Chapter 5: Analysis
Chapter 5: Analysis
“Master Chief John Washington. While Senators Hammond and Davis and I are the only ones here in person, the remainder of the United States senate and house are listening in remotely. Please recount the events from earlier today.” Vice President Morrow sat in a tufted leather chair alongside Senators Hammond and Davis as he spoke to John Washington who stood before them in a private meeting room in the Capitol Building.
John nodded and began, “Good evening lawmakers and Mr. Vice President. Earlier today during Princess BloodStar’s press conference, an attempt was made on her life. The shooter was a middle-aged male who he himself cannot use ki. However… he wielded a single-shot silver pistol loaded with a nightmare ki bullet. The inscription along the barrel of the gun read ‘6W’. The attempt on the lady’s life was unsuccessful.”
Senator Hammond was unamused, “How was this allowed to happen! On your watch, You nearly allowed the great spark of the second Great War! Boy! Do you know what that means! A century of peace and prosperity for humanity would have reversed course into torture, starvation, bloodshed!”
Senator Hammond was livid but also relieved as he continued, “We are lucky the Princess is unharmed. She left herself completely defenseless saving what was thought to be a dead infant. And this is how we repay her?” He shook his head in disgust once more.
Senator Davis tried to steer the conversation to a more investigatory angle as he said, “Master Chief, please describe in detail what happened once the gun was revealed. I can tell from the video footage what the secret agents did but tell me what went through your mind.”
John nodded, “I immediately and unmistakably recognized the nightmare ki shrouding the bullet as it left the barrel. At that point, I knew we were completely helpless to stop it. I activated my ki nullification domain, Ki Zero, but as suspected it had no effect. About halfway to its target, the bullet’s outer layer of ki began to disintegrate and was completely absent by the time it made impact with the agent’s body armor. That is where the bullet came to a stop.”
Vice President Morrow immediately asked, “What does the video scanner analysis show?”
John continued, “The video scanner shows exactly what I saw. In addition, it shows absolutely no other ki activation in the entire courtyard. Princess Xenia as talented as she may be, was left completely dry of her ki reserves after healing all day. There is not an iota of traditional or ancient ki on the analysis.”
Senator Hammond was working himself up again and couldn’t help but to comment, “So you’re telling me that this ever-powerful nightmare ki that we know to come from one source, simply failed?”
John nodded in agreement and the Senator blew a gasket. Hammond stood out of his chair and yelled, “Boy! Do you know where Nightmare Ki comes from?! He does not make mistakes! His assassination attempt would have been flawless, and we are lucky he wasn’t behind this, or we would be having a very different war preparation meeting. Master Chief tell me how you reconcile these events at the end of the day.”
John nodded once more, “My working theory is as such. From time to time, Ashrok of the Ru-Shai-Ra, one of the Six Wraiths, will lend his minions nightmare ki coated objects of various kinds to aid with their missions. We have confirmatory intel that these objects are often not used on their missions for they are largely held for use as a last resort. If they are unused, they will sometimes find their way to the black market where they are sold. Alternatively, they may also be picked up off a dead Ru-Shai-Ra member. I believe this pistol is an example of one such item. And I believe it has been in existence for many decades. The passage of time has weakened the strength of the ki. Nightmare Ki in particular is a very complex architecture and prone to degeneration over many decades. I ultimately believe the ki broke down from the force put on it by the gunpowder explosion and subsequent acceleration.”
Senator Davis laughed, “In a nutshell… we got lucky.” John nodded as a bead of sweat dripped down his forehead. Senator Davis leaned forward, “Lady luck is on our side ladies and gentlemen. Let’s not count on her always being there. What of the shooter now? Has Princess BloodStar shared any intel she may have gained from her interrogation?”
John hesitated before answering but ultimately spoke, “BloodStar Empire interrogations are unlike our own. If the Princess dares to carry out a traditional interrogation on our soil, she will likely commit several unforgivable crimes by our laws. As such, I don’t think she will be interrogating this shooter until they return to the BloodStar Empire.”
Vice President Morrow nodded saying, “I suspect you’re right. Thank you for the analysis, Master Chief. If you have nothing further, you are dismissed.”
The Master Chief gave a salute and turned to exit. Various remote lawmakers began to log off as the session ended. Before long it was just the three men sitting alone in a room together.
Senator Hammond’s face was flushed red with anger. He reached for a cigar to simmer down, “Gentlemen, cigar?”
Before long, the three men were sitting and smoking cigars as they reflected on the day’s events.
Vice President Morrow said, “Princess BloodStar showed up 12 hours ago. She had a flock of people waiting for her at the airport. She showed them how down to Earth she was, driving her own vintage supercar. Then she performed miracle after miracle, saving the lives of at least ten people including a baby that was already declared dead. In the process, she fainted. Then she survived an assassination attempt by what our Master Chief is calling dumb luck.”
Senator Davis laughed, “She’s a damn national hero after having been here for 12 hours.”
Hammond chimed in, “And tonight she is mingling with her supporters once more. She has bought out the priciest hotel in DC for the duration of her stay. The entire hotel to herself! And tonight, she is throwing a gala for those who received an invite, ourselves included if we so wish.”
Vice President Morrow took on a more serious tone and said, “Gentlemen, this will be discussed at length behind closed doors by many for months to come, but… the end game for this diplomatic visit is international recognition of the BloodStar Empire’s return to the civilized world. They will expect to be included in World Summit Meetings. Empress Victoria herself may even demand she be reinstated as a member of the Master Families.”
Senator Davis tilted his head and said, “There can be no doubt this is the beginning of a political chess match. I see it as the early innings of Empress Victoria preparing her Empire for the eventual transition of power to her heir Xenia. While Victoria may have left a bad taste in the mouth of the world, the same won’t be true of Xenia. I suspect other countries will be forced to form diplomatic relations with the BloodStar Empire eventually.”
Hammond then blew a smoke ring and said, “After a century of damn near total isolation from the rest of the diplomatic world, the re-emergence of the BloodStar Empire back on the scene will make for very interesting times.”
Hammond then took on a more serious demeanor, “If I’m being honest, I fear the worst. I do not share the same optimism as many of my contemporaries.”
Morrow looked at him and said, “Oh? And why is that Hammond?”
Hammond began, “The entire world once banded together over one hundred years ago to force the BloodStar Empire into a corner of diplomacy. The entire world… against one empire. Do you know how one empire managed to stand up against the rest of the world?”
Davis sat forward, “How?”
Hammond continued, “Bloodline power. Our good Master Chief believes the BloodStar Family to harness traditional ki. I believe their true power to lie in ancient ki simply because they are the last of the bloodline powers to exist in this world. Just because we haven’t seen it, doesn’t mean it isn’t true.”
Morrow scrunched his face up, “Bloodline powers are powerful. They throw the status quo aside. However, they are easy enough to end if needed.”
Hammond frowned, “That’s exactly what I’m worried about! Bloodline powers pass, in mysterious fashion, to the heir of the family. In this case the death of Empress Victoria would result in Empress Xenia inheriting not just the Empire but also her mother’s Bloodline powers. At this point, she would also be a Bloodline power without an heir.”
Morrow frowned as well, “I see your point. If she is killed at that point, then it is the end of the last Bloodline power in the world. Bloodline powers although powerful have been extinguished to history by slaying such powerful people before they can create an heir.”
Davis noted, “Then this is their ultimate angle. Create as many allies as possible before Victoria’s death, so that those that would stir war for the sole purpose of killing her will at least think twice about it.”
Morrow nodded, “Well gentlemen. We will declare ourselves as allies to the BloodStar Empire if tomorrow goes well. We won’t have a choice. Let’s hope the Master Families of the world see our decision in the same light as we do.”
Hammond nodded, “The only person to ever fight Empress Victoria to a standstill is indeed the head of the Heraklinos Master Family. I would like very much to find him on our side. The BloodStar and the Heraklinos families on the same side… no one would dare stand up to that alliance.”
Davis shook his head, “Don’t be so sure. Like we’ve said, the desire to extinguish Bloodline powers is strong in some factions. Strong enough to splinter members of the Master Families I would wager. And where would the Six Wraiths of the Ru-Shai-Ra fall in this equation?”
Hammond and Morrow nodded in agreement, “Fair and valid points Senator Davis.”
Hammond then stood up and said, “This old man needs to get some rest before tomorrow. Lest we forget that although we have dodged an assassination attempt, the events of tomorrow hold just as much weight if not more.”
Hammond and Morrow prepared to take their leave as they bid the other goodnight. However, Senator Davis held them for one last thought, “Gentleman, should not one of us attend the gala this evening? The last thing we need to do is slight our guest after nearly allowing her to be assassinated on our soil, no?”
Hammond nodded his head, “Good idea Davis, you should go.”
Davis began to protest but Morrow seconded Hammond by saying, “I’m afraid our seniority has decided that we will turn in for the night, and you shall attend the gala Davis.”
Davis gave a half-smile and said, “Very well gentlemen. But you both owe me.” He put his jacket on and made his way to the car thinking to himself, “That worked out better than I could’ve hoped for.”
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