Bonded Summoner

Book 1. Chapter 22: Goddess Visit Aftermath

Book 1. Chapter 22: Goddess Visit Aftermath

The goddess was only in their [Refuge] for maybe 30 minutes, but her visit had completely exhausted everyone. Jake decided to go over the changes to his status caused by the goddess.

Skill Evolved!

Mana Core: Spiral Lv. 3 -> Hearth Core Lv. 3

Hestias Flame burns brightly within you. May your hearth burn, till the end of time.


+2.5 All Attributes / Core Level

+75% Maximum Mana

+15% Maximum Mana / Core Level

Jake found that the mana core change, while an additional +.5 stats per level of the skill and much more maximum mana was still quite significant, the name and how the hearth felt was probably a much larger change, and he wondered how it would evolve in the future. He silently thanked the demoness once again, for helping him form the core in the first place. Jake found the Valkyries core had received the same change. She also received the same passive skill as Jake:

Skill Learned

Purifying Flames Lv. 1

Hestias flames purify you, body and soul. Negative effects will be purged as time goes on.

Jake was somewhat happy with this, but would have to wait to test it out. It was certainly not a force multiplier, but it gave one less thing for Jake to worry about. In the game, there were various nasty status effects, and the fact that here his risk was reduced was a welcome thing. Plus, only true healers would receive the best forms of negative status removal and at the earliest.

Next, he had gained a new spell, under a new category of magic called Champion Magic:

Champion Spell Learned

Sacrificial Flames: Barrier

The Hearth and Family must be protected. Consume health, stamina, and mana to create a flaming barrier.

When Jake first cast this spell, he had nearly stumbled and shouted in pain, and looked to Ophelia suspiciously. Did she hit him when he wasnt looking?

Jake had guessed that he had nearly lost fifteen or twenty percent of his health in order to cast this barrier, and casting it did not feel good, to put it lightly. Still, it lasted nearly ten whole seconds, and they found that it was quite a challenge to break through it in that amount of time.

They were unable to test very well with spells, as Fhesiah was really only able to attack with flames, which if anything increased the power of the barrier, and even Ophelia casting runic spears of ice did not seem to be able to defeat the barrier within the time period.

Not only that, but it was somewhat mobile, with Jake being able to make it follow or intercede with blows; he could protect more than one person with this, even without covering them. The cost increased the larger the area it covered, and he could even decide on the shape. The minimum size cost about ten percent of his health, and that still produced a barrier larger than Ophelias larger shield.

Only Ophelia and Fhesiah beating on it with their full strength with their weapons for the entire duration did the barrier start to see cracks near the end. Jake now had a very reliable barrier that he could trust to protect himself and his team, and he was glad at how quickly he could activate this barrier; it required little more than a thought, now that he was used to system-based casting. It also had another effect: it caused minor damage to attackers. For Fhesiah and Ophelia it was negligible because of their compatibility with fire, but Jake imagined that determined attackers would hardly be able to shrug it off.

On to Ophelias new spells, under a new category of hers called Valkyrie Magic:

Valkyrie Spell Learned

Sacrificial Flames: Renewal

Light the flames of renewal. Consume health, stamina, and mana for healing the desired target.

Ophelia found that she could use the spell even on herself, as backwards as that appeared. She would just need to make sure she had enough leeway when casting on herself, as her health would be subtracted and she could feel the harm to her being before the healing arrived. She also found that the heal was highly efficient, in that it may only use a little more mana than Jakes [Cure Wounds], but the amount of healing it produced was close to four times the amount in the same amount of cast time.

Valkyrie Spell Learned

Sacrificial Flames: Spear of Hestia

Consume health, stamina, and mana to cast a Flaming Spear of Hestia at your target.

Ophelia now had the defining skill of all valkyries: a magic attack powered by their god or goddess. They found this ability to be quite powerful, but it would likely not be used against enemies they found to be trivial, the cost of five to ten percent of her health depending on the size and strength of the attack was worth being conservative about its usage. Overall, her spears were much more powerful than the runic fire spears that they had used previously, and Jake guessed that they had special effects against targets like the undead. Hestias flames had properties of purification, so any creature that relied on pestilence or disease would likely take extra damage as well.

These were some major qualitative changes for the two, and Fhesiah was not completely left out either. Her epiphany with her control over the flames made her into even more of a menace when using team work like they had done previously. Ophelias flames left over by her [Spear of Hestia] attack could then be taken over by Fhesiah where they would spread and increase into an all-consuming flame. Her own fireball attack was also greatly improved, Jake guessed that it would now completely crush the Gnoll Chief they had faced not that long ago.

Jake now checked their house-warming gift.

Legendary Refuge Item Obtained

Hearth of the Refuge

This hearth has been blessed by the Goddess Hestia. Within the Refuge, all energy density is increased by five times. [Upgradeable.]

So now Jake and Ophelia could practice many more spells throughout the day, and Fhesiah would make much more progress on her cultivation. This was even better than the fixture Jake was hoping to purchase, only improving density by three times. Jakes mana siphon would bring even more heavenly energy through the bond, and it was difficult to measure how much impact this would bring over time, but Fhesiah was confident that this was much faster than secluding herself in some cave like cultivators are wont to do.

Jake found that they could even upgrade the hearth for 250,000 credits, and that would double its efficiency. Jake thought this would be definitely worth it, but they needed other purchases first. Namely, their equipment was going to start getting behind soon. Jakes leather was easily damaged by even the giant ants, and Ophelias was not much better off.

Fhesiahs robes would seem to provide as much defense as she used heavenly energy, but she is due for some additional padding, if you asked Jake. Even Jakes spear staff was starting to fall behind, he had even worried about blocking a major blow from the Gnoll Chief without it breaking.

Jake reviewed his own status sheet. He still hadnt reached level 6, but he felt that he was getting very close. The changes from his core evolving in addition to the core level he had gained were somewhat significant.

Jake Status Level 5













Jake reviewed Ophelias status sheet. It appeared she had reached level 4 at some point.

Ophelia Status Level 4













Finally, Jake reviewed Fhesiahs status sheet.

Fhesiah Status Level 3













Jake was surprised to learn that she too had a level, but it appeared she did not get attributes to spend, and she did not earn levels from kills, at least not without extra steps. Her attributes would increase as a result of her cultivation improving, not necessarily exclusive to her increasing her level. On top of that, the status was just an estimate of what her attributes are with minimal amounts of Qi flowing through her. She could almost double that value for short bursts in regards to her strength or dexterity.

Instead, she gained levels by absorbing heavenly energy, and the Framework focused what she would gain as experience towards improving her skills, in addition to providing small amounts of heavenly energy. This kill energy could then be cultivated when she returned back to their [Refuge]. In all, not all that different from what Jake and Ophelia earn from kills, but Fhesiah needed a safe place to absorb this energy, and it could be lost if she lost control over it or too much time passed; A few hours might be okay, but she would start to lose her gains if they spent much longer than that. But Jake and Ophelia could gain a level while in the dungeon, even in the middle of a fight.

They had only spent a little bit of time going over the changes before they headed to bed for the night. In the morning they had set about practicing their spells and abilities, and Jake thought to ask Ophelia for her thoughts. When Hestia offered me the position of Champion, you were quite worried, but happy too. What is it that makes you worried?

Ophelia frowned and thought for a moment, having difficulty coming up with the words, Its just, I thought about how dangerous being Champion could be, and I was worriedthat I wouldnt be good enough to protect you, to be good enough for you. Im

Jake decided that this line of thought was not going anywhere good, so he interrupted, I know that you think you arent good enough to be a Champions protector, but Im not good enough to be a Champion, at least not yet. Well work together and become better, but I think youve done excellent: you have not failed me yet. I promised you that we would do everything we could to make you successful, and we are already one step closer to that. I know that you put in enough effort on your own that this will happen, its inevitable. I wont give up on you, so you shouldnt give up on you, too.

The demoness floated over from where she was working on her own skills by the hearth where she now often stayed, and she decided to add her piece, Jake is right. If you cant believe in yourself due to previous failures, just cover them with a blanket of success. Or, just believe in me, the dragon-touched demoness that reached the Nascent Soul realm at the young age of only one hundred and two, that believes in you. I chose you, and so of course you will be magnificent. There is no way that you will fail me, Im certain of it.

The valkyrie and Jake just had wry smiles on their faces. Did the demoness come over to cheer up Ophelia, or did she come over to brag about herself? Still, her emotions matched her statement: she had conviction when she said those last words, so Jake nodded at Ophelia and tried to send those emotions to her: that the demoness, as twisted as her words might have been, truly believed in Ophelia. She understood and accepted the demoness encouragement, as well as Jakes, and was then filled with determination.

I will do it. I will become a valkyrie that is worthy of following a Goddess Champion into battle, with your help. With those words spoken, she then kneeled in front of Jake, and her wings started to glow like the flame of her spells. She spoke once again, Champion Jake, I choose you. I will follow you in all that you do, to be your spear and your shield, provide succor, and to follow you on the fields of battle till the end of time, my hero.

The light increased in intensity, and some of it drifted over to Jake, surrounding him. The energy entered where Jake felt his bond to Ophelia, and it strengthened and changed it slightly. He could feel her elation, her enjoyment of this new connection. Jake could feel a better understanding of Ophelia, like he could feel down to her very essence of who she was, and guessed that she was able to understand him in the same way.

Jake found that he could even understand the reasons she liked and respected Jake, and made him her Chosen. She had no doubt that Jake would become a warrior, a hero that people respected, and a valkyrie like her serving him was a matter of course; in their nature. She was making this oath to the Champion Jake, not the Jake from Earth that was slowly, perhaps inevitably becoming her lover.

That he would care for her, motivate her, and help her excel were all more reasons but just bonuses, including the growing affection they had for one another. She also felt that his goals and his desires matched hers, and that she trusted him to continue to lead her into battles that she can be proud of. She also chose him because it would be a way for her to better protect her summoner, and she was right, as Jake checked his notifications.

Skill Learned

Valkyries Chosen

Valkyries will not allow their chosen to fall before themselves. Your Valkyrie takes 20% of damage you receive in your stead.

+5% Additional Damage Absorption / Level of Ophelias Valkyrie Magic Skill.

The Valkyrie herself received a skill.

Skill Learned

Valkyries Fervor

Valkyries become stronger when fighting near their chosen. Gain 10% All Attributes when fighting near Chosen. Effect increases when chosen takes significant damage.

+2% All Attributes / Level of Valkyrie Magic

Jake could both see and feel that the valkyrie was quite happy with the skills and her choice, especially now that she had a better understanding of him. He said to her, I know you wont let me down, and Ill do my best to not let you down either. I think if we work hard together, the three of us can be some of the best. I dont think the goddess would have invested in us if she didnt agree.

Ophelia just nodded, and just basked in the new feelings she had. The demoness had a smile on her face, quite happy with how things turned out. Unfortunately, that smile went away, when she heard Jakes thoughts. It was time to kill and gut some more bugs.

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