Chapter 91
Chapter 91
I wake up enveloped in Dale's arms, I had managed to get him to eat a little then he had practically kidnapped me and made his way to his room, mumbling something about being unable to sleep well.
I squirm a little but he doesn't budge, still very fast asleep with his head on my chest. He looks so peaceful like this, with his dark lashes fanning his relaxed face, pink lips slightly parted.
I don't want to wake him up but my bladder isn't having it, I needed to get up.
Somehow I manage to get free of his arms which are relaxed in sleep and I slip off the bed, at least I think I do.
"Oof!" I huff out a breath when he effortlessly catches me with an arm around my middle.
"Where are you escaping to?" He asks sleepily, his raspy voice doing funny things to my insides.
"Ah!" I gasp slightly when he moves his hand a little, it applied pressure in my bladder. "D-Don't do that, I need to pee." I scold him breathlessly.
He slowly let's go, eyes still heavy with sleep. He slowly falls back asleep when he's satisfied that I'm not leaving him.
I quickly relieve myself and rinse my face off , peering at my reflection in the mirror. I look happy, well if the hickies littering my neck are any indication.
Virgil and Yanis are going to throw a fit when I eventually leave Dale's room, which I should probably do before he wakes up and decides that he wants to spend the rest of the day cuddling.
I'd heard that Dale's parents had come over all the way from Pine Creek and I was really curious to know what had gone down but Dale seems happier even though he refuses to talk about it.
I tip toe back into the dim room, expecting to see Dale watching me with dark eyes but instead he's fast asleep, clutching a pillow, most likely thinking it's me.
He was obviously losing sleep while he was with Nicole, no wonder he always looked distracted and his eyes were dull not to talk about the constant dark eyebags under his eyes.
I'm so relieved he's actually getting quality rest, we're all going back to the beach house today and I really needed the privacy, having my Grammy and Aunt Candy around with the servants and a lot of other visitors were beginning to tell on me.
I decide to sneak out of Dale's room to try to clean up and eat some before he wakes up and realizes I'm gone but I had to do it quietly or I ran the risk of getting found out.
I barely step out of the door before someone grabs me and carefully pins me against the wall, I really needed to stop meeting people like this.
"Morning, Virgil." I say in relief when I realize that it's him, like I had been expecting anyone different.
I watch his dark eyes with apprehension, I didn't want him to see too late!
His eyes darken when they move down from my face down to my exposed neck, before I can string words together he throws me over a shoulder.
"Virgil!" I exclaim in shock, beating at his back. "Put me down, right now!"
He stops and does as I say and I blink in surprise, freezing for a split second.
"Why do you looked so shocked?" He asks with amusement. "You wanted me to put you down, right?"
"W-Well yes, but since when do you do as I say?" I ask in disbelief, scoffing at the look of mock hurt on his face.
It's still pretty early but I keep eyeing the hallway behind Virgil, expecting Dale to come charging out at any moment.
"I need to get to my room." I mumble, half to myself but Virgil takes that as a go ahead and throws me over his shoulder again.
"Ah! W-Why?" I gasp, stunned the second time still.
He just strides quickly through the hallways. "You said you needed to get to your room?" He reminds innocently and I blink.
"I can walk." I argue.
"I never said you couldn't." He says logically.
I just roll my eyes, feeling the blood rush to my head. "At least you could carry me comfortably." I complain.
He stops abruptly again and fits his hands around my waist to bring me face to face with him, just staring at me.
I cross my hands huffily, upset that he can effortlessly hold me off the ground and even more unhappy about the face that my socked feet are barely brushing the ground. "What's wrong now?"
"Hmm?" He hums thoughtfully, looking up briefly. "I don't know, you left saying you'll be back in a short while and I don't see you till the next morning, you tell me what's wrong?"
I uncross my arms to tug nervously at my hair. "Something came up"
I start to say but he cuts me off. "Wrap your legs around me, is this more comfortable?" He asks.
I just remain quiet, just done with Virgil this morning, he's most likely upset.
"Sharing is horrible." He says to the crook of my neck and I snicker. "So I don't like to share."
I just laugh some more, I could understand stand why he's all antsy and edgy.
It's been just the both of us for nearly forever and then boom! Dale comes from no where and upsets his balance, even Yanis isn't welcome.
"You're just a selfish piece of work." I pat his shoulder when he drops me at the edge of the bed.
He gives me a small smirk. "Nope, I've been playing nice."
He gets up to go check for his phone in a drawer, the bed is ruffled and looks slept in. "Shana says we're leaving after breakfast." He informs me and I stop mid way with a foot of my socks off.
"Why is she in a hurry?" I ask, amused, she was the one that couldn't wait to come here for the ball.
Virgil just shrugs and moves closer to help me take the socks off. "Maybe because she and Yanis keep getting into arguments."
"Yanis is here?" I perk up, I hadn't seen him ever since we had parted ways at the ball where he had helped Dale take the girls down to the station.
Virgil hums and moves up to my shirt.
"W-Wait!" I stutter, my hands flying up to hold his own. "W-What a-are you d-doing?" I stutter with wide eyes.
"I thought you wanted to clean up?" His eyes fly up to me, and I notice for the first time that the edges of his hair is slightly wet which means he's had already had a shower.
"W-Well, I don't need your help for that!" I say, affronted, holding onto my shirt in the case he decides to do as he wished and take it off anyway.
He laughs but drops his hand and stares and me, he's crouched in front of me to make this easier.
I gulp, maybe it's because they nearly saw me killed I don't know but they've been ridiculously touchy-feely and I didn't know how to react.
Virgil looks like he's about to kiss me and I'm surprised when he instead steps back and gives me a smile, getting on the bed behind me.
He props on a pillow with his hands behind him in a relaxed position.
"What are you doing n-now?" I ask in surprise.
"Waiting for you." He says with a toothy grin.
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