Chapter 1191: Under the Weight of Mana (3)

Chapter 1191: Under the Weight of Mana (3)

"The sniper's becoming annoying," the gravity vindicator said. He raised his hand, and Emily felt space distort around her again. The new rooftop cracked. Emily couldn't keep her powers up for long, so she had been forced to stop providing mana to her power.


Amber tried to warp to Emily's position, but the gravity user's power made spatial

transportation dangerous. One wrong move and Amber would appear inside the field, dying a horrible death.

From below, she didn't have a clear picture of where the field was.

"I need you to keep them busy!"

A Chimaeric Demon launched himself at the gravity user, forcing him to redirect his attention.

"Come and show me what you've got!"

The man did.

Emily used this moment to change positions again. Her mana reserves were still low, but she had enough for a couple more time freezes if needed.

"I've got her," the light-wielder said, but the other two Chimaeric Demons started attacking him.

Emily kept moving. Her friends were doing well but were struggling to keep the Vindicators' attention on them.

Whenever they had the chance, they tried to attack her.

Then she found a new place to hide.

She positioned herself behind a large air conditioning unit on a five-story office building, two hundred meters from the action. The unit's metal shell blocked her from view while its noise covered her movements. She could see the street clearly through building gaps while staying hidden.

The solid concrete building let her shoot steadily, and she faced away from the sun to avoid glare. Several stairwells gave her escape options.

Looking through her scope, she observed the intense battle: the Chimaeric Demons darted around at high speed without landing effective hits. Mira kept changing forms to attempt surprise attacks, and Amber repeatedly warped to strike from different angles. Despite their efforts, none of these tactics worked.

<I just need one clean shot,> Emily thought.

Then the opportunity finally came. It looked like targeting Emily had somehow woken the others up.

In truth, the Chimaeric Demons had increased their attack rate, launching strikes from multiple angles with complete disregard for their safety.

They left themselves open to enemy attacks with each strike, but thanks to their enhanced recovery powers and endurance, they kept up this risky strategy even as injuries piled up.

She shot, and her rifle found its mark just as the light-wielder turned to defend against an attack. It only worked partially, though.

The man heard the shot and materialized a light shield around him over the one he already had. It wasn't enough to block the bullet completely, but at least it prevented his arm from being maimed.

The impact, though, sent him spinning halfway around.

"Move!" a Chimaeric Demon saw the man charging another light beam as he was spinning. "Son of a-"

Emily managed to slow down time and escape before the Vindicator fired. The guy was still targeting her.

The light beam erupted from his hand. The Chimaeric Demons scattered, each one diving in a different direction to avoid being reduced to ashes.

Amber and Mira were not under the man's sight, so they had no problems avoiding the attack, which was still aimed at the sniper.

The beam struck the building Emily had occupied moments before, vaporizing the air conditioning unit and incinerating concrete and steel alike.

A circular hole remained where Emily had been, its edges still glowing orange from the heat. A crack then made everyone turn. The top three floors of the structure collapsed in on themselves, sending a cloud of pulverized debris outward.

Yet the two vindicators didn't stop targeting the young woman. The light user used his ranged attacks every time he had the chance, while the gravity user created a gravity field around them to prevent the enemy from attacking. At the same time, whenever his partner aimed at Emily, he tried to prevent them from escaping the attack by making another gravity field around her.

If it weren't for Emily's keen sight and experience, she would have been dead already. Besides, she had been able to notice when the light user attacked, so whenever he did, she either tried to stop him or moved to safety before the gravity user could trap her.

But even they couldn't maintain this pattern for long. Mana was a limited resource for them, too.

"Amber! Get Emily!" A Chimaeric demon said, blood flowing from a slash that carved through his shoulder.

His healing power activated, knitting flesh back together, but the mana cost forced him to be conservative with the healing, and he kept the lighter wounds.

Amber warped beside Emily just as another gravity distortion tore through her cover. "Hold on!"

Space twisted around them as Amber's brain crystal power activated. They materialized some buildings away, hidden from enemy sight. Amber couldn't stay too far away from the battlefield, though, or the Vindicators would get an advantage.

"Stay here," Amber said. "Better angle, safer distance."

Emily nodded, already setting up her rifle. Below, the battle intensified.

A Chimaeric Demon took a direct hit from the light sword, the energy blade slicing through

his chest. He staggered back, healing the worst of the damage but leaving smaller wounds


The clones were starting to get reckless.

"They're getting slower," a Chimaeric Demon said.

A gravity wave caught one clone, crushing his left arm. He grunted, he started healing himself, and the others helped. If that wound wasn't treated, the clone would die, and fighting without an arm was dangerous. So they grew another one back.

"Don't be so aggressive," Mira said.

"We can endure superficial damage."

"That is not superficial damage!"

The light-wielder unleashed another beam barrage, this time aiming at a Chimaeric Demon, since Emily was nowhere to be seen, and neither was Amber.

However, their speed made them difficult targets. He was having trouble setting them under


The clones tried to turn invisible. The problem was that with someone using light powers, invisibility didn't work. Invisibility hinged on the ability to bend the light to disappear, but someone who could control it was immune to this trick.

"Formation switch," a clone said. They change positions, presenting different threats to each


Emily set the Vindicators under her scope again.

They were visibly tiring, their powers requiring enormous mana expenditure, and their

bodies having less stamina than the Chimaeric Demons.

But the clones were risking a lot.

Each attack put them at risk of getting hit back. Though they could heal, constantly fixing

injuries ate up their mana. Even with their high endurance, the serious wounds forced them to burn through mana fast-they couldn't afford many more direct hits.

Amber prepared to join the fight again.

"Wait," Emily said, grabbing Amber's arm before she could warp away. "Remember Erik's strategy? About cornering the Vindicators?"

Amber immediately understood what Emily wanted to do, but it wasn't going to be that easy.

"I forgot."

Despite having been on many battlefields already, this was the first time she didn't follow

orders. Besides, usually, she would have many more Chimaeric Demons with her, and she

would be fighting much weaker opponents.

This time, her team was made up only of six individuals, her included, and she was facing two powerful vindicators. She was so focused on keeping everyone alive that she forgot. "The gas trap. Yes." She squeezed Emily's shoulder before disappearing.

Back in the battle, Amber coordinated their movements through quick hand signals. The Chimaeric Demons understood what she had in mind.

The Vindicators were sufficiently fatigued to succumb to the trap, but if that worked, it depended on what the group did and how well they did it. The clones' attacks became more purposeful, much more studied, but also much more reckless than they already were. They got injured often, but none of them died yet. They began herding the Vindicators toward

a narrow intersection between two buildings, one without an exit.

Mira turned into a monkey and started using the debris of the building the gravity user

created to do ranged attacks.

The muscle power she gained from that transformation helped a lot, but it was still not

enough for her to injure the two bastards, despite these attacks being strong and fast enough

to shatter steel.

Emily's shots appeared more often, but she always made sure to move before the gravity or

the light user could target her.

However, this time she wasn't trying to prevent the Vindicators from using their power or to kill them. Instead, her goal was to help the others trap them, to move the Vindicators exactly where they needed them, and to prevent the light user from using that damned beam again.

"Now!" a Chimaeric Demon shouted.

Amber then warped, appearing above them, her birth brain crystal power activated. Green- yellow gas poured from her body, enveloping both the Vindicators and the surroundings. She warped away as the corrosive fog did its work.

The gas consumed everything in its path. It wasn't hard to see that, given how fast everything dissolved. Amber wanted to be sure she would kill the two Vindicators and pumped mana as much as she could into her neural links.

The Vindicators' screams lasted only seconds. When the gas dissipated, only goo remained on

the ground. The corrosive gas ate through everything else.

"Well," Mira said, returning to human form. "Erik's plans sure never disappoint. They are a

little bit too brutal for my taste, though."

"Brutal but effective," a Chimaeric Demon said.

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