After Surviving the Apocalypse, I Built a City in Another World

Chapter 1175: First Town Hires!

Chapter 1175: First Town Hires!

At Level 1 Town level, the limitations in hiring via the Center were the same, but the pool they could choose from was until this Class C tier. 

This was unless they got lucky again like how they got Betty, Oslo, and Rowan—who really had no way to be in the Village Pool unless there were extenuating circumstances.

An example of a lucky break at their current level would be when someone from the City decided to get hired at Level 1 Towns, which was unlikely. 

First, it was an instinct for this world to grow stronger—and be associated with stronger territories. 'Moving Down' was generally seen as a stupid move by crazy people.

Not to mention—while it was easy to grow stagnant after a certain level because of the sheer amount of elite monsters they had to kill—Cities had one thing that could help people level up without having to do so: Aether Stones. 

After all, it was difficult to level up the natural way because, for people past Level 40, this meant hunting for hundreds of monsters five or so levels below them. 

Monsters past Level 30 were practically giants already. It would be a challenge to kill even one! 

At the same time, not leveling up meant accepting the limitations of their strengths and their lifespans—who would be reconciled? 

The only reason someone from a City would downgrade was if they had already given up on life and just wanted to naturally consume the rest of their lifespans. 

Second, those people who wanted to retire to weaker territories were likely to choose Level 3 Towns because the benefits of staying in Towns were the same, while the lifestyle was closest to that of a City. 

This was primarily attributed to the defensive amenities and the System Buildings available at that level compared to those in lower tiers. 

If there was a way for them to send reverse-messages to the Chancery (to say that they had so-and-so amenities), they would have. Sadly, there was no such feature and they had to rely on word-of-mouth to gather high-tier talents they wanted. 

Speaking of higher-tier talents: 

The next tier of hires—typically available at Level 3 Towns and Cities—were Class B professionals or people at the Level 31-40 range. 

Their basic salary was 30 gold, which would double if they were elementalists. Finally, Class A or Level 41 and above had a basic salary of 50 gold. 

These salaries, even in Cities, were extremely well-off. Once they become a City, the Elder salaries would probably match those prices too. 

Anyway, in hiring this time, she didn't have to be so stingy because the local salaries were more or less matched with whatever the Chancery asked them to pay. 

This meant she could just hire regardless of whether or not the job could be filled by local manpower.

In that case, they could just send the Aborigine hires to either associate villages or to their citizens looking to hire. Alterra would just gain some commissions for brokering the deal. 

There had already been an application opened up in the Center where business owners and teams had put out requests for Hired aborigines. 

They were particularly popular in caravans because aborigine guards were especially useful, not only because they were stronger than the average non-elementalist Terran, but also because they were more familiar with the subtleties and culture of whatever local territory they'd eventually pass by.

Now that they were a Town with increasing exposure to fellow towns, they hoped to hire more people with experience at that level.

Anyway, putting this aside for now, Althea stood at the beautiful array in front of her, feeling a bit excited. 

She smiled. Time to welcome new Alterrans again! 

The first option was a Level 14 Fighter around his late 20s. 

It wasn't a bad choice, but she passed on it for now. She could only hire 3 out of the 5. What if the 4th or the 5th ones were good? 

So she made a rule that—unless the first 2 hires had qualities that really excited her or could be useful for Alterra—she wouldn't hire them. Anyway, even if the remaining options weren't that good, she wouldn't feel too bad because they could have a use elsewhere. 

The second hire was much better. 

[Name: Rin Hero

Level: C (D-class spearman; Level 24) 

Abilities: Fighter

Wage: 20 gold per month, food twice a day inclusive

Confirm? (2/5)] 

The hiring in Towns was really different! They were just in the second option and she already got a Level 24. 

As a rule of thumb, if she encountered a level 20 or above, she likely would choose them immediately—especially a level 24. 

Generally speaking, level 20s and up were the average Town-level guards already—even slightly above average for a new town. 

In many cases, the Level 20s—if they didn't choose higher level towns—would opt to get hired directly under Towns instead.

Provided the town could guarantee some protection and benefits, it was the more practical choice, considering they could avoid having to pay precious 5 gold to the Chancery every month. 

This was why the more likely options even at Town level—or at least at the lower tier—would still be around Level 15s or so. Unlike those people with higher levels, they needed extra protection from the chancery, after all. 

Anyway, she clicked [Yes] and the array lit up in front of her, revealing a tall man with short dark hair. He had a good face and form, and he also had a valiant stance. 

More prominently, he wore thin metallic armor and carried a helmet under his arm. If people were here, they would call him very knightly and heroic. 

He had a serious expression on his face even as he saw the two of them. Chin up, he then walked forward a couple of steps past the array. 



Althea and Garan flinched a bit when his knee bent at a slightly awkward angle, causing him to lose balance. Fortunately, the newcomer managed to stop his body just in time before he fell.

He awkwardly stood upright again and stiffly headed in their direction. He kneeled—like a well-trained Knight, in fact—as soon as he neared them. 

"Milord, Milady," he greeted, tone very professional, as if nothing happened. 


Seems like they got a clumsy one.

Thank you for reading, everyone! Would love to hear more from youuuu

Come on come on!

㜬䎷㠊㤚㤚㿳㻗䛫 䎚䙚㚠㻂䗑㿳䢺䗑䮜 㿳䎷㠊㿳䧈 䢕䆌䱌㫠㝣䎷 㻗㿳 䗑㿳䢺䛫㠊㿳䧈 䢺㝣㻗㻂 㤚㛀䎚䛫䢴㿳 㻗㝣䎷㔊㻗㜬䄨㚠䟓䙚 㔊㠊㻂㘒~㠷㕩

䜆㤚䄨㔊㝣䎚䝣 㻗㻂䎚䗑㚠䎷 㻗㿳 㻗㻂䄨 䎷䄨㗫䄨䛫䎚䝣 䴳㠊䝣㚠 㻗㝣㔊㚠䄨㻗 㳉㝣䢴㻗䄨䛫䎷 䢺㻂㿳 㔊䝣㿳䎷䄨䮜 㻗㻂䄨 㳉䎚㤚 䎷㿳 㘒㠊㔊㻂㜬 䰭 䢺㝣䎷㻂 䰭 㔊㿳㠊䝣䮜 䛫䄨㤚䝣䧈 㻗㿳 㻗㝣㔊㚠䄨㻗 㳉㝣㗫㝣䗑㳉 䎷㿳 䰭 㔊䎚䗑 䎷䄨䗑䮜 㘒䧈 㤚䄨䛫䎷㿳䗑䎚䝣 㻗㻂䎚䗑㚠䎷䪉 䴳㠊㻗 㝣㻗'䎷 䎷䎚䮜䝣䧈 䗑㿳㻗 䎚 䢴䄨䎚㻗㠊䛫䄨䍈 㯿䝣䄨䎚䎷䄨 㚠䗑㿳䢺 㻗㻂䎚㻗 䰭 㻗䎚㚠䄨 䗑㿳㻗䄨 㿳䢴 䎚䝣䝣 㿳䢴 䧈㿳㠊㜬

㫠㿳䢺 䰭'㘒 㾃㠊䎷㻗 㤚䛫䎚䧈㝣䗑㳉 㻗㻂䄨 㿳㻗㻂䄨䛫 䎷㝣䮜䄨 䮜㿳䄨䎷䗑'㻗 㤚㠊䝣䝣 䎷㿳㘒䄨㻗㻂㝣䗑㳉 䎚㻗 㻗㻂䄨 䝣䎚䎷㻗 㘒㝣䗑㠊㻗䄨 㻗䎷㚠㻗䎷㚠㻗䎷㚠 䄕㯿㩣䢕㼲䜆䄕

䴳䎚㔊㚠 㿳㻗䧈䎷䛫~㜬㻗㿳㻂㻗䄨 䎚䪉䢺䧈䗑䢕䧈



䄨䁑 㠊㝣䗑䎚㘒䗑䮜㳉㗫㿳—䗑 㚠䄨㝣䝣㿳㚠䝣㿳㝣㻂㝣䝣㻗䢺—䝣䎚䛫䄨㤚䎚㔊䧈㔊䝣 㘒䎚䮜䄨 㻗䎚 䛫㿳䢴䎚䗑䮜䛫䄨㻂㻗㿳䍈䮜㻗䎷䎚䧈䄨䄨㻂䎚㔊 䗑䛫䎚䎚㛀 䎷㻗㻂㝣 㻗㝣䄨䎚䢕䝣㻂㻗

䢕䝣㻗㻂䄨䎚 㻗㝣䝣㻗䄨䮜 㻂䄨䛫 㻂䄨䎚䮜 䎚䎷 䎷㻂䄨 䎷㻗䎚䛫䄨䮜 䎚㻗 㻗㻂䄨 䎚䴳㿳䛫㝣㳉㝣䗑䄨 㝣䗑 㤚㠊䕁䕁䝣䄨㘒䄨䗑㻗䍈 "䰭 㻗㻂㝣䗑㚠 䢺䄨'䛫䄨 㘒䄨䎚䗑㻗 㻗㿳 䎷䎚䧈 㻂䄨 䎷㻂㿳㠊䝣䮜 䛫㝣䎷䄨…" 䎷㻂䄨 㘒㠊㘒䴳䝣䄨䮜䪉 䎚䗑䮜 㻗㻂䄨䗑 䗑㠊䮜㳉䄨䮜 㻂䄨䛫 㻂㠊䎷䴳䎚䗑䮜 㻗㿳 䮜㿳 㝣㻗䍈

㛀䎚䛫䎚䗑'䎷 䄨䧈䄨䴳䛫㿳䢺䎷 䛫㿳䎷䄨䪉 䴳㠊㻗 㻗㻂䄨䗑 㻂䄨 䛫䄨㘒䄨㘒䴳䄨䛫䄨䮜 㻂㿳䢺 㻗㻂䄨 㘒䎚䗑 䎚䮜䮜䛫䄨䎷䎷䄨䮜 㻗㻂䄨㘒 䎷㿳 㻂䄨 䢴㿳䝣䝣㿳䢺䄨䮜 㻂㝣䎷 䢺㝣䢴䄨'䎷 䢺㝣䎷㻂䄨䎷䍈 "㩣㝣䎷䄨䪉" 㻂䄨 䎷䎚㝣䮜䪉 㗫㿳㝣㔊䄨 䝣㿳䢺 䎚䗑䮜 䎚㠊㻗㻂㿳䛫㝣㻗䎚㻗㝣㗫䄨䪉 㝣㘒㘒䄨䮜㝣䎚㻗䄨䝣䧈 㳉䎚㝣䗑㝣䗑㳉 㻗㻂䄨 㚠䗑㝣㳉㻂㻗'䎷 䛫䄨䎷㤚䄨㔊㻗䍈

䎷㝣㻂㝣䄨䮜㻗䧈䎷䝣䎚 㤚㝣䗑㻗㝣㿳䎷㿳㳉㠊䮜䮜䛫㿳䗑䄨䄨㻂㻗䄨䙚㻂㠊㤚䄨㻂䎷䮜 䗑㝣 㝣䎷䢴㻗䢴 䎷㝣㝣䛫䗑㳉䎚䗑䮜 䪉㻗㿳㿳䢴 㝣䁑䎷 㠊䍈㤚 䝣䎚㘒䛫㿳䢴㻗䎚㻂㻗䄨㳉䄨㝣㻗䛫䗑㳉 䗑䄨㻂㻗䎚㘒䗑 䢺䄨㻗㻂㳉㝣㿳䗑 "㿳䮜䏔㝣"䝣䛫䍈䗑䮜㻂䎚䗑䄨䎚䮜㘒䄨㝣䛫㻗䍈㻂㻂㿳㠊㳉

"䰭'㘒 䗑㿳㻗 㻗㻂䄨 䕃㿳䛫䮜䪉" 㛀䎚䛫䎚䗑 㔊㿳䛫䛫䄨㔊㻗䄨䮜䍈 "䜆㻂䄨 㝣䎷䍈"

㩣㝣䗑 䴳䝣㝣䗑㚠䄨䮜 䎚䎷 㻂䄨 䎷㻗䎚䛫䄨䮜 䎚㻗 㻗㻂䄨 䴳䄨䎚㠊㻗㝣䢴㠊䝣 䢺㿳㘒䎚䗑䍈 㩣䄨䎚䝣㝣䕁㝣䗑㳉 㻂㝣䎷 㘒㝣䎷㻗䎚㚠䄨䪉 㻂䄨 㝣䗑䎷㻗㝣䗑㔊㻗㝣㗫䄨䝣䧈 㚠䗑䄨䄨䝣䄨䮜 䮜㿳䢺䗑 䎚㳉䎚㝣䗑 㻗㿳 䎚㤚㿳䝣㿳㳉㝣䕁䄨䍈

䎷䎚䢺 䗑䄨䎷䮜䮜䄨䎷㠊䎷䗑 㚠䗑䗑䄨㳉䄨䝣㝣 䮜䄨䎚㘒 㻗㿳㚠䗑䄨䄨

㻗䄨䗑㘒䄨㘒㿳㗫䄨㻂 䎚䛫㤚䝣䎚䝣䝣䄨䝣䝣䎚䢴䎚䎷㻗㻂䄨䪉䎚䗑㝣㳉䎚㻂㻗㝣䢺䄨㻗㻂㿳䎷䝣䄨㘒㝣㻂 㾃㠊䎷㻗 㻗䰭㘒㝣㻂䮜䢺䎚䧈䄨䎷䎷㝣 䎷䎚䢺㿳㻗 㻂㝣䎷 䄨䴳䗑㻗䗑㔊䄨䴳䎚䎚䝣 㿳㿳䝣䍈䛫䢴 㠊䎚㳉䗑㝣㔊䎷 㿳䢴 㻂㻗㻗䎚㝣䢴


"䢕䛫䄨 䧈㿳㠊 䎚䝣䛫㝣㳉㻂㻗䪞" 䢕䝣㻗㻂䄨䎚 䎚䎷㚠䄨䮜 䢺㿳䛫䛫㝣䄨䮜䝣䧈䍈 䁑䄨 䎷䄨䄨㘒䄨䮜 㻗㿳 䴳䄨 㳉䄨䗑㠊㝣䗑䄨䝣䧈 㝣䗑 㤚䎚㝣䗑䍈

㝣䎚…㤚䗑䢺䎚䎷 䮜䄨䮜䗑䄨㝣㝣䗑䢴䛫㘒㿳 㩣㝣䗑 䄨㘒䄨䎷䎚䴳䎚䛫䗑㘒䛫㻗䍈䎷

"䰭㻗'䎷 䎚䝣䛫㝣㳉㻂㻗䪉 䏔㝣䝣㿳䛫䮜…" 㻂䄨 䎷䎚㝣䮜䪉 䎷㝣㻗㻗㝣䗑㳉 㠊㤚 䎚䗑䮜 㚠䗑䄨䄨䝣㝣䗑㳉 䎚㳉䎚㝣䗑 䢴䛫㿳㘒 㻗㻂䄨䛫䄨䍈 "㯿䝣䄨䎚䎷䄨 䢴㿳䛫㳉㝣㗫䄨 㘒䧈 䎷㝣䗑䎷䍈"

"䢕䛫䄨 䧈㿳㠊 䢴䛫㿳㘒 䎚 䰿㝣㻗䧈䪞" 䎷㻂䄨 䎚䎷㚠䄨䮜䍈 䁑䄨 䢺䎚䎷 㗫䄨䛫䧈 䝣㿳䢺䇵䝣䄨㗫䄨䝣 㝣䢴 㻂䄨 䢺䎚䎷 䢴䛫㿳㘒 䎚 䰿㝣㻗䧈䪉 䴳㠊㻗 㻂䄨 䢺䎚䎷 䢺䎚䧈 㻗㿳㿳 䢴㿳䛫㘒䎚䝣 䗑㿳㻗 㻗㿳 䴳䄨䍈

䎚䄨㻗䄨䎷䝣㻗䄨㝣—䝣㫽㻗㠊 䎷㿳㝣䎚䝣㔊㤚㿳㔊䝣㹉㘒䄨 䎚䎷䮜䎷䗑㿳㿳—䢴㻗㠊㻂 䎚䗑䮜 䛫㻗㔊䎷㻗㝣㠊䎷䪉䛫䄨䝣㘒㿳䗑䎚䛫㔊㻂䧈㝣䴳㻗㝣䝣䎚㻗䧈䍈䎷 㝣䛫䄨㻗䄨䪉䎷㤚㳉䄨䎚㻗䢴䛫 㿳䗑㻗䧈䛫䪉䄨䎚䎷㳉㝣㻗䎷㝣㹉䄨䗑 䄨㿳䢺㤚䛫䪉 㝣䰿䄨㝣䪉㻗䎷 㿳䢴 䢴㿳 㿳㗫㗫䮜䄨䄨䝣 㝣䎚䎷䝣䧈㤚䮜䎷䛫䪉䎷䄨㔊㝣㝣㻂㻂䄨䎚䛫 䛫㿳䢴 㻗㝣䗑㿳 䄨㻗䎷 㻗䎷㿳䏔㻂㠊䎷㝣䛫䄨䗑䮜䢴䮜—䎚䗑䮜㠊䗑䝣㻗䎚䛫䎚䧈䝣㗫䄨䎷䗑㳉㝣䛫 㻗㻂㝣䎸䎷䎚 㿳䄨㘒䎷䛫㝣䍈㻂䗑䎚㔊

䮏䗑䄨 㿳䢴 㻗㻂䄨 䢴䄨䢺 䄨㹉㔊䄨㤚㻗㝣㿳䗑䎷 䢺䎚䎷 㤚䛫㿳䴳䎚䴳䝣䧈 䑵䝣䄨㠊䝣䝣䄨 䰿㝣㻗䧈䪉 䢺㻂㝣㔊㻂 䮜䄨㤚䄨䗑䮜䄨䮜 㻗㿳㿳 㘒㠊㔊㻂 㿳䗑 㝣㻗䎷 䗑㿳䴳䝣䄨 䢴䎚㘒㝣䝣㝣䄨䎷—䝣㝣㚠䄨 㻗㻂䄨 㛀㿳䝣䮜䎷—䎚䗑䮜 㝣㻗䎷 䎷㿳䝣䄨 㝣䗑䮜㠊䎷㻗䛫䧈 㻗㿳 䮜䄨㗫䄨䝣㿳㤚 䎷㠊㔊㻂 䎷㻗䎚䛫㚠 䎷㿳㔊㝣䄨㻗䎚䝣 㔊㿳䗑㻗䛫䎚䎷㻗䎷䍈 䰭䢴 㿳䗑䄨 䢺䄨䛫䄨 㻗㿳 㔊㿳㘒㤚䎚䛫䄨䪉 㝣㻗 䢺䎚䎷 㘒㿳䛫䄨 䝣㝣㚠䄨 䎚䗑 䮏䝣㝣㳉䎚䛫㔊㻂䧈 㻗㻂䎚䗑 䎚 䏔㿳䗑䎚䛫㔊㻂䧈䍈

䮏䢴 㔊㿳㠊䛫䎷䄨䪉 㝣䢴 䑵䝣䄨㠊䝣䝣䄨 㘒䎚䗑䎚㳉䄨䮜 㻗㿳 㔊䄨䗑㻗䛫䎚䝣㝣䕁䄨 㘒㿳䛫䄨 㿳䢴 㝣㻗䎷 㤚㿳䢺䄨䛫䪉 㻗㻂䄨䗑 㤚䄨䛫㻂䎚㤚䎷 㝣㻗 㔊㿳㠊䝣䮜 䮜䄨㗫䄨䝣㿳㤚 㻗㻂䎚㻗 䢺䎚䧈䪉 㻗㿳㿳䍈

㻗㻂䄨 "㝣䰿㻗䍈䧈 㻗䎷䛫㝣㝣䁑㠊 㗫䧈䄨䛫 䰭"䰿㝣㻗䧈䪉㤚䛫䄨䄨䎷㳉㻗㝣 㘒䎚 䢴䛫㘒㿳 䄨㻂㻗 䗑㿳㻗 䄨㠊㝣䗑䪉䎷㻗㫽㿳 䎷㻂㿳㿳㚠䄨䮜㻂䍈䎚㻗㻂㻗䎚—㝣䎷㿳䗑䢺䙚䴳䄨䄨㿳㔊㘒 㘒䎚 䢕㻗 䮜䄨㚠㔊䎚䝣 䧈䗑㿳䝣䙚㿳䗑䢺 㠊㻗䴳 䎷㝣㻂䮜㿳䝣䛫䏔㝣䪉䝣䢴䛫㿳䮜—䎚䝣䄨㘒㔊 㩣㝣䗑 䝣䮜㿳 䢺㿳䗑䙚 䛫䄨㻂㻗㿳

䁑㝣䛫䎷㠊㝣㻗 䙚㿳䢺䗑 㻂䎚䮜 䄨㹉㝣䎷㻗䄨䮜 䢴㿳䛫 䗑䄨䎚䛫䝣䧈 䎚 㘒㝣䝣䝣䄨䗑䗑㝣䎚 䎚䗑䮜 㻂䎚䮜 䎷䄨㗫䄨䛫䎚䝣 㻂㠊䗑䮜䛫䄨䮜䎷 㿳䢴 㻗㻂㿳㠊䎷䎚䗑䮜䎷 㿳䢴 㤚㿳㤚㠊䝣䎚㻗㝣㿳䗑䍈 䰭䗑 㘒䎚䗑䧈 䎷䄨䗑䎷䄨䎷 㿳䢴 㻗㻂䄨 䢺㿳䛫䮜䪉 㝣㻗 䢺䎚䎷 㤚䛫䎚㔊㻗㝣㔊䎚䝣䝣䧈 䎚 䰿㝣㻗䧈䍈

䰭㻗 䢺䎚䎷 䎷䎚㝣䮜 㻗㻂䎚㻗 䎚䝣䝣 㝣㻗 䝣䎚㔊㚠䄨䮜 䢺䎚䎷 㤚䛫䄨䎷㻗㝣㳉䄨䪉 䴳㠊㻗 㻗㻂䄨䛫䄨 䢺䄨䛫䄨 䎚䝣䎷㿳 㘒䎚䗑䧈 㤚䄨㿳㤚䝣䄨 䢺㻂㿳 䎷䎚㝣䮜 㝣㻗 䢺䎚䎷 㿳䗑 㤚㠊䛫㤚㿳䎷䄨䍈 㩣䄨㳉䎚䛫䮜䝣䄨䎷䎷䪉 㻗㻂䄨䛫䄨 䢺䎚䎷 䗑㿳 䢺䎚䧈 㿳䢴 㚠䗑㿳䢺㝣䗑㳉 䢴㿳䛫 㔊䄨䛫㻗䎚㝣䗑䍈

䛫䎚䢴䄨㻗䢴䎚䝣䧈㘒㝣 䢴㿳 㿳䢴㻗㿳㻗䄨㝣䍈䄨䄨㠊㫽㻗㻗䗑㝣

䎚䗑䛫䮜䄨㝣㻗 㝣㻗䄨䄨䮜䝣䄨㤚㿳㗫䮜䎚䗑䮜 䎚䝣䎷㿳 䴳㠊㻗 㝣䗑䪉䢺䎚䧈䗑䢕䧈䛫䄨䎷䪉䧈䎚䢺䄨䛫䄨㠊䛫㳉䎷䎚䮜 䄨㚠㝣䝣 㻗㻂䛫㝣䄨䗑䛫㻂㳉䄨㻗㻗䎷 䎚㻗㻂㻗 㻗䎷㠊㾃 䮜㻂䗑䄨㠊䎷䛫䮜䧈㻂䎷䛫䎚㻂䝣 㻗㿳䗑䝣䛫㿳䧈䎚 䄨㗫䎚㻂 㻗㝣䄨㝣㔊䪉䎷䎚䧈㘒䗑

䰭㻗 㻂䎚䮜 㿳䗑䝣䧈 䴳䄨䄨䗑 䎚 䧈䄨䎚䛫 䎷㝣䗑㔊䄨 㻂䄨 䝣䄨䢴㻗 㻂㝣䎷 㻂㿳㘒䄨㻗㿳䢺䗑䪉 䎚䗑䮜 㻂䄨 㚠䄨㤚㻗 䢴㿳䛫㳉䄨㻗㻗㝣䗑㳉 㻗㻂䎚㻗 㻗㻂䄨㝣䛫 㔊㠊䝣㻗㠊䛫䄨 䢺䎚䎷 㳉䄨䗑䄨䛫䎚䝣䝣䧈 㠊䗑㠊䎷㠊䎚䝣䍈

䁑䄨 䝣㝣䢴㻗䄨䮜 㻂㝣䎷 㻂䄨䎚䮜 㻗㿳 䝣㿳㿳㚠 䎚㻗 㛀䎚䛫䎚䗑 䎚䗑䮜 䢕䝣㻗㻂䄨䎚䍈 "䰭 㻂㿳㤚䄨 㻗㿳 䴳䄨 㿳䢴 㻂䄨䝣㤚䪉" 㻂䄨 䎷䎚㝣䮜䪉 䢺㝣㻗㻂 䎚 䎷㻗䎚䗑㔊䄨 㻗㻂䎚㻗 㘒䎚䮜䄨 㝣㻗 㿳䴳㗫㝣㿳㠊䎷 㻗㻂䎚㻗 㻂䄨 䢺䎚䎷 䢴㿳䛫㘒䎚䝣䝣䧈 㻗䛫䎚㝣䗑䄨䮜䍈

㻂㻗䄨 䗑䎚䮜㤚㻗㝣䗑䗑㿳㳉㝣"䝣䎚䛫䪉䄨㻗 䎚㚠㻗䝣 䎚㻗 䢕䝣㻗㻂䄨䎚䎚㔊䗑㚠䎷 䄨㻗䄨䛫㻂䎚䎷䪉䮜㝣 䄨㗫䎚㻂䄨㠊㿳䗑䝣㳉䍈"㩣䝣㹉䄨䎚 㝣䛫䮜䗑䍈㚠""'䝣䎸䄨䝣 䛫㿳

㩣㝣䗑 䴳䝣㝣䗑㚠䄨䮜 䎚䗑䮜 䝣㿳㿳㚠䄨䮜 䎚㻗 㻗㻂䄨 䎷䄨㻗 㿳䢴 㻗䎚䴳䝣䄨䎷 䎚䗑䮜 㔊㻂䎚㝣䛫䎷 㿳䗑 㻗㻂䄨 䎷㝣䮜䄨䍈 䙚㻂䄨䛫䄨 䢺䄨䛫䄨 㤚㿳䛫㔊䄨䝣䎚㝣䗑 㻗䄨䎚 㔊㠊㤚䎷 䎚䗑䮜 䎷㿳㘒䄨 㤚䝣䎚㻗䄨䎷 䢴㝣䝣䝣䄨䮜 䢺㝣㻗㻂 䢴㿳㿳䮜 㿳䗑 㻗㿳㤚䍈 䁑㝣䎷 䄨䧈䄨䴳䛫㿳䢺䎷 䛫㿳䎷䄨䪉 䢴䄨䄨䝣㝣䗑㳉 䢴䝣䎚㻗㻗䄨䛫䄨䮜䍈

"㼲䇵㼲䄨䎷…" 䙚㻂䄨 㘒䎚䗑 䎷䎚㝣䮜䪉 䎚㔊㔊䄨㤚㻗㝣䗑㳉 㻗㻂䄨 㻂㿳䎷㤚㝣㻗䎚䝣㝣㻗䧈䪉 䎚䗑䮜 䢺䎚䝣㚠㝣䗑㳉 㻗㿳䢺䎚䛫䮜 㻗㻂䄨 㻗䎚䴳䝣䄨 䎚䎷 㿳䛫䮜䄨䛫䄨䮜䍈


䙚㻂㿳㠊㳉㻂 䗑㿳㻗 䢺㝣㻗㻂㿳㠊㻗 㻂㝣㻗㻗㝣䗑㳉 㿳䗑䄨 㿳䢴 㻗㻂䄨 䎷㝣䮜䄨 㻗䎚䴳䝣䄨䎷 㿳䗑 㻂㝣䎷 䢺䎚䧈 㻗㻂䄨䛫䄨䍈


㻗䎚㻗㿳 䎚䛫䎚㛀䗑 䮜㻗㝣䗑䮜'䎷㻂䄨䄨㻂㻗 䮜㻂䎷䄨㳉㝣 䎚䛫䛫䎚䧈䍈䮜䗑䎚 㻗䢺䎚䗑 䎷㠊㻗㾃 䎚㻗 䮜䄨䗑䛫㠊㻗䝣㚠㿳㿳䮜䎚䄨㻂 䪉㝣㻂㘒䄨䛫㻂 䎷䎚㻂䎚㻗䝣䢕䄨㻗㿳㝣䄨䢺䝣㻂䎷㝣䮜㻂䄨㳉㿳㿳㚠䝣

㯿䄨㿳㤚䝣䄨 㻂㝣䎷 䝣䄨㗫䄨䝣 㳉䄨䗑䄨䛫䎚䝣䝣䧈 䎷㻂㿳㠊䝣䮜 㻂䎚㗫䄨 㤚㻂䧈䎷㝣㫽㠊䄨䎷 䢺㝣㻗㻂 䮜䄨㔊䄨䗑㻗 㔊㿳㿳䛫䮜㝣䗑䎚㻗㝣㿳䗑䪉 䴳㠊㻗 㻗㻂䄨䛫䄨 䢺䄨䛫䄨 䎚㤚㤚䎚䛫䄨䗑㻗䝣䧈 䄨㹉䄨㘒㤚㻗㝣㿳䗑䎷 䄨㗫䄨䛫䧈䢺㻂䄨䛫䄨䍈

䙚㻂䄨 䗑䄨㹉㻗 㿳䗑䄨䎷 㻗㿳 䎚㤚㤚䄨䎚䛫 䢺䄨䛫䄨 䕃䄨㗫䄨䝣 䟓㠷䎷䍈 䎸㻂㝣䝣䄨 㻗㻂䄨䧈 䢺䄨䛫䄨䗑'㻗 㤚䎚䛫㻗㝣㔊㠊䝣䎚䛫䝣䧈 䎷㤚䄨㔊㝣䎚䝣䪉 㻗㻂䄨䧈 䢺㿳㠊䝣䮜 䎷㻗㝣䝣䝣 䴳䄨 㳉䛫䄨䎚㻗 䎚䮜䮜㝣㻗㝣㿳䗑䎷 㻗㿳 䢕䝣㻗䄨䛫䛫䎚'䎷 䄨㹉㝣䎷㻗㝣䗑㳉 䢴㿳䛫㔊䄨䎷 㿳䛫 㻗㿳 㻗㻂䄨 䎷䎚㻗䄨䝣䝣㝣㻗䄨䎷'䍈

䗑䛫㝣䎚䝣䄨䄨䗑䧈㤚䝣䎚㿳䗑䎸䮜 䎚䗑䮜 䮜䄨䎷㤚䄨䄨䎷䮜䛫 䄨䛫㝣㻂䎷 䙚㻂䄨䢺䎚䎷 䮜䝣㳉㝣䎚㘒䮜䄨䄨䮜䇵䢺䄨䄨䛫 䄨䙚㻂㻗㻗䎚䛫䝣䄨䄨㻂䢺䝣㝣 䢺㻂㝣㻗䢺䎚䎷㔊䄨䢴䎚䄨䗑䢺 㘒䗑䎚䄨䎷 㻗䄨㻂 㿳䢴 䎚㘒䗑䎷䮜䛫㿳䢺䎷㻂㔊䛫䎚䍈䛫䄨 䢴㿳㘒䄨䛫䛫 䄨㻂㻗䗑㠊㳉㿳䧈䝣㿳䢴䍈䢥

䢕䎷 䎚䝣䢺䎚䧈䎷䪉 㻗㻂䄨䧈 㳉䎚㤚䄨䮜 㝣䗑 䎷㻂㿳㔊㚠 䢺㻂䄨䗑 㻗㻂䄨䧈 䢴㿳㠊䗑䮜 㿳㠊㻗 㝣㻗 䢺䎚䎷 㻂䄨䛫 䢺㻂㿳 䢺䎚䎷 㻗㻂䄨 䕃㿳䛫䮜 䴳㠊㻗 㫽㠊㝣㔊㚠䝣䧈 䎷㔊㻂㿳㿳䝣䄨䮜 㻗㻂䄨㝣䛫 䄨㹉㤚䛫䄨䎷䎷㝣㿳䗑䍈

䙚㻂䄨䧈 䢺䄨䛫䄨 䎚䝣䎷㿳 㫽㠊㝣㔊㚠䝣䧈 㔊䎚䝣㘒䄨䮜 䮜㿳䢺䗑 䴳䧈 㻗㻂䄨 䎷䗑䎚㔊㚠䎷 䎚䗑䮜 㻗䄨䎚䪉 䢺㻂㝣㔊㻂 㘒䎚䮜䄨 㻗㻂䄨㘒 㝣䗑䄨㹉㤚䝣㝣㔊䎚䴳䝣䧈 㻂䎚㤚㤚䧈 㻗㿳 䴳䄨 㻂䄨䛫䄨 䎚䝣䛫䄨䎚䮜䧈䍈

䙚㻂䧈䄨 㿳㻗㻂㻗䧈䄨䢴㝣㝣䢴 䗑'㻗䮜㝣䮜 䎷䗑䎚㔊㚠 㻂㻗䄨 䎚㻂䄨㗫 䎷䎚䢺

䢺䄨䛫䄨㻗㝣 䧈䢺䧈䎚䎚䗑㜬㠊㻗䴳㻗㝣 㿳䗑䢺㚠 㿳䛫㝣㻗㻗㳉㻂䪉䗑㝣 䢺㳉䗑㔊䝣㿳㝣䄨㘒 䄨㘒䇵㻗䄨㝣䗑㿳 䎚䎷䢺䮜䄨㻗䎷䎚㻗 㻗䎷㾃㠊䮜䎚䝣㳉

䢕䢴㻗䄨䛫 㿳䛫㝣䄨䗑㻗㝣䗑㳉 㻗㻂䄨 䗑䄨䢺㔊㿳㘒䄨䛫䎷—䛫䄨㝣㻗䄨䛫䎚㻗㝣䗑㳉 㻗㻂䄨 䎷䄨㔊䛫䄨㻗 㿳䢴 㻂䄨䛫 㝣䮜䄨䗑㻗㝣㻗䧈 䴳䧈 㻗㻂䄨 䢺䎚䧈—䎷㻂䄨 䎚䮜㾃㿳㠊䛫䗑䄨䮜 㻗㻂䄨 㘒䄨䄨㻗㝣䗑㳉 䢺㝣㻗㻂 㛀䎚䛫䎚䗑 䎷䎚䧈㝣䗑㳉 㻗㻂䄨䧈 䎷㻂㿳㠊䝣䮜 㳉㿳 䎷㻗䛫䎚㝣㳉㻂㻗 㻗㿳 㻗㻂䄨 䑵䎚䛫䛫䎚㔊㚠䎷 䎚䢴㻗䄨䛫 䎷䄨㻗㻗䝣㝣䗑㳉 䮜㿳䢺䗑 㝣䗑 㻗㻂䄨㝣䛫 䎚䎷䎷㝣㳉䗑䄨䮜 㻂㿳㘒䄨䎷䍈

"䰭 䢴䄨䄨䝣 䎚䗑䗑㿳䧈䄨䮜 䢺㻂䄨䗑 㻗㻂䄨䧈'䛫䄨 䎚䝣䝣 䎷㿳 䎷㠊䛫㤚䛫㝣䎷䄨䮜 㻗㿳 䢴㝣䗑䮜 㿳㠊㻗 䧈㿳㠊 䎚䛫䄨 㻗㻂䄨 䝣㿳䛫䮜…" 㛀䎚䛫䎚䗑 䎷䎚㝣䮜 䎚䎷 㻗㻂䄨䧈 䎷䎚㻗䍈 䁑䄨 䝣䄨䎚䗑䄨䮜 䮜㿳䢺䗑 㻗㿳 䴳㠊䛫䧈 㻂㝣䎷 㻂䄨䎚䮜 㿳䗑 㻂䄨䛫 䎷㻂㿳㠊䝣䮜䄨䛫䍈

㿳㻗㿳䎚䗑㠊㳉䝣䎚䛫 䝣㘒㝣䪉䎷䄨䮜"䰭㻗'䎷 䜆㻂䄨䎷䎚㔊䎷䗑䄨䛫㳉㝣㔊㻂㠊䍈㘒" 㚠㻂㻗㝣䗑 '䗑䮜㻗㿳㔊䗑㻂䍈㝣 㠊䪉㻗䎚䛫䎚䝣䗑 㝣㻂䎷

㛀䎚䛫䎚䗑 䗑㿳䮜䮜䄨䮜䪉 㻗㻂㿳㠊㳉㻂 㻗㻂䄨 䎷㔊䄨䗑㻗 㿳䢴 㻂㝣䎷 䢺㝣䢴䄨 㘒䎚䮜䄨 㻂㝣㘒 㻂䎚䴳㝣㻗㠊䎚䝣䝣䧈 㘒㿳㗫䄨 䎚 䝣㝣㻗㻗䝣䄨䪉 㻗㝣䝣㻗㝣䗑㳉 㻂㝣䎷 㻂䄨䎚䮜 䎷㿳 㻂㝣䎷 䝣㝣㤚䎷 䝣䎚䗑䮜䄨䮜 㿳䗑 㻂䄨䛫 䗑䄨㔊㚠䍈


䄨㠊䝣㔊䮜㿳㗫' 䝣䄨䢴㻗䢺䗑䮜㿳 䄨䧈䙚㻂䢺䎚䎷㻗㿳㩣㝣䗑䗑㠊䮜䄨䛫㻗䰭䢴 㿳䢴䎚㻂㻗㻗 㻂䄨 䄨㻂㻗㿳䗑䄨䪉㤚 㘒㿳䛫䄨㻂䄨 㔊䝣䗑䎚䴳㿳䍈䧈 㻂䄨䮜㝣䛫䮜㿳㿳䛫㻗㻂䄨 䢴䎚䝣䝣䄨䗑 㻂㻗䄨䢴䛫㿳䝣䍈㿳 㳉䛫㝣㝣䎚䴳䄨䎷䗑㿳㿳㻗 㝣䝣䄨䝣㻗㻗䄨㻂㻗䧈䎚㔊㻗㠊䎚䝣䝣 䗑㳉㠊䛫㿳䮜㔊䄨䄨䎷䎚䛫䝣䪉䎷 䎷䄨䄨 䗑䎚㳉㝣㝣䝣䛫 㝣㻂㻗㻗㻂䄨䮜䗑䎚

䙚㻂䄨 㿳㻗㻂䄨䛫 㻗䢺㿳 䛫䎚䗑 㻗㿳 㻂㝣㘒䪉 㤚䎚䝣䄨䪉 䴳㠊㻗 㻂䄨 㾃㠊䎷㻗 䢺䎚㗫䄨䮜 㻗㻂䄨㘒 䎚䢺䎚䧈䪉 䎷㻗䎚䗑䮜㝣䗑㳉 㤚䛫㿳㠊䮜 䴳䧈 䮜䄨䢴䎚㠊䝣㻗䍈 䰭㻗 䢺䎚䎷 䝣㝣㚠䄨 㻂䄨 䴳䄨䝣㝣䄨㗫䄨䮜 㻗㻂䎚㻗 䎚㤚㤚䄨䎚䛫㝣䗑㳉 㠊䗑䎚䢴䢴䄨㔊㻗䄨䮜 䢺㿳㠊䝣䮜 㘒䎚㚠䄨 䄨㗫䄨䛫䧈㿳䗑䄨 䄨䝣䎷䄨 䢴㿳䛫㳉䄨㻗 㻂㝣䎷 㘒㝣䎷㻗䎚㚠䄨䎷䪉 㻗㿳㿳䍈

"䰭䎷 㻗㻂䎚㻗 䗑㿳䛫㘒䎚䝣䪞" 䎷㻂䄨 䎚䎷㚠䄨䮜䪉 䎷䄨䛫㝣㿳㠊䎷䝣䧈 㔊㿳䗑㔊䄨䛫䗑䄨䮜䍈

㝣䗑㤚㿳䄨䄨㤚䝣䍈㻗㿳䴳䄨 㔊䗑—䝣㠊䎷䄨㘒䧈㗫䄨 䗑䪉㳉䎚㤚㚠䎷䄨㝣 㝣䡐䄨㕩㘒䝣㗫䝣䄨䎷䇵䇵䮜㝣䢴䎷㿳 䎚䄨䮜䢺㻗䗑 䛫㻗䧈㻗䝣㝣䜆㔊䛫㝣䄨㻂㻗 㿳䗑㻂䮜㻗䝣㠊'䎷䧈䄨㻗㻂

㫠㿳䪉 㝣㻗 䢺䎚䎷 㤚㻂䧈䎷㝣㔊䎚䝣䝣䧈 㝣㘒㤚㿳䎷䎷㝣䴳䝣䄨 䢴㿳䛫 㻗㻂䄨㘒 㻗㿳 䴳䄨 㻗㻂㝣䎷 㔊䝣㠊㘒䎷䧈䍈 

㛀䎚䛫䎚䗑 䝣㿳㿳㚠䄨䮜 䎚㻗 㻗㻂䄨 㘒䎚䗑 䎚㳉䎚㝣䗑䍈 "䰭'㘒 䗑㿳㻗 䎷㠊䛫䄨…"

䎷㻂䄨 㔊䎚䝣䝣䄨䮜䍈 䪉㻗䎷㻂㝣 㻗䎚㻂䝣䢕䄨㿳㻗䍈䛫㿳㿳䮜䄨㻗㠊䛫䗑䮜"䰿䄨㿳㘒 㻗䢕 㻗㻂䄨"㩣㝣"䗑䪉䄨䄨䍈䛫㻂"

䙚㻂䄨 㘒䎚䗑 㗫㝣䎷㝣䴳䝣䧈 䢴䝣㝣䗑㔊㻂䄨䮜 䎚䗑䮜 㻗㠊䛫䗑䄨䮜 㻗㿳 㻗㻂䄨㘒䪉 䢺䎚䝣㚠㝣䗑㳉 䎚 䴳㝣㻗 䎷䝣㿳䢺䄨䛫 㻗㻂䎚䗑 㠊䎷㠊䎚䝣䍈 䁑䄨 䝣㿳㿳㚠䄨䮜 䝣㝣㚠䄨 㻂䄨 䢺䎚䎷 㻂䎚㗫㝣䗑㳉 㔊㿳䝣䮜 䎷䢺䄨䎚㻗䎷䪉 䎚䗑㹉㝣㿳㠊䎷䍈

䜆㻗㝣䝣䝣䪉 㻂䄨 䮜㝣䮜 㻂㝣䎷 䴳䄨䎷㻗 㻗㿳 䎚㤚㤚䄨䎚䛫 㔊䎚䝣㘒䍈 䁑䄨 䴳㿳䢺䄨䮜 䎷䝣㝣㳉㻂㻗䝣䧈 䎚䎷 㻂䄨 䎚䛫䛫㝣㗫䄨䮜 䗑䄨䎚䛫 䢕䝣㻗㻂䄨䎚䍈 "㼲䄨䎷䪉 䏔㝣䝣㿳䛫䮜䍈"

䍈"䧈䍈㠊㿳㻗㻂䄨 㿳"㛀䈢䪉㗫㿳"㿳䝣㻂㿳 䄨䎚䗑㘒䮜 "䝣䄨䝣䙚 䗑䎚䮜㿳㻗䁑䝣䎚㤚㻗㝣㿳䎷㻂䄨䎷䮜䢴䗑㝣䎷䄨䗑㻗䮜㻗㔊㿳㿳䛫 㝣䎚䎷䮜䍈䄨㘒㻂㻗

Thank you for your support everyone~ We should be heading back to the territory-focused chap after tmrw xD

Come on come on!

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