Cronus' system: Against the gods

Chapter 28: Rich Freak!?

Chapter 28: Rich Freak!?

"Man... I'm running out of stuff" Rex sighed as he glanced at his almost emptied fridge. He only had a one-liter jar of milk and a few loaves of bread left. He took a few slices and poured some of the milk into a glass cup. "Well, it'll soon be the weekend so I should be expecting my weekly pay as an Orphan" He gulped down the milk in the cup. "You can come to take some, Cronus"

" Such trivialities are of less importance to me," Cronus retorted.

Rex chuckled "It's not like you can ever take it though, you're just a parasite in my head, aren't you?"

"Thou mockest me, Harbinger?!" Cronus growled, his voice sending chills down Rex's spine.

Rex shivered a bit "C'mon, I was just messing with ya!"

Rex chuckled softly, wiping the milk mustache off his upper lip. His casual banter with Cronus had become a strange form of companionship. Despite the occasional spine-chilling growl, there was something almost comforting about having a cosmic entity share his thoughts.

"Messing with me? Hmph, you jest far too often for one tasked with such grave responsibility," Cronus said, his voice now tinged with mild exasperation.

Rex tossed the empty bread wrapper into the trash, rolling his eyes. "Yeah, well, you've gotta have a sense of humor about this stuff. It's not every day someone becomes the Harbinger of Time, right?"

"Indeed," Cronus mused, his voice echoing faintly in Rex's mind like distant thunder. "But remember, your fate is not to be taken lightly. Fake Cerberus may have been defeated, but greater trials lie ahead."

Rex stopped for a moment, considering Cronus's words. "You sure know how to kill a mood, old man."

"Well, I guess I'll head to the academy early today," Rex muttered, stretching his arms above his head.

With a final glance at his sparse fridge, Rex grabbed his jacket and slipped into his shoes. As he stepped outside, he could feel the cool breeze of the morning brushing against his skin. The streets were relatively quiet, the city slowly waking up as people began their daily routines.

As Rex walked, his mind drifted to the events of the previous week. Between dodging death, dealing with that strange vision, and his growing abilities, it had been nothing short of chaotic. Still, there was a sense of excitement within him. He was stronger now, and the academy would soon see just how much he'd grown.

"You seem to be rather content with thy newfound power," Cronus commented in his usual lofty tone.

"Well, I wouldn't say 'content.' More like... eager to see what's next. Gotta keep leveling up, right?" Rex replied, dodging a passing cyclist on the sidewalk.

"Indeed. Though beware, Harbinger, there are forces at work beyond thy comprehension. Complacency breeds downfall."

Rex rolled his eyes. "You always gotta drop ominous lines like that, huh?"

"It is my duty to remind thee of the stakes," Cronus replied coolly.

Rex chuckled, shaking his head. The academy building loomed ahead in the distance, and Rex suddenly remembered something.....

"Damn it! Either Silas or Lyra's gonna have their eyes on me now" Rex's eyes instantly turned investigative mode. Since Ralph's assassination attempt had failed, he must have reported to either of them.

"What is thou thinkest wrong? Ye knowest not who assigned your death and besides these, thou art still a weakling" Cronus said

"What's with you about me being a weakling?" Rex almost screamed out.

Suddenly, Rex bumped into Magnus. The latter, his normal goofy grin on his face like someone without a care in the world. Well... They were the same on that aspect

"Hey bro, what're you still doing in the academy? Didn't you fail to awaken anything? Defects don't belong......


Magnus fell backward, patting his cheek in pain, he didn't even see the punch coming. The only thing he knew was his cheeks started hurting and then he was o the ground

Rex dusts his fist, looking at Magnus with a grin on his face "And who the hell said I failed the awakening!"

"Man... You don't have to be so rough about it! Damn..... turned out you were just a late bloomer after all" Magnus groaned, unperturbed by Rex's punch.

"Yeah, I got super-speed now" Rex smiled as he dragged Magnus off the floor. They weren't close or anything but Rex just had a liking for this boy. Maybe it's cos they were both carefree or... let me see...

Name: Magnus

Ability: Tier one basic-level fire ability user

Number of Crystals eaten: 0

Strength: 13

Agility: 15

Endurance: 16

Intelligence: 10

Height: 5'7

Favorite snack: Spicy Cheetos

Number of times he said "I'll be rich one day" - 99999999999999

Number of failed business ideas: 200

Socks color today: Red and yellow(Mismatched)

Stubbornness level: 90%

Current pocket lint: 33 pieces

Romantic success rate: 0.001%

Amount of loose pocket change: $2

Latest google search: How to get rich quick @@novelbin@@

Level of disappointment in life: 88%

Number of unread messages: 8

Crush: Secretly admires Miss Lyra

Rex blinked and couldn't stop a laugh from escaping. "Dude, you really need to tone down the money obsession. Twenty-three times in one day?"

Magnus, rubbing his sore cheek, looked genuinely puzzled. "Huh? What're you talking about?"

Rex smirked, waving it off. "Never mind, just... maybe focus on something other than get-rich-quick schemes for a bit. You might burn yourself out."

Magnus raised an eyebrow. "You're one to talk, mister 'I-punched-my-way-to-power!' Plus, how'd you even know about my money plans, huh? Spying on me or something?"

Rex just grinned, but the flood of stats wouldn't stop. He was beginning to get a headache with the sheer amount of useless details his God's Eyes were throwing at him. "And why do I need to know how much pocket lint you have? Seriously, Cronus, can't you filter this junk?"

"Thou wished for a more powerful gaze, didst thou not?" Cronus's voice reverberated in Rex's mind. "I merely granted what thou desired."

"Yeah, but pocket lint? What am I supposed to do with that information? Strategically use it in battle?" Rex rubbed his temples, sighing. "I feel like I'm drowning in unnecessary data here."

Thou can control it! Just will it and it shall be as thou wills" Cronus replied

"Ah! Finally, some good advice!" Rex groaned

" where do we meet? I mean classes" Rex asked

"Follow me" Magnus said as he took the lead, walking at the front with puffed-up chests.

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