Chosen by Fate, Rejected by the Alpha

Chapter 1150 - 135- Trinity – Unrest Part 3 (VOLUME 6)





"Hahh." I sighed as I heard the words that the man had to say to me. I knew that he was just filled with hate, that he was a lonely and miserable person, but it was starting to get annoying.

"You obviously think that all babies look like hell spawns then, because my baby looks no different from any other baby. And, honestly, what makes you think that I am some hell bitch or abomination? You know that I was born here on this planet, not magically generated or landed from outer space.

I have lived here my entire life, the same as you, Sir." I was looking at the old man that was spouting the most nonsense of them all.

"That is impossible." At least this time he hadn’t screamed it at me. I could hear him just fine without the use of the bullhorn or his excessive and incessant yelling.

"It’s not impossible, it’s the truth. I am a person, the same as you. My genetics may be different, but that is the truth for everyone in the world. Everyone is their own person, but they still should be granted the same amount of decency and respect as everyone else."

"You will not convince us of that." The old man scoffed at me. "We know that you do not belong here."

"And where is your proof of that?" One of the supporters called out from their side of the line. "There are pictures of Queen Trinity and her family going back generations. They have been here forever. She is not new here, and neither are the rest of them. They are people, they deserve to be here. Leave them alone."

I wanted to get past this, to move things along. If I could calm down both groups, then they could just go home and no one would be arrested. And, hopefully, no one would get hurt.

"Hey, I have a question for you all. For both groups, the pro supers and the anti supers." I looked between the two groups, hoping to see if either side had an answer for me. After looking at them, I looked up at the building that was behind them. "Why are you always using the stadium as your chosen location? I mean, what significance does this place have?"

"’s where you made the reveal, Queen Trinity. I..i..isn’t it a place that is important to the super naturals?" One of the supporters looked at me with wondering eyes and spoke in a halting and uncertain voice.

"Exactly!" The lead anti super, the main naysayer among them, called out to me in agreement. "This is where you revealed your existence to the world. This is your base of operations. This place is special to your people and therefore it too must be destroyed. Someone should just burn it to the ground."

"What did I tell you about threats!?" Devon snarled at the man.

"I never said that I would do it. Just that someone should. That was not a threat." The man looked smugly at Devon, knowing full well that he had not made an actual threat.

"Tck," I could tell that Devon was annoyed at the man and his arrogance.

"Well, I hate to break it to you, to all of you, but this place holds no significance to me and my people. It was just a convenient place for us to use. Yes, we paid for the repairs after that initial attack, and after the most recent one as well. However, that doesn’t mean that it is important to us."

"What do you mean that it was convenient?" I think that I had thrown that anti super man through one too many loops. He was looking at me with pure curiosity now, no hate in sight.

"It’s a stadium. It was set up for news crews already. The place made it convenient for the worldwide broadcast that we were putting on. That was all. Honestly, I am very sorry to the owner of the stadium for all that has happened since we used this place. He is human, and didn’t deserve to have so much happen to his place of business.

That is why I have been so keen on making it up to him. I don’t like being an inconvenience to people like that. And I liked taking care of people that needed it."

"Th..that’s not true." The man crossed his arms. "You are a monster. You steal, you kill, you lie and you cheat. You do not help anyone that isn’t a monster like you. And even then, you are more likely to kill them than you are to help them."

"Wrong again." I shook my head at the man. I felt like I might actually be able to get through to him. That he might be able to understand me and listen to me.

"Yeah, that is very wrong." Dalton called out to him. "Queen Trinity and King Reece have donated millions to charities, they send dozens of kids off to college for free. They have several organizations that help humans and nonhumans alike. They are good people, giving people. They would even be willing to help you, Sir, if you were in need."

"He’s right. I have researched the Gray family extensively, and I have come to know that they don’t hurt people, they help them. They want to see the world doing better. Trinity herself has personally been involved with a lot of charity work since she was just nineteen years old. She is an amazing woman, and she has a law degree as well. She helps out in many different ways."

"A..a..a law degree?" The anti super man was looking at me with wide eyes now. The rest of his group was completely silent behind him. I was pretty sure that he was their leader now, that was why he was the most vocal of them. @@novelbin@@

"That’s right. I have always wanted to be a lawyer and help people. My life didn’t go as planned though, becoming the Luna Queen when I was just nineteen, but I made do with what I had. And I wouldn’t change it for anything. I have an amazing family, wonderful friends, and I do my best to help as many people in this world as I can. And I hate to see people getting hurt.

I make sure that my people know that we are not to resort to violence or hurt people. We need understanding and acceptance in this world. Not just from us, but from everyone. We need to understand that it is not our place to hate another group just because they are different.

We can’t hate them because of their skin color, their religion, the country they were born in, their education level, the amount of money they make, their political views, or if they were descended from the Gods or not. People are just that, people, and we all bleed red. We all live, we all love, and we all want to be happy. That is a universal thing, not just a human thing or a race specific thing."

The man was still stunned into silence. He was looking at me, his eyes wide and shaking, but there wasn’t a sound coming from him or any of the other people among the two groups that were standing opposite of each other. I decided that I needed to press a little further. That if I just gave them a little more, I could get those people that were against us to switch sides.

Maybe not be as enthusiastic as the supporters were, but to move to an ambiguous stance.

"Sir, you don’t look like a racist person. You don’t strike me as someone that would hate someone because of their skin color." The man that was leading this particular group of anti supers was older, had gray hair, hazel eyes, and a dark Mediterranean complexion.

"W..well, no, I am not that type of person, but you people are not just another race, you’re another species. You’re all races, as far as I know, so I am not hating on one race, I just do not want another species walking among us humans."

"Hmmm, it’s interesting that you should say that." I smiled at him. "You do realize that humans are descended from apes, and that they evolved into cavemen and women long ago, right?" He nodded but did not speak. "Well, did you know that science has linked things like peanut allergies with the fact that the original homo-sapiens mated with Neanderthals?

This makes anyone that has a peanut allergy, which is a significant part of the world, a different species than those that don’t have the allergy, at least in theory. This is because they are part of an ancient breed of humans. The same is to be said about us. We have been around since the beginning of time. We started as humans that had a close relationship with the Gods and Goddesses.

And through that closeness, we were given different abilities that were passed down through the genes. We used to be as human as you are, and that base connection is still there."

The man was stunned silent, they all were. I don’t think that they had had this much openness from one of our kind before. That was fine with me though. The more that I could do to stop people from hating us because of our ’differences’ the better. And I didn’t even mind that Lara had her cameraman filming me and all that I was saying.

I could sense something in the group around me. I could tell that they were changing, at least a little bit. Were they understanding me? Were they starting to hate us a little less? Would this end without an incident? There was so much that I wanted to ask and to know, but I was afraid to break the tenuous silence that had built up around us.

I looked to the side, at where Reece stood next to me. He was giving me an encouraging smile, his support meant a lot to me. As did Vincent’s when I turned to look at him as well. And Gabriel, the man that I had learned so much from over the years. Everyone that had come here with me today was looking at me with approving eyes and nodding appreciatively.

Across the way, on the other side of the two groups, I could see Devon looking at me as well. He was happy that things were not escalating. He, like me, wanted to see things come to a peaceful solution. Even if we had both known that my presence could have pushed it to the opposite direction. We were all happy to see that we had nothing to worry about, or seemingly nothing to worry about.

Still, even with all the peace that I could sense around me, all the understanding that seemed to be spreading, there was something else in the air. I could tell that there was something that was off in another way. I didn’t know what it was yet, but I knew that there was something that I needed to worry about, to be afraid of.

The hairs on the back of my neck were standing up. There was gooseflesh on my arms. A strange electric sensation was running all over me. Something was about to happen, but it didn’t seem like the threat was here and now. It didn’t seem like these people were going to turn violent any time soon. So where was it coming from?

What was happening here?

I had intended to turn toward Reece and the others, to ask them what they thought about it all, to know if they knew what was going on, or if it was all just in my mind. Perhaps I was just overreacting or something. It wouldn’t have been the first time after all.

Before I was able to ask them though, I heard something in the distance. A sound that was normal, but somehow struck me as instantly ominous. It was just the sound of trucks. Semi trucks to be exact. They were traveling through the streets like they always did, taking their loads to wherever they needed to be, but for some reason, the sound was different. There was more to it.

’Something is wrong.’ I didn’t manage to say this out loud, but I knew that it was true. I couldn’t tell Reece and the others, because my mind and my body were acting on two different wavelengths at the moment, and they weren’t communicating with each other all that well, but I knew that it was the truth. And as soon as I could control myself again, I would tell them all that I was sensing.

I just needed to break free of whatever it was that kept me still and silent for the moment. I just needed to move and to speak.

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