Joon’s Comeuppance (Touhou Project)
Joon’s Comeuppance (Touhou Project)
A/N: Until the end of March use code 830B9 at checkout for a 16% discount on the first Month of , OR simply sign up for an Annual Pledge with a 16% discount baked in for the whole year!
Themes: Mind Break, Dom/Sub, Rough Sex
Summary: Joon Yorigami is the worst and she revels in that fact. Until someone finally decides to do something about the brat once and for all.
Another day, another shopping spree with the money she'd 'rightfully reclaimed' from disgusting humans! And sure, Joon supposed she should admit that her gross sister's dumb powers had helped out a little bit in draining those idiot mortals' wallets dry… but Joon had definitely done the most! That's why she'd taken the lion's share of the profits, like always. Not like her dumb sister was going to stop her anyways.
After all, an elegant beauty such as Joon Yorigami deserved nothing less than the classiest of designer clothes and finest and flashiest of jewelry! As dumb and shitty as the average mortal moron was, she had to admit she LOVED buying their stuff with their own money. It made her feel so, so good~
Walking through the market with her arms laden down with bags and a satisfied, vindictive smile on her face, the pestilence god is humming to herself as she crosses in front of a dark alley. She's not really paying attention to her surroundings truth be told… why would she, it's not like anyone would dare try something after all?
Except, just as she's passing by the mouth of that alley, Joon feels a strange pressure in her back… and then her vision goes black.
When she wakes up, she doesn't really know where she is. Definitely not in the market anymore… and not the alley either, because she quickly figures out she's on a bed in a proper room. However, even moving her head is extremely difficult. For some reason, it's like her strength has been sapped of her. Laying there, Joon feels like she's been drained of every ounce of energy that she normally has available to her. What the hell was going on here?
"Ah, you're finally awake, good."
Blinking, Joon looks down the length of her body to find herself staring at a human of all things standing at the foot of the bed. He gives her a wicked grin, his hands clasped behind his back.
"You're probably wondering what's going on, Joon Yorigami. You're probably wondering why you're here and who I am too. Well-!"
He keeps talking, but if Joon is being honest… she sort of tunes him out. He's basically completely wrong. She's so not interested in hearing some stupid shitty human's sob story. She doesn't care who he is or why he brought her here. And if this boring ape has anything to do with what's 'going on' then she really doesn't care about that eith-ow!
Joon's eyes widen as the man is suddenly at her side and jabbing a needle he'd had hidden behind her back into her neck. She'd not only completely tuned him out but also started ignoring him in his entirety, so the petulant pestilence god is taken off guard completely by the sudden injection.
"What the fuck?! Who the fuck do you think you are you dumb bastard? Get away from me! The fuck did you put in my body?!"
Unfortunately, she can't do much beyond rage at him thanks to the sluggish sensation coursing through her body at the moment. However, it's not long before she starts to feel… other sensations as well. On top of feeling downright sluggish and drained of energy, her body also starts to heat up in weird ways. Specifically around her groin and chest areas, causing her pussy to dampen and her nipples to harden.
Not that that stops Joon from reading the man the riot act.
"Let me guess, you're just some idiot I 'stole' from is that it? Well if you couldn't hold onto your money, then you didn't deserve it! Finders keepers, losers weepers, you fucking moron! I can't believe that someone as stupid as you really thinks I'll-mmph!"
In the end, the only thing that stops Joon's ranting… is the human's cock interrupting her mid-sentence and pushing past her lips into her mouth. Her eyes widen in shock, not just from the man's temerity, but also from her body's reaction. Just the taste of this bastard's dick is enough to make her spasm a little bit as a surge of pleasure courses through her frame, much to her shock and outrage.
The hell was going on?! She couldn't even bite down, both because of her exhaustion AND because he was too damn big for her to close her jaw properly. Not to mention he'd already forced more than half of his cock into her mouth before she could react.
"Mmmph! Nnngh!"
As he slides his stupid fat dick in and out of her mouth, Joon glares up at the human in outrage. He just grins down at her in response.
"I guess this is the only way to shut a bitch like you up, eh Joon?"
This bastard…
"Now that I have your undivided attention, I suppose I can tell you exactly what you did to deserve this. You see-!"
Yeah so… she tunes him out again. Even if his cock is forcefully thrusting in and out of her mouth, and even if that's for some reason turning her on, that doesn't mean Joon has to listen to this bullshit. As his dick scrapes along the back of her throat, she's too busy dealing with her treacherous body instead anyways. If she wasn't feeling so damn sluggish at the moment, than she'd probably be squirming and rubbing her thighs together like a bitch in heat by now!
Why? Why did it feel so damn good? Mortals were disgusting. Humans were worth nothing more than the literal value she could extract from their wallets and bank accounts. Other than that, they were garbage, trash, scum… less than scum! And yet, this human was doing what no human had ever done to her before. He was fucking her face like he had a right to it or something, using her mouth and throat as his own personal onahole.
"Gagkh! Gagkh! Gagkh!"
It was humiliating! It was infuriating! It was… insanely arousing and Joon couldn't figure out why! The more he used her mouth, the better it felt for the rest of her body. Her pussy was absolutely drenched at this point and her nipples were rock hard and scraping against the inside of her insanely expensive top (paid for with the money from her idiot victims of course).
Saliva and drool coated the outside of her mouth and chin, as well as the human's cock, and he didn't seem to be letting up any time soon. He was going absolutely wild on her, seemingly having realized she wasn't paying attention to a single word out of his mouth. Indeed, the man has stopped talking altogether and is just full on skull fucking her with reckless abandon and a snarl on his face.
Until finally, he tilts his head back and lets out a telltale groan. The first long sticky rope of his cum hits the back of her throat a moment later and to Joon's shock… it's actually delicious. Before she can stop herself, her body once again reacts without her initiative and begins to swallow down the truly delectable seed. Its better than the best fine dining experience she's ever conned her way into. It tastes more amazing than the best food she's ever managed to scam into her belly.
She absolutely hates it, of course, even as she swallows every last drop of the load. Well, every last drop that she doesn't end up choking on and spilling out of the sides of her mouth anyways. As the man pulls out of her mouth and smirks down at her with a satisfied grin, Joon… Joon isn't having it.
"F-Fuck you, you dumb human bastard! Do you think you did something with that little pea shooter you call a dick? Do you think I c-care about your stupid semen or any of that?!"
Even as she's shouting insults and clearly fuming, however, her tongue does kind of trace out to lick up the last remnants of his seed from around her mouth. She can't get enough. However, the human doesn't notice, because his smile drops to be replaced by a more… wrathful expression at her words.
"You little bitch…"
With one big hand, the man reaches down and grabs her top, yanking it away and tearing it off her body to expose her breasts.
Then, he yanks up her skirt and reveals her panties, ripping those off of her as well without a second though.
Joon tries to fight back of course, but all of her squirming and flailing proves to be entirely ineffectual as she lays there still weakened and somehow exhausted. In the end, she can't do anything to stop the idiot human from lining up his too-big cock with her tight, sopping pussy. Nor can she stop him from slamming it right into her, pistoning in and out rather harshly. To top off her humiliation, he even goes so far as to violently maul her breasts while leaning forward to bite at her neck.
Joon… doesn't react how she would have preferred to have acted. Sure, she screams in outrage and anger… but she also involuntarily squeals and shrieks in pleasure and ecstasy. Her damn body betrays her again, seemingly ENJOYING the rough treatment despite it not being something that Joon would ever have chosen for herself before. This bastard has clearly done something to her… but what? Tch, when she found out, when she got out of this, she was definitely going to hurt him! No, she was going to kill him… AFTER she drained his bank accounts for every single coin she could get her hands on!
For the time being however, Joon is forced to just lie there and take it. No, worse than that… she's forced to lie there and ENJOY it. She throws further verbal abuse his way of course, tossing every insult under the sun that she can possibly think of in his direction, but… she can sort of tell that it's falling on deaf ears now. As a master of tuning out idiots who aren't worth her time, the brat of a pestilence god is also pretty good at telling when someone is ignoring her… and this bastard, despite definitely not ignoring her body, IS ignoring what she's saying.
Tears in her eyes, Joon can't stop herself from cumming on the man's cock more times than she would care to admit, shuddering and squealing in pleasure and pain alike as she hurls as much abuse his way as she can. But none of it seems to matter to the man at this point, even as he finally tips over the edge with a low grunt and proceeds to blow his load inside of her. This bastard…
Pulling out of her violated body, the man climbs off of the bed and starts getting dressed like nothing happened. Joon just lies there recovering for a moment, but she stiffens up when the human looks at her with a wicked smirk.
"We'll be seeing each other again soon."
With as much of a snarl as she can currently muster, Joon growls.
"You better we will! I'll fucking kill you for this, asshole! You better start running because when I catch you, I'm going to take my sweet time making you suffer for this shit! Fuck you! Hey! Did you hear me?! FUCK YOU!"
The man just leaves though, seemingly unfazed by Joon's vows of vengeance. And that… that stung most of all.
A week later and there's a knock at the door. The man smiles softly and rises to his feet, moving to the door and opening it. In the doorway stands Joon Yorigami, the Most Despicable and Disastrous Younger Twin Sister.
"You… y-you bastard… w-what did you do to me?"
Joon has clearly seen better days. She's shaking violently, sweating, and her pupils are dilated. All symptoms of withdrawal. The man looks at her without a single ounce of pity though, snorting derisively at her current state.
"Well if you'd bothered listening to me the first time, you would know that I injected you with a very special concoction indeed."@@novelbin@@
He pauses for a moment but despite her current state, Joon's entire focus is on him. Not a single sign that she's stopped listening this time around. Instead, she is completely and utterly zeroed in on what he's saying. The man grins wider at this.
"Said special concoction was made with one major goal in mind… addicting you to my semen specifically. Its permanent to be clear, not just something you can shake off by going cold turkey. At this point in time, you're suffering withdrawal symptoms and if you don't get your 'fix' soon… you'll feel more and more like you're dying."
Joon's eyes widen in horror as she sinks to her knees from a mixture of despair and also just plain sheer physical weakness. As she slumps there at his door, the man doesn't bother with propriety or decency. He just pulls his dick out and watches as her eyes immediately alight upon it. Instantly focused on his cock with every fiber of her being, Joon tries hard to resist the urge… but she can't stop herself. She NEEDS this.
"H-Hate… hate you…"
And yet, even as she says as much, the pestilence god crawls forward, takes his cock by the base… and instantly begins deep throating his member and choking herself on his shaft.
"Glughk! Glughk! Glughk!"
Gagging and gurgling noises emit from a defeated Joon Yorigami as she desperately sucks his dick with all her might, eager to sate her addiction with even the smallest drop of his seed. The precum that eventually drips onto her tongue is like the faintest of appetizers compared to the real meal that she desperately needs from him, but it's certainly a start and only spurs Joon on even harder.
The man just smiles down at her, placing a hand atop her head and running his fingers through her hair as he chuckles darkly.
"A brat in need of correction… that's all you ever were, you stupid little bitch."
Joon can't exactly argue with him even if she wants to, not with his dick in her mouth and her desperate need for his seed.
And so one of the most hated residents of Gensokyo ends up as nothing more than a common junkie, desperately doing whatever demeaning thing she has to get her fix of semen from the man in front of her. She'll eventually learn that he was one of the many people she tried to financially ruin for her own amusement and benefit.
She'll learn a lot about him in fact… because as Joon has discovered, addiction is a VERY powerful motivator for learning how to pay attention even when you don't want to. And as far as she's eventually concerned, the only one worth paying any attention to is her new Master, his big fat cock… and his delicious seed that she needs to survive.
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