Childhood Friend of the Zenith

Chapter 339: Confrontation (3)

Chapter 339: Confrontation (3)

Tang Soyeol noticed the change in the sky as well.

As a dark, foreboding aura began to spread,

“Run away, now.”

Tang Soyeol warned the students around her..

They had been rivals a moment ago, focused on a competitive test, but survival outweighed any competition now.

She knew quick judgment was crucial.

Her father, the Poison King, had drilled this into her countless times.

As an assassin from the Tang Clan within the Orthodox Faction, sharp judgment was essential.

This lesson stayed with her as a Tang Clan martial artist, a clan known for its deadly mastery of poison and assassination.

There were tons of enemies.

She couldn’t afford to trust even those in the Orthodox Faction.

Her father, the Poison King, had taught her that lesson well.

She had been taught that only family was worthy of trust, and never to let her guard slip around others.

Ironically, his advice had a lasting impression, perhaps because he’d been torturing an Orthodox Faction member when he delivered it.

After learning that lesson from her father, Tang Soyeol became the Poison Phoenix and she started to wear a mask.

The title Poison Phoenix belonged to the Tang Clan.

She may have been weaker compared to other Dragons and Phoenixes, but Tang Clan was most famous for their art in poison and the members of the clan were proud of it, so it wasn’t strange for Tang Soyeol to become the Poison Phoenix.

Her older brother had once been the Poison Dragon, a title bestowed during his days as a Young Prodigy.

In some ways, it was obvious as any title related to poison belonged to the Tang Clan.

Tang Soyeol was embarrassed by her title at the time, but it wasn’t because her title was called the Poison Phoenix.

After all, who could be ashamed of being recognized as one of the greatest Young Prodigies?

Instead, Tang Soyeol was embarrassed at herself.

She wasn’t worthy enough to be given such a title, so she was embarrassed by the fact that she was called by the Poison Phoenix.

She was able to know just by watching others in the tournament of Dragons and Phoenixes.

The Five Dragons and Three Phoenixes at the time were all more outstanding than herself.

To make matters worse, her reputation as the Poison Phoenix was far from ideal.

Even she herself knew it, so how could the other Young Prodigies not know when they loved judging others?

They were all well aware of it.

They were only silent about it as she was from the Four Noble Clans.

Because she knew that, Tang Soyeol had to wear a mask.

She had to conduct herself impeccably as a noble, sacrificing sleep to train harder and close the gap.

Yet, despite her efforts, she never caught up to the other Young Prodigies.

No matter how hard she trained, she soon recognized the unbreakable walls before her.

She had talent, yes, but not the kind that warranted being called a genius.

That was the judgment she gave herself.

Was that all that bad though?

Tang Soyeol thought to herself.

She wondered if that was really bad at all.

She couldn’t keep up with the other prodigies, yet others still treated her as one of them.

She coped and believed that it was okay because of her background for some time, but it led her to vomit in disgust and collapse on the ground.

Her shame and embarrassment had become unbearable.

Tang Clan had lots of hopes for her.

Ten Thousand Poisons Immunity, was it?

The state that gave immunity to all types of poison to a person, and a level that could only be achieved with sheer natural talent. This state couldn’t even be achieved even if a person fully mastered the poison art of Tang Clan.

Yet the Poison King and clan Elders insisted Tang Soyeol had the potential to reach it.

Were they really correct, though?

Tang Soyeol believed that their hopes were pointless.

If their hopes came from their greed, then it truly was pointless.

As days passed, Tang Soyeol began focusing more on her appearance.

Regardless of her inner turmoil, she had to present herself as a noble heir.

At yet another noble clan gathering, Tang Soyeol sipped the poisonous tea she had prepared, lost in thought.

How pointless.

She was telling herself this in that spot.

Yet she kept a smile fixed on her face.

What am I doing right now?

She reached First-rate, but progress stopped there, leaving her questioning her right to hold this position.

Then, she heard that the Sword Phoenix had reached the Peak Realm.

Rumor had it that the Sleeping Dragon and Sword Dragon weren’t far behind.

She didn’t know much about the Dragon Warrior, as not much was known about him in the first place.

She also didn’t care about the Lightning Dragon that much, but she believed that he would also reach that level soon enough.

The Snow Phoenix, though not as strong, was known more for her intelligence than her martial prowess.

In the end, the only one falling behind was herself.

Unable to shake the thought, Tang Soyeol just kept smiling.

Then suddenly,

“Oh, Young Lady Tang, about the Military Exhibition of Tang this year.”

A voice broke her thoughts.

Who was it again?

She didn’t remember.

It was likely a blood relative from Sichuan, but Tang Soyeol rarely remembered anyone.


Even so, she had to respond with a smile.

“I heard that a blood relative of Gu Clan was also visiting this time, is that correct?”

“Oh, Gu Clan?”

Tang Soyeol wondered where the Gu Clan was located as she responded.

A noble clan based in Shanxi, far from her own.

It was a noble clan located in Shanxi, very far from where Tang Soyeol was.

Gu Clan’s blood relative, huh.

The Military Exhibition of Tang Clan was one of the very few events held by Tang Clan, so they sent out invitations to many clans even if they knew that they weren’t going to come.

Considering the distance, it was understandable that the noble clan in Shanxi might not attend, and it wouldn’t affect the Tang Clan’s relationship with them if they didn’t.

But despite the distance, the Gu Clan confirmed they would attend, piquing Tang Soyeol’s interest.

Who is it I wonder.

Rumor had it that a blood relative was coming, though it was unlikely to be the Sword Phoenix.

Tang Soyeol had heard the Sword Phoenix was busy managing the frontlines.

So it must be her young sibling then.

Did she have a younger sibling?

There probably was.

Tang Soyeol hadn’t spoken much with the Sword Phoenix, but she remembered her bright smile when she mentioned her younger sibling.

That bright smile of the Sword Phoenix was memorable.

“Gu Clan, you say?”

Someone else joined the conversation, intrigued by the mention of the Gu Clan.


“Gu Clan huh… did you hear who is coming?”

“Well, I’m not the Young Lady of Tang, so why would I know?”

It would be odd for an outsider to know exactly who was coming to the Tang Clan’s Military Exhibition.

Though Tang Soyeol herself didn’t know much in detail either.

“It would be interesting if their Young Lord visits.”

“Hmm? Young Lord? Gu Clan had a Young Lord?”

Tang Soyeol’s ears opened after hearing the Young Prodigy.

There was already a Young Lord in the Gu Clan?

As others showed interest, the man who’d brought up the topic straightened, speaking with pride.

“It’s a pretty widespread rumor. They only have one male child, so he is already being treated as the Young Lord.”

“Woah, only one male child? He is lucky. He doesn’t have to fight for the Young Lord position with his family.”

“I also heard about your rumor as well, Brother Chu. You’ve been having a difficult time lately huh?”

“…Hey, let’s not bring that up.”

The person who went by the name Chu, let out awkward coughs.

“Anyway… he may have been being treated as the Young Lord, but rumors about him aren’t that good.”

“Rumors? What rumors?”

Since the Gu Clan resided in distant Shanxi, news about them rarely reached Sichuan.

Truthfully, if it wasn’t about the Sword Phoenix or the Tiger Warrior, news about them didn’t really catch others’ attention.

“They say he’s quite the troublemaker.”

“The son of the Tiger Warrior…?”

The Tiger Warrior’s son is like that?

He is the son of the very famous Tiger Warrior, and the brother of the greatest Young Prodigy, the Sword Phoenix.

Yet he is a troublemaker?


Tang Soyeol wasn’t really able to imagine such a thing.

Setting that aside, Tang Soyeol remembered hearing something about the Gu Clan’s blood relative.

“For example… ah, yes, he insulted the Young Lady of the Peng Clan and even broke off their engagement.”


Tang Soyeol was reminded after hearing the man.

It was a story about one of her very few friends.

It’s that bastard?

She’d only briefly heard the news.

Peng Ah-hee at the time told her as well while grinding her teeth.

As a friend, Tang Soyeol joined Peng Ah-hee in cursing the man, saying she was fortunate to be rid of him.

“The Tiger Warrior’s child being a troublemaker huh, I’m curious now…”

“Moreover, he is also said to have zero talent in martial arts.”

“What a mess. Truly a tiger begetting a dog.”

The room was instantly filled with people laughing.

Tang Soyeol however, didn’t join in on their conversation.

She didn’t want to risk anything bad happening to her in the future.

“Oh, isn’t Namgung Clan also coming as well this year?”

“That’s right.”

“Namgung? Namgung Clan huh… So the Lightning Dragon is coming then?”

Everyone had assumed the Namgung Clan wouldn’t attend due to the distance, but the mention of the Lightning Dragon sparked instant chatter.

To them, the Lightning Dragon was more important than a troublemaker.

Though of course, Tang Soyeol cared about another person.

Sis is coming.

Namgung Clan had another blood relative that wasn’t the Lightning Dragon.

Few people were aware of it, but Tang Soyeol knew.

Her name was Namgung Bi-ah, a rare beauty.

Would it be okay?

The thought of her made Tang Soyeol pause, glancing around the room.

With so many men attending the event, was it really wise for Namgung Bi-ah to come?

Her beauty was almost a danger in itself.

Tang Soyeol may have begged her to come… but she didn’t expect Namgung Bi-ah to actually accept the invitation.

That only made Tang Soyeol worry more.

It’s been a while.

Just the thought of seeing her dear sister again made her forget all about the Gu Clan troublemaker.

She didn’t know at the time.

-…I am Gu Jeolyub.

Tang Soyeol had no idea what kind of person she’d meet.

Nor did she realize how she’d feel, utterly captivated by his handsome face.

The troublemaker of Gu Clan was way more handsome than she expected.

This Gu Clan relative seemed unfazed by the Lightning Dragon’s presence, and, despite rumors of his lack of martial skill, he broke the Lightning Dragon’s arm with disturbing ease.

After that, the man who had spoken ill of him quickly fell silent.

The supposed troublemaker destroyed the Lightning Dragon, who was one of the Five Dragons and Three Phoenixes at the time.

Strangely enough though, the humiliation that day didn’t reach other people’s ears.

Perhaps the Namgung Clan suppressed the rumors, or perhaps the witnesses stayed silent out of respect.

Whichever it was, it wasn’t important for Tang Soyeol.

The only thing left in her mind was his fierce eyes and voice, and the sight of him crushing the Lightning Dragon.

…Master Jeolyub.

In hindsight, she knew she was being ridiculous.

She had fallen for him, captivated by nothing more than his looks…

Still, Tang Soyeol justified it, convincing herself it was only natural given how handsome he was.

Also, even Namgung Bi-ah seemed to be interested in Gu Clan’s blood relative for some reason, but she claimed that she wasn’t into him, so Tang Soyeol decided to believe her.

How many kids should I have with him?

She even had that thought as he left after the event.

Surely father would accept if it’s the Gu Clan, right?

If not… maybe she could take him in as a son-in-law. But then, wouldn’t he soon be the Young Lord?

Tang Soyeol had a bunch of thoughts in her mind.

Meeting him had briefly made her forget all her worries and frustrations.

Was that love though?

She didn’t think so.

…Maybe not?

She honestly didn’t know.

Huh…? Engagement?

When Tang Soyeol heard he was engaged to another girl, she wasn’t able to eat properly for a few days.

The real shock was that the girl happened to be her beloved sister.

It got so bad to the point that she ran away from her home.

Well, it was hard to say that she ran away.

She’d made an arrangement with her father, though it felt more like a veiled threat than a true agreement.

Why did she leave though?

It wasn’t any other clan, but the great Namgung Clan.

She knew that she couldn’t change anything by going, so why had she left?

The more she thought about it, the more it seemed like a moment of pure madness.

There was no other answer.


…I’m screwed.

She was happy when she saw his face.

She learned his real name wasn’t even Gu Jeolyub and that kindness wasn’t in his nature—but she was just glad to see him.

She found herself drawn to his blunt manner and those fierce, predatory eyes that seemed to look down on her.

Was she in love?

Was she charmed by him?

Tang Soyeol believed that to be the case at the time.

However, that wasn’t love.

Such a thing couldn’t be called love.

Being charmed was different to falling in love.

It didn’t take long until Tang Soyeol realized this.

-Are you cold?

-Why do you wear such paper-thin clothes then? It’s not like you guys can use flames.

Despite his complaints, he shared his warmth with others,

-You know yourself that isn’t edible. Why do you insist on making me dr- …Ugh, seriously! I can’t drink poisonous tea!

Him being concerned about others,

-You did good.

And him dealing with my stubbornness.

His warmth reached Tang Soyeol’s heart.

It had happened one day at the Heavenly Dragon Academy.

What was it again?

That the Poison Phoenix had nothing to show but her title?

Despite such a rumor spreading, Tang Soyeol didn’t really think too much about it.

It was true after all.

The difference now was that she felt nothing, whereas before, her heart had felt as though it was rotting inside her.

Or maybe…

-Hey, what did you just say?

-B-Brother! They are really going to die if you keep going!

-Let go. This bastard is running his mouth. What? Nothing to show? You’re going to be assassinated one day. No, let me just kill you with my hands before that happens. That would be better.


Was it because there was another person caring for me?

Or was it simply that she felt more at ease than before?


It wasn’t necessarily that.

To this day, guilt still haunted her.

-The Sword Dancer is much stronger than the rumors described her. She might be greater than the Six Dragons and Three Phoenixes.

-The Sword Venerable’s descendant is a monster.

-The Snow Phoenix already increased her territory in the Academy.

All the girls around him were exceptional in their own ways, but Tang Soyeol still felt she had nothing to show.

Moyong Hi-ah had once said this to Tang Soyeol:

-What is it that you want to do?


Tang Soyeol had looked at Moyong Hi-ah in confusion, and Moyong responded with a sigh.

-I just can’t understand what you want to do by his side. You don’t seem to have any intention to win him over for yourself, nor does it seem like you are looking for an opportunity. Just what is your goal?


Tang Soyeol had been at a loss for words.

Even now, she wouldn’t have known what to say.

As Moyong Hi-ah had pointed out, she had no intention of winning him over or seizing an opportunity.

If she had to answer, she’d say she simply wanted to be near him.

Despite not having any greed to win him over, she wanted him to acknowledge her and treat her with care which was ironic.

Oh, perhaps that is greed.

-I will win him over.

Said Moyong Hi-ah to Tang Soyeol.

Tang Soyeol had been shocked at first, yet she couldn’t help but admire Moyong Hi-ah’s confidence.

Moyong Hi-ah’s impressive background and competitive spirit only increased Tang Soyeol’s respect for her.

Was that where her own motivation came from?

Because of that, Tang Soyeol decided that she would work hard as well.


She asked her friend as well.

This was said earlier, but she didn’t have much talent in martial arts.

At best, she was simply a prodigy.

However, she was decent when it came to poison.

As long as poison was considered a martial art, she felt confident.

Her habit of drinking her own poisonous tea was a preference, though her clan saw it as a sign of talent.

Because of that, Tang Soyeol decided to start with what she was good at.

Training poison art was simple.

It was simply a matter of harming herself, again and again.

To strengthen her immunity, she poisoned and cured herself repeatedly.

Such a practice was only possible because of her blood ties to the Tang Clan.

Tang Soyeol was especially fast in training this process.

This was why Tang Clan called her a great natural talent.

Her only setback was her body’s rapid detoxification; it took her much longer to master her poison arts because her body purged toxins too quickly.

She knew that it would get better with time as long as she trained repeatedly, but it was especially slow for her.

Because of that, she looked for a solution.

If her body purged poison too quickly, then she needed a way to accelerate its spread through her system.

-…I don’t think that’s a good idea, Soyeol.

Peng Ah-hee was horrified when she heard of the method.

She asked how one could use such a violent and risky method.

-It’s okay. There won’t be any scars due to how effective this medicine is.



Peng Ah-hee continuously refused, but she ended up helping Tang Soyeol because of her persistence.

The method was simple.

All she had to do was make a small cut and apply poison directly into it.

It was extremely dangerous; poison entering through a wound spread rapidly throughout the body.

It was even dangerous for a person who came from Tang Clan.

The Poison King would likely faint if he knew his daughter was attempting such a thing, but Tang Soyeol went ahead with it anyway.

The result was better than she expected.

Her skill in poison arts began to improve at a much faster rate.

Peng Ah-hee continued to assist her.

Though Tang Soyeol could perform the process alone, it was safer to have someone else do it for her.

Moreover, she had to show a more private part of her body, so she couldn’t afford to ask someone she didn’t know.


The sting of the poison was harsher than expected, but her quick detoxification handled it, and Peng Ah-hee ensured she’d be left without scars.

Tang Soyeol believed that she would be better than before.

Then, she would feel better about being by his side.

At least that’s what she wanted to believe.

It was very foolish.


Dizziness overwhelmed her, and she had no idea how much blood she’d lost.

Help my ass, I ended up in this state without being able to do anything.

Through her dim sight, she saw the person who ambushed her, and Namgung Bi-ah.

She couldn’t even imagine how powerful her opponent was.

In just one hand gesture from her opponent,



Her sis, the one she could never hope to match, rolled helplessly across the ground.



It was dangerous.

Her sis was going to die if this continued.

If sis dies to save this worthless life of mine…

As her vision began to fade, Tang Soyeol thought of someone’s face.

She would be devastated if Namgung Bi-ah died, but he would suffer even more.

The thought made her breathing grow ragged.


She heard the sound of a sword slicing through the air.

It was Namgung Bi-ah swinging her sword after getting back up from the ground.

She shouldn’t do that.

Tang Soyeol silently pleaded for Namgung Bi-ah to abandon her and escape.


Tang Soyeol wondered why Namgung Bi-ah was risking her life to save a worthless life.

She couldn’t understand.

Shouldn’t sis hate me since I feel the same way for the person she loves?

Tang Soyeol had even resented her once, for agreeing to marry him despite claiming she felt nothing for him.

She resented her a lot because she felt like Namgung Bi-ah played with her heart.

It would be a lie to say she didn’t still harbor some of that resentment.


Even so, Namgung Bi-ah couldn’t afford to die here for her.


She asked what love was in the past.

Back then, she hadn’t known, but now, she understood.


It went beyond the thrill of seeing his face; her heart trembled just at the sound of his name.

Her heart skips a beat even if he makes a simple physical contact with her.

His voice stirs something deep within her.

His words repeated itself in her mind, and she stood by his side because she wanted to see him.


Tang Soyeol couldn’t afford to let the people he loved get harmed.

His pain would be her own, and so Tang Soyeol felt compelled to protect the people he held dear.

I’m very foolish.

Moyong Hi-ah might’ve mocked her if she heard this from her.

No, she definitely would have.

She might have even called her a retard.

To protect the people that he loved because she didn’t want him to be sad. How foolish was that?

However, that was Tang Soyeol’s way of love.



A dagger plunged into Tang Soyeol’s thigh, blood splattering from the wound.

She stabbed herself.

Because of that horrifying sound, everyone in the surroundings paused.

The middle-aged man especially seemed to be concerned.

Tang Soyeol knew she was his target.

Because of that, Tang Soyeol was able to make a move.

“Do not move.”

Despite her faint consciousness, she spoke clearly.

“…If you lay your hand on her one more time, I will put this dagger into my neck and kill myself.”

She pressed the cold dagger’s edge against her throat.

Then, her opponent spoke.

“How foolish. You threaten me with your own life. What a performance! Do you really think that would work on me?”

“You stopped because it worked.”

Tang Soyeol felt like she was going to faint due to all the bleeding, but she endured.

“I am your target, right? Then I’ll follow you. Let go of my friends.”

“How insolent of you. Why should I show such generosity? I can take you after killing everyone.”

Tang Soyeol smiled faintly at the Palace Lord’s words.

She couldn’t afford to show that she was intimidated.

“Do you think I won’t be able to do it? I can kill myself faster than you can reach me. Do you want to make a bet on it?”


The dagger’s point pressed deeper into Tang Soyeol’s neck.

A thin trickle of blood began to run down her neck.

Tang Soyeol was serious.

She was fully prepared to end her life right here.

However, she wondered if he would be sad if she died right here.

That was the only concern she had.



The Palace Lord hesitated, then reluctantly withdrew his Qi with a sharp click of his tongue.

“The bloodline of the Sword King gets to live another day.”

“Huff… Cough…”

“Thank the girl from Tang Clan. That worthless threat of hers worked.”

Namgung Bi-ah coughed up dark blood as the Palace Lord nudged her with his foot.

“I wanted to kill you to be safe in the future, but I have no choice in this situation it seems.”

The Palace Lord started walking by Namgung Bi-ah in disappointment,


Namgung Bi-ah’s pale hand seized the Palace Lord’s ankle, refusing to let him go.

“You will not… go…”

“…What a foolish girl you are.”

She was crushed so much, yet she still had strength left in her.


A surge of aura exploded from the Palace Lord, throwing Namgung Bi-ah back.



“I didn’t kill her. I just sent her flying. She was becoming quite the nuisance. Consider it mercy.”

The Palace Lord mumbled as he didn’t have much time left.

As the Palace Lord advanced on Tang Soyeol, Peng Ah-hee stepped in his path, sword drawn.

She was still shaking all over, but she still managed to keep her posture.

“…D-Don’t come any closer.”

“It seems like Young Prodigies these days are more reckless than I thought. You pointing your sword against an opponent you stand no chance against doesn’t make you any brave, girl of Peng Clan.”

Peng Ah-hee’s body trembled as she met the man’s violet gaze.

Tang Soyeol, her hand trembling, gently pushed Peng Ah-hee’s arm down.



Despite Tang Soyeol’s weakness, Peng Ah-hee’s sword lowered without resistance.

It was because she was consumed by her fear.

The Palace Lord smirked at the sight, then expanded his aura.

It was to capture Tang Soyeol.

Tang Soyeol shut her eyes as the dark aura crept toward her.


Tap tap tap-!

Someone rushed the Palace Lord from behind in a surprise attack.

It was shockingly Cheol Jiseon.


He charged forward, sword raised, looking almost crazed.

However, the Palace Lord wasn’t someone who would let such an ambush work against him.

He likely already knew that Cheol Jiseon was here all along.




As expected, the aura slammed into Cheol Jiseon, sending him hurtling into the woods.

The Palace Lord also held back on killing this time.

Yet his expression was demonic, as though he’d erupt in fury at the slightest interruption.

“Now there shouldn’t be anyone left to interfere…”

If another obstacle appeared, he’d kill everyone here, including the Poison Phoenix.

It took all his restraint to keep his bloodlust in check.

He didn’t expect some Young Prodigies to get in his way this much.

What should have been an easy mission had turned into a time-consuming hassle.

He felt that he might actually run into a problem if he wasted any more time here.

With that thought, the Palace Lord reached his hand out.

“Let us go no- “

“Good work holding your own.”


A chill ran down his arm as he heard a voice behind him.

That voice… it felt so familiar, as though he’d heard it befo—


Before he could react, something struck his waist.


The Palace Lord immediately used his aura to counterattack.

In the same moment, he tried to assess his opponent.

His opponent could be vaguely seen.

“What a joke.”

It was a young man with black hair and black eyes.

He looked no older than his early twenties.

“Here I am, alive and breathing, but I didn’t know that there was trash like you in this land.”

Was it a Young Prodigy?

How had a Young Prodigy managed to slip past undetected?

The young man’s words didn’t reach the Palace Lord.

Channeling all his power, the Palace Lord forged razor-sharp blades from his aura, hurling them at the young man.

Just as the aura blades closed in on him,

“I will not ask for your name. I am not that curious about it after all.”

Heaven Destruction Art.


The Palace Lord sensed immediately that something was wrong.

“Second form.”

As soon as the young man’s fist struck,

Judgment of Heaven.


A powerful vibration reverberated through the mountain.

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