Chapter 25: Midnight Diplomacy
Chapter 25: Midnight Diplomacy
Preparations were underway at the Saber Fortress. The captain was sparing no expense. They had a foreign leader visiting, and their lives had all been saved earlier in the day by both Jacek and Xenia.
The captain yelled, “Move the kegs over here! Cakes over here! And setup the DJ over there!” The captain was preparing a full-on party just the way Jacek and Vega preferred it.
As the preparations came to a close, Jacek and Xenia were seen approaching the gates. Vega was the first to spot them. He watched them for a moment before informing the troops. The two of them broke from the tree line laughing together as Xenia held on to his big arm as they walked side by side.
Vega then yelled, “Lord Heraklinos and General BloodStar! On deck!”
The men formed up in two lines all standing at attention, saluting as Xenia and Jacek walked through the partially intact fortress gate. Xenia continued to hold on to Jacek’s arm which did not go unnoticed by his men.
Whispers could be heard, “I think our Lord has finally moved on from Erika. This will be good for him! He deserves a powerful, young woman who makes him happy!”
Xenia and Jacek reached the end of the row, and Xenia turned to face Jacek, “Your men sure do know how to remind someone they are royalty. What a welcome! Does that happen every time you return?”
Jacek smiled and said, “Every single time. Even when you don’t want them to.”
The captain ran over and said, “The welcome back party is all but ready. We just need our two guests of honor to break the kegs and give us a toast!”
Xenia jumped with excitement and said, “I’ll be right there! Just give me a few minutes to go change into something quickly.” She began to run off; however, she stopped and ran back.
She grabbed Jacek’s arm and said, “Come on! Help me pick something out to wear!”
The two ran off to Xenia’s quarters in the command center. The captain and his men looked on as they couldn’t help but think the two had some serious chemistry. Both were die-hard warriors, and both were young heirs to powerful empires.
Xenia led Jacek up the corridor and to her room. She welcomed him in and closed the door as she said, “Okay, wait on the bed for me. I didn’t bring much but I noticed you had a few dresses in here already. I’ll be right back.”
Xenia ran off into the bathroom area. Jacek thought to himself, “There’s already dresses in here? Why? That shouldn’t be the case.” However, his thoughts were interrupted. The door to the bathroom was half ajar, and he saw Xenia’s leather top land on the ground. He then saw her leather pants fall to the ground as Xenia threw them on the bathroom floor. He could then hear her changing into something. He was just as curious as ever to see what she could’ve found in the changing area of her quarters.
Xenia called out to him, “Almost ready! I don’t see any shoes or boots in here though, so it will be a bit of a mismatch with my black leather boots.”
Jacek patiently waited on the edge of the bed until finally, Xenia walked out of the bathroom, “Well? How do I look?”
Xenia wore a very tight-fitting and very short dress that barely covered her ass. It was white with green accents on it and showed off her cleavage very well. Jacek sat in astonishment. Before he could answer she said, “I quite like it!” She then spanked herself playfully in front of Jacek.
Jacek coughed as he cleared his throat, “I… it… what a stunning dress! The reason it was here… well…” His face turned red with embarrassment as he finally managed to say, “Erika must have left it here. It’s her dress.”
Xenia spun around modeling it for Jacek and said, “Oh. Well. I guess it’s my dress now, isn’t it?” Xenia modeled the dress for Jacek in front of him before looking him in the eye, “After all, I do wear it much better, don’t I?”
Jacek stood from the bed and gulped, “I should say so.”
Xenia was taller than Erika making the dress extra short on her. Erika also had a smaller bust making the dress much more tight and much more sultry on Xenia.
Jacek walked towards the door and grabbed the door knob before opening the door. He looked back at Xenia in her short dress and knee-high boots and said, “Are you ready for the celebrations?”
Xenia walked over to him and grabbed his hand from the door knob and then pushed him up against the door causing it to slam shut. She ran her hands up and down his body, “Almost ready. Just one last thing.”
She pinned him against the door and began to make out with him.
Jacek was absolutely in love with the way she moved her body against his, and he eagerly returned her kisses.
She then suddenly stopped and brought her lips as close to his without kissing and said, “I would hate to keep your soldiers waiting on us for too long right now. Whenever you’re ready later though. Come find me at the party. Drag me back here. And let’s finish what we’ve started.”
He nodded and smiled, “In that case, it may very well be a short party but a late night for the two of us.”
He leaned in for a kiss, but she turned her face to the side dodging him, “Nuh uh. Not until later.”
She opened the door and took his hand as she led him back to the party. The crowd cheered as they emerged from the command center. Xenia loved being the center of attention and played to the crowd perfectly as she raised her hands in the air and began to dance to the music.
Vega had the mic in hand and said, “Everyone! Everyone! Before we get the night going, I have just a few words.”
The crowd settled down as he continued, “I’m told we could’ve lost a lot of good men and women today. Lord Heraklinos and I are always ready to put our lives on the line to save each and every one of you. But what we can’t always count on is how outsiders will treat us. General BloodStar spent much of her ki healing our people after the missile strike. I’m told she then went on to save our people from a scenario that would’ve resulted in heavy casualties.”
He grabbed a drink and said, “I’d like to make a toast to Xenia. Cheers to new friends, new alliances, and whatever else the future may hold. No longer will our actions be dictated by the history between the Heraklinos and BloodStar families but let the future be written by a new generation! Cheers! To our future leaders of the world! Jacek and Xenia!”
The crowd went wild as people sloshed their beers and other drinks together before chugging them down. Xenia left Jacek’s side and began to mingle with the men and woman of the Saber fortress.
Whispers could be heard, “Is she wearing Erika’s dress? Oh my, Erika would be so upset!”
Others replied, “I have to say, she wears the dress much better than Jacek’s old girlfriend. Erika made a huge mistake going on break with Jacek. Men like him don’t stay single.”
Others chimed in, “Are Jacek and Xenia warming up to each other? Do you think they will date?”
Xenia made the rounds for hours deep into the night charming and winning the soldiers of the fortress over. As a warrior herself, they had much to talk about, and she was a very relatable person for them all to talk to.
Towards the end of the night, Xenia entered the story telling circle that Jacek and Vega had partaken in for most of the night. She took her seat and listened to the soldier currently awing the crowd.
The solider pointed to Xenia and said, “Now that General BloodStar has arrived! Allow me to recount the story of today.”
The soldier pounced around with a microphone in his hands, “There we were! We had arrived to confront the evil Evo! We have fought countless battles, and we are fearless. We were ready to strike and save our fellow countrymen from the clutches of this villain.”
The solider took a sip of his drink and continued, “But this time… we fell into a trap! The enemy was wily, and before we knew it, we saw the eyes of thousands of men staring down at us! They took aim! We steeled ourselves for our fates! We were prepared to die by Jacek’s side!”
He walked around the circle in silence letting the anxiety of the crowd simmer, “But then… out of nowhere… the men above us… their heads flew off leaving a trail of blood in the air. Thousands and thousands of heads were suddenly decapitated from their bodies. We looked around to see what or who had done this! Who was our savior!?”
He leapt in front of a spectator and yelled, “Blood traveled in the air to form a ball! Our eyes followed the ball of blood down to see our very own… Xenia BloodStar! She sapped the ki from the blood like a Blood Goddess and equipped it to our own Lord! He glowed in brilliant white ki with Xenia’s reinforcement, and he struck down Evo with a single mighty blow!”
The solider took a sip as the crowd looked on with bright eyes, “There Xenia and Jacek stood. Like a God and Goddess. The perfect pair. I daresay they could’ve been fighting the rest of the world today, and they would have won! Cheers to our invincible… our brave… and at least one of them, beautiful… Xenia and Jacek!
The onlooking crowd went wild and clinked their drinks to the legendary, and embellished, tale that had just been born into this world. Xenia smiled and sat in the limelight as all eyes were on her. However, she had eyes for just one person. She sipped her drink and stared across the circle of people directly at Jacek.
Vega nudged him, “Don’t screw this up. Girls like Erika come around once a lifetime. Girls like her come around once a millennium.”
Jacek handed Vega his drink and said, “Thanks for being there for me. It’s been a rough while since Erika went on break with me and stopped answering or returning my calls.”
Jacek then stood up and walked over to Xenia, “It’s late.” He outstretched his hand to her, and she grabbed it as she stood up beside him.
Jacek then yelled to the crowd, “Our honored guest needs her rest before departing tomorrow. She and I have some diplomatic talks to attend to for the night but please continue to party in our absence!”
The crowd smiled in response and cheered the two. Whispers could be heard, “Diplomatic talks at midnight? Those are diplomatic talks that might actually be fun!”
Jacek led Xenia back to her room. They walked along the empty corridor before arriving at her door. She turned to him and said, “I think you will find I excel at diplomacy. Please come in.”
The two entered her room, and she closed the door behind her and locked it shut. Next, she walked up to Jacek and began to take his shirt off as they kissed. She then moved her hands lower and began to unbutton his pants, “You couldn’t keep your eyes off of me all night. I absolutely loved the feel of your gaze on me.”
After stripping him down, she held his face with both of her hands and continued to kiss him, “Were you thinking about all of the things you wanted to do to me? Or would you rather think about what I was going to do to you?”
Jacek tried to respond in between kisses; however, Xenia was purposely aggressive in kissing him to prevent him from answering. She made it very clear with her actions who was in control.
Xenia pushed him on to the bed. Jacek laid on the bed as she stood before him inching out of her dress saying, “Such a short risky dress to wear with no panties.” She removed the dress and tossed it to the floor revealing her naked body, “I guess I’m a girl who likes a little risk though.”
She then crawled on top of Jacek and went in for a kiss. Before she kissed him though, his phone began to ring on the night stand. Xenia picked it up and saw the phone read ‘Erika Sage’.
Jacek asked, “Who is it?”
Xenia turned the phone to show him, and he thought to himself, “Are you for real?! She hasn’t called me back all week, and she chooses now?!”
Xenia turned the phone to silent and tossed the phone to the floor. She sat cowgirl style atop him and said, “No more interruptions.”
She looked down at him, “Most men I can tie up in rope or chains. But some men are too strong.” She then gathered ki around her hand and forced Jacek’s arms and legs down hard to the bed immobilizing him. “For men like you, I use their own blood to hold them down.”
Jacek was a bit taken aback with fear from such a new sensation, but he had to admit that being dominated by a girl more powerful than him was a welcomed fantasy. And he wasn’t sure there was another girl more powerful than him in the entire world other than Xenia.
She smiled at him and said, “Once you’ve been with me, nothing else will ever be quite the same. Last chance. Are you sure you want a night with me?”
Jacek nodded, and Xenia shrieked with excitement, “Sit back. Relax, Jacek. Enjoy me. Because I’m about to push you to new limits you never knew you had.”
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