Chapter 10
The raws were pulled (real-time) from: /n1222ci/21/
Efilled Efil as our friend, and the month and day passed.
As originally planned, Efil was registered with the adventurer's guild, and the request was carried out while gradually getting used to it. I am in the midst of a request for subjugation today.
"Is it too far but can you see it?"
Ask Efil looking around on the tree.
"No problem. Three Elder Torrents and two Bloodmashes"
"Efil still has good eyes. I can't see it at all."
We are now in the deepest part of the Class B dungeon [Dark Purple Forest]. Efil has already been promoted to Class C adventurer. At first, there was a lot of confusion, but since then there has been a gradual upswing.
"Okay, the battle begins with Efil's sniper"
"I understand"
Efil uses a bow as his weapon. The day after I told him to think about his skill distribution, Efil raised his archery and sensibility skills to the limit of hand-held points. There was also a boost of skill effect, and I was able to handle the bow without problems, no, it was too much. When I first shot an arrow at the guild practice field, I hit the middle of everything. An amateur who touched a bow for the first time. My eyes and the adventurers around me who had been casually observing my eyes.
"Kuro-chan, nice to meet you"
Efir's shoulder has a hand-sized Kroto. The strength does not change even if it gets smaller. He has left a key role as a skilled escort.
そちらをエフィルに任せられるならばと、俺は鍛冶のスキルを取得した。パーズで購入することができる装備の質に限界を感じていた為だ。それならば各人に合わせた武器防具を俺が作ってしまえ! という少々短絡的な考えである。スキルを取得したまでは良かったが、鍛冶道具や場所はどうしたものかという問題に直面してしまった。とはいえ、これはギルド長のリオが解決してくれた。ギルド伝手で工房を借りることができたのだ。顔なじみの工匠の指導と鍛冶スキルの補助の下、何とか鍛冶ができるようになった。後は練習&練習である。お蔭様で色んな物が出来上がった。
"I will go"
Draw and release the bow. In the forest with poor visibility, the arrows are sucked into the monsters without being at a distance of several hundred meters.
"Gobo !?"
The arrow pierced the elder torrent's head, and the monster Oki fell down with a loud noise. The remaining torrents seem to have begun to watch out. However, Efil has not been discovered yet.
"Well done in a maid"
"That is a custom-made product of Efil. There are plenty of auxiliary effects because it is made to order."
"Are you just a maid?"
"No, that doesn't mean that"
The maid clothes she is wearing now are tailored maid clothes from Claire for battle. Originally I tried to acquire and create sewing skills, but it was rarely opposed to Efil.
"Let me get sewing!"
Apparently, the maid that Efil wants to do has to do sewing. Then, using the growth skill points gained in the level up, it will translate to the ability to build the current equipment. By the way, the battle maid outfit is the third work. It is a crystal of effort that has been obtained by re-stitching a rare material and raising it to a skill rank.
「ジェラールさん、極炎の矢(ブレイズアロー)を撃ちます! 離れてください!」
I acquired blacksmithing skills if I could leave them to Efil. It was because I felt the limit to the quality of equipment that can be purchased at Pars. Then I will make weapons and armor for each person! This is a short-circuit idea. It was good until I acquired the skills, but I faced the problem of what the blacksmith tools and places were. Nonetheless, this was solved by Rio, the guild leader. I was able to rent a workshop as a guild teller. With the help of familiar face craftsmen and the assistance of blacksmithing skills, it is now possible to perform blacksmithing. The rest is practice & practice. A variety of things have been completed.
A third monster is shot down while chatting with Gerard. Outrange tactics with archery and sensibility are intense. This is the end of most battles.
"The rest, one Elder Trent and one Blood Mash"
"Mu, the king"
At the same time as Gérard's eyes, several strong roots protrude from the ground. Elder Trent seems to have noticed this. It 's a B-class monster even if it rots.
"I'm already done"
Together with the words, two monsters lie down on the ground. Before the overwhelming wind pressure, Class B monsters cannot turn forward. Kelvin's Heavy wind pressure ( Air pressure ) gradually increased pressure and eventually pushed monsters to the ground I crushed it.
"Mu, I'm having trouble turning my eagle's turn with their success …"
"Relieve, this is the boss of the forest"
A plaza with a single tree appears in front of us. Its height overwhelms the other trees, and the gorgeous purple bark makes the viewers awe.
"Is this a wicked old tree?"
"Wow, it's poisonous. I don't want to touch it."
"Gérard, without complaining, Efil, Arctic arrows ( Blaze Arrow ] ] [Allow use of "
The target of this subjugation request is the boss of the dark purple forest. A monster that is said to have evolved over thousands of trees.
The wicked elder who confirmed this figure starts to move with an eerie voice. Wow, something thick arm has grown. Where is this sage?
"I don't know what you're talking about!"
Gerrard's sword jumped and drawn out at a super-high speed cuts off the right arm of a newly-grown evil tree. Empty jaw ( Agito ) with a bonus to release. Whether he feels pain, Evil Kenki screams like a scream and swings his left fist.
"Mu, don't ooze poison from the bark. Regeneration is fast"
Even though I just said it was cut off, my right arm was already playing.
Mr. Gerard, Arctic Flames ( Blaze Arrow ) Shoot away! Please! "
Efil tells Gerard over Kroto. In addition to Kroto and escort, you can manage simple communication with Efil. Thanks to this, Efil can also participate in the subordinate network. Kroto, a terrifying child!
Wind Legs ( Sonic Boots ) Gerrard instantly gains distance The wicked old tree loses sight of Gerard due to its speed. Evil wisdom tree that felt a sense of crisis, probably due to many years of experience, stretches a thick root around the earth. Cliff walls ( Earth rampart ) Give. It is very robust.
The flame spreads in all directions of the arrow, and eventually the flame converges on the tip of the arrow. Arrow of the polar flame ( Blaze Arrow ) is an original Efil that combines red magic and archery One of the tricks. With the protection of the Fire Dragon King, the power is increased and the flame is further expanded.
"… Shhh!"
The released arrows scold and ignite the heat. The barrier of Evil Old Tree, which has become an absolute defense, is burned and melted, and it also burns through the Evil Old Tree. It is a blow by Fire Dragon King Breath.
"Good, good!"
Polar flame arrow ( Blaze Arrow ) burned and regenerated Inhibits. But even so, the evil wisdom does not stop moving. Turn the branches into thousands or tens of thousands of sharp weapons and pour like a squall.
"Geral, it's a stop"
"King, thank you for your help!"
In the jet black sword The sword of madness ( Vortex edge ) Gerard takes tens of thousands of attacks. The tip of the branch is disassembled with a single sword, and the sword reaches the old tree.
"Gu, Ga, Ga …"
Victory was decided, leaving behind the wisdom of the evil wisdom tree that lived for a long time.
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