Chapter 64: ~Mutual Understanding.~
Chapter 64: ~Mutual Understanding.~
When the silent god walks the earth, kneel and praise his glory. Hope that he passes you unnoticed. Because if his servants walk next to you and you were judged as unworthy, all that's left to do is dying.
-Telur Myth
***Galactic Centre, Gathering-Station***
Kaa and Hud are a Binary. A being with two bodies and one mind. It took me a while until I caught onto that without actually sensing any telepathy between them. When two mages are communicating via telepathy without actually touching each other, outsiders are always able to at least sense something. It's like listening to a conversation from afar. You can hear their voices, but have problems understanding the words.
With Kaa and Hud there is only silence. Maybe the reason is that they operate on a completely different wave-length and I would need time to get used to it.
It's still a good reminder that I shouldn't feel too superior when dealing with aliens. There are a lot of them and some seem to have abilities which let them compete with us.
I take another sip from the tea while sitting cross-legged on the floor in KaaHud's office. It's the proper way to call a Binary when talking to both parts. I've yet to determine if the two bodies actually have different mental functions aside from being male and female. It is very likely since KaaHud informed that while loosing one of its bodies isn't necessarily deadly to the other, it's still a strong mental shock.
Whydoyoucaresomuchaboutthisindividual? KaaHud asks. One of his bodies is working a computer while the other plays host for me. Onemightthinkthatasingleindividualisnotworththeeffortandpromisesyoumadetous.
I place the cup on the ground. After entering in negotiations with my new associates we came to a mutual agreement. In return for a little payment and a few exclusive rights, KaaHud will use his extensive network of spies to search for our man. I am still not sure if I should think of KaaHud as he, she, they or it! So far I didn't notice any difference between his two bodies and the two different genders were just indicated by the used titles.
It's not like he means anything special to me personally, but I guess it's about principle. I answer.
Principle? The KaaHud in front of me asks.
My people seem to have unique abilities compared to most other species. If we let one of our own get abducted and analysed without proper reaction, it will happen again and again to others. There is no doubt about that. Interrogation, dissection, tests, who knows what they will do to us? One might never know which measures such organisations see justified to get what they want. I explain.
Youjustpaidtofindhim.Whatwillyoudoonceyouknowhislocation? KaaHud asks.
That's the question. I shrug my shoulders. I'll assess the situation and show them what my people think of taking away someone else's freedom. It strikes me as necessary to send a message to everyone who might have thoughts of stealing my people's secrets.
KaaHud nods satisfied. Whenmypeoplecameincontactwithotherracestheyalsotriedtostealourtelepathy.Itneverworkedoutforthem.
I take another sip from the good tea and wait. KaaHud's investigation took one night and a day so far. He started with gathering information from various street dwellers throughout the station. Afterwards he even brought in some bought individuals from the station's security team. They were in contact with other people who searched for information on what a human might need to survive.
That convinced me that KaaHud was the right choice. They seem to be something akin to a local crime-lord. The mermaid understood me correctly when I wished to speak with the one who holds the strings instead of the puppets.
Sofartheinvestigationwasn'tverysuccessful. KaaHud informs me when the door opens again and a servant brings something to eat. It's a big basket with five pieces of a bread-like substance. Not something I would offer to a guest, but it has to do.
I can't pay you without getting the results I wish for. I reach for the basket and take one piece of bread. The taste isn't much better than it looks. Maybe a big bean?
Wemayhaveproblemstofindyourman.Butthatinitselfistellingusenough.Thereisonlyoneotherorganisationwhichmightberesponsible. Kaa and Hud each take a piece of bread for themselves.
Let me guess. A government related to the Zeen? I ask while chewing.
KaaHud explains his reasoning. Itisreasonabletothinkthattheymightbeinvolved.Especiallysinceweknowthattheyhavenoproblemswithpickingunwillingtestsubjectsfromthestreets.
I raise an eyebrow. So it's possible that they got him by accident?
Notbyaccident.Butmaybebyopportunityandasafavourtoathirdparty. KaaHud says.
I reach once more for the basket, but find it empty. Squinting my eyes at the two Binarys I search my memory for the moment when they took seconds. But there is nothing. Damn those guys are fast when they want to. I didn't notice anything. Then I'll start my investigation there. @@novelbin@@
The KaaHud at the computer shakes his head. Notagoodidea.Letusgetconfirmationfirst.Reschcontrolsaseparatesectionofthestation.Thereisonlyonewayinandoutoftheirfacility.
Just one way in and out sounds as if it's in my favour. That's fine with me, but how do you want to gain confirmation before I go and confront them with their actions.
Byrequestingtheirknowledgeaboutyourpeople. KaaHud states matter of factly.
This approach sounds viable. KaaHud doesn't have a clean vest either. If a dubious organisation pays for information from another dubious organisation it may get more results than an official party might achieve. I'll wait for the result.
After three more hours of silent waiting KaaHud presents a detailed file of human anatomy and a layman's explanation of magic to me. I read the entire file and come to the conclusion that it sounds like something an ambassador might spill out when he is grilled for information.
Without further ado I say my goodbyes to the Binary and take my leave. I've a destination.
***Galactic Centre, Gathering-Station***
Finally he is gone.
He simply sat down in my office and didn't move until I had the information he wanted.
It was creepy.
And remember the shadow which was always looking over his shoulder.
Yes, the shadow. I think it was a person hidden in some kind of invisibility magic.
It stands to reason that the shadow was a person. He ate two pieces of my sura when he thought I wasn't looking.
Yes. The good, expensive sura. What a glutton!
Will he use it against Resch?
Most likely. I certainly hope so. The Resch have been interrupting my operations for weeks. It would be nice if their actions are terminated.
I call up the recorded video from the alley in front of my office.
Gideon walks down the alley, avoiding the puddles on the ground. Zeil, the Ambusian pleasure girl who led him here takes her leave. When he turns around the slightly bent alley to my office the cameras which show my door blur to white noise. But the camera which shows the first ten metres of the alleyway is unaffected.
Five Telur mercenaries enter the alleyway and follow Gideon with fast steps, drawing weapons.
Telurs are standard humanoids with a highly resistant physique which is based on copper. That's responsible for their blue blood and skin colour. They also have a very good sense of smell with the three antennae on their head, though that probably doesn't help them in that stinky alley.
Suddenly the head of the first mercenary separates from his body, tumbling end over end through the air in a high arc.
The video shows a slight blur of pixels moving past him, but the other mercenaries are totally taken by surprise.
One of them raises his weapon to fire blindly down the alley, but the weapon malfunctions for unknown reasons. A moment later something impales him and lifts him high in the air, throwing him at a third mercenary.
The two Telurs who were in the rear turn to run, but something pulls them back and against each other. They crumble into a horrible sphere of blue meat and bones. I've seen and done many things, but this scene turns both my stomachs.
A moment later the resulting meatball falls to the ground with the sickening sound of raw flesh slapping on concrete.
So far everything happened in complete silence. All Telur mercenaries are known as battle hardened fighters, but the expression of number three shows confusion, shock and fear of the unknown. His next actions are nonetheless formidable for someone who just lost four comrades to an unknown enemy.
He crawls out from under his dead comrade who was thrown at him and gets to his feet. A knife appears in his hand and he starts turning in circles, searching for the invisible attacker.
Then he closes his eyes and waits. For a moment nothing happens while the blurred pixels move closer to him.
Suddenly he moves his blade and sparks fly. Apparently he blocked whatever beheaded the first mercenary.
It does him no good as his knee suddenly gives way and his leg bends sideways. His knife-hand twists and he topples over, landing face first on the ground.
He starts writhing while lying on his belly, face submerged in one of the stinking puddles. His hand is still bend upwards in an awkward angle as something holds him down without mercy. Bubbles start rising from beside his head and he lets go of his knife while clawing at something on his head with his free hand.
The effort causes a rippling effect in the air and for a few short moments I can identify a foot on his head. The clothes are similar to what Gideon is wearing. Same leather boots, same black, silken cloth.
Eventually the mercenary's twitching stops and after few more moments the invisible attacker lets go of the mercenary's arm. It drops to the ground and with that the short fight is concluded. The attacker fades once again to invisibility.
Drowning the last mercenary actually took longer than the entire fight. I reach for my neck, imagining how it would feel to be drowned in one of the dirty puddles in front of my office.
I'll have the street to my office cleaned up as soon as possible.
A few moments later Gideon started his ruckus at my door and entered with that strange shadow which was following him, looking above his shoulder at all times.
I didn't mention the shadow since my henchmen didn't notice it. It struck me as highly unhealthy to have someone who can walk around almost undetected as an enemy.
Of course I ordered my men to clean up the mess around the corner and didn't mention anything to Gideon. There is no reason to make such dangerous beings anxious.
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