Chapter 12: First Victim
Chapter 12: First Victim
The worst thing you could possibly do in a deal is to seem desperate to make it.
The Gods were desperate to make a deal with Pablo and Pablo used that desperation to make his own demands.
After that, Altor and Pablo shook hands for a few seconds and Pablo was the first one to let it go.
Altor and all the other Gods seemed happy and Pablo remained nonchalant.
"What's next?" He asked.
Altor replied, "Well, now we will send you inside someone else's body in Seraphim and you will start living there."
"I see. My soul but someone else's body." Pablo understood. "But the body should be male and young. Otherwise, I won't be able to work well. And also, my name remains the same."
"Don't worry. We have already chosen someone like that for you."
Pablo nodded.
"Anything else you want to ask?" Altor asked.
"Yes." Pablo said. "Tell me more about Seraphim. How does it work? Are there any politicians, continents? Is it the same as Earth or different? I need to know such things."
"Fair enough. For starters, it is different from Earth. In this world, superpowers exist. But that's not important. You will know all about them soon enough. What matters is that Seraphim is hundred times bigger than your Earth. Instead of continents, it has Kingdoms. Ten Kingdoms to be exact. And as I said before, everyone is Evil in Seraphim."
"Hah." A laugh escaped from Pablo's mouth.
Altor narrowed his eyes. "What's so funny?"
Pablo shook his head. "It's just, Seraphim is the name of an Angel but your world is the opposite of it."
"Yes. It's a shame." Altor agreed with Pablo.
"Anyway, is that all you have to share about Seraphim?"
"Yes. You will understand better if you go and see for yourself."
"Alright. Then do it. I hate delaying things." Pablo stood up from the chair.
Altor nodded and began to stand up. But...
"Wait." Rameses spoke and Altor sat down again.
"You again. What is it this time?" Pablo asked. Rameses was the only one who was rough to Pablo.
"Do you even have a plan in mind?" Rameses asked.
"Oh. I thought you were going to retort something. But you asked a genuine question. Nice."
"Just answer."
"No. I don't have a plan. But I will make one when I reach there. Just don't disturb me in the process."
"Don't take it lightly, Human. You have many things to do there. Many things you have yet to know."
"That's enough, Rameses." Altor raised his hand.
Rameses went silent.
Pablo squinted his eyes. "Altor, are you hiding something from me?"
"No. Everything I told you is true. Everything I told you today is true. Don't worry." Altor gave a stern reply.
Pablo gave a slow nod.
Altor then finally stood up from his throne as well.
He looked at other Gods and all four of them also left their thrones.
All five Gods were now standing in front of Pablo.
"Are you ready?" Altor asked.
"Yeah." Pablo answered short.
"Then, good luck. We expect good things from you."
Pablo smiled. "God, just like you don't expect medicine from a snake, don't expect good things from Pablo Castillo."
At this, Altor showed a smile of his own. "Have your way then. Just don't destroy Seraphim."
Pablo said nothing at this and Altor raised his right hand.
He then joined two of his fingers and...
Altor snapped and Pablo sensed himself getting transparent.
"Am I going now?" He asked.
"Yes. Your new life is about to start." Altor answered.
Pablo saw his spirit body getting invisible by every passing second but the man remained calm as ever.
"Pablo," A different voice came this time and Pablo turned his head at the source.
It was the green haired God, Demeter, that spoke.
"Yes?" Pablo asked, curious what Demeter had to say. He was quiet for all this time.
"I wasn't able to watch your full life like these four as I was busy doing something else. But I know that you killed many people. I just wanted to ask, who was your first victim?"
Pablo's spirit kept getting transparent but he kept his eyes on Demeter.
Demeter and the other Gods saw Pablo's eyes and they all felt that it was their first time seeing Pablo's true eyes.
They were dark, empty and most of all... cold.
Nevertheless, Demeter awaited Pablo's answer and Pablo, with his same empty eyes, told Demeter that his first victim was...
After that, Pablo finally vanished from the eyes of the Gods and all five of them stared at the empty space in front of them.
"His first victim was he, himself? What does it mean?" Demeter asked. He didn't get Pablo's answer.
Altor sighed. "Watch his life and you will get it."
"Fine. I will watch it now. Don't disturb me till then." Demeter went deep inside the castle and now only four Gods were left.
They turned around and sat back on their thrones.
Altor then jerked his head at Rameses.
"You almost exposed us, you know that?" He said.
Rameses shrugged. "We have to tell him that one day anyway."
"Yes. But that one day wasn't today."
"Alright. Alright. My bad."
Altor let it go and rested his head on the throne.
"But Altor, can he really do it? Seraphim isn't Earth. He won't be feared there." The yellow haired God, Chrysus, spoke for the first time.
Altor glanced at Chrysus. "Have you seen his conduct, Chrysus? His behavior, his attitude, his tone. All these things screamed that he had murdered people. And then those eyes, those empty eyes..."
Altor paused and recalled the pair of eyes.
"They tell he lost count of them."
Chrysus went silent.
"But don't worry," Altor spoke again. "I have something to make sure he doesn't run rampant."
Altor looked at Alfida.
Alfida smiled and clapped her hands.
Then, in front of her, a white light manifested and floated in front of her face.
"My dear little angel," Alfida said to the white light. "You are to stay with Pablo all the time. Do what you do and do it well. No need to hide yourself from him. You may stay with him in your true self and form. Now go."
Alfida blew air at the white light as it floated far away until it disappeared.
Altor smiled and snapped his fingers again.
The next second, the chair Pablo was sitting on vanished and in its place came out a big round crystal clear orb.
Altor snapped his fingers again and the Orb began showing things on itself.
It showed some kind of slum area and a young boy lying motionless on the muddied ground.
Altor and the other three Gods rested their heads back on their thrones and watched the orb.
They all let out a heavy sigh and Altor couldn't hold back his smile.
"Now, Pablo, what will you show me? Your death again? Or..." Altor put his hands behind his head and watched the young man on the orb twitching his fingers.
"The Return of Criminal X."
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