Chapter 4: Memories Bring Back
Chapter 4: Memories Bring Back
"Bonjour madame, auh, you're not supposed to be here. Eiffel tower is closed during this time of the hour. Auh, how did you get in here?" A man who looked to be in a security detail approached them.
"Oui, auh, sorry the gates before were open so we thought we could barge in," Kamma responded perfectly. "We will go now, au revor."
"What language was that! It was..."
"Sexy, I know right?" Kamma stopped 179. "We're on a planet called Earth and now we're in sector Paris! According to the records, this is the city of love."
"I mean strange, but yes. It does sound sexy." 179 asked "How did you find this planet? There are Terrans here."
The two then turned in a plaza bustling of people. "I accidentally found this planet when my Jumper broke and it randomly sent me here. There is no magic here. They evolved without Xerontium. Although primitive. This place is peaceful."
After a long walk, they turned to an empty alley.
"Let's go back," Kamma said.
Ned, feeling anxious, turned to Kamma and said. "I...want to end everything in the Empire and be with you. Here on this planet. To live a normal life. I can't take all the killings anymore. Every day, I kill to end species, kill to conquer the planet, I kill only to satisfy the Emperor. Kamma. I can't...anymore."
For the first time. Tears trickled out of 179. He then hugged Kamma.
"I know 179, I know. But we can't let the Empire know about this planet, if they do, this peaceful planet will be conquered. You knew it well." Kamma shuddered. "We'll find a way to end all this, and live a normal life, here."
Kamma suddenly thought of something.
"That's it! Your name!"
"Name?" 179 asked. "I'm 179, what about it?"
"No! That's not a name. You said you want to end your suffering in the Empire. That's your name! Ned...End. End all sufferings to become anew!"
"Kamma...thank you, thank you Kamma."
After Ned's first visit to Earth, he was so amazed that he studied their culture, language, arts, and wonders. Basically everything about Earth.
Every time their mission ended. He and Kamma visited different places from Earth. Berlin, New York, Hawaii, Tokyo, Manila, Beijing, and South Korea. One time, they accidentally went to North Korea, thinking that it would be the same as the South.
But as time goes, authorities from the Empire started to doubt Kamma and Ned. Until it reached the Emperor. Kamma and Ned were then sent to prison. To set as an example, the Emperor himself will execute her.
In a central location where Kamma will be executed.
"No!" Ned cried. "Execute me instead of her!
The Emperor, whose face was covered by an unknown material, waved his hand. A simple gesture. But eventually, ice crystals slowly formed under Kamma's feet.
Both of them were cuffed and staring with one another. Ned was so close yet so far to reach Kamma. Everything was clear on Ned's eyes. Kamma was slowly eaten by a frozen crystal. And Ned can't do anything.
"Ned, it's fine. I'm happy that I met you." Kamma smiled. "Don't worry, this is not the end. Go out there, explore, make friends. Have a good adventure. And have a good life."
Even at the end, Kamma was smiling. Frozen to death right in front of Ned. Her lovely figure was now a part of the crystal that enveloped her.
"You!" The Emperor pointed at Ned. "Clone! You will never become a Terran. Your emotions are fake! You will live, and get to serve me! Live every day. Live with grief, anger, and vengeance. Sorrow will now fuel your life until the end. What you've seen its power. And you don't have it. You're weak! This is you now! Accept it! You're a clone, so start acting like one."
Ned knew that even if he gets to be born ten thousand times, he will never have the chance to kill the Emperor.
"No!" Ned cried. "I will never be the same as you!"
For days Ned had lost it. Someone must keep watch on him if ever he tried something in his life.
Eventually, Ned had started accepting missions. Missions after missions, he started to change. Change to the one he hated the most, the perfect killing machine. Ned was sent to different planets, to either subjugate or to completely annihilate an entire species.
In order to help Ned. Calahir, a high elf also one of the Empire's top engineers and a close friend of both Kamma and Ned, must fulfill Kamma's last wish.
For Ned, aside from Kamma, Calahir was his only friend left.
To fulfill Kamma's last wish, Calahir must execute a plan to isolate Ned. Right under the noses of the Empire.
Calahir requested a mission and asked Ned to assist him. They then traveled to a remote planet. In their, Ned discovered one of Kamma's lab, hidden away from the Empire.
"What's this place Calahir?" Deep and a damaged voice asked, it was Ned.
"This is Kamma's hidden lab."
"Then why are we here?"
"To fulfill Kamma's last wish. With these, we're both free." Calahir looked at the ground, sorrow could be seen on his face.
"What do you mean?"
"Why do you think they killed Kamma?"
"You don't need to ask me that, it was because of me, why could it be!"
"No, it's not your fault." Calahir sympathized.
"Why? What do you mean?"
"It's because of this," Calahir then commanded. "ICE open storage number 179."
[Yes Boss]
System ICE's metallic female voice echoed throughout the room.
The metallic sound could then be heard. Slowly, a hatch hissed and a capsule was then pushed out of the storage.
Inside the capsule was an infant blissfully sleeping, his cheeks full of life.
"What's this?"
"It's you, Ned." Calahir tapped Ned's shoulder. "They executed Kamma because of this, this is the first prototype of the second generation clones, first of its kind."
"What do you mean it's me? Don't tell me..."
"Yes, Kamma stole him from the Empire," Calahir explained. "This is her wish, to gift this to you and for you to be free."
Tears started to flow on Ned's cheeks.
"Okay enough with this, we don't have time, I know the Empire is tailing me too. So I'll explain everything."
Calahir then waved his hand and holographic images started to appear.
"Fist, this infant is a clone, but an upgraded one. His body can store double Xerontium than yours. Currently, your body's maximum capacity is at 150,000 Magic Points. So, at his prime, depending on the growth, he can store 300,000 Points more or less. Enough to destroy half a planet. It's also one of the reasons why Kamma stole this, the danger it posses." He then added. "Second, its body is adaptable. Able to recognize and record DNA codes and use it as its own."
"Lastly." Calahir paused. "This child can reproduce...Yes, Ned, you can have your offspring with this."
"The first two is fine, but the third, it's useless now," Ned said. "But the Empire can still trace it."
"The first upgrade is useless, where you're going is a place without Xerontium. So you can't use any magic there. Surviving there all depends on your skills and luck." He then continued. "And no, I already removed implants in the child's body and swapped it with my own creation, so it's untraceable now. Same to the place where you're going. Even before, Kamma already deleted all data about Earth and its solar system. Currently, it's all empty space on the Empire's system."
"I'm not sure about this."
"Whether your sure or not, just do it. This is Kamma's wish. For you to be free. I believe this is also your wish."
"But without Kamma."
"No Ned, Kamma is always here." Calahir tapped Ned's chest. "And don't worry, ICE will ensure your survival."
Then Calahir started to prepare the tools for thought transfer.
"I explained everything. So, now, the rest is up to you Ned. Your future now belongs to you. So I'm gonna ask you this. Do you want your memory to remain or forever wiped out?"
Ned thought of Kamma, on how they met, how they traveled, and did things only them knows. Ned had decided. "I want them to remain."
"That's what I thought." Calahir smiled. "Now, to be safe, I'll block your memory until you turn fourteen."
"Why'd you do that?"
"Well, imagine you're an infant but can speak different languages. To where you're going that's terrifying."
"Ned this is your new life now. This time, be happy. Also, this chip" Calahir pointed inside the capsule. "This chip has every data of earth, so download it after ICE went back online. On earth you can be anything you want Ned, I know you like to read novels, so why not be a writer or something else."
"I... don't know that to say." Ned hugged Calahir to thanks him but at the same time, to express his farewell. "Thank you, Cal, only you and Kamma saw me to a different view. Thank you."
After they bid farewell, Ned was then positioned to a steel chair and wore headgear for thought transfer.
Calahir then extracted some blood to be used for DNA comparison when ICE goes online.
"ICE, download your system to the implant and delete every data pertaining to this current event," Calahir commanded. "...and take care of Ned."
[Affirmative Boss]
"Wait," Ned pulled Calahir's arm and asked. "What will I become?"
"You will become. Your future Ned..."
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