Chapter 30: Weapon Sales
Chapter 30: Weapon Sales
Chapter 30 < Weapon Sales >
The coke was finally completed.
That is, they could solve the shortage of coal that started by blowing air into the furnace connected to the waterwheel.
This fact quickly spread to the imperial leaders, including Kim Kiwoo.
It became the starting point of a fierce debate.
The sanitation director started it.
We no longer need to have an industrial zone in the capital. No, we shouldnt. Dont you agree, industrial director?
The industrial director was silent. But the sanitation director had no intention of loosening the reins.
Why was the industrial zone densely concentrated in the capital until now? Because it was relatively cheaper to produce machines here, where most of the imperial citizens live near the capital. And there was also a reason why we didnt need to move the industrial zone at a great cost.
Most of the directors who attended the meeting agreed with the sanitation directors words. Kim Kiwoo was no exception.
But now we have a reason. Because we have to use coal from now on.
The most important fuel for ironmaking in industry changed from charcoal to coke.
That is, there was a need to move the industrial zone closer to the coal mine.
It was very inefficient to carry coal by boat to the capital and then put it into ironmaking and various factories.
Besides, as you know, coal doesnt produce much smoke. Its crazy to keep the industrial zone in the capital in this situation!
The sanitation directors words are very reasonable.
If the price of raw materials goes down, it will help the national finances that are decreasing day by day.
If the industrial zone moves out, I think it will solve the population density problem.
As soon as his words were over, the commercial director, interior director, and security director added a word each.
It was all beneficial for their departments.
Kim Kiwoo nodded.
This is killing three birds with one stone.
It opens up an economic breathing space, solves the serious smoke problem, and finally alleviates the population density problem in the capital to some extent.
How beautiful this is.
I had to increase the size of the kiln and furnace anyway.
A large-scale expansion was necessary to use waterwheel, coke, and coal. If not now, it would cost more to move later.
And besides the industrial director, arent other directors agreeing?
He was convinced that this was the right time to move the factory.
Kim Kiwoo asked the industrial director who was keeping his mouth shut.
Industrial director, do you have anything to say?
The industrial director Geomeun Jilmul organized his thoughts and started speaking.
The Wakan Tanka Empire has developed so far by raising industry. It contains the hard work of craftsmen.
Thats a fact that everyone recognizes.
But youre kicking them out of the capital because things have changed. This is unfair treatment.
Isnt being kicked out of the capital in return for their dedication? This will inevitably cause serious deprivation for craftsmen.
It was a problem he had anticipated enough.
There were also many complaints such as security problems caused by mine criminals, childrens education problems, etc.
But among them, the most central complaint was being kicked out of the capital itself.
However, at present, he could not go on solving even craftsmens complaints.
He had to keep his focus well.
Whenever he tried to do something, there were always people who complained.
It was just that this time it was craftsmen, a major class of empire.
I have no choice but to ask for sacrifice for the country.
The sacrifice of small for big.
Kim Kiwoo didnt like this sentence very much either.
But he had too much experience in why this happened frequently at national level over last 15 years.
And this time too it was time to do so.
The city of industrial zone will become a huge city that is not inferior to capital in future and will become center of all production. I will take responsibility and support until then. However, I cannot give up interest of empire and interest of imperial citizens because of complaints of craftsmen. There will be no reversal on this matter.
Craftsmen will surely be greatly disappointed with empire.
He said it indirectly, but it meant that craftsmen felt betrayed by Kim Kiwoo.
Displeasure appeared on Kim Kiwoos face.
Are you criticizing my decision?
Only then did Black mud realize his mistake and bowed his head deeply.
Im sorry. I think my emotions got too intense.
Be careful in future.
Kim Kiwoo didnt point out any more. He understood how industrial director felt enough.
The industrial director had been assisting Kim Kiwoo for a long time.
Therefore, he respected Kim Kiwoo deeply like other directors.
But he is head of craftsmen.
He had to think of craftsmens welfare as top priority.
The industrial director was in a dilemma.
Kim Kiwoo gently comforted the industrial director.
He knew that the craftsmen were unhappy. But couldnt he persuade them somehow? They might be dissatisfied now, but they would surely understand his decision someday.
The head of the industrial department could not refuse when his lord said so. His lord was the great emperor who had built the current Waktang Empire.
He sensed that the black mud was about to retreat.
I also understand the intentions of your majesty and the other heads very well. How can I oppose you when you say so? I will try to appease the officials of the industrial department and the craftsmen in the factory.
Good. I trust that you will do well.
That was how the relocation of the industrial district was finally decided.
After that day.
All the factories that needed fire or were related to it started to prepare for moving.
Of course, moving a factory didnt mean that a new industrial district was completed in a deserted area overnight.
That would have been miraculous.
The location had been decided long ago.
Along the Appalachian Mountains, especially around Birmingham, was marked as the main industrial district.
It was a place where it was easy to obtain coal, iron, and limestone, and it was adjacent to the river.
Large-scale construction was concentrated in that place.
Huh Are they building a new city here?
Its really a shabby village. At least the roads are well built.
That was what the construction workers said after looking around the planned site of the new factory.
There was a paved road that connected the mines and the river. It was paved first for transporting raw materials.
But apart from that, it was only a village of sparse size.
Among them, quite large villages were all located by the river where boats came and went.
Well, at least there is plenty of limestone and coal, so we dont have to worry about materials, right?
Well, as long as we have enough people.
Did their words become seeds?
A few days later, many laborers flocked to where the industrial city would be built.
Are they all construction workers?
Wow They all came here after leaving other jobs?
Oh my, youre so slow on news.
What happened?
Something happened. His majesty stopped many of the works. He sent most of those workers here.
Is that true?
It was true.
Kim Ki-woo concentrated his efforts on building an industrial city by stopping many of the ongoing works.
The laborers who gathered like this started working simultaneously.
The construction progressed quickly with more limestone than what came out of the surrounding mines.
The construction workers were already skilled at building standardized buildings.
Thanks to that, residential areas, shops, police stations, etc., including industrial districts, quickly revealed their appearance.
Kim Ki-woo had two reasons for doing this.
The first was to lower the price of raw materials as soon as possible.
And the other one was that if he continued to build other things while building an industrial city, his already precarious finances could collapse.
He thought it would be faster than expected for the craftsmen to move to their new home.
Your majesty. The budget for middle schools, universities, kindergartens, and construction is too large. The cost of moving the industrial district and craftsmen is also enormous. We are starting to see the bottom of our finances.
The face of Straight Tree, who spoke, was very pale.
Thats how bad the financial situation was.
Phew. It finally came to this point.
Kim Ki-woo could see that the situation was quite serious.
There had been signs of financial collapse all along. But until now, he had managed to survive with increasing industrial power.
But if he stayed still like this, it would only be a matter of time before his finances dried up.
Supply would surely increase in the future. He was now busy building large factories including steel mills.
But demand did not increase as much as supply did. Rather, there was enough room to decrease.
There was no need to buy new things if they already had them at home.
In the end, there were only two ways to solve the financial problem.
Either he reduced the leaking costs as he had thought before.
He had to make money by opening up new markets.
Kim Ki-woo had no intention of using the first method.
Besides, trading is too hard without money. There is a limit to economic growth in this environment.
To make money in this era, he needed a lot of gold and silver.
To satisfy all these things
Do I have no choice but to do that?
Something he hadnt done because he felt uneasy about it.
But the situation had changed.
I understand what you are saying, Minister of the Interior. I have something in mind for this, so you can go back for now.
I hope there will be a good outcome this time.
Straight Tree bowed his head and returned to the Ministry of the Interior.
As soon as he left, Kim Ki-woo said to his attendant.
Call the Minister of Foreign Affairs.
That was how Kim Ki-woo decided to become a villain to save his countrys economy.
The Andes region.
Are you okay? You dont look very well.
Phew. Is it that obvious?
Yes, it is.
The chief of this trade delegation, Wise Wood, asked with a puzzled expression.
Of course, there was an interpreter between them, so communication was smooth.
Didnt I tell you about the country called Tawantinsuyu in the south last time?
Yes, you did.
Tawantinsuyu was the name of the Inca Empire.
Those bastards are extending their claws to our region. Im worried that our tribe might be destroyed by them if this goes on.
As he said that, the man looked at Wise Wood and subtly expressed his wish.
So I wonder if you could sell us some weapons of the Wakan Tanka Empire? We will pay you generously.
Hmm. Thats really
I know its a rude thing to ask, but it wont be good for the empire either if we perish, right? I heard that you already lost several trading partners because of Tawantinsuyu.
Thats true. But
Wise Wood trailed off with a troubled look.
< Weapon Sales. > The End
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