Chapter 258 Spatial Form
"After my evolution, I woke up in an empty field of snow. The gigantic creature was nowhere to be seen, and any evidence of its existence got erased."
Sera and Vicky cuddled while leaning into Brian's soft fur. He was snoring happily, while Vicky recounted the encounter with The Huntress and the Unknown creature.
With one hand Sera made gentle strokes on her head, which helped her calm down, when the memories became overwhelming.
Vicky had her arms wrapped around Sera's waist, like she was afraid of her disappearing.
"Does anyone else know how you became an Ascended? Does Bea know?"
Vicky just slightly shook her head. "I was afraid of telling them. I didn't know if The Huntress would be mad at me, or try to kill me. She didn't seem like a vengeful person, but she was also insane, so who knows?"
"I also did not know how to tell it to anyone. The descriptions of my new abilities didn't help me much either."
Sera's ears perked up at that, and she grew curious about Vicky's status window.
"Can you show it to me?" she asked, and with reluctance, Vicky let go of her waist and brought up her status on the watch.
Enjoy more content from empire
Name: Victoria
Title: 'Unknown'
1st Kill: 'Unknown'
2nd Kill: 'Unknown'
Life Essence Absorbed: 50000/50000
Abilities: <Life Steal> <Key of Space>
Passive Abilities: <Soul Sight> <Locator>
Transformation: <Spirit Form> <Spatial Form>
Heritage: <'Unknown'>
Race Change Status: <'Unknown': 2/3>
Items: -
As Sera read the first few lines, she frowned in confusion. There were so many 'Unknowns', which was very weird.
She still didn't fully comprehend. How could there be creatures that the watch's A.I. couldn't name? It seemed to use 'Unknown' as a placeholder for missing data.
When her eyes landed on the Life Essence count, she didn't know what to think.
A normal Ascended would have essence from anywhere between 2000 and 5000. A strong Ascended had been between 5000 and 8000. An irregular Ascended would have between 8000 and 10000.
The last category was so rare that in Europe Sera could count these people on one hand.
Their Essence was close to the weakest Transcended's, which started from 12000. This was understandable though, since irregulars like Sera could stand against the weaker Transcended.
Life Essence wasn't a true power indicator, it just showed how much reserved energy an Evolved possessed. After evolution, it grew according to how strong your hunted prey was.
The reason Sera was so surprised was because Vicky's Essence count was higher than even the strongest Transcended's.
This meant that whatever she killed, it was probably at least an Abomination, but it could've been even a Calamity or an Apocalypse.
One thing she knew for sure though, whatever it was, an Evolved had no chance killing it and using it to evolve.
Her curiosity grew even more when she read about the first of Vicky's new abilities. She read the ones before she became an Ascended first, but those weren't as interesting as the newer ones.
<Key of Space>
Description: <Once the 'Unknown' was a beautiful creature. Many cultures associated IT with the god of space. ITs origin is 'Unknown', but IT appeared a long time ago, before most Concepts had came to existence. IT was a peaceful creature, but still held incredible power, which many were envious of.>
You have the ability to change space to a small amount.
With these descriptions, many questions appeared in Sera's mind, and she quickly realized that her previous judgement was wrong. Whatever this Unknown creature was, IT wasn't part of the watch's ranking system.
The more she thought about, the more sense it made. Why would a creature, which the A.I. can't even name, have the same Rank or Class as most creatures in the universe?
Another interesting information was the word Concepts. She wasn't certain if it literally referred to concepts like time, space, life, death, etc. But she was very interested in learning more.
In the back of her mind, she made a note of asking the professor for more details about these so called Concepts.
She felt like this knowledge was important, but since there wasn't much else written in the description, she opened the next one.
Description: <The 'Unknown' travelled space with ease. IT bent matters to IT's will, opened Gates when IT wanted to. IT moved through the stars, travelling nowhere and everywhere at the same time. The 'Unknown' was constantly on the move, since after the appearance of the Empyreans, IT became their prey.>
You can passively sense space with perfection.
This wasn't nearly as interesting as the previous one, so after skimming through it a few times, Sera jumped to the next.
<Spatial Form>
Description: <After the 'Unknown' killed dozens of Empyreans they finally left IT alone. The battles left IT permanently scared on the inside, while leaving IT's outside unharmed. IT lived in peace for a long time afterward until a lone huntress ended IT's long existence.>
Turns you into something akin to the 'Unknown'.
Now this, on the other hand, sent Sera's mind into overdrive.
The Empyreans were supposed to be god-like beings. Killing even one of them was probably the hardest task one could accomplish.
This Unknown creature, killed dozens of them. With this, she confirmed her previous suspicion.
The creature was outside of the watch's ranking, and ITs power was above the Empyreans, which begged the question...
Who the hell was this Huntress, and how did she kill IT?
"Vicky, how does this transformation look like?" she asked, while looking at her daughter curiously.
The white-haired girl turned away with a heavily blushing face, and answered in a meek, embarrassed voice.
"I don't know... After finding out I can open Gates, I spent every waking hour trying to get back here... I didn't even know how strong my previous abilities became. I only know that <Life Steal> became much stronger..."
"With each kill in my proximity, I gained hundreds or even thousands of Life Essences. We only had to kill about a hundred creatures to raise it to the maximum amount."
Sera didn't know what to say to that, so she just slowly stood up and motioned for Vicky to follow her.
Her daughter was a bit reluctant, since laying on Brian was so comfortable, but eventually she grew curious and went after her mother.
They went to the other side of the inside forest, so they wouldn't bother Brian.
When Sera was satisfied with the distance, she turned around and knelt down, so she would be on Vicky's eye level.
"I think you made a huge mistake in not trying out your new transformation. It could've made you stronger, and maybe you could've opened a Gate back here much sooner."
Vicky looked away, ashamed, but Sera cradled her chin, bringing her sight back to her face. She smiled and spoke in a warm tone, without judgment.
"I understand you were probably scared, and you weren't thinking straight... But now we have a chance to test out your powers... Together."
On Vicky's face, a wide smile spread, and she threw her arms over Sera's shoulder. They hugged only for a few seconds before Sera nuzzled her daughter away.
"Let's start with your previous form first, just to get a better understanding of the changes."
Vicky nodded profusely, then laid down on the grassy ground and focused her mind on the transformation.
The result wasn't like anything she expected. Instead of having her usual out-of-body experience, her whole body disappeared in front of Sera's eyes.
She was still in her ghost form, but now her body wasn't left behind as a weakness. Her movements were also much faster, and when she touched a tree, she felt it.
Unlike before, she could actually interact with the physical world, even though it couldn't interact with her.
She spent a few minutes in this form, when a small feeling appeared in her mind. It was like the call with which The Huntress lured her, but it didn't come from anywhere.
The feeling came from her soul and got stronger each second. It felt like a storm waiting to be unleashed.
Vicky struggled longer, before the feeling became overwhelming, and she gave in.
She appeared a few meters away from Sera, but her body vastly changed. Her skin turned smooth and black, like the Unknown creature's.
There was also a burning white spot in the middle of her chest, which looked like a star from Sera's point of view.
After seeing her daughter like that, Sera wasn't sure what to do, but since she looked to be in pain, Sera approached her. The only problem was, she couldn't.
She got only a few steps in before gravity seemed to increase rapidly. She didn't fall to her knees, but it took much of her willpower to stay standing.
Vicky looked distraught. She was trying to say something, but Sera couldn't hear her over the pounding in her ear.
Gravity kept increasing in a dozen meter circle around Vicky. Trees broke apart, the grass got flattened, and the metal floor below screeched in protest.
Sera's own body was close to giving up, but just as she was about to fall, an alternative source of energy appeared in her soul.
Her eyes closed in pain and discomfort, and the next time they opened, there was a deep green glow inside the golden irises.
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