Chapter 94
Chapter 94
"I thought you were cooking!" I exclaim when Yanis and I make our way to the dining room and find them settling down to take out.
"I was, till Shana and Virgil showed up." Dale complains, looking unhappy.
"Shana blew up the microwave." Virgil tattles.
"You traitor!" She turns on him.
"Wait, you know what?" I shake my head, settling down. "I don't even want to know what she did this time, I'll probably call my mom to send someone down to come pick it up for repairs."
"How does the microwave blowing up affect dinner?" Yanis asks in confusion.
"Well, Shana decided that I was cooking the spaghetti too slowly and decided to microwave it."
"You said decided twice." Shana points out in disgust.
"Wait what?" Yanis splutters in shock.
"Trust me when I say you do not want to know, just back out now that you still have the chance to." I convince Yanis.
"I'd already ordered Chinese when Dale said he would be cooking." Virgil says blankly. "Because I knew that it was going to turn out horrible."
"I will stab your eye out with these chopsticks, no questions asked." Dale threatens lightly.
Dinner is lively and we all make our way to the living room when we are done and have cleared up the place.
Shana drags a cushion all the way from the lounge area to the living room, I throw myself on a couch and the rest pretty much do the same.
"So." Shana breaks the silence as we all stare at the remote sitting on the centre table. "Who's picking what we're watching?"
"Not Hayden, that's for sure." Yanis scoffs and I turn to him in surprise.
"If any of you puts a reality show on I'm yeeting them through the tv." He threatens
"Well, if Yanis is picking we're going to be stuck watching some documentary about an extinct civilization." I rat out on him.
"That has more quality than reality TV." He huffs disdainfully.
The rest just watches us go back and forth.
"Shana shouldn't get to pick because she'll be fast asleep before the first scene is even over." Dale says and he gets a pillow to his head.
"That leaves Virgil and Dale." Yanis muses and Shana and I groan.
"We'll be better off watching documentaries honestly." She says and I nod in support.
"Huh?" Yanis tilts his head in confusion. "Why?"
He hadn't witnessed any of their competitiveness yet.
"Because of that." I point out and he looks to see them struggling to get the remote first.
Dale manages to break out of their scuffle but he doesn't get far, Virgil pulls him back with a hand to his face and grabs the remote instead which gets kicked out of his hand.
Yanis just watches on, stunned. "What the actual fuck?" He mutters in horror watching the fight get more intense.
Shana yawns and rubs her eyes. "This is actually more entertaining than reality TV."
I level her a blank. "Ha ha!" I mumble in mock laughter, flinching in horror when the poor remote sails across the room and lands on my legs. "Ah!"
Shana perks up at this. "Run." She mouths one word to me and before my brain can process what's going on, I'm grabbing the remote and making a break for it.
"Why the hell would you do that?" Yanis yells to me, waving a fist as I fly to the other side of the room.
Virgil and Dale's eyes immediately track me and I'm screaming bloody terror when they come after me and without thinking I throw it at Shana, it smacks her head and falls on her legs too.
"Aaaaaaargh!!!" She shrieks with wide eyes, gripping the remote briefly in frozen shock before she's getting off her cushion and darting around the room, she's better at evading them than I was and I stay very far away from Shana because she has that look in her eyes like she wants to give it back to me.
Yanis ends up holding the portable, rectangular piece of plastic and the panic on his face is enough to send me into a fit of giggles, rolling around in laughter.
I'm so caught up happily enjoying his misery that I don't notice when the remote falls to me, Virgil is the closest to me and I get tackled to the ground.
The running around pauses when I'm caught and I just remain sprawled on the ground, trying to catch my breath.
"Virgil, get off me." I complain in a muffled voice when he looks like he's starting to get comfortable.
"Does anyone still want to watch TV?" Shana asks bluntly, rubbing her eyes sleepily. "Because I'm beat."
Everyone is sprawled on something, Shana is lying with her torso on the ground and her legs resting on the couch, while Dale is hanging off the backrest of a different couch and Yanis had settled on the cushion some time ago.
"No." We all agree unanimously.
"Whose plan was it again to run around like psychopaths when the temperature is running at forty-five degrees?" Yanis complains.
We're all too exhausted to give any logical reply but I'm smiling even though I feel like I took a dip in a volcano.
"Shana? Shana?" Dale calls after a short while of silence filled with heavy breaths.
Silence greets his reply. "Oy! Shana you better not fall asleep because I'm not taking you up the stairs again." He complains.
"Aw! You guys are horrible but everyone keeps struggling to be the one to carry Hay." She pouts.
"Maybe because he doesn't weigh like a hippo." Dale replies without thinking and he barely finishes his sentence when Shana jumps up and whacks his head with a particularly hard pillow.
"Who are you calling a hippo?" She demands in an outrage.
"No." Yanis says in an exhausted but firm voice. "Just no, you're not going to start another aimless battle." He stops Dale's retaliation. "Sleep, now." He orders and everyone slowly starts to make their way up the stairs.
"Where are you going?" I ask suspiciously when Yanis walks past my room.
He looks alert and nervous all of a sudden. "Going to shower?"
I give him a threatening eye smile. "There's a shower in my room." I say bluntly.
He gulps but acquiesces. "Keep that up and I'll throw you out the window."
I smile at him when he comes inside and I lock the door. "Why?" I pout. "Don't you want to sleep oof!" I get a pillow to the face, unsurprisingly and I burst out laughing which he joins in after a short while.
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