Chapter Seventy-Five: An Unexpected Meeting
Chapter Seventy-Five: An Unexpected Meeting
When they stepped into the room, the cardinal greeted the trio almost immediately. Like herself, he was ethnically samino. His horns, in contrast to her own, were painted white with each horn bearing golden accessories; three hornbands and a horncap. His church robes mirrored the colour scheme; consisting of thick white cloth embroidered with golden thread. In his hands he carried a copy of the Demon Bible and an upside-down cross hung from around his neck.
He was old, perhaps older than Serena’s grandmother. His face was weathered, carrying the etchings of long decades of religious servitude. To a normal citizen the cardinal might come across as a kind elderly man, but Serena’s instincts told her a different story.
This cardinal was a Speaker.
“Ah…” the old man murmured, making his way over to Amelia. “Your hair really does seem to shine, doesn’t it?” He smiled, catching Serena’s eyes. “I think I see why they call this one the Golden Healer, yes? Hmm…” He peered at Amelia closely, who stood there with an awkward smile. “Such a noble eye colour. Not normal for a human, is it? Was it a parting gift from Asclepius? How strange… I thought the reports might be mistaken, as he’s known for giving golden eyes. No wonder Christdom’s so upset.”
“Lord-Prospect Thornheart,” Greatlord Oshiro politely intoned. “Lord Halen, this is Cardinal Hiroshi, the church’s representative in the East. He also oversees the Archdiocese Major, consisting of Asamaywa, Asamino, and Asamoto, as its archbishop. Cardinal Hiroshi, may I introduce you to Lord-Prospect Thornheart and Lord Halen.”
Serena bowed politely and Amelia quickly followed. The cardinal made the sign of the cross, his face breaking into a weathered smile. “How lucky we are, to have one of Tamerlane’s lost sheep find its way into our humble flock. May we sit? Greatlord Oshiro has kept me waiting all this time through that long ceremony.”
Serena didn’t miss how he intentionally used the name of the human pope.
“Of course,” Greatlord Oshiro responded.
They sat on the floor in the traditional position of seiza. They were arranged in a circle, with Amelia across from the cardinal. As Amelia shuffled into position, she chirped, “It’s a pleasure to meet you! I like your horns! Why are they white?”
“You don’t know?” Cardinal Hiroshi responded, disappointment evident in his voice. “Even though you wear the cross?” He gestured towards the small necklace Greatlord Oshiro had given to Serena, who had passed it on to Amelia. After a long discussion, Amelia had decided to wear it to the ceremony.
“I, uh,” Amelia shifted awkwardly. “Wear it out of respect. I suppose I’m still finding my own path, but-” Her voice rose. “There are so many religions I don’t know which one I should follow or whether I should even follow one at all! There’s the Quinto religion in Kenhoro with their worship of the Kami, and then there’s Sangoism down here, whose teachings seem really solid! And I’ve heard about…”
Amelia rambled for a bit, mostly listing some of the Empire’s many religions she’d learned about from Serena and Tomes. The cardinal listened to everything without interrupting. When Amelia finished, he replied, “You still haven’t found your flock. Well…” The cardinal cleared his throat. “To answer your first question, the clergy paint their horns white to symbolise the purity and goodness of Christ and his spiritual successor, our divine Empress. Although…” He leaned in, dropping his voice. “It originally began as an easy way to identify each other in a crowd!”
“Mmm! I see!” Amelia nodded. “What about the hornbands?”
Cardinal Hiroshi reached up, tapping the golden hornbands with a wrinkled hand. “One for a priest, two for a bishop, three for an archbishop and…” He tapped the top of his horn. “This cap is for cardinals. I never take them off, the Empress even affixed them herself! Let’s see… it was perhaps thirty years ago? But if I may ask you a question, Lady Thornheart.” His mouth stretched into a smile that on the surface seemed gentle, but behind it Serena could see the smile of a predatory fish. “How are you finding our Empire? Coming from a small country like Karligard, it must seem enormous.”
Serena wondered how much the cardinal knew. The overlords were aware that Amelia was a realm-traveller. They would even know she was living in a new body - the Axiom crystal recording she’d passed on included Amelia admitting as much. Did Cardinal Hiroshi know Amelia’s origins? Whether he did or not, it was evident from his question that he intended to hide it.
“Mmm!” Amelia hummed. “It’s amazing, and I’ve only seen such a small part! I can’t wait to go travelling!”
The cardinal chuckled. “And while you travel, do you intend to replicate your Sphere of Convalescence?” His eyes narrowed as he let the question linger. A cold silence developed.
“I-if I have to!” Amelia blurted out. “No one could look at the condition of those slums and not do what I did! At least, no decent person!” At her words Serena detected the first hint of annoyance in the cardinal’s eyes.
“You were right,” Cardinal Hiroshi intoned, turning his head towards Greatlord Oshiro. “Her spirit is pure, and innocent…” Greatlord Oshiro nodded subtly. “...But, naive,” continued the cardinal. He turned his gaze back to Amelia. “I, of course, welcome the miraculous spellwork your wondrous talent has produced, and I am delighted to see how diligently you worked to assist construction efforts after that unfortunate tragedy. However…” He tapped the Demon Bible rhythmically. “Actions do not exist in isolation. Word of your miracle has reached the human nations, and covert activity against our interests has increased.”
“Why?” Amelia frowned.
“Fear,” Greatlord Oshiro growled. “They know we’re united. More than a hundred million demons all working for Cascadia’s prosperity. A hundred million demons that are taller, stronger, and more resistant to illness than an average human. But we’re not invincible. A demon on the battlefield dies just as easily as a human. Our medicine improves yearly but still falls flat against the human ability to invoke their healing spellwork. But now!” Greatlord Oshiro rapped his knuckle against his leg. “With you! With your healing! They no longer have that advantage anymore! What if you were sent to the battlefield? What if your existence encourages other conscripted healers to desert? They fear this. They fear it deeply.”
“Also,” Cardinal Hiroshi added. “The human nations have always possessed this advantage over demonkind. They see healing as human magic. They think they are entitled to it. It is, in their view, a divine reward for their heathen faith. One to be used against their enemies, which, in this case, is us.” He let out a slow sigh. “If you weren’t a Speaker it would be something they could ignore, but when they found out you invoked Aseco to heal so many demons… they see it as an affront to their faith. They’ve already accused us of kidnapping you, forcing you to use your powers.”
“T-that’s nonsense!” Amelia spluttered, crossing her arms. “Nonsense!”
“Of course.” The cardinal nodded. “They know it, deep down. However, the framework in which they analyse the world makes it impossible for them to accept it. It drives them mad, and madness and fear will, we fear, drive them to action.”
“The war is ending,” Greatlord Oshiro explained. “The majority of both sides are relieved, even if the outcome isn’t ideal to some. However…” His expression darkened. “There are those that wish to see the war re-ignite into something greater. It is those elements on the human side we don’t want your acts of healing to provoke. Not yet, anyway.”
Not yet, anyway? Serena thought. How inevitable was a future war that Greatlord Oshiro would speak in such terms?
“I get it, I do!” Amelia’s fists clenched. “But, you can’t expect me to just let starving children die! I’ve read the vows of Cascadian Lordship! I know what they say; we have a duty to be strong and aid those who cannot be strong themselves! What’s the point in me having this power if I can’t even use it! Those poor children…” Amelia’s eyes glistened, the beginning of tears forming, her knuckles white.
“We must balance that duty with our duty to the Empress, and the prosperity of demonkind as a whole,” the cardinal explained.
“Then…” Amelia wiped her eyes. “If duty is getting in the way of me helping those in need, then maybe it’s duty that needs to go!”
“...What are you saying, Lord-Prospect?” Greatlord Oshiro asked, his forehead furrowing.
“Cascadian Lordship is a voluntary process, is it not?” Amelia shrugged. “If I withdraw myself as a prospect, then that’s one less barrier in my way, right!?” She glared at Greatlord Oshiro whose eyes widened at the sudden proclamation. Surprisingly, he looked away, turning his attention towards Serena.
This is news to me! Serena communicated with her eyes, coupled with a quick shrug.
“There is no need for such action,” Greatlord Oshiro slowly began. His finger was tapping his leg. Was that… a nervous tick?
“Yes…” Cardinal Hiroshi nodded. “We did not mean to put such a burden upon your shoulders, young one.” The two men exchanged a glance. Was it only a trick of the light, or had Greatlord Oshiro’s expression whitened slightly?
“A rash decision like that would only embolden the human efforts to harm the Empire,” Greatlord Oshiro quickly added. “If you abandon your nobility, they’ll see it as a victory, believing they can turn you against the Empire…” Greatlord Oshiro paused momentarily. “...And Lord Halen.”
“I would…” Amelia swallowed. “Never…” She trailed off, her thoughts secret.
“Please don’t misunderstand us,” Cardinal Hiroshi hastily began. “We don’t want to limit your healing in any way. In fact, we want to work with you. We know it’s unfair to feel chained by the reactions of others, but we haven’t explained these problems to you without bringing a solution! Over the past six weeks, the High Council of the Demon Church has been seeking a unanimous vote to canonise you as a saint!”
“I know,” Amelia sighed, having recovered her confidence.
“You know?”
“She knows,” Greatlord Oshiro said, giving Serena a glance.
“And… what do you think about it?” the cardinal asked. “Your lack of faith in the Demon Church isn’t ideal, but…” He glanced towards Greatlord Oshiro. “Given the alternatives, an exception can be made. Your respect and adherence to the principles of good will be enough to quell any dissent.”
“How… would it solve the problem?”
“Ah.” The cardinal sat up, his face returning to an easy smile, devoid of the prior concern and worry. “The Church is explicitly a non-military institution. Although we have chaplains serving, they are forbidden from doing any fighting. The human nations know this, and despite their heretical beliefs about Christ, they respect it. If we canonise you, we can make a firm international declaration that you won’t be deployed on the frontlines. That’s what they ultimately fear at the end of the day. This way, we can minimise their outrage while enabling you to continue your healing work. Furthermore, the Church can provide organisational expertise and funding to help coordinate these events, so that-”
“I don’t want to be worshipped,” Amelia interrupted.
“Excuse me?”
“I don’t want to be worshipped,” Amelia repeated. “I don’t want to have people revering me, kneeling before me, or smothering me with gifts and gratitudes. I just want to be me. Amelia. That’s all I am. Nothing more, nothing less! I don’t want to stand before a crowd of believers and give grand speeches. I don’t want to live a life smothered by obligation and duty. Sorry! I’m too selfish for that!” Amelia laughed. “Isn’t that funny? A selfish saint!”
Amelia chuckled and a long silence developed.
“It’s… amusing,” the cardinal eventually murmured. “If someone came to me and said what you had, after spending a month dedicating their time and energy to rebuilding people's homes… if they came and said they were selfish…” The cardinal shook his head. “I would tell them they weren’t selfish, they were only demon. But I guess the wording for you should be that you’re only human. Ha… that feels funny to say.”
“Only human, right?” Amelia said with a smile.
The cardinal gripped the Demon Bible, closing his eyes for a few seconds and then opening them. “I’ve been humbled, Lady Thornheart. I feel like I’ve spent too much time in church politics, too much time giving sermons to hundreds if not thousands of followers, and I’ve forgotten how individual we all are. As you put it, what’s the point in having the power to heal if you can’t use it? Or using it at all when it brings guilt?”
The cardinal sighed. It wasn’t a sigh of annoyance, but one of sympathy. “Allow us to canonise you, for the sake of both you and Cascadia. We’ll do it quietly, and announce it formally once you’ve left the East. There shall not be any obligations imposed upon you. You won’t be made to speak to the masses, or commanded to use your magic. My only request is you warn nearby Church authorities the next time you decide to cast anything of similar magnitude to last month's event. And…” He tapped his Demon Bible, before reaching out with it. “Please at least read through this, even if you don’t formally convert. It’s unbearable to me to have a soul such as yourself be ignorant of the teachings. Unlike the human church, our bible contains both the Humanic and Demonic Testaments. There are good stories in there, believe me.”
“O-okay!” Amelia, seemingly cheerful again, reached over and took the cardinal’s bible. “I’ll read this… and… I’m sorry!” Amelia formally bowed, touching her forehead to the floor. “I’m probably going to cause more problems in the future, but it’s not my intention, really!” She straightened up. “Problems just keep cropping up around me and I have to solve them!”
Well, that’s one way of phrasing it, Serena thought.
“Leaving Asamaywa will be good for you,” Greatlord Oshiro intoned. “You may feel that you’ll be recognised wherever you go, but that is not the case. The Empire is large, with a plethora of powerful beings residing within its borders, and many of those aren’t demon or human. Give it a few months and you’ll be missing from the front pages. Wait until someone provokes one of the animal gods and you won’t even be a footnote. Well…” Greatlord Oshiro frowned. “That is unless you’re the one that provoked them.”
You’re courting fate! Serena thought, mentally chastising her Lord Superior in a way that she would never dare verbally. Thankfully, Amelia’s hasty invocation of Asclepius hadn’t woken the slumbering god of the arcwhales, Rhaknam. And, bless the moons, her invocation of Suijin had been controlled enough not to send the Eastern fleet into a panic. Still, there were other animal gods in the world, and it was only a matter of time before Amelia met one and…
She would try and befriend it, wouldn’t she?
“Something amusing, Lord Halen?” Greatlord Oshiro asked, breaking Serena’s chain of thought. Damn it. Her mouth had smiled before she realised. Seven hells… since when did she start smiling at the thought of Amelia getting into more trouble!?
“Nothing amusing, Greatlord,” Serena said politely. “I was only smiling at the resolution we’ve arrived at. I sincerely thank you for factoring in Amelia’s nature in this matter.” She bowed to her Lord Superior.
“Well, well,” Cardinal Hiroshi said, rubbing his chin. “I’ve heard all manner of things regarding the famous Hellfire Captain. I came in here afraid you’d bite my horns off! It’s refreshing to see such stories bear… little… merit…” He trailed off as Serena stared at him.
“Yes?” she asked, wondering why he’d stopped speaking.
The cardinal chuckled. “What a fearsome look you have in your eyes, Lord Halen.”
Serena couldn’t stop herself asking, “What look!?”
She was just looking at him normally!
“...Nothing, Lord Halen,” the cardinal said, coughing into his hand. “Must have been my imagination.”
Amelia giggled. “What happens now?” she asked the cardinal.
“I will report this to the High Council,” he replied. “Your desire to not be seen as a public figure will actually work in your favour. While we all unanimously agree that the teachings contained within the Demonic Testament should be open to all, including humans, there are several cardinals that are wary regarding canonising a human. Those with such reservations should be pacified by your insistence on doing things quietly.” The cardinal clasped his hands together, continuing, “Once your canonisation is unanimously approved, the request will be made to the Divine One. Normally there would be a grand ceremony in Centralis, where she would personally make you a saint, but I believe, in this case, she’d delegate that power to one of the cardinals. Given your tight timeline on leaving Asamaywa, that individual would likely be me.”
“Mmm!” Amelia nodded enthusiastically. “What do I need to do at the ceremony?”
“You’ll need to wear all white, but we’ll provide that clothing for you.” The cardinal frowned. “Normally we’d paint your horns white, but given that you don’t have any I suppose we’ll skip that step, and… hmm…” He mumbled to himself for a moment regarding ceremonial procedure before finishing with, “You’ll be permitted to have a witness of your choosing. Their role would be to sign their name in the Holy Register of Witnesses, pledging that you undertook the canonisation with your full consent.”
He had barely finished speaking before Amelia’s head snapped toward Serena.
Serena resisted a sigh. “Representing House Halen, I would be willing to be your witness, Amelia.”
“Awesome!” Amelia flashed a thumbs up. “What about Aiden?”
“Aiden?” Serena asked. Why was Amelia bringing him up now?
“He’s in Asamaywa, isn’t he? I haven’t seen him yet, so why don’t we go out for a drink after to celebrate my canonisation?”
“Ack! Ahem! Ack!” The cardinal choked on air for a few seconds before a burst of Amelia’s healing magic ended his suffering. “T-thank you, Lord-Prospect. What a miraculous feeling. I feel ten years-” He shook his head. “No, one moment! Surely you don’t mean to celebrate becoming a saint by going out and… and…” He swallowed loudly before uttering the end of the sentence like it was the most vile curse word in the Empire. “Drinking!?”
“Heh,” Amelia grinned. “Of course not! I’m only jesting!”
She most definitely wasn’t jesting, Serena thought.
“Thank the seven hells for that,” mumbled the cardinal, as he patted his knees. “I suppose it’s better for all of us to approach this matter with a little humour, yes?” Even as he spoke, Serena felt like the cardinal was convincing himself as much as anyone else.
“I think so!” Amelia giggled. “You’re not anywhere near as grumpy as Greatlord Oshiro said!”
“Excuse me!” The cardinal spluttered with indignation, turning his attention to the Greatlord, who impressively kept his expression neutral.
“The Lord-Prospect exaggerates, I assure you, Cardinal,” Greatlord Oshiro smoothly intoned. “She’s merely referencing a brief conversation we had outside, where I explained my frustrations knowing you would be waiting for so long. I believe I stressed how I didn’t want to make you uncomfortable. Isn’t that right, Lord Halen?” His eyes bored into Serena from across the circle.
Serena resisted the urge to gulp. What was going on!? How had this sombre conversation of international politics degenerated into one of invitations to drinks, accusations, and now this situation where she was being asked to lie to protect her Lord Superior's honour!?
Oh right.
Damn it! She might have a massage planned for Amelia, but right after that she would give her girlfriend some serious punishment. This damn cheeky smug human was going to be the end of her!
“Yes, Greatlord,” Serena said with a slight tilt of her head. “You speak truthfully.”
It seemed to work and the four of them discussed inconsequential matters for the next few minutes. Once the conversation reached a natural lull, the cardinal took his leave. Greatlord Oshiro seemed to be waiting until the cardinal was firmly out of eavesdropping range, before turning to Amelia and giving her a death glare.
Amelia, apparently, was unfazed and having none of it.
“Hmmph!” she huffed, crossing her arms and looking away. “Don’t look at me like that! That was just an honest bit of revenge! Serves you right!”
“Revenge?” the greatlord growled. “I am Takahiro Oshiro, your Lord Superior. What in the seven hells have I done to warrant your revenge?” His expression darkened, forcing even Serena to swallow nervously.
“Y-you keep referencing that thing!” Amelia spluttered.
“What thing?” the greatlord snarled.
“You know!” Amelia raised a hand, making a sawing motion. “The… the…” She swallowed before whispering weakly, “...The carving.”
Greatlord Oshiro blinked three times. With each blink, his expression softened and the tension in the air lifted. Then, without warning, the greatlord burst out with laughter.
“Ha ha ha!” He laughed heartily. “Is that so!?” He chuckled, calming down. “I see… I see… well then, Lord-Prospect Thornheart, how about this?” He thrust his hand forward. “Truce?” he offered. “We shall shake on it, like they do in Centralis.”
“Truce?” Amelia questioned hesitantly.
“F-fine then!” Amelia shook his hand, nodding happily. “Truce!” she said again.
Serena couldn’t believe what she was seeing. How had the chaotic bundle of blonde energy that was her girlfriend, who did nothing but stumble from one unbelievable situation to another, just successfully negotiate with a greatlord!? Not just any greatlord, but Takahiro Oshiro!? The man so fearsome he could make his peers squirm!?
Amazing! Her girlfriend was amazing! What an incredible talent she had! She could become a politician! Parliament would stand no chance!
“Well then,” Greatlord Oshiro said, his voice warm and joyful. “That’s one problematic meeting done. Ready for another?”
“A-another!?” Amelia stuttered.
“Remember I told you I had two individuals who wanted to meet you?” Greatlord Oshiro adjusted his clothing, straightening out the creases. “There is another, although…” he glanced at Serena. “It would be more private. You can wait outside the room, of course. I will be doing the same.”
Amelia frowned before asking, “Who is it?”
“Someone important. Someone who’s leaving the East tonight. Someone who wants to see you. Follow me,” Greatlord Oshiro commanded. He began to lead them deeper into the building. “Don’t mention anything about your upcoming canonisation. Keep to light topics. In fact, I’d prefer it if you kept this meeting a secret in its entirety. It’s only for your benefit, after all.”
“My benefit?” Amelia wore an expression of confusion.
“That’s right. Here we are,” Greatlord Oshiro said, stopping in front of a sliding door. At his words, Serena could sense a lone person inside shift their weight. “You might have forgotten, but we haven’t. You requested this meeting when you first met Chesterfield in Shimashina. Keep it short. We’ll be outside.”
With that, Greatlord Oshiro slid open the door, revealing the person waiting inside.
“P-” Amelia stuttered. “Polina!?”
“Hi, Amelia,” the Federation spy nervously replied, her eyes drifting between the three of them.
“It’s nice to see you again,” Polina said awkwardly.
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