
Chapter 20: ~Recommendation.~

Chapter 20: ~Recommendation.~

Oibras Station is located in an orbit around the Jupiter colony and acts as a major shipping point for the planet's goods.

Its designers wanted to give the settlers as much comfort as possible and created a miniature sun in the centre of a hollow metal sphere. The inside of the sphere is settled like any other city and the population fluctuates between three hundred thousand and six hundred thousand inhabitants.

The reason for the strong variation is the fact that most of the population consists of temporary inhabitants like technicians, merchants, tourists, pilots and other folk who are just travelling through.

-Colonies of Sol

***Jupiter, Oibras Station***


It's so boring! There is nothing to do as a pilot! If I had realized how much time is actually consumed by waiting to arrive at the destination.

Once I made myself comfortable inside the command module I requested clearance from the dock and informed them of my flight path as soon as the ship was cleared for departure. And thus I left the Forge. Off to new worlds, where thousands and millions of people were before me.

My ship is now officially cleared as the Coeus, experimental test vessel of the Gideon Cooperation, a sub-contractor of the StarDrive Group. The involved paperwork to get this through with Paul and creating my own enterprise took me months!

I lean back in my acceleration chair and pat the plush cat and the rabbit absent-mindedly. Even now I still keep them around as lucky charms. The control room is completely empty, save for the chair in which I am sitting and a pedestal at its side where I keep a few personal items.

There is no need for controls if you are a techno-mage. Thanks to my ability the ship is practically an extension of my body.

The walls around me are able to create images and three dimensional projections if I wish so, but it's just a gimmick to me. If I wish I can interface directly with every part of the ship.

It's kind of funny if I think about how space flight was always depicted in fictional stories. Why would you compartmentalize the ship's complicated functions if you can automate everything.

I never understood why the weapons officer of a ship under fire has to get the order to raise shields. It takes valuable seconds to do so. In a real life situation a ship would be long destroyed before the officer even opened his mouth.

I get up and head back into the living area of the command module. The whole module is a cube with fifteen metres edge length. There wasn't any need for being complicated, so the only part of the ship which is habitable consists out of six connected rooms.

The living area is a big and spacey room of ten-times-ten metres in size. It's connected to the pilot chamber and a bathroom, plus a bedroom and a kitchen. The rest of the command module is currently uninhabited space and filled with foodstuffs.

Attached to the command module is a complete recycling plant. I avoid thinking about all its functions in too much detail.

The rest of the ship is largely inaccessible. In the case that something breaks I have more than enough automated sprites and IMs to do the repair work.

I sit down on the couch in my living room and connect to the net in order to survey the prices of my freight. To conceal my voyage as an action of complete self interest I decided to carry goods through every step of the flight. After all I don't want to give my opponents any reason to doubt the nature of the Coeus.

And I need time to fabricate and install the necessary weapons. It's not like printing a plasma cannon happens over night.

It was just a short flight from Mercury to Venus while transporting spare parts for fusion reactors. While doing so my ship broke the current speed record. I tested the spell amplifying runes around my ship and managed to achieve accelerations of over two hundred gravities. If I hadn't deployed a counter-field I would be a smear on the wall.

The colony that's hidden in the planet's atmosphere is a main provider of foodstuffs and liquid nitrogen for the colonies in the belt.

It was a nice enough place I have to admit, though their installations aren't that much different from Aether.

From there I headed directly to an asteroid colony in the inner belt between Mars and Jupiter. They hollowed out entire asteroids and pulled them together in a crazy construct of metal and rocks.

But my target lies farther outwards near to Jupiter's Lagrange point L4 which is called the 'Greek' node.

That's why I am currently approaching an installation in Jupiter's orbit. On my last stop I loaded some rare metals and other minerals to sell them here.

With the money I'll top off my supplies and then I'll slowly head for the 'Greek' node and search the asteroids in the area which my mother specified to me. It will give me the time to make some final tests and considerations.

My thoughts are interrupted as an incoming call from the quantum network draws my attention. I am still fascinated by these marvels of technology. They allow faster than light communication by using the effect of Quantum nonlocality.

I answer the call and a certain avatar appears in my living room. It's Sadina, or better her alter ego which she calls Nina.

Hi! She waves a hand at me.

What do you want? I ask.

Aw, I was just excited about the fact that you are finally starting to move. She puffs up her cheeks. You took your time with your preparations. I didn't expect that you have that much patience.

I simply tried to ensure that they'll die. And then I'll pay you a visit.

You just thought about going after me when you are done with them! She starts to wriggle once more, something which the avatar does quite often while my mother is controlling it.

I wonder if she acts like that in her real body too.

Finally she stops her strange behaviour. Hah, fine. I won't get a reaction from you whatever I do. I called to see your determination, but it seems like you really want to do this. So lets talk again when you are done. The connection is closed without waiting for my answer.

What was that about? I simply stare at the frozen avatar for a long time, then I terminate it and stand up. The orbital station around Jupiter is already close and I've to decelerate.

Back in my cockpit I announce my presence to the orbital station around Jupiter and let myself being directed to the proper dock. Then I file a request to unload my cargo and reload the ship with various materials which could turn out to be useful. I also need to top off my tritium reserves since I don't know how long I'll stay at the 'Greek' node. I already prepared the list for the station's managing A.I. in advance. Moments later I am informed that I have a little more than a day until the loading process is finished.

A day isn't fast, but it's acceptable. I confirm the schedule and head back to the living room after my ship is locked into the station's guiding system. At this point everything is in the hands of the station's personal. The ship will fly to a parking position until the station's transports are free to get the cargo.

In the meantime I can take a look at the station. It's a huge metal sphere with a miniature sun in its centre. Wasteful, but it's a nice place to live out here where the real sun looks like nothing much more than another star.

I step into the teleportation chamber which is located in a corner of the room and order it to connect to the stations network.

Half an hour later I wander through the city while buying all sorts of interesting toys for entertainment. Having them sent directly to my ship spares me the burden to carry them. I've no idea how long I'll be away from civilisation.

A poppy seed ice cream in my hand I realize that I strayed into some kind of entertainment sector with many restaurants.

It's already evening and the miniature sun in Oibras's centre is in the process of being slowly encased in two halves of a large shielding sphere. They are also simulating day and night here.

Remembering my grandfather's words I look up a certain restaurant by downloading a street map. He told me that I absolutely have to try the food there and incidentally it's only two railway stations away.

I fight my way through the crowd of people who are going about their business and step onto one of the speeding walkways. Using short distance teleports or gravity magic to fly is forbidden inside almost all small colonies.

The first means of travel isn't exactly safe and the second could interfere with the station's gravity field.

The 'Coincidence' turns out to be a relatively large restaurant and the neighbourhood seems to be good. I enter through the front door and am greeted by a busty waitress who offers me a wristband. Welcome, Sir.

I look at the wristband in a curious manner and then at her. I am sorry?

Oh, you are new. It's a tradition of the house, just dial in how many nights you want to stay. The young girl smiles at me and practically forces the wristband into my hands, already turning to the next guest.

I enter the restaurant slightly baffled and study the wristband. There is just a digital counter on it with two buttons. I set it to 'one' and the whole thing turns green. Okay?

My eyes wander through the strangely arranged hall until I stop at a big mirror close to the entrance. I am wearing a dark brown coat with a black pilot's dress beneath it. My face has similarities to the strict, edgy face of my grandfather and the beginnings of a beard make me look older than I am. Maybe I should have shaved before coming here, but three days of beard growth isn't that bad.

Being alone in a spaceship without my grandmother nagging about my negligence made me a little lax. At least I've already thought about getting a haircut right after coming to the station. I simply can't stand the itching of long hair. It turns me mad.

Surveying the restaurant's hall further I mentally shrug my shoulders and continue on. There are no separate tables. Instead there are long rows of tables with a conveyor running food and drinks along them. It's like a running sushi bar.

Grandfather, you were always a Scrooge.

I search for a free seat in a silent part of the restaurant and receive an automated request for payment from the restaurant. Since it's all you can eat for an acceptable price I acknowledge the transaction and start digging in.

The portions are small, so I am able to try several different dishes. Though I am very careful to stay away from the alcoholic drinks.

While I eat several different women take the seat at my side and attempt to initiate a conversation. I always answer in short replies, not exactly sure about the intentions of those strangers. All of them lose their interest in me quite fast and head off to search for other company.

I am not used to being chatted up like that. Maybe it's a cultural thing on this station? I sip on my fruit juice while staring at the dishes which are passing by.

Hey, are you free? Girl number eight sits down next to me. Seriously? What's up with this place.

No. I answer.

But your wristband says something else. She points at the armband which I got from the waitress. Then she raises her hand with a green wristband around it. I am also searching for one night and I saw that the others were turned off very fast, but I have no problems with techno-mages. You guys are simply a little strange, but I like that. Can I assume that it's your first time here?

I feel my left eye starting to twitch. Where the heck did my grandfather send me? Excuse me?

The left corner of her mouth rises a little. Oh, could it be that you didn't realize where you are?

Where am I? I ask, starting to doubt my senses.

She answers with yet another flood of words. This establishment is for people who are searching for partners to fulfil certain needs. By setting the colour of your wristband you announce what you are searching for. Green means that you aren't looking for something permanent and are only one night available. So you are a pilot, yes?

Yes. I must admit that I didn't realize the nature of this place. I'll kill Grandfather. No, better! I'll tell Grandmother in detail where he sent me.

I am Amia Jefri, pyro-mage. I am working as a technician in the main fusion plant. So if you want to take a look at me, you just have to look up to the miniature sun. It's a little romantic if you think about it... She continues talking about cabbages and kings without a care in the world.

In the meantime I take a real look at her for the first time. She could be around my age, though she is probably older. In this society it's not easy to judge someone's age. Her red hair is cut at shoulder length and she is slim, maybe one head smaller than me. Her face looks like she is the serious type.

She is wearing a white one piece dress. It is tight at the right places, but can't be called indecent.

After a while she stops talking and I realize that she probably expects an answer. Gideon Alvar, I am piloting a private freighter.

But that's enough to set off the flood of words once more. Really? Where have you already been? I always wanted to take a look at Neptune... And there she goes again.

Our exchange continues like this and before I even realize it an hour has passed. Suddenly Amia stops her monologue and reaches for my hand. You know, I really like your type and you have acceptable looks. You are also a good listener who looks someone in the eyes. Do you want to go somewhere more private?

I am- Not sure. Is what I wanted to say, but Amia pulls me up from my seat and pushes me towards a stairway. On our way there she shows her tongue to a group of women. Some of them look familiar. They tried to talk to me earlier.

You know them? I ask, already dreading the answer.

Oh, they are regulars here. Like me. They said that it's impossible to talk to you, so I got interested. I like the dark and silent types. She leads me up the stairway and along a corridor with many doors.

At a door with a green 'Unoccupied' sign she pulls her wristband over the lock and opens the door. Did she just rent the room? Ew, on second thought, this is going a little fast! Did I just get into a first time situation!?

I try to remember about my mangas and how it's properly done. I mean I know how it's done, but all my knowledge is intellectual. And I am not entirely sure if I want to do it like this. Of course my body has the urge. I am an adult now, but I try to deal with it as good as I can. Amia, I am not sure if that's a good idea. I am not that experienced with situations like this.

She doesn't listen and pulls me further into a spacious room with a big bed, closing the door behind us. That's fine! Actually I like techno-mages because they are rarely bad partners.

She drops herself into the bed, pulling me on top of her and locking her legs around me. We have all night if you want to. She whispers into my ear.

Her white one piece dress is pulled open easily with her left hand while she is reaching with her right hand between my legs. There are no strings attached, tomorrow you are back on your ship and I am working at the fusion plant. You have the prevention treatments, don't you?

Of cour- I attempt to answer, but she kisses me. Even daring to use her tongue!

Whatever! This may be better than having to deal with it by myself. I reach for her chest, which is small but big enough to serve the purpose. This may turn out to be worth my time!


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