Chapter 08: Eudo Angestel
Chapter 08: Eudo Angestel
"What do you think, Master Silver?" asked Lenore with hopeful eyes as she put the powder brush down from Ina's face, who was sitting in front of the big mirror.
Ina is truly beautiful; she has long, wavy golden-blond hair and deep brown eyes. She had the face and body of a supermodel, and now looking at her with make-up, anyone on earth was to sees her; they would directly assume she was one.
"Beautiful, but not enough; she needs more." I shook my head before turning to Carla, who also nodded. "It looks like we will need a beautician, a high-level one; Lenore's skills are not enough," I said, but I immediately knew my words were too harsh, especially to Lenore, who obviously tried her best.
"I am inadequate, Master Silver," said Lenore apologetically, with her eyes watering. "No, you are good, Lenore, but we need someone better whose base class is in beauty and is at a sufficiently high level," I said in a consoling tone; it worked as her face brightened up a little.
"I will send a request to the employment guild immediately," said Carla reading my thoughts, and left the room.
I was already planning to hire a beautician, but before that, I wanted to test Lenore's skills; she had a second class related to that, but as I had expected, her skills were insufficient.
I did not stay in the dressing hall for long and went back to my office; on the way, I could hear lessons being taught to girls in the different rooms.
It had already been nine days since these teachers had come, and the changes they had brough to the girls were amazing; even Carla, who could attend only a few classes a day, had begun showing some noticeable change.
If they continue to improve at such a pace, they will be able to leave the skills I need them to have at the time of opening.
A day passed, and it was the afternoon the next day when I noticed some commotion by the gate from my window.
Someone seemed to be trying to get inside while the mercenaries at the gates were stopping him; it continued for a few minutes before Carla herself had to go there to resolve it.
She returned a minute later with the person who was trying to try come inside.
Guessing who it was, I walked out of my office and met Carla halfway, who was coming up."What was the commotion?" I asked as we walked down the stairs.
"It was Mr. Angestel; the guard doubted his identity given his.. condition," she said hesitatingly, to that I arched my brow in question, but she did not answer, and I did not ask; the guild had assured me all three people who came from the interview could do their job.
Soon, we reached the dressing hall and went inside and found, aside from twelve girls, there were three unfamiliar people sitting, who sat up as I walked in.
One was a middle-aged woman petite, the second one was a woman who looked to be in her early thirties with impeccable make up, and the third one was a man about similar age as the second woman; he was handsome enough to make even a woman jealous.
Though no one would feel jealous of him after taking a look at his condition, no wonder the guards have stopped him, but I only glance at them. The peculiarities did not matter; what mattered is he capable of doing the job.
"Please sit down, all of you," I said before turning to three people who had come for an interview, "Misses Cooper, Misses Rand, and Mister Angestel, thank you all for coming to my humble establishment,"
"We will begin the interview immediately if the three of you do not have any objection?" I asked. "It is no problem," the middle-aged miss cooper replied, and the other two nodded in affirmation.
"Good," I said and turned to the ladies. "Here are twelve ladies; each of you will have three of them to work on. You can use everything present in the room, from makeup boxes to clothes; the only thing you have to do is make them as beautiful as possible,"
"Is there a time limit?" asked Misses Rand, "No, not for the interview, but if any of you were hired, you all have to work on thirty-five girls repeatedly throughout the night," I answered.
I have informed the complete details of the job on offer, and only three decided to come for the interview. It will be a demanding job that would need several people back on earth, but here in this world, one person could do it with classes, levels, and skills.
The twelve girls moved to the different stands at my command in three groups. The interviewees did not have the liberty to choose which girls they would work on; I had done that for them.
In each group, there are four girls of four age groups, the girls in their teens, the girls in their twenties, the girls in their thirties, and the girls in their forties.
All three of them walked toward the girls, choosing the group they liked before observing them carefully from all the angels.
"Sit," said Misses Rand to Gloria, the raven-haired teenager; she said in front of the lighted mirror and started with her; a few seconds later, it was Misses Cooper who chose Danielle, the tall woman in her mid-twenties, at the same time mister Angestel chose Margaux, who is one of oldest in here.
All three begin, and all three have started with hair, and they obviously have great skills given their seamless and smooth movements.
Most of the people here are looking at Angestel, including me; the reason is hands or lack of them. He does not have hands; it is not a natural condition; someone had cut his hands from his wrist, but despite that, he is performing his job without any problem.
He had a skill that let him pick any tool without touching them and could manipulate it any way he wanted.
A telekinesis type skill; they are extremly rare.
From what I could see, his one hand is limited to one tool at a time, and the range his hands could control is about ten inches, which is more than enough for his job.
The one thing that made me amazed was the way he used different oils and creams; he would spread them like a sheet in the air before applying them on the hair and face.
All three of them are using their skills, and they are amazing; they could be magicians, using their skills for multiple effects, from straightening to curling the hair to giving gloss; it is wonderful to watch.
In just a minute, the hair of girls has completely changed. Some straight hair coiled while those coiled straightened and took other styles; they had such a gloss and shimmer that no product on earth could match it.
It took misses cooper three minutes and twelve seconds to do the hair; she had completely transformed the hair and moved to the makeup. Half a minute later, Angestel also finished with the hair and moved to face, starting first with the primer like misses cooper.
It took about a minute before misses rand started on the makeup; by that time, both misses cooper and angesten had finished applying primer and foundation and nearly fished with concealer.
With every layer of makeup, a great change occurs in the ladies; they are becoming more and more beautiful with each layer.
In the eighth minute, all three finished with the ladies, bringing such a huge change that even the girls themselves were shocked seeing their own faces in the mirror. It was not just the three ladies, but those who were watching were also shocked, including Carla.
Makeup does not make one beautiful; it just enhances the beauty one already has, and these people are masters in doing that.
As the makeup was done, they moved to the other people without changing their dresses, which I guess would come after they finished with the makeup of all.
Thirty-one minutes after it began, Misses Cooper finished with the makeup of all four ladies; all of them looked strikingly beautiful.
"All of you, stand up," she said to the four ladies; they got up from their seats and stood up in the line. She looked at them before walking toward the dress racks, where eighty-six dresses were neatly hanging on the racks. She was around for a minute, checking dresses before picking out four.
"Strip," she said as she turned to the ladies; the girls were already expecting it because they began to strip without hesitation; their movements were not affected by the presence of two men in the room.
As they stripped, I could see them looking at me from the corner of their eyes, but I kept my expressions neutral, which is an extremly hard thing to do, and if it were not for the poker face I have developed through the years of practice; I don't think, I would have able to resist their charms, especially now when the makeup had enhanced it so much.
I am very grateful for it that they have not activated their skills to entice me; it is already hard to resist them, especially Margaux and Ina, who have passive skills related to charm.
I am fighting with all my willpower to maintain my neutral expressions and keep the beast in my pants from rising.
At this moment, I couldnt help but remember my father; if he had been here, he would have already chosen the girls he liked and taken them to the next room to fuck.
He was not a man who could control his lust.
"Wear these," said Misses cooper as she handed each of them the dresses, while at the same time, Angestel finished with the makeup and began to select the dresses.
Girls from Misses Copper's group finished wearing dresses, and she again used her skills; skills gave the dresses a glowing sheen and adjusted to the places they needed.
"I am finished, Master Silver," she said, "You have done a wonderful job, Misses Cooper," she nodded with pride and sat back in her seat while I turned to look at the ladies, who were looking at the mirror in shock; it could be said that makeup and dresses have completely transformed.
They had changed so much that if the girls showed their looks before they transformed, they would not dare to believe it.
Two minutes later, Angestel finished, and four minutes after that misses, Rand; I looked at all twelve ladies, and it was already clear who among the three had done the better job.
"Misses Cooper, Misses Rand; thank you for coming; I will inform you of my decision by tomorrow," I said to two women before walking out of the room.
They did not say anything because there was nothing to say; the result was clear. The skills of Angestel are above them, so much so that these new dresses begin to botch the shine the four girls are emitting. If they had been wearing better dresses, they would have looked even better.
It is not like the dresses are bad; they are beautiful and expensive, my father had paid quite a lot of money for them, but it seemed like they were not enough, even with the enhancement brought up by the Angestel, which would be another unaccounted expensive which kept piling up.
"Mister Angestel, let's talk to my office," I said and walked toward the office when I suddenly stopped. "Carla, ask the guards to come to come inside,"
I did not need to elaborate reason for it; the girls have become more alluring, and there are a lot of people working on the estate, including their own teachers. While none of them had done something other than having a normal attraction, I still did not want to take any risk.
"Ok," said Carla understanding my intention.
"Take a seat," I asked him as we entered my office, "Thank you," he said in a heavily accented voice.
His resume said he is from the Saakr continent. If I am right by the thickness of his accent, he should be from the northern Saakr, either from Shard Kingdoms or the Saemet Empire.
His name is Eudo Angestel, and he is thirty-four years old, but he does not look a day older than thirty and is very handsome; the correct word would be beautiful.
"In your resume, you did not specify the salary you want. If I want to hire you, I want to know it first," I asked as I put down his resume.
"Can I know the duration of the contract first?" he asked.
"Of course," I replied with a smile. "It is initially three months, but if the business does well, it will be extended further," I answered. To that, he nodded.
"Then, I will need ten fifteen thousand crowns per month." He said, and I got so shocked that I had barely been able to keep the expression on my face from breaking up; his demand could only be said to be absurd, outrageous. He had not shown the skills that demand such a price.
The price I am offering is already premium, and now he is demanding more.
"You should know that you are asking nearly three times the price I am willing to pay," I said to him, but soon a small smile appeared on my face, “But I am not abhorred to paying the absurd salary; I just hope you have the skill to take that salary and not just overestimating your worth,” I added.
I could see the faint surprise on his face before it disappeared. He might have expected an outrage or mock, but he got a smile instead.
My father would have thrown him out the moment he spoke about the absurd money he wants, but I am entertaining him. There is confidence on his face which is telling me to give him a chance. If he does not have the skills for the salary he is demanding, there is always an option to throw him out.
"I am not inflating my worth, Master Silver; I am only asking for what I deserve with the skills I have," he replied, with that unflinching confidence.
The employment guild has provided me with his info; he has been in the Empire for more than a year, moving cities where his job takes him. Until now, he has never been accepted into any long-term employment due to his demands, and the only jobs he has done are short-term.
He had come to Greltheaven with his employers, who had fired him two days ago. I don't think he would have even come for the interview if not for me offering a generous payment for just coming for the interview.
"Let me see your skills then,” I said, and I got up; a minute later, we were in the dressing hall where eudo angestel began to show me his real skills.
'Level 30, he is definitely a level 30 or above,' I said in my mind as I came back into my office; this time, Carla was with us, and she was still not able to get her emotions in control after what had happened in the past half an hour in the dressing hall.
I sat silently in my seat and took out the contracts before making some changes to them with the quill. I have crafted them in a way that I could make the required changes to them.
"I am willing to pay you the salary you have asked for, but you have to sign this contract, and there will be no change in it," I said with a smile and forwarded the two copies of the contract to him.
The salary he is asking for is far more than I am willing to pay, but seeing his work, I decided to hire him. He is gold, with a level 30.
So, even if the high salary squeezes me dry, I am willing because I know how important he will be to the business.
He lifted the paper and began to read the contract; Carla also took a peak at one on the table and couldn't help but gasp before closing her mouth forcefully, but the shock was very much present in her eyes.
As he read it, I saw no change in his expression. In my short observation, I have found that this man is very good at guarding his emotion; it is very hard to read his expressions.
"Can we negotiate the condition in point three and section b of the seventh point?" he asked, "As I have said, there will be no change; either you sign it or not," I said, keeping a smile on my face.
I have accepted the demand for his outrageous salary, which he very much deserves, and now he will have to accept my conditions, which are not harsh and could be even said to be softer compared to the standard contract of this type.
"I will sign it," he said after a minute of silence and picked up the quill, just like he picked up the tools with telekinetic force and signed on both of the contracts before sliding them toward me.
I looked at his sign which was clear with beautiful handwriting; I also read the contract, word by word. There are many skills out there that could make changes without me noticing, and my contract skill is not powerful enough to notice those changes.
So, I have to be very careful with every contract I sign.
After seeing everything was perfect, I signed the contract and felt my contract skill locking up, binding us both to this contract.
"Welcome aboard, Mister Angestel." I said, "It will be my pleasure to serve this fine establishment, Master Silver," he replied.
[Lawyer Lv. 2]
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