd year women to match-up.

     Milly Grove was up in the first round. She was to face a 4th Circle Light Mage, and she eked out a win. Thanks to her smart use of her [Buff Summons] ability, she tripped up her overconfident foe.

     "Great work Milly!"

     Rebeca stood and cheered for her good friend's victory, and future Sister-in-law.

     Why is Milly not hanging out with Rebeca? Because she has been sitting with Nevin, of course.

     After Evelina left, Rebeca took her seat on my right again, and I have been an arm pillow for both women.

     Rebeca seeing the refreshed battle screen, said to me.

     "Sam, my fight is next, I have to go to Ring 1 over there, make sure and watch me. Mwah!"

     She leaned in, and kissed my lips, then gave a charming look. Then she stood to leave, she left me with...

     "I am your Dark Healer, but... I am not weak..."

    She strolled off, gaining the eyes of many. Freya smiled at her actions and said to me,

     "When you are not around, she is always arrogant, even picking fights with Mages of equal level, so when I saw her being cute and flattering with you, I was surprised. You seem to be able to tame difficult women."

     Her eyes looked at me, like she was accusing me of making herself fall in love.

     But Freya was wrong, only 3 women, and a pet in this world naturally love me, though I have not known this for a long time...

     "Um? I guess I am sorry?!"

     Freya pinched my nose, and giggled.


     Down on Arena number 1...

     Mari Olson... was waiting. She is a talented 5th Circle Water Mage, and a rival with Rebeca Glen.

     Her black hair and blue eyes, mirrored Rebeca's Black hair and green eyes.

     And arena 1 gathered the attention of many crowd members, because both women were exceptionally attractive. Who doesn't enjoy two hot women fighting?

     Mari Olson sneered at Rebeca, and said with disdain.

     "Hello shallow woman. You are the most revolting woman I know, following Lion around like a puppy, then digging your nails into Sam Roland, after he became famous. Then you had the face to chase others away? You are a hypocrite, Rebeca Glen, very shameless."

     Rebeca knowing there is truth to some of it, shrugs and says bluntly.

     "I could not shamelessly steal my Husband before he was 18, so I waited, as for Lion... I never even held his hand, nor did I say I liked him... I only complimented him on his talent. I never even chased you shallow women from pursuing him, because I had no feelings or anything more than respect for his skills. As for my Husband?"

     Rebeca puffed out her large chest, and said.

     "I reject all unworthy women from my Husband, because he is great. You are a good example of a worthless woman who cannot even control your mouth in public... You can put up, or shut up, bitch."


     George Lion felt embarrassed to be brought up in a public girl fight. He has always hated the countless girls trailing himself. The only women he likes are the ones he pursues, like Princess Vera, not the other-way around.

     His friend on the side patted his shoulder and said with a grin.

     "Well, Rebeca Glen may not have liked you, but she told everyone you are a talent, so I respect her for that at least."

     George shook his head in loss and said.

     "When she followed me, I looked down on her, but now that I know she didn't really care, I feel I lost something. Well, it was not meant to be. But if I win the tournament,I will make the king marry his Daughter to me then, even if she is a pain in the ass, sigh..."


     When I saw the character of that hot woman fighting with Rebeca, I realized it was good that Rebeca chased off girls after-all... I could have been tricked into bed by this woman, sigh...


     Mari Olson clenched her fist, because this is the last Tournament she can fight Rebeca, and she did not want to lose to this woman.

     In her eyes, Rebeca was a floozy woman who tricked Sam into bed, for only his fame. She also only has this intention, but at least she never chased Lion or other nobles around. So she sees her words as righteous. (Everyone is right, from their own perspectives.)

     Mari and Rebeca cast their [Water Shield] and [Shadow Shield] respectively, as the announcement started.

     "You cannot keep me away from him, you know? Just wait..."

     "Mari, you are stupid, our fight has been heard by everyone, including Sam, hehe!"

     Mari looked over at me, and I smiled... She felt so ashamed right now, but she doesn't care, she started to cast her attack magic...

     [All Rings start in 3-2-1-Go~!]

     "Burst her Shell... [Triple Water Bolt!]"

     As her hands extended, 3 head sized Heavy Water cannonballs shot to hit Rebeca's floating black shield, and it started to crack slowly apart.

     While this went on, Rebeca calmly cast...

     "Let Shadows embrace me... [Resist Darkness]"

     And at that, the shadows under Rebeca quickly rose to cover the surface of her body, making her look like she is under a shade...

     Mari seeing this, looked a bit confused, but remembered what Rebeca liked to do, suicide attacks!

     "Wrath of the Water Dragon... [Water Dragon's Breath]"

     Swoosh~! And with that chant, Mari suggestively blew a kiss that spewed a massive amount of crushing water from her mouth, in a large cone-shape, battering the weak Shadow Shield, making it crumble, and hitting Rebeca's body hard.

     Rebeca smiled at this, ignoring her wounds, and cast...

     "Dark Reversal... [Large Heal]"

     "Pellet blast her flesh... [Triple Water Bolt!]"

     Another 3 large head size bolts of water flew at Rebeca, and she dodged 1 of the 3 bolts, taking a hit to her thigh and shoulder, she smiled and cast in response, while running towards Mari...

     "Dark Reversal... [Large Heal]"

     And as Rebeca's wounds faded away like a lie, Mari panicked, and cast...

     "Call down the river... [Water Column]"

     And right above, in Rebeca's location, a vast amount of water fell in an area column attack, causing heavy wounds on Rebeca, but Rebeca only cast her strongest area spell as well, centered on both of them!

     "Darkness, I call you to embrace us both... [Devouring Darkness]"

     Rebeca's 5th Circle damaging ability: [Devouring Darkness], is like the Mages Area attack that Mari just used, but the difference is that Rebeca cast her Darkness Resistance Buff before, so she will not be nearly as harmed.

     All the onlookers lost sight of the two dark-haired beauties as a globe of shadows covered them both...

     "AHHH~! Stop, what are you doing to me?!"

     When the darkness faded, Mari was face down on the floor, with her hands held behind her back in a joint lock she learned from both her Brother and Sam over the years.

     Yes, Rebeca always played and fought with her two little brothers growing up, and learned to defend herself from pesky men.

     The sight of two heavily injured women in a kinda-obscene pose, with Mari's tits pressed half flat, and the same for Rebeca's on Mari's back, was a sight no audience member thought they would witness today, but Rebeca's next words made every man in the audience give Sam Roland a death stare.

     "Although I won't let you marry my Husband, he could always use a talented maid? The house, dishes, and laundry are perfect for a Water Mage to do, and when he is in need, you can clean him, hehe."

     Mari, humiliated, let out her anger...

     "Get off me dammit... [Blink Teleport]"

     And as a flash of blue-light covers Mari, her short ranged teleport failed, and Rebeca held her hand to Mari's head and said with a grin.

     "Teleportation is blocked when in contact with other living beings, so cute, and now admit defeat, or I will do it for you?"

     Mari almost made a dumb mistake, but seeing the quiet crowd, including other arenas, she said in resignation.

     "Fine, you beat me, I concede, now please release me?"

     Rebeca whispered.

     "Actually, I always thought you were a kind woman, a Water type like Sam."

     As Rebeca got off, her victory was declared, and Mari used [Long Range Teleport] and vanished in shame...

     Fights in other arena's resumed, many clapping for Rebeca, as a Healer taking out an equal Mage in battle...


     As Rebeca came to sit next to me, with a winner's smile, she looked at me with her green eyes and asked.

     "How was it dear?"

     I honestly felt bad for that Mari woman, and I said.

     "You are Ruthless, Cruel, Crazy, Masochist, Vicious, and Awesome, all at the same time. I thought you were a different woman altogether. But, you fought really well."

     "Look Sam, you are making me blush, hehe!"

     I never had the nerve to bring up what she was talking about, with a maid. My hunch, that is a Harem Trap question, so I pretended it was just Rebeca shaming Mari, yup!


     After the Rosecrans women fought, lunchtime came, and in the afternoon, all of the Royal Knights fought...

     Nevin and Chuck Donald were unfortunate, and had to fight each other, but 2 Vanguards fighting was a good fight, and Nevin just slightly had the advantage, and won. Chuck was not unhappy, because at least he had a real good showing.

     Franklyn Starling and Rando Miller each beat their opponents, and moved on to tomorrow's show.

     I did not know any of the 2nd years, so...

     George Lion easily defeated his 3rd year opponent with his Swift Knight skills, no surprise, as the strongest in the current Academy of Knights.

     Dial Canberra's Brother, was also in there, and easily defeated his foe. He is in line to be the next Duke after his Father steps down. He is a 6th Circle Earth Vanguard, and the 2nd strongest in the school.

     Other than those two guys, I really did not know the rest, but as the Tournament goes on, many will be known.


     Freya told the both of us.

     "Sam, I am going to send us all back with [One-way Portal], because the 3 of us became too high profile, to easily leave the Arena. So I will send you guys, and then Teleport myself."

     I agree with her call.

     "Then we will follow your idea, Freya."

     And it was smart we did, because there were many who wanted my attention, for good or bad, and I never would have left otherwise...


     In a mansion somewhere in the Capitol, a sad woman was face first in her pillow sniffling. Her long black hair was sprawled...

     [Aw~! Why can I never beat her, and so shamefully, sniff sniff...]   


     (A/N If you're like me, and wondering why he did not ask about Maids, then reread the Synopsis for the answer!)

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