Chapter 4: Entombed
Sera was certain that the world, for some reason wanted to destroy her. Maybe it was something she did in a previous life, who knows.
The one thing she knew, is that the world above her was about to be destroyed. And the worst thing is that she couldn't leave, she wouldn't even last for a second up there.
So with these helpless thoughts, she began to pray and beg for any kind of higher existence willing to listen to protect this basement against the clashing titans outside.
Well either that higher existence hated her or just straight up didn't exist, because after just a couple of minutes of fighting, suddenly the whole basement started to shake there was a loud thunderclap like sound and the reinforced ceiling above her dented.
'There's probably nothing left of the house after that.' Sera thought dejected, her energy was starting to run out, same as her luck.
Sera was scrambling for a way to get out of this situation. But alas there was nothing. She could only wait for her inevitable end in a reinforced stone coffin.
'Well I had a nice life at least, not too exciting but more importantly a happy life. Shame it came to an end so fast. 17 years that's how long it lasted. Well technically 18 in a couple of days.' These thoughts saddened her even further.
'Maybe I should just shoot myself, end this quickly. It would be better than being buried alive.'
She was about to point the gun at her head to end it all, but she couldn't do it. Something was stopping her, a feeling deep in her heart. It felt like she was about to make the biggest mistake of her life.
She was trying for another couple of seconds then finally gave up and put the weapon down.
'Can't even kill myself, how pathetic.'
But these kind of thoughts went away quite fast, when a huge curved sword-like talon went straight through the ceiling like it was made of butter.
Sera started to hyperventilate and nothing she tried could calm her down. The roof had a big enough hole on it that a grown man could easily fit through. The worst part is that she saw glimpses of the fight of god-like beings.
The angel got a sword from somewhere, but Sera couldn't understand what it was made out of, every time she looked at it, the feeling was only comparable to looking into the Sun. The weirdest thing was that unlike the Sun it wasn't bright at all.
But that wasn't the worst. The most terrifying part of it were it's beautiful wings, or at least they were beautiful, now they were just horrifying. All along the inside of the wings were eyes.
Thankfully she only glimpsed at them for a fraction of a second, but the feeling it gave her was unlike anything she felt.
'I should try not to look at that angel at all.' The feeling it gave her can only be described as madness. It felt like if even for a second she would look at it, she would go insane.
Sera didn't understand how could Beastbane look at something like that, not even talking about fighting with it on equal footing.
As she caught a glimpse of Beastbane, her soul froze. The gigantic beast was bleeding from dozens of wounds and missing a leg. Even with these grievous injuries he was fighting and even managed to put some wounds on the angel itself.
Sera was watching the fight unfold in the sky, it was very hard to keep track of it though. The titanic creatures moved way faster then she could follow, and more often than not they went out of sight of the hole, through which Sera was watching.
After another quick exchange they went apart and looked at each other, preparing their attacks. At this point Sera noticed the angel started to glow brighter.
'Wait, it wasn't glowing before was it?'
As this thought appeared in her head both creatures moved suddenly. The angel held it's sword out, while the lion roared so loudly, that Sera fell on the ground holding her bleeding ears.
But through her pain and lightheadedness she kept her eye on the exchange. From the angels sword a lightbeam went out trying to hit the lion, but Beastbane sent out a beam of his own from the lions mouth. The two beams hit each other and Sera had to turn away just to not go blind.
Even turned away she could only perceive whiteness everywhere. It's like a new star has born right above her.
After a couple seconds of that, it abruptly stopped and she could feel that something bad was about to happen. Through the haziness caused by the light, she could see something big falling toward her.
It took a second to realize that it was the angel, about to fall right on top of her.
"Fuck! Fuck! FUCK!" She screamed while scrambling to find somewhere safe to hide, but there was nowhere to run or hide.
In the end she went to the corner of the room and awaited her death.
The world started to shake and a second later, a deafening sound could be heard as the angels body collided with the ground.
The ceiling of course couldn't hold up the angel so it promptly collapsed right on top of Sera.
As she saw the falling debris about to hit her, only one thought appeared in her mind.
"I'm going to kill you, you oversized pigeon." She yelled with a pure hatred and a second later she was entombed under the debris.
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