Chapter 27: Chapter 27. Mightyena Trio
By now they must have both slept. I don't think they have so much stamina that they can have sex with each other till now. Myne thought while walking toward his last target room, which was other than the same gay couple's room.
After coming in front of that gay couple's room, where he saw his life's scariest sse, Myne took a deep breath in order to calm down himself and put his ear to the door, to hear if those two m inside the room are sleeping or doing something shameful which Myne in this life doesn't want to see again.
But ev after two minutes wh he didn't hear any sound from inside the room, Myne slowly oped the room door and secretly peeked inside.
It was completely dark inside the room, but thanks to his sight hancemt skill, Myne can still see everything with a little bit of difficulty.
There was a big bed on the left side of the room and a table with two chairs was placed in the middle of the room, while the rest of the room was completely empty without any kind of decoration as if this room is only used to do some shameful things.
On the bed, two naked m sleep happily while cuddling each other like how a snake cuddles his prey, and Myne watches them while covering his mouth tightly with both hands so he doesn't start vomiting.
[ Name: Eowyn
Level: 4
Race: Hume
Gder: Male
Age: 3 y/o
Occupation: Lucas Town, Town Lord Guest House Random Guard, And A Noob Gambler.
Swordsmanship ( Small ) LV: ( 4 ) ]
It said that as people age increases they start developing weird hobbies and today I finally got to see a live example of this Proverb, Myne thought while shaking his head.
[ Name: Jett Meson
Level: 06
Race: Hume
Gder: Male
Age: 0 y/o
Occupation: Bastard Son Of William Meson, Owner Of Meson's Night Bar.
Night Vision ( Medium ) LV: ( 6 )
Magic • Light ( Basic Form: Light Beam )
[ Magic • Light ]
The basic version of light magic. Can shoot a light beam from a finger, the more magic ergy used while shooting a light beam the more powerful it will become. But before unlocking its first form Host can also use it as a candle, because a light beam needs too much magic ergy before it can use in battle.
So Jett being gay in the information was right, huh, but that is not important since he is going to die anyway, what is more, important is that now I don't have to stand with a lantern in hand while doing to the toilet at night, Myne thought and hurriedly transfer Jett's skills to himself.
F*ck! but where the hell is this weird smell coming from? Myne thought as he smelled the foul and unbreathable smell in the room.
I can't stay in this room anymore.
Ev though it's only be some seconds since I ter the room, but if I stay here for more minutes th I probably die from suffocation, Myne thought while covering his nose with his hand, for one momt he ev saw five black people who are wearing weird black color clothes with black color hat and red color glass-like object on their eyes, while carrying a coffin with them, staring at him from the window with a big smile on their face.
Huh? Did someone was staring at me through the window?? Myne thought in fear.
F*ck! Because of this weird smell now I started to imagine things, I should leave this wretched room as soon as possible, Just as Myne thought that he suddly heard something which makes his blood boil in anger.
Two continuous blasts of fart were released by both naked m at the same time, one big while the other small, clearly just after looking at their mutual understanding and perfect timing with each other, anyone can say that their pair was made by God.
Myne who is controlling his vomiting with all his willpower till now after hearing and accidtally smelling fart from just meter away, finally can't take this kind of torture anymore and puke his dinner on the spot.
Now that's ough, I have dured a lot, now ev though I have nightmares at night because of them, but I am not going to stay here ev for a momt. it's time to take revge, Myne said angrily while wiping his mouth with his arm, and th he did what you can expect from a noob 5-year-old assassin.
Myne makes a a 5-meter distance from the bed so he doesn't get his clothes dirty and without thinking about the aftermath of his actions, he uses his favorite skill Magic • Wind ( Basic Form: Wind Blade ), and he indiscriminately starts shooting wind blades toward Jett and Eowyn.
Jett and Eowyn who just woke up from their sweet dreams because of Myne's vomiting sound don't ev have time to figure out what's going on before more than five gre color blades come in front of their eyes and Boom...
Like rain in a storm, wind blades start falling on their body nonstop while cutting every part of their body one by one like cutting vegetables for more than 5 seconds before Myne finally oped his eyes and stop shooting wind blades like a psycho, wh he sounds of big bell ringing.
Clearly, Myne's decision of using his skill wasn't as good as he thought, since after using it ev though he blow them both to pieces like rags, but because of it he also made a lot of noise and now everyone in the guest house ( other than those dead one) know that an uninvited guest has tered the guest house.
I am in trouble," Myne said and after taking a last looked at Jett and Eowyn's bed, on which now just a lot of blood, man's body parts, and wood, was left to see, he hurriedly come in front of the room window in order to run away from this guest house as the same way as he tered but just like I said last time Myne luck had run out long since age, that's why just as he oped the window he saw three guards standing meters away from him in the gard while talking with each other.
Seeing guards Myne immediately closed the window and run away from the main door before guards found out about his award-winning work and start searching for him like a hungry wolf. In hurry, he ev forgot to steal the Jett storage pouch.
In the guest house gard from where Myne tered the house, those three black color dogs also woke up from their sweet sleep because of the loud sound of a bell ringing.
"Woof, vow-vow-vow? ( Dad, did it time to eat? )" asked the Youngest Dog of the three to the biggest dog.
"Bow-vow-vow, woof, woof, woof, woof, woof, woof, bau-bau-bau-bau- bau-bau-bau-bau, ( well I don't think so, The first thing is that we never get food in the night and ev if it were, th seeing them, it doesn't look like these people are going to eat food in such hurry.)" Father dog said with a serious expression.
"Bow-bau-bau-bau-bau-bau- bau-bau? Vow-bow-bow-bow-bow-bow, ( Th are those people playing with each other? If so th I also want to play with them. )" The Little Dog said innoctly.
"Woof-bau-bau-bau-bow-bow-bow-bow-vow-vow-vow, ( No dear, they ar't playing, it seems like someone has tered the house and they are trying to catch that person. )" Mother Dog said calmly.
"Woof-bow-bow-bow-bow? Bau-bau-bau, bau-bau-bau, ( Th should I go to help them? I can definitely catch that person with my super strong nose in no time. )" Little Dog said excitedly.
"Woof-woof, bau-bau-bau-bau-bau-bau? bow-bow-bow-bow-bow-bow-bow-bow-bau-bau-bau-bau-bau-bau-bau, woof-woof-bow-bow-bow-bow-bow-bau-bau-bau-bau-bau, ( No need, did you forget what happed last time wh you ter into the house?
Not only did those people hit you with sticks but they also didn't give us food for more than three days, so like I always say, learn from your mistake and don't do anything for those people who can't give us ough food and respect for eating, they not worthy of our help. )" Father dog said with a serious expression.
"Woof-woof, bau-bauuu, ( I understand dad.)" Little Dog said in a low voice while lowering his head and ears sadly.
"Arf-Arf, woof-woof-bau-bau-bau-bau, bow-bow-bow-bow-bow-bau-bau-bau-bau-bau-bow-bow-bow-bow-bow-bow-bow-bow-bau-bau-bau-bau-bau-bau-bau, ( Don't be sad, Son, Once your mother injuries recovered, we will leave this place and return into the forest.
Ev though the forest is not safe, but at least there is ough food for us, and there we don't have to worry that some stranger will come and disturb us for nothing. )" Father dog said with fake excitedly in order to make his son happy, ev though he knows very clearly how dangerous can a forest become for low-level monsters like them.
"Woof, Bow-bow-bow-bau-bauu? ( Honey, do we really have to go into the forest? )" Mother dog asked in a low voice, ough that only Father Dog can hear it.
"Arff, bow-bow-bow, bau-bau-bau-bau,
bow-bow-bow-bow-bow-bow-bow-bow-bau-bau-bau-bau-bau-bau-bau, ( Sigh, yes we have to, otherwise watching the behavior of these people one thing is clear that they care about our lives, for them, we are just trouble that their master left for them, and if we didn't leave th we probably die from hunger.
If only that day we run away a little bit early th we are probably not caught in those people's hands. )" Father dog said emotionally while tering into his flashback.
Just as Father dog was watching his flashback Little Dog's ears suddly shake a little bit and he hurriedly looked toward his left side and saw a dark shadow running in his direction.
"Woof, Woof, bau-bau-bau-bau-bau-bau,
bow-bow-bow-bow-bow-bow-bow? Woof,
bow-bow-bow-bow-bau-bau-bau?? ( Dad, Dad, look someone is coming towards us, do you think that he is coming to give us food? Ohh, Ohh, or does he want to play with me?? )" The Little Dog asked full of excitemt while jumping a his Mom and Dad, clearly he already start to Imagine all those things that make him happy.
"Woof, bau-bau-bau-bau-bau-bau-bau, bow-bow-bow-bow-bau-bau-bau. Bow-bow-bow-bau-bau, ( Dear, I don't think he ev saw us, otherwise he won't running so fast toward us. I think he is escaping from someone. )" Mother Dog said calmly.
"Woof-woof-woof, bow-bow-bow-bow-bow,
bow-bow-bow-bow-bow-bow-bow-bow-bau-bau-bau-bau-bau-bau-bau-bow-bow-bow-bow-bau-bau-bau, ( Don't make trouble for him, Just stay at your place and let him go, he has nothing to do with us, if you did anything th there is a high possibility that he can attack us in order to make us silce. )" Father dog said in low voice.
Myne who just left the guest house through the Aust room window, under the nose of a doz guards and maids, running toward the guest house's outer wall suddly saw three figures in front of him, and since Myne want to escape hurriedly that's why with sight hancemt, he also uses his newly gott skill Night Vision.
With the combination of sight hancemt and night vision skills, Myne is now no differt than an owl, not only he can see at night like in the daytime without any problem but he can also see two times farther than a normal person.
F*ck! How bad my luck is today? Why are these troubles not leaving me?? Myne thought as he slowly decrease his running speed and stood meters away from the Dog trio.
Huh, this is strange, Why is there so much silce? Wasn't dogs start barking after seeing strangers?? th why is those three so silt, and most importantly why is this little guy ( height 0 Inches) look so happy after seeing me??? Myne thought while looking at Little Dog who is shaking his tail while looking at Myne with hopeful eyes, clearly, he is still thinking Myne was a food delivery boy.
[ Name: None
Level: 04
Species: Mightya ( Subspecies Of Hellhound )
Gder: Male
Age: y/o
Nether Eyes
Super Bite
Spirit language
Absolute Defse ( Basic )
Description: Mightya is a subspecies of Hellhound The Guardian Of Hell. Mightya are known for their intelligce. They can understand any intelligt species' language and once they recognize someone as their master they will be loyal to that person until their death. Their life span is a 00 years and as their age increases, so will their power also increase automatically.
Special Note: A Mightya can only use his all powers wh his bloodline purification is more than 70%, otherwise he is only considered a powerful dog, not a monster. ]
What! So they are not dogs, but monsters!! And looking at their race description it seems like they are not ordinary monsters, Myne thought and looked at their abilities since he is quite curious about them, after all, it doesn't always happ wh you meet some rare monsters.
[ Nether Eyes ]
Special abilities of Mightya. Because of it, they can see both day and night time without any problem. Can shoot hellfire through the eyes. With Nether Eyes, Mightya can see in someone's soul and can know the good or bad nature of their oppont.
Special Note: Because of impurities in Bloodline Host can only use 30% of the original skill.
[ Super Bite ]
After using it Host can bite any kind of object without harming their teeth, and the bite force increases by 3 fold.
[ Spirit language ]
Spirit language is also known as soul language, a passive ability, because of it Mightya can understand every Intelligce species and have no language boundary since they communicate through the soul.
[ Absolute Defse ( Basic ) ]
After using this ability Mightya can stop any type of attack and absorb the ergy of that attack in their hair and make them harder in order to make their defse more strong.
Special Note: If an attacker is more than five levels higher than the Host, th this skill can only absorb one of his attacks, before deactivating.
F*ck! So powerful, If they wer't abilities th I probably steal them immediately, Myne thought full of vy.
But what is this bloodline? I never heard or read in any book about such a thing, Myne thought with a frown and looked at the other two Mightya
[ Name: None
Level: ???
Species: Mightya ( Subspecies Of Hellhound )
Gder: Female
Age: 40 y/o
Nether Eyes
Super Bite
Spirit language
Absolute Defse ( Basic ) ]
[ Name: None
Level: ???
Species: Mightya ( Subspecies Of Hellhound )
Gder: Male
Age: 50 y/o
Nether Eyes
Super Bite
Spirit language
Absolute Defse ( Basic )
??? ]
What The F*ck!!! So many questions marks, just how strong are those two, that I can't see their levels, and that big guy ev had questions on some of his abilities, this is the first time something like this happed, Myne thought with eyes wide op, clearly it too difficult for him to believe that now ev dogs are more powerful than him
Sigh, they are too dangerous it will be better if I run away from here quickly before those guards find out that I already left the mansion and come here while searching me, Myne thought and start walking while making a -meter distance betwe himself and Dog trio and soon he comes in front of the wall.
But just as he was about to use his new skill Double Jump to cross the wall, his eyes suddly fall on the Little Dog who is still watching him with his puppy eyes...
"Sigh, why am I such a nice man," Myne said and hurriedly took out a big metal bowl that he brought to make food and filled it with Orc meat.
Here take this, consider this as a gift from me, since you guys didn't make trouble for me, Myne said and after looking at the Dog trio the last time, he use his new skill Double Jump.
But before using Double Jump, Myne forgot one thing while trying to look cool in front of the Dog trio, that Double Jump skill work on magic ergy, the more ergy you put in while activating this skill the higher the jump.
So Myne who is using this skill the first time and has no little a no control over his magic ergy, of course, provide a random amount of magic ergy while using the skill, and as a result, where he was supposed to jump 3 meters high, he jumped more than meters.
"Ohh Shit!"
That was Myne's last word that the Dog trio heard before he crash landing on the g.
"Fuck! Ohhoho, It's hurting like hell. Ahhhh, it seems like I broke my leg, and some bones as well," Myne said cryingly lying on the g in the middle of the road while holding his right leg.
After that Myne took out a bottle of Tear Of God and drank it half.
"That would be ough to heal my leg and other minor injuries till tomorrow morning," Myne said and after feeling that half the pain is over because of the potion effect, he slowly stand up from the g while cursing the wall maker sev gerations.
"Ohh, it hurts a lot, Ohhoho. F*ck! Why is my house so far," Myne said, and while taking support from his new magic sword, he wt towards his house.
"Woof, bau-bau-bau? ( Honey, did you see that? )" Mother Dog asked full of amazemt.
"Woof, bow-bow, ( Yes, very clearly. )" Father Dog said seriously while looking in the direction where Myne is going.
As Mother and Father Dog were talking, In the backg, Little Dog was eating Orc meat with pleasure without caring about anything else.
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