Chapter 1477: Making More Totems
After breakfast, and with everyone joining in this time, we started making totems to better protect and strengthen the Domain. After discovering their true power yesterday, a how amazing Mark's magic abilities were when related to said totems, I simply couldn't help myself but get as many as possible until the Domain can develop an Ability related to them, which will grant us a stronger protection from invaders.
I guess it could be said I've grown rather paranoid after the last attack, and well, it isn't as if I am not justified either way, it was a terrifying event that… it even took the life of people. So of course I'll try everything I possibly can to strengthen the Domain's defenses, and probably its surrounding area. Hopefully one day I can cover the entire city too, so no bad people ever get close to us again.
"Big sis, is this right? I don't really know how to do this properly…" Gabriel complained, as he pointed at the totem he was making with his little hands and a knife. "Is it?"
It looked quite fine to me, although it was rough around the edges, that doesn't seem to be enough to make it not a totem worthy piece of wood. Apparently even the first totem Monica made was good enough to be accepted by the Spirits.
"It looks good, don't worry!" I said. "What animals have you chosen for it?"
"Hmm, I don't know, can I choose a white dove?" he wondered. "I like white doves; they represent the holy spirit!"
"A-Ah right, sure," I nodded. "Something else?"
"Perhaps a lamb too!" Gabriel said.
"That makes sense…" I nodded. "And what else?"
"Hmm… Dunno about a third animal, that could be related to god or the bible?" he wondered curiously. "Ah right! Perhaps a fish!"
"F-Fish?" I wondered. "I guess so! Sure, that's quite the combination though. White Dove, Lamb, and Fish… Sure!"
I helped him out refine his totem pole, he was using the white wood from my current new form, which I had harvested plenty of beforehand.
"It's looking nicer now! Let's apply some paint!" He said happily, he wanted to paint more than carving wood.
"Haha, okay, okay, but don't paint them too much, just add the necessary little details, alright?" I asked.
"Sure!" He nodded happily.
As we sat in the front yard while making totems, Gabriel happily started painting it with the paint available. It was actually just some normal average paint, nothing magical about it, but it seemed to still be fine and worked alright.
As he painted, I glanced at my daughter. She was working on something with Monica's help, after Monica made the first totem she felt like an expert, and she guided my daughter into making her own.
Using their own Magical Essences, the Totems would gain their elemental properties, this is why I wanted everyone to make their own Totems, so we would have totems of various elements and powers.
"And you do it like this…" Monica said. "If you carve this area here, it'll end in a nice ear. It's a wolf right?"
"Yeah," Elena nodded. "A wolf with horns, cool right?"
"I-I suppose it's quite cool," nodded Monica with a smile. "Then the middle animal, what is it?"
"It'll be a… Probably some sort of bat? Yeah I like bats," she nodded. "And the third will be a tarantula. I think that'll be cool too."
"Oh, quite spooky…" Monica nodded. "Sure, okay, let's continue then! I'll help you out with this and that~!"
Monica had grown more confident in her way of speaking most of the time now. If it isn't something about feelings, she usually doesn't stutter anymore when talking, and she has become much more confident about herself.
She now can mostly freely speak with my daughter, and the two had already become great friends, so I'm happy to see her like this. Also another girl to be around the house that's my daughter's age is perfect, so she doesn't feel completely out of place among adults.
I know Anna and Elisa are also her friends and all, but they can't be with us all the time though, they have their own lives and everything else.
However, Monica was adopted by me, and she has grown to feel like a second daughter… So I'm glad my daughter also sees her as a sister, or well, I hope so…
"Hmm, this totem making work is quite exhausting~ Can't we take a break?"
Kaguya sighed with an annoyed face, complaining all the time while carving the wood.
"A break? We're just starting with the second head, Kaguya! Have some more spirit! The butterfly is done and now we're moving to the cicada!"
Katherine was with her, helping out as much as she could. The two got along quite fine, even though Kaguya had a much lazier personality and attitude.
"Hm, I wonder when is she leaving? I really don't want her to leave…"
I sighed internally as I helped little Gabriel pain, it has been almost a month since I summoned Katherine, and she probably has less than a week left with us.
She'll be leaving… Probably to never return as she'll go to her own Realm, Avalon.
I know its her home and I don't have the right to tell her what to do but… It's kind of sad, nonetheless.
"Hey Gardenia, do you think it's possible to ask the King of Fairies to allow Katherine to stay a bit longer with us?"
"Huh? D-Don't call me by my name, that's embarrassing!"
"But your mommy Verdant gave it to you right?"
The Great Spirit of Harvest and Nature's real name was Gardenia, and she was the child of Lady Verdant, something she had very faint memories of.
Although we both believed she was a creation of Gaia or Yggdrasil, she actually belonged to Verdant's Realm originally and was given a task by Gaia to find a Saint representing her, me.
Whenever I call her by her real name, she gets all flustered and embarrassed though, which is really cute.
"Well whatever, what would I know? I'm not from this world and Avalon is a Realm more connected to this world than Arcadia…" She shrugged. "You'll have to just ask her directly."
"Hmm, I suppose it's time to have that talk huh?" I sighed.
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