Chapter 1188: Waves of Thaids
Chapter 1188: Waves of Thaids
From their positions, the chimaeric demons directed waves of undead thaids against the Law Gate's defenses.
Yet the barrier was still standing. Not that there was a way for them to bring it down, given their current strength.
Their only hope lay in Erik and his team, eliminating their targets.
The defensive turrets fired concentrated energy beams, cutting down the front ranks of the undead horde. Things weren't going well for the blackguards, but even the Chimaeric Demons were losing many of their puppets. Besides, Erik's army started the battle, but there was nothing they were gaining aside from acting as glorified lures.
"Formation Delta," a clone said to his section. Thousands of bear-like thaids changed positions. When the turrets destroyed one wave, another took its place, maintaining constant pressure on the defenses.
The reason they were so willing to lose so many undead was to keep the enemy's attention on them. However, the clones didn't know the blackguards knew already that Erik was inside the fortress.
Not that it mattered. Keeping more soldiers there was important, and the blackguards couldn't simply leave the enemy there, because if something happened to the barrier, the more undead would still be moving, and the worse the situation would be.
The organization wasn't so stupid as to think they were infallible, not when Erik Romano, who showed them that, was involved.
Though the clones noticed the number of troops at the walls was decreasing at an alarming
The automated defenses became more and more common, and they could see it based on how predictable their firing sequences were. Besides, it was a weakness to exploit.
The quadrupedal units under the Chimaeric Demons' control moved between salvos, timing their advances with the reloading cycles of the brain crystal turrets.
Lightning arcs and ice beams from the fortress's defenses created a deadly web above them. The smaller thaids used the larger ones as shields, advancing under their protection.
The ranged fighters burned through mana rapidly and got forced to shift to brain crystal rifles. They weren't omnipotent, though. There was a limit to what these powerful weapons could achieve, especially when the enemy didn't feel pain and didn't stop, even when crippled.
"The eastern sector has reduced the fire rate," another Chimaeric Demon said through their communication system. " Redirect the wolf-packs. The more troops are going to reach the barrier, the more restless the enemy is bound to become."
The Chimaeric Demons knew their master's team needed more time inside, and there was no better way than to make them agitated. He commanded three massive waves of thaids to strike the eastern section simultaneously.
The automated defenses adjusted, concentrating fire on the enemy's bigger units, but this played into the clone's strategy. The new targets were bigger and massively more resistant than others. Besides, focusing on the bigger thaids created openings for swarms of smaller ones to advance unimpeded, and they were not easy to see because of their dimensions, not for humans, and neither for the automated defensive system.
"Northern section, send more undead," the clone said. The undead moved after the Chimaeric Demons sent the order. Thousands of thaids crashed against the barrier in waves, and many more used their brain crystal powers on it.
Blue light pulsed from the walls as brain crystal artillery weapons discharged. Several turrets fell silent, their brain crystals depleted and in need of being substituted.
The Chimaeric Demon noted the increasing gaps between reloads-the blackguards couldn't maintain this level of defense indefinitely.
"Master's team reports progress at primary target. They found the barrier master. They are going to attack soon," came the update on their radio. "Maintain the current pressure. Drive their reserves down; let them consume mana."
Energy beams and explosions lit up the dark sky. The massive bear-thaids took the hits head- on, shielding smaller units behind them.
The sun was still rising.
"The Western is showing promising weakness," another clone reported. "Redirect some additional forces to exploit the power gap."
"How long do you think this will go on?" a clone asked his brother.
"I don't know. Killing the barrier masters won't be enough, but for sure, we might get a chance to destroy the barrier ourselves if that happens."
Mechanically generated barriers weren't as powerful as those human-made, but the brain crystals inside the machines could be substituted in case they lost power.
The plan was to exploit one of the gaps they were currently creating to then invade. Of course, as soon as the barrier came down. The clone would get easier access to the fortress that way.
Otherwise, sacrificing so many undead made little sense. Well, aside from making the blackguards focus on them, rather than Erik and the others, and for sure, to make them waste
The barrier would fall-not from their attacks, but from sabotage within. There was no doubt about that. The problem was when. The clones didn't have many undead to spare, and the death ratio was high. Their troops were not infinite.
The real fight would begin only when their master completed his mission, but they still had a role to play.
The Chimaeric Demon ordered the next wave to attack, observing the defense systems having trouble targeting so many enemies at once. Despite the blackguards' powerful weapons, they couldn't stop an army that ignored pain, didn't tire, and would keep pushing until they broke through.
As their forces maintained pressure on the Law Gate's defenses, then the Chimaeric Demon noticed a change. The barrier's surface rippled much more than it did under their assault, its consistent shimmer becoming uneven in sections.
"Energy fluctuation detected in Section Three," a report came.
"Did they do it?"
A clone awaited reports from Amber's team. Based on their communications about targeting the barrier masters, they must have killed them.
The barrier flickered again, the instability lasting longer this time. The blackguards noticed too—their defensive fire intensified, brain crystal weapons discharging attacks faster. They knew what these fluctuations meant.
"The instability is spreading to sectors Four and Five in the southern section," another Chimaeric Demon reported.
"We have confirmation. The barrier masters are dead, but Emily is missing."
More turrets fell silent, their brain crystals depleted. Even fewer people were on the walls
now. Something big must have been happening.
The defenders raced to reload their weapons while checking the barrier's status. The
flickering energy field showed clear signs of weakening.
"All units maintain current formations," the clone said.
The barrier pulsed again, its energy fluctuating wildly in places before stabilizing. Soon, very soon, the Law Gate would lose its primary defense. The real battle would begin only then.
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