Amelia Thornheart

Chapter Seventy: The Great Asamaywa Fire

Chapter Seventy: The Great Asamaywa Fire


This is a banger of a chapter at 6.5k words! It's one I've been looking to put on SH/RR for a while now!

If you like it and want more, the is four chapters ahead!

New Scene - Amelia POV

With a brief sense of vertigo followed by rushing wind, Amelia slammed into the paving stones below, cracking the slabs. Compared to the time in Kenhoro, her level of control was better; she managed to land on two feet this time and not her head.

“W-whoa!” she exclaimed, spinning her arms to reclaim her balance.

A moment later, Serena landed next to her in a flash of black uniform and yellow aura. Her girlfriend bent her knees on impact before fluidly transitioning into walking. Serena made it look as if she’d just stepped off a stair. Amelia had to admit - it looked cool.

Mel came next, flaring her aura into orange before smashing into the ground and rolling to the side. Then came Hinako, cycling her aether to push against the lumina far below to slow her descent. It worked a little, but she still landed heavy with an adrenaline-fueled scream.

Finally, Lunaria came floating down. The massive quantity of aether the woman could control enabled her to descend elegantly. She made contact with the ground with a gentle kiss.

“We need to get to the plateau's edge!” Serena announced. As she spoke, a moonstone smashed into her shoulder, breaking into pieces. Serena didn’t even react; her yellow aura was sufficient to make such strikes meaningless. “Let’s run!” she shouted.

Amelia didn’t wait. She moved with determination, running through the academy grounds and jumping the wall. In the air, she had a moment of weightlessness, once again captivated by the beauty of the moonrain. Falling blue crystals littered her vision, sparkling with their light.

Then she landed and, after a brief stumble, was off running again. Serena was next to her, and together, they were running faster than anyone had ever sprinted in her old world. They would be able to go faster, but the thousands of moonstones littering the floor posed a threat to their feet. One or both of them tripped and fell on more than a few occasions. Several times, Amelia ran into a moonstone as it fell in front of her, slowing her down even more.

From behind, the voices of the others were heard.

“H-how can they run so fast!?”

“Keep going Hinako, don’t trip!”


“Hmm…” Lunaria mumbled as she came up to Amelia’s side, practically gliding. “You can hear it now.”

Through the plinking and thudding of thousands of moonstones, the sounds of the inferno from far below the city reached them. A harsh, continuous roar of the flames, joined by the cracking and popping of burning wood and the tinkling of exploding glass. Just as these sounds became known, they were joined by the city's sirens. The droning alarms were a different tone to the alarm Amelia had triggered before. A specific one for fire, perhaps? 

The wind picked up as they crossed the last corner to the boardwalk along the city’s eastern rim. It pushed them from behind as if encouraging them towards the fire. It was not a natural wind but a wind born from the massive amount of superheated air rising with the black smoke.

The group approached the rim, the scale of the fire now causing even Amelia to gawk in awe. Her mind struggled to comprehend the scale of what she was seeing.

Even though they were still several hundred meters above the lowlands, being this close to the city's edge put the fire into a new perspective. The black smoke didn’t look all that threatening from the magic tower, but being in front of it, it came across as an impenetrable wall of darkness stretching as far into the sky as Amelia could see. The smoke was so dense that moonstones falling into it seemed to blink out of existence, their soft glow unable to be seen through the smothering smoke.

To her left, mages with the uniform of a different academy were manifesting large spheres of water over the rim's edge, letting them fall. Civilian firefighters were holding a dozen water hoses, spraying jets of water down below, yet something seemed to have gone wrong with the water pressure, and they were struggling to keep a constant torrent of water flowing. Warriors stood beside them, holding large shields to fend off the falling stones.

“I can’t see a thing,” Serena said, peering over the edge. “The heat! I’ve never felt anything like it!”

Amelia joined her, looking down at the billowing inferno. The heat was causing freak weather patterns, and some of the smoke was twisting into tornados. It looked like an unstoppable catastrophe. How could anyone survive that!? Could she even do anything!?

No! Amelia shook her head. She would push forward and not linger with hopeless thoughts! The Lord Guardian would have protected Kiku and the children; she was sure of his word. The important thing now was to do her best!

“Against this conflagration… with this quantity of water…” Lunaria mumbled, looking at the attempts of dozens of firefighters and mages. “I fear the water would only evaporate before it hit the ground. We need more water…” Lunaria turned to face Amelia. “It’s improper to ask, but given the situation… can you invoke Yemaya?

Yemaya. The human god of water.

Amelia closed her eyes, trying to form the Word.

Her aether didn’t respond. It wasn’t unexpected. Amelia’s abilities somewhat lined up with the game character she developed, and that character only learned the Words of Divinity so she could roleplay as a human healer! She never knew any other human Words!

“I can’t,” Amelia replied. “What about Taranis? He’s the demon god of storms; would that make a difference?”

Lunaria shook her head. “His storms generate water but will bring lightning to start new fires and winds to spread the existing fire. It’s not efficient enough. I imagine the best way you could help would be to Speak Aseco and ward the warriors who will be evacuating people. You can then heal those they rescue. I fear…” Lunaria peered over the ledge, her expression darkening at the black expanse. “If you go down there, you risk dying from smoke inhalation. You may think you can constantly heal yourself, but one slip of concentration might be the end. It only takes one breath of smoke.”

Amelia swallowed. Sure, her healing was a fantastic addition to the situation, but why wasn’t Lunaria talking about the obvious demonic Word? Amelia hadn’t yet gone through a comprehensive list of Words with Serena. She’d wanted to, of course, but Serena had refused, claiming some Words were military secrets that she should not discuss with a civilian. She also refused on the basis that if Amelia’s list turned out to be more comprehensive than what Serena knew, then it was information Serena could give up if she was ever captured.

Shaking her head, she decided to risk asking about one Word. It was a Second-Word, but it seemed the most capable way to extinguish the fire. It would be a risk, as she’d never Spoken it before, but she was confident after Asclepius she would have better control over herself and not become so… weird.

“What about…” Amelia kept her voice low, “Suijin?

Suijin. The demonic god of water.

“What?” Lunaria replied, her eyes narrowing. “Even if such a communion was possible against his strength, Suijin hasn’t responded to any embodiments for nearly two centuries now. He no longer has an interest in this realm. We know that much.”

“I see…” Amelia mumbled, dropping the subject. She was about to open her mouth when she sensed a powerful figure fly up from the black smoke. His black wings spread wide before he torpedoed towards the city's edge, landing heavily while coughing. His clothes were once fine; now, they were frayed, burnt, and covered in ash. His skin was patchy in places where he’d been burned.

This man had invoked Narean. Of that, Amelia was sure. His aura was a firm indigo, the telltale colour of the sixth aura level and the highest level achievable before needing to Speak the Second-Word.

“Highlord Yasuda!” shouted a nearby warrior guarding the firefighters. “What news!?”

“It’s little use!” Yasuda yelled, gesturing towards the firehoses and orbs of magically-manifested water. “Save your aether!” He pointed at the nearby homes. “Soak every house between lift one to lift seven! Soak this trackway as well!” He stamped his foot against the wooden floorboards twice. “Spread the word! And tell the men to knock on every house within half a klick of the city's edge! The residents need to be ready to put out fires starting in their own homes! Give out sand buckets to them!” He pointed to the sky. “It’s only getting worse! The fire will lift burning debris all the way here! We cannot let this spread into Asamaywa Proper! Go! Now! Spread the message down the line!”

“Yes, Highlord!” The warrior bowed as a moonstone narrowly missed his face. “You, you, and you! With me! Firefighters, save the water!” The man began diligently carrying out his duties.

Highlord Yasuda turned, stopping when he saw Amelia and everyone else.

“Lord Inoue! Lord Halen! And…” He bowed. “Lord-Prospect Thornheart! Down below, the lowlanders speak prayers in your name! Have you come to offer healing? Hundreds will die without you!” His wings flapped, the motion somehow adding gravitas to his statement.

A surge of emotion welled within Amelia. Sadness. Guilt. Fear. She pushed them down. She might not be able to save everyone, but she could heal those she could!

“Yes!” Amelia said decisively. “I’ll be here for as long as I need! Where should I go!?”

“Into the heart of the inferno!” Yasuda shouted. “Fear not, an earthlord has managed to construct walls to protect an area! A handful of mages and a dozen warriors are trapped there while the fire burns, but their spirits burn stronger!” He clenched a fist. “They are still braving the flames to bring back the almost-dead! They risk their lives at every moment! Your divine intervention is needed! Will you go!?”

She nodded frantically. “I will go!” she exclaimed. “Where are they trapped?” She peered over the edge, seeing nothing but billowing black smoke.

“There!” he pointed down.

Amelia focused her perception and found she could identify the earthlord through the black smoke. Not from sight, but his signature in the aetherfield; the Speaker of Salinas shone. Nearby to him, she could sense the aether signatures of mages and warriors, but no other Speakers.

“I see it!” she yelled.

“I will go with her!” Serena declared. “My Narean will be of use.” She turned to face Mel. “Melanie Mori!” she commanded.

“Yes, Instructor Halen!?” Mel snapped to attention as if her body was reacting reflexively to Serena’s captain mode.

“Come with me! With Amelia’s assistance, you can maintain that orange aura for as long as you need! You’ll help me rescue those from the inferno!”


Lunaria stepped forward. “Highlord Yasuda. Always a pleasure.” She smiled at the man. “How can this old woman help?”

“Lord Inoue.” Yasuda bowed quickly. “We are constructing earthworks below to the south. We must protect the station and the lifts! Your reserves of magic would be of tremendous help! The rocky terrain under the station is making things difficult!”

“Very well then,” Lunaria’s eyes glinted. “Miss Aikawa, with me! We shall leave immediately!”

“Yes, Head Instructor!” Hinako affirmed.

Igni,” Lunaria Spoke. The ground under her feet cracked slightly as wings of hellfire formed on her back. Without another word, she picked Hinako up and flew to the south. The Spoken Word prompted the mages nearby to stop wetting the houses and look on in awe. It wasn’t every day they would see a Speaker Speak, and even rarer to see one do so more or less silently. A chorus of murmurs reached Amelia’s ears.

“Did you see that?”

“That was Lord Inoue, wasn’t it?”

“They call her the Aether Addict…”

“Don’t be distracted! Back to work!”

Highlord Yasuda turned back towards Amelia, Serena, and Mel. “I will-” He suddenly coughed, and Amelia realised he’d likely been inhaling smoke for a while now. Without asking, she sent forth a burst of healing magic, then another burst of cleaning magic.

“I…” The demon looked at his clothes. “I thank you, Healer Thornheart! My aura feels strong again! You’ve reinvigorated my hope!” He gave her a firm nod. “I shall give you two space to Speak. I shall see you down there!” He went to flap his wings.

“Wait!” Amelia piped up. “Let me ward you first!”

Despite the capabilities of a warrior's aura, especially one of Yasuda’s level, the man had been struggling after being exposed to such intense heat for so long. Amelia twisted her aether, willing it to form into the familiar shape of

Igni’s Barrier. It was only a first-circle spell, but it had strong fire resistance, which, when backed by Amelia’s titanic amounts of aether, would be boosted even further.

She cast the ward on Yasuda and then followed up by protecting Mel as well. For Mel, she also cast the Ward of Thew, enhancing her capabilities across the board. Her friend was only capable of orange aura, and Amelia wanted to minimise the risk she would face in the fire.

She wouldn’t let any of her friends die.

To his credit, Yasuda recovered from his shock quickly. Externally cast and maintained wards were not common; this might have been the first time it happened to him. Nevertheless, he thanked her quickly. “Then, I shall take the warrior Melanie Mori,” he declared. “Lord Halen, Lord-Prospect, follow my aether signature after you’ve Spoken!”

“Yes, Highlord!” Serena and Amelia echoed. Mel tried to say something, but Yasuda wasted no time picking her up and carrying her down into the black smoke.

She wasn’t sure, but Amelia thought she saw a blush on Mel’s cheek.

How scandalous!

“You can Speak silently,” Serena muttered. “I can’t. I’ll jump and Speak mid-air. I have enough power under Narean to guide my fall. I’ll go first.” Serena backed up, and without another word, she launched herself towards the oppressive mass of black smoke and its underlying inferno.

Narean,” Serena Spoke as she fell. The force of her Word was explosive, pushing away a large section of the smoke and blasting Amelia with enough force to make her step back. If Serena had Spoken up here, she would probably have destroyed a house or two!

Amelia swallowed. She peered over the ledge, glad to see Serena descending slowly towards the destination. Her horns were ignited with hellfire, and a tail made of the same ethereal fire stretched from the base of her spine. 

Hmm? What was that? Amelia peered closer. Usually, Serena had only a shadow of black wings, barely visible to the naked eye. Now, it was half-manifested!

Her girlfriend was getting more powerful!

Now, it was just Amelia. She took a deep breath, expelling the aether from her body.

Aseco,” she Spoke, feeling the exhilarating thrill as power erupted within her body. The divine aether immediately made her feel her capabilities magnify by at least a magnitude. Perhaps even more. Under Aseco, Amelia glowed with golden light, brightening the area for fifty meters. The nearby mages were gawking at her, too surprised to say anything.

Amelia didn’t jump; she simply used her aether to will her body to lift and fly. Her connection with the aetherfield was strong, and she could now push her aether against not only the lumina kilometres below but also the aetherfield itself. 

Effectively, she could fly.

And so she did. Amelia tore through the sky, racing down through the darkness towards the signatures of the Speakers below. For a moment, she wondered if she looked like a yellow moonstone falling to the ground. 

She took the opportunity of being airborne to stretch her senses. There were numerous Speakers in the distance, around the edges of the inferno, especially towards the train station to the south. One exceptionally bright spot in her perception was easily recognisable as Lunaria. 

Unfortunately, most of them seemed to be warriors. While a Speaker warrior was a huge help, it wasn’t like a sword could cut down this inferno. Amelia sent a quick expression of gratitude to her past self for picking a mage in the game. This way, she could have a much greater effect on the world. A positive effect!

Amelia burst through the darkness, flaring her aether to stop herself from crashing into the ground embarrassingly. She landed gently, looking around.

Familiar, she thought.

This was the same square they’d passed through on the way to the orphanage. Yes. There was the guardhouse, now used as a makeshift hospital and space to hide from the moon rain. There was the derelict fountain, now full of water due to the nearby mages keeping it topped up.

She could hear the cries of pain and fear from inside the guardhouse. Not just a few voices but dozens and dozens. There were… even a few bodies in the square, now buried under ash and dust. Had they died from the moonrain as they fled the fire?

Thankfully, there were no children among them.

Amelia mentally slapped herself. Now wasn’t the time to ruminate! Focus on the situation!

The square was enclosed by enormous earthen walls over ten meters high. A demon who looked like his skin was made of rock was maintaining the walls, continuously reinforcing them against the relentless heat outside. The earthlord had also built shelters which a few cowering people were using for protection, their faces painted in exhaustion.

Highlord Yasuda, Serena, and Mel were gathered nearby, watching her in anticipation. 

Serena gave her a nod.

It was time to work.

“Getting started!” she declared, spooling up her aether and forming it into her chosen spell. She poured more and more divine aether into it until she was confident it would produce the desired result. She could cast this level of magic silently, but she vocalised it for the sake of those near.

“Fourth circle,” she intoned. “Heavenly Mending!

Golden and blue ribbons of light exploded from her. There were hundreds and hundreds of them. Ribbons of healing flew out; a dozen went into mages and warriors working in the square. A hundred or so went into the hospital, and the rest flew out, passing through the earthern walls and into the inferno.

It wasn’t long before jubilant cries sounded from the previously injured.

“I… I can see again!”

“My daughter! She’s recovered!”

“Ma… what happened?”

“The exhaustion… it’s gone!”

Amelia wasn’t done yet.

“Fifth circle,” she said, forming another spell and pouring even more aether into it. She wanted the bounds of this spell to be far greater than her invocation of Divine Healing of Aseco earlier that day. She needed this one to cover the entire slums and all those working to protect it. She poured more and more aether into the formation - more than she’d ever committed into a single spell under the First-Word. 

Sphere of Convalescence!” she announced, activating the formation.

A bubble of golden light expanded from her, first encompassing the square, then continuing to pass through the earthlord defences and out into the inferno. Amelia felt it expand further and further, until it reached the target distance of nearly a kilometer in diameter.

Such unbelievable aether cost! 

Amelia had never felt stretched for aether before, but now she was painfully aware of the cost of maintaining such a sizeable area-of-effect healing spell. The aether cost was proportional to the volume of the sphere, and the volume of a sphere doubles every time the radius is increased by twenty-six per cent. She’d pushed the spell far further than she’d ever seen anyone do in the game. That volume added up, and maintaining the bubble as it was right now used up more than half of Amelia’s aether.

How much aether was she using right now? More than a hundred normal mages? More than two hundred?

Strangely, using such a large amount of her aether was exhilarating. Amelia felt good. It was as if the aether wanted to be used, and she was being rewarded with dopamine for doing so! Deep down, she could feel the need to use even more. It was a strange desire, but thankfully, it wasn’t as bad as the mania she was in under the influence of Asclepius.

“I’ve cast a field spell!” Amelia announced to the warriors. “It’s a constant healing spell that works on everyone in its radius! It should be enough to stop smoke inhalation from stopping you! This…” She cast Heavenly Mending again; this time, a little over two hundred ribbons flew out. “Is healing magic that automatically targets those who need it! If you follow the ribbons, they will take you to someone injured or who keeps getting injured!

“I can cast Igni’s Barrier on any warriors! It will help greatly against the fire! Come to me!”

The half dozen warriors she’d never seen before accepted her spellwork with looks of appreciation and gratitude. They examined their bodies, which had begun to glow with a magical red light more ethereal than the red hues of red aura.

“You heard her!” Highlord Yasuda barked, shocking the surrounding warriors into action. They ran to the walls, where the reinvigorated earthlord made openings for them. The warriors carried coats and blankets soaked in the fountain water, presumably to cover anyone they found and carry them back.

She didn’t want to think about the chance that someone might be getting burnt alive, only to be healed and made to suffer even more while they waited to be rescued. She tried her best to instinctively command her aether to ease the pain receptors of those it healed.

“You’re amazing,” Serena whispered, pulling Amelia into a quick hug. “I’ll be back!”

“I know you will!” Amelia replied with a smile. “Follow the ribbons! Both of you!” she gave Serena and Mel an enthusiastic thumbs up and told them to hurry up.

Once they had left, Highlord Yasuda gave her a deep bow. “Truly, you are becoming a Saint before my very eyes, Lord-Prospect.” Before Amelia could answer, he continued, “Now, I must return to Greatlord Oshiro and coordinate the efforts near the lifts. I will mention your deed to him!”

“Mmm! Thank you!” Amelia chirped. “My Sphere of Convalescence should cover even the station itself, so if you bring any injured within range, it will greatly aid their recovery!” According to the lore of the game, as long as someone was still alive when brought into the healing sphere, they would eventually make a full recovery, even if it took longer than Aseco’s normal divine healing.

“Your generosity will not go unrewarded! I promise this, on my name and honour!” Yasuda declared, flapping his wings and soaring to the sky. Through the aetherfield, Amelia watched him travel to the south. 

She spent the next few minutes keeping track of the warriors through her aetherflows, making sure their wards were strong and that none of them had stopped moving. She couldn’t do much other than wait and pump out aether. 

Eventually, they started to return, carrying crying men, women, and children. Amelia was told the citizens were hiding in basements and wells, desperately trying to escape the inferno that consumed the homes above them. They had all been healed recently, but some carried burns gained from just the short trip to the square. Amelia quickly healed those with a targeted cast of Divine Healing of Aseco.

Every time a handful of warriors returned, Amelia would cast Heavenly Mending again, and the warriors would race out, following the ribbons of healing to their targets. Every time she cast the spell, fewer ribbons would manifest. This was the best she could hope for, as it meant the amount of people still getting hurt was reducing. The spell wouldn’t reveal anyone who wasn’t injured, but the keen senses of the aura and ward-enhanced warriors made it easy to find them.

“How bad is it out there?” Amelia asked Serena when she returned from one run with a particularly grim expression.

“...Bad. Bodies burned beyond recognition,” Serena answered. “The smell is… unpleasant.”

“Ah,” Amelia uttered. She cleaned her girlfriend with healing magic, wiping the sweat and ash. It would only keep her clean for a few seconds, but it gave her something else to do than just sit there and pump out aether.

After another cast of Heavenly Mending, Serena ran off.

An hour passed like this.

Over time, the freshly-healed had started to gather at the entrance of the guardhouse. They watched Amelia with reverence and awe, muttering prayers of gratitude.

“Praise the Empress for sending her to us!”

“The Moons have blessed us!”

“She’s as radiant as the Yellow Moon!”

“My child lives because of her!”

Amelia swallowed nervously as she heard these. A part of her was so happy to be able to make such a positive difference, but another part of her was angry that it had to be done in the first place. Why did these people have to suffer this cruelty? What did they do to deserve it?

And how did the fire start?

She pushed those thoughts down, focusing on maintaining her spells. She cast Heavenly Mending again, pleased to see only two ribbons fly from her body, meaning only two injured people were left in the fire. Mel, covered in ash and stains, brought back one of them, and another warrior she didn’t know the name of got the other. Serena soon appeared with a third. It was someone who wasn’t injured yet was rescued anyway.

“The rest are refusing to leave their basements,” a warrior said as the group gathered around Amelia for a short respite. “They won’t risk the fire. They might be okay staying where they are. I think we’ve saved everyone that needs to be saved.”

“That’s right,” Serena agreed. “I’m not hearing any cries anymore, and even though the fire keeps spreading, it looks like everyone else was able to evacuate in time.” She looked up. “At least the moonrain has stopped. People will be able to come out of their homes and help. All these people have lost their homes; they need food and shelter. It’s winter, after all.”

“Hang on! Did you say the fire is still spreading!?” Amelia felt her eyes widen. They hadn’t got it under control!?

“I don’t know the details,” Serena explained. “I’m only relying on my senses, but it seems to be spreading.”

The atmosphere grew sombre.

Amelia cast Heavenly Mending once more; this time, a single ribbon manifested, flying straight up into the sky.

Where it slammed into a figure that was flying down to meet them.

“Greatlord!” The group exclaimed, bowing deeply.

“One of the most unexpected but pleasant greetings I’ve experienced in a long time, Lord-Prospect Thornheart,” Greatlord Oshiro intoned, landing. Judging from the scales on his arms, he was under an invocation of Bayle, the same Word Korvus Spoke all those months ago. “Although,” he continued, “Perhaps I should begin calling you what the lowlanders have begun to call you? Lady Thornheart of the Lowlands.”

“There’s no need, Greatlord,” Amelia muttered, trying to smile.

“I’ve been busy coordinating my Highlords, but I see Yasuda has given you some guidance,” he looked around the group and beyond, taking in the hundreds of healthy men, women and children. “Lord Halen, your report?”

“Yes, Greatlord!” Serena saluted before giving Greatlord Oshiro a rundown of their work.

“Then we’ve saved who we can,” he said while nodding. “Stay here until the fire burns out. Keep this group safe. Lord-Prospect Thornheart, can you maintain this… healing field for much longer?”

“As long as you need, Greatlord,” Amelia answered. She wasn’t bragging, just stating the truth. However, it didn’t stop a few people from murmuring the word saint. “Are you sure I’m not needed elsewhere? Isn’t the fire still spreading?”

“It is, but we’ve focused on protecting the plateau lifts. We’ve evacuated who we need. There is no choice but to let it burn itself out.”

“The station?” Serena asked.

The greatlord’s expression darkened. “It will be lost. We cannot contend against the southerly wind. The station is too large, and the terrain is too disadvantageous for them to work. Too much rock underfoot to build high enough walls.”

Amelia swallowed. She knew enough to understand that the Asamaywa Station was the biggest rail hub in the East, carrying people and connecting the industries of multiple cities. How much would be lost? The cost would be millions of denarii, if not tens of millions!

Amelia’s mind raced.

Should she?

She should, shouldn’t she?

Thinking back, Chesterfield had indicated that she would be welcome to speak one or two demonic Words at the academy. He suggested this would play into the international politics they were engaged in with the human nations.

But… he didn’t place any restrictions on whether they were First-Words or Second-Words, did he? And… even if she was planning to stretch his words a little, Amelia was her own person. She’d made the decision after healing the slums; she wouldn’t let petty politics stop her from preventing so much suffering!

“Greatlord,” Amelia said, turning the man's attention to her. “Lord Halen,” she continued, also taking Serena’s attention. “A moment… in private?”

A few awkward moments later, the three of them moved to the side, encompassed by Amelia’s sound-blocking wards.

“Now that we’ve saved those that we can save…” she began nervously, looking between Serena and the Greatlord. “If there was a way to put the fire out, should we not take it?”

“If you’re talking about invoking Asclepius, I cannot allow it,” Greatlord Oshiro replied. “Besides, my understanding of that god is it wouldn’t be suited for such a task. What would you attempt to do? Heal the buildings back together? Is such a thing possible?”

Was such a thing possible? Now he mentioned it, Amelia thought it might be likely. Asclepius’s healing was more about restoring order than repairing injuries. Would it be able to unburn wood and reconstruct destroyed buildings?

Maybe it could, but that wasn’t what Amelia planned to suggest.

“Actually,” she was getting nervous now. “I was going to suggest I try another Word.”

“You know Yemaya?” he asked, frowning.

“No,” Amelia shook her head. “I mean…” She sighed. She might as well come out and say it.

Suijin,” she declared, trying to sound confident.

A long silence developed between the three of them. With every passing second, Greatlord Oshiro’s expression darkened further.

“You lie,” he finally said.

“I’m not,” Amelia said, her protest sounding weaker than she hoped. “I just-”

“It is not possible.”

“Greatlord…” Serena interrupted, speaking quietly and softly. Her girlfriend turned the Greatlord’s attention upon herself, and instead of withering from his darkened expression, she faced him with confidence. “If it’s her… it is possible.”

The man was deathly quiet. For a moment, Amelia thought he would never reply, but he eventually responded with a simple, “How?”

“I don’t fully understand it myself,” Serena replied, her voice even. “I just know… she could call upon him. With your permission, of course, Greatlord.”

Greatlord Oshiro turned towards Amelia. He stepped forward with an expression she’d never seen him wear before. “Tell me!” he demanded. “Who are you, really!? The Overlord of my Overlord!? Are you the one I pray to!? The one I fight for? Answer me! If you are not her, then who are you!?

“I… I’m not!” Amelia spluttered, putting her hands up. “I’m not! I’m only me! Amelia!”

The greatlord glared at her for a dozen seconds. Amelia couldn’t begin to guess his thoughts. How could she? She felt guilt for causing him such turmoil, but… she only wanted to help!

“Tsk! Then I will see this power for myself!” Greatlord Oshiro suddenly declared, all traces of conflict in his face evaporating. “You have my permission, Lord-Prospect Thornheart. Invoke Suijin, and I shall be the judge of your sincerity.”

“Is… is it okay?” Amelia asked hesitantly.


Amelia looked towards Serena, who gave her a small smile and a nod. “Save that station,” her girlfriend said encouragingly. Somehow, despite the pressure and unease from Greatlord Oshiro, Serena’s small smile brought back all of Amelia’s confidence.

“Sure!” Amelia nodded. “Only… I cannot guarantee I won’t become a little…”

Manic, she thought. I need to find a better word.

“Manic,” Serena explained to the greatlord. “She’s still new to invoking the Second-Word. I had to spend time calming her when she invoked Asclepius.”

“...I see.” Greatlord Oshiro took a step back and drew his sword. “Very well then. Then here I take this vow.” He covered his sword in a brilliant indigo aura before driving it into the stone. “Should you lose control of Suijin, then I…” He narrowed his eyes, his clothes billowing under some unseen wind as the ash was stirred up around him. “...I, Takahiro Oshiro, shall suppress you!”

Amelia swallowed.

He was so cool! So ridiculously cool!

“I will help,” Serena added, her voice firm. “I will bring you back, no matter what.”

“T-thank you!” Amelia said, pushing away the urge to giggle. “Then… I’ll go up a little and, um, begin…”

She took a few steps back and, feeling tremendously awkward, cycled her aether to float up above. When she reached the height of the earthen wall, she began forming the Word.


It was slow progress, slower than it took with Asclepius. Her aether was moving like it was pushing through sludge.

Yet it was moving. It was forming the Word. Without question or doubt in her mind, Amelia knew this; she was capable of calling for his embodiment.

A minute passed, and it was finally complete. It was an enormous Word; the formation was even more complex than Asclepius. It took up her entire body, so much space that she had to drop the Sphere of Convalescence.

But it was finished.

And it felt oddly familiar.

Was it because it was a demonic Word? Because she was a demon in the game?

She cast one final look at Serena, gave her a small wave and said softly, “See you in a bit.”

She Spoke the Word. She didn’t shout it like she did with Asclepius

No. She just said it.

Suijin, Amelia Spoke.

The world slowed. The Shimmer opened to her, and her request snaked through the layered planes of reality, seeking its distant recipient.

It hit resistance.

Amelia’s request didn’t give up. It fought. It burrowed its way through the resistance until the pathway was clear, and it could finally deliver the request to the waiting deity. Then, without warning, the answer came.

Who dares?” Suijin replied.

New Scene - Suijin POV

Suijin swam through the endless ocean. This planet was his favourite, mainly because he was rarely bothered by his peers here. He had peace, and while enjoying that peace, Suijin kept swimming. He changed his form as he went, switching from small fish to massive sea-born predators pulled from thousands of memories.

Then, he changed his form to water itself, merging with the planet's natural currents. He let nature take its course, bringing him to the frigid poles and then back down to the warm waters around the equator. 

Some small tropical landmasses offered sandy beaches and delicious fruits. Every few years, he would make landfall, but there wouldn’t be many rotations of the planet about its axis before he felt the pull of the water again.

In the water, he could resonate more easily with the mists.

In the water, he could get stronger.

And Suijin desired strength.

As all gods did.

After his third trip around the planet, his divine intuition told him something was coming.@@novelbin@@

A visitor?

Suijin pulled his mass together and headed to the nearest landmass. He forced his body to change until it resembled the form he possessed before he ascended.

He sat on the sandy beach, awaiting his visitor.

Strangely, they were coming from an unusual place. Did he not know this deity?

As they got closer, he realised an awful truth.

It was not a they; it was an it.

And that it was a request.

A request for his embodiment!

Who would have the audacity!?

No, who would have the means?

He had abandoned such things long ago. Raising a hand, he expelled some of his divinity, throwing a shield around the planet.

The request slammed into it with an unfathomable amount of force. His celestial ward held. For a brief moment, Suijin thought that would be the end of it.

Then, the request continued. Slowly but surely, it burrowed through his protection.

The god gritted his teeth. Who, from that realm, had such power!? He was bound by the accord, unable to use his true strength to fight what he had previously agreed to. Still, for two centuries, it had been enough. He had withdrawn his presence from that world, refusing to commune with anyone else.

Staying there was too painful.

He watched as the request broke through his ward, searing down through the planet's atmosphere.

The moment it collided with him, he opened the channel.

Who dares?” he asked, pushing as much anger as he could into the channel.

A few seconds passed, and there was no answer. He hoped his reply would scare off or even kill whoever was on the other end, but he didn’t expect his hopes to bear fruit. The connection was strong. He would have to sacrifice years of strength to break it.

Umm, hello!” came a sudden reply. A voice. A woman. Young? Could it be that terrible demigod? “I’m Amelia! It’s nice to meet you!” The voice continued. It wasn’t her. It was someone else. “Look, I’m really sorry about this, but I need-

I refuse.” Suijin sent his angry reply. He cared little for what this woman wanted.

Wait! Let me explain! There’s this massive fire, and your embodiment is what-

I refuse.”

Now…” the voice paused. “Listen here, you bloody-

Anger. Frustration. Annoyance. All these emotions came through the channel. The strength of the connection intensified, and he caught a glimpse of the person on the other end.

Beyond the superficial structure of her body, he could see her soul.

Suijin opened his eyes wide, stretching his divine perception to the limit. Was he mistaken? He peeled away the layers of reality between him and this requestee, using the connection to move his perception closer and get a better look at the woman’s soul.

It was.

There was no mistake.

Alone on that planet, there was no one to see Suijin smile.

But smile he did.

I accept, he said, sending his answer down the channel.

Shortly after, he sent his embodiment.

He would watch this closely.

To think… this is how I would see you again, Esmeralda, Suijin thought.

It would be an honour to aid you, even if only in part.

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