Collide Gamer

Chapter 1242 – Further Training [Erotic Content]

Chapter 1242 – Further Training [Erotic Content]


“Do I have to?”

Claire was bundled up under one of the few blankets that could be found on the bed. Usually, they were pushed far off to the side, more a decorative element than something to be used in an environment already overabundant with heat from the artificial summer night and all of the curvaceous forms around.

“It smells so good in here.” Unashamedly, the vampire maid bundled some of the silk sheets with her fists and pulled them up to her face. Huffing audibly, the outline of her butt became visible as she excitedly wiggled around. “Smellsogoodsma-“

“Claire, speak clearly,” John ordered, after snapping his fingers.

“It smells so good, Master,” Claire responded with a loving sigh. It swiftly turned into a happy giggle when his approving nod fired the rewarding glee straight into her neurons. “Smells like you… smells like me… smells like us… I love it, Iloveit, ilo- I love it.”

As much as John approved of her indulging herself in the scent of the entire harem, he did need to get her out of the bed. “Claire, I want to pamper you,” he stated outright. “However, you’re not just going to remain inside this building, much less this room. There’s a world out there that I need you to become a part of.”

“I’m already part of your world, isn’t that enough?” Claire asked with a joking smile on her face. It was actually good to see she was still capable of these jokes. Occasionally, John got worried that Salamander had been right and Claire, completely separated from her old life, would crash into becoming an entirely different person. Certainly, there was a lot to love about an obsessed, lovey-dovey maid that was at his beck and call. The Claire he had fallen in love with was as charming as she was eager to rip her enemy’s spines out.

‘Thinking about it, she always lived two extremes simultaneously,’ he thought.

John was forced into inaction by the pair of big red eyes that looked at him. ‘Adorable’ was not in the list of adjectives usually appropriate for a vampire. With only the upper half of her face visible underneath a thick, silky blanket that laid quite fittingly over her bottom-heavy curves, it was only one of the few appropriate ones. Another one would be ‘sexy as hell’.

‘Fuck it, this is my house,’ the Gamer thought and climbed on the bed. There was no need to disrobe, since he had never gotten dressed to begin with. With one heavy tug, he ripped the blanket off Claire and grabbed her by the throat.

It was the first time he did so, but he still knew what her reaction would be. With a borderline euphoric grin, she completely submitted herself to him. He forced the vampire maid – HIS vampire maid – underneath him. Her hips were readily raised, his thighs stuck between hers, her knees angled by his side.

Hard and fast, he plunged into her. Her pussy was drenched with fluids and the cum he had pumped into her not thirty minutes earlier. The bed wouldn’t have been empty if they hadn’t been past the morning orgy stage.

Claire was pinned underneath him. His frame wasn’t quite broad enough to properly bury her under him. The size difference between them was sufficient to cover her, which was satisfying enough to his dom brain. Screaming as much as the choking allowed, the submissive vampire wholly agreed. Her arms wrapped around him, fingers softly scratching his back, while her heels pushed into his hips, trying to pull him deeper in with every thrust.

John could not see her expression, only her white hair while he lovingly bit her neck or earlobe. Over and over again, he hammered her into the mattress. “Harderharderharderharder, yes, Master, yes! Fuck me, John, fuck me, me, me – use me to get off, use me, you deserve to use me. Onlyyouonlyyouo-“ Her crazy, lustful rambling came to an end when a particularly hard orgasm made her squirt all over his cock.

The Gamer kept going. Claire was, unsurprisingly, doing much better at staying conscious during and after getting thoroughly ploughed by her Master. Unlike Lee and Lorelei, her Endurance was high enough to match the strain that experiencing several minutes of uninterrupted orgasms, multiplied in their intensity, put upon a body. Not needing to actually breathe certainly helped with that as well.

Without thinking about it, John rutted into her. He completely lost track of time. All he did was fuck her, at a consistent speed, at the same angle, filling the room with the smacks of his groin against her fat ass. He came once, but the fog of lust did not clear so he just kept going unrelentingly.

“Always marking your territory,” Nia said, suddenly lying next to them.

Claire jumped; John raised his head to look at her. The blonde’s piercing blue eyes barely showed her desire – which was a vast improvement. Even now, she suffered from having the resting bitch face of an ice queen, despite the borderline dorky animal lover underneath.

Demandingly, he grabbed Nia by the arm and pulled her to his face. Her pale pink lips tasted like nothing, but the warmth of her lips and methodically answering tongue were as human as always. Nia moaned, her lips sensitive to his touch and his magical power. Turned on, a pariah’s senses could receive stimuli used for combat in erotic manners.

Making out with one gorgeous woman and pistoning the other, John was as close to heaven as he could have asked for and not as close as he could be. “Hey, Masterrrrr,” Metra purred, while pressing her whole body against his back. “Did you know we can hear you hammer your new sex slave through the entire apartment?”

“Make room,” Nathalia demanded, her definitely larger breasts now competing for contact with his back with Metra’s petite chest. “If I do not get mated personally, then I will watch.”

“Fucking…” John groaned, while pumping the second load of this encounter into Claire. While his dick tensed with each new spurt of his unendingly large cumshots, he picked up the various moans around him. Not just those from Nia, who kept circling his tongue with her, or Metra and Nathalia, who were audibly masturbating. No, the entirety of his harem seemed to be engaged in some second-hand voyeurism, their shouts echoing through the open bedroom door.

John pulled out. His cum immediately spilled out, a thick white that barely contrasted with Claire’s light skin. After the four loads he had dumped into her earlier this morning, there was enough of his cream in her that she should have changed her name to Éclair. He snorted, laughing at his own joke.

Before anyone could wonder what was up with that, he activated Master Stud. With only one body around, John was getting more usage out of his double dick feature than usual. Satisfying 14 women with just one body, even with boundless sexual stamina, was a time-consuming task. Had the elementals bolstered that number to the full 19, John alone would have been steadily occupied just circling through them. That was the disadvantage of having a harem full of high-Libido babes. The advantage was that they also took care of each other.

Still, his pride demanded that he was the leading source of pleasure in his harem, so he couldn’t wait until he got his additional bodies back. Until then, the double dick would help a lot.

Claire raised both hands to her face, almost clawing at herself while staring, panting, at his cocks. She was still quivering with aftershocks and panting with wild need. She had seen this effect yesterday already and it still made her stare wide-eyed. She was so utterly taken in by the sight that she didn’t even care when John placed the pariah on top of her.

‘Time for a bonding session,’ he thought and thrust forwards. The two of them howled simultaneously, while his cocks filled their cunts. Nia’s body was notably leaner and the edges of Claire’s hips were visible around the pariah’s little bottom despite their almost identical height. Her super long hair was spread out as strands of gold over all of them. John snapped his fingers, causing all four women around to direct their gazes at him. Claire had learned to react properly fast. “Metra, Nathalia, will you pleasure yourself? Will you watch?”

Voyeurism and the need to keep peeping over his shoulder suddenly peaked for the two tall, toned, and tanned amazons. One arm slung around his torso on either side, their chins resting on his shoulders (Nathalia left and Metra right), their breasts pressed against his back, they moaned like crazy while their other hands desperately tried to cope with their increased urges.

John hunched forwards, leveraging his weight to press Nia down on top of Claire. The two were chest to chest. Immediately, the blonde pursued a deep kiss with the vampire. There was some initial hesitation – which John aimed to swiftly eliminate by overpowering any alienation the newest maid felt by utterly filling her world with pleasure.

Upping their sensitivity to the maximum, John plunged into Claire and Nia after quickly pulling back. They screamed in unison again, cumming where they laid. Overflowing pussy juices stained where the three of them were connected, turning it all into a moist mess connected by gooey strands.

Claire’s instincts were soon overruled by this newfound appreciation for the other haremettes that John was so carefully cultivating. Tightly embracing the pariah, she gave a long lick from Nia’s smooth shoulder up to her ear. It appeared that she wanted to make up for the lack of taste and smell by touching Nia as much as possible.

John fully approved of that and concentrated on fucking the two of them to the point of thoughtless bliss. With positive reinforcement like this, Claire’s alienation towards Nia would be a thing of the past in no time.

Each time he smacked against them, the two moaned. Nia was much quieter, yet still provided so much more delicious sounds than she used to. Her cute ass jiggled softly from every impact that shook her slender body. Claire’s meaty thighs did the same, still spread out under the two of them.

It was a euphoric symphony of slapping flesh and lustful cries. The rhythmic responses to his thrusts were underlined by the more frequent and uncoordinated gasps of the duo pressed against him. John felt a sheen of sweat on his body built from the toil and the heat. Same was true for Nia who may have been immune to the environment but not the sheer intensity with which he hammered her gripping insides into the shape of his cock.

“HARDER! HARDER! HARDER!” Claire screamed insatiably. Even she was glistening, a more aesthetic response by a Natural Spirit than a needed one, from the sheer continuous bliss of the raw pounding. Her spine curved off the mattress and both her and Nia let out an excited gasp when their nipples glided over the other’s.

John obliged as much as he could, pushing himself to the edge of his physical capabilities. He breathed heavily, clenched his teeth, and soldiered on. His cocks were getting squeezed by their massaging folds. Ignoring everything but the tightness and the soft breasts on his back, hearing only their bliss, he was in a trance that aimed only to perform in a manner demanded of a man with a massive harem.

If he had filled them with the next load, no one could have said he didn’t satisfy them thoroughly. Only his own standards mattered when it came to carving his sexual prowess into the minds of his haremettes though. A dom’s responsibility was to give their all to make their submissive(s) forget everything but them. His reward was the privilege of their unquestioning service.

When his orgasm finally came, it did so suddenly. The physical strain on his body was too much for even his will to keep it going. In the middle of a thrust, he turned from hard and fast to a jerking push into their depths. Involuntarily, his hips tensed, just like their entire bodies seized when getting filled with another thick morning load.

Synced, the two voyeurs brought themselves to orgasm. As his movements finally ceased, Metra and Nathalia embraced him even tighter. The hardened, muscular blonde berserker babe to his right and the redheaded, hourglass-shaped slut of an ancient goddess to his left, both tried to kiss him. Overwhelmed by their pleasure, their lips never stayed in contact with his skin for long.

Spurt for spurt, he painted the insides of Claire and Nia white. Each surge of seed was an electrifying current that forced his entire body to become rigid, then relax. By the end of it, he felt dizzy, his heart beat fast, and it dawned on him that he had been holding his breath. Intensely, he exhaled and found a bit of sanity in the air that filled his lungs afterwards.

Reason that was immediately put in service of his dom instincts. While he let the pussies wring the last drops of cum from his rigid shafts, he put his arms around the two who had been made to watch. He pulled them closer, smacked them on their round butts, and then moved his fingers to their drenched cunts. Even with the hypnotic suggestion still active, they eagerly let his hands replace theirs.

Metra and Nathalia were orgasmic messes already and his fingers worsened that state within seconds. Even though he had so utterly exhausted himself, Gamer’s Body restored him to full stamina with just a few moments of proper rest. Rapidly fingering them, he made them gush, until eventually toppling both of them over with a shove of his shoulders.

“Keep watching,” he told them and pulled out of Nia and Claire. The two moaned, their empty cunts twitching and oozing globs of cum. “Suck me off,” he ordered that pair. Opportunity and demand snapped them out of their bliss-fuelled inertia.

Sloppily, they repositioned themselves, ending up on all fours in front of him after a terribly long five seconds. Retaining his lead, the Gamer grabbed them both by the head and made them attend to his now singular cock together. They came again, licking the mixture of Claire’s pussy juice and semen off his rock-hard rod. In their eagerness to suck his cock, they indirectly kissed repeatedly.

John elected to let Nia have the first proper taste. Thoroughly fucked, Claire had the patience to watch eagerly. She understood, from several demonstrations yesterday, that her blowjob technique was lacking sorely. As one of the premiere cocksuckers of the group, physically capable of orgasm from having her throat stuffed on its own, Nia was one of the best to emulate.

Especially because Nia also loved to stay with his cock deep down her throat.

Once she had the entirety of him inside her, her lips never slid more than a third up his length. It did not take more than that to provide steady stimulation from the pleasurable friction. Lewd slurping sounds echoed whenever her greedy movements broke the tight seal of her lips. Every now and again, when she was all the way down, she stopped. Rather than move back and forth, she gyrated, providing less intense but nevertheless constant reasons to groan with delight.

Claire watched it all with glassy eyes and a wide open mouth, drooling. When John made the switch, she leaned in faster than he pulled her. The eagerness was appreciated and he let it pass that she violated the power dynamic in this small manner. Ultimately, this move outside physical guidance was still in service to his unspoken desires.

Replicating the movements in a less fluid manner, she demonstrated the attention she paid. A few hours of constant practice, which she would get over the coming days, and she’d be a good little cocksleeve. A few more weeks and her mouth would be a true comfort hole.

Back and forth, he switched between them. Once, Claire broke out into her ramblings again, which John glared at her for. That was enough to make her shut up. Bottling the words up made her fidget.

When he was coming closer, he grabbed Nia’s head with both hands and fucked her face relentlessly. Barely, he saw Nathalia and Metra lick excess cum from the bedsheets, while still bringing themselves to one orgasm after another.

Their fingers could never achieve what his cock did, though. While her neck bulged each time he pushed his entire dick past her upper pair of lips, Nia’s blue eyes nearly vanished under her fluttering lids. She was struggling to keep her upper body propped up, asphyxiation and rough throat fucking making her limbs turn into jelly. Mercilessly, he kept pushing inside, under the envious gaze of Claire. She coveted what she didn’t have – and that was an emotion that was much better to have, in the harem, than jealousy, to fear someone would take what she had.

Progress confirmed, John hammered his way to orgasm. The first spurt, he let loose inside Nia’s throat. With each following one, he pulled back a little further. Fully trained, the pariah did not need to be told what to do once his dick rested with only the tip inside her mouth. While her mouth filled with his delicious cum, she circled the weak spot under his glans. Properly milking him, Nia grabbed his shaft and pushed every last drop out with slow, deliberate strokes.

Knowing where this was going, Claire’s squirming became even more intense. Had it not been for John’s constant stares, she would have thrown herself at Nia and taken her share of his seed in a rather forceful fashion. Following his intent to train her, the pariah did not immediately turn to the vampire maid.

First, she got on her knees. Carefully, she opened her mouth, her head leaned back so none of the precious seed could escape. Only when he nodded, did she close it again and turned to Claire. She embraced the vampire maid, quietly directing her to part her legs until they were straddled over each other’s thighs.

When the cum-swapping kiss began, they started to practically ride each other’s legs. With how potent his semen was and how sensitive to it, for different reasons, those two were, it was doubtful that movement contributed much to the ensuing orgasms. It was more of a physical outlet for the passion that ravaged them while the thick white was passed back and forth, diminishing as it mixed with their saliva.

When they were done, John snapped his fingers. “Cleanse,” he said, causing the two watchers of the entire scene to finally stop. “Let’s have breakfast.”

“No! I love the bed,” Claire responded and playfully grabbed the now cum-stained blanket again.

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