Crown Prince Sells Medicine

Chapter 29

Chapter 29

Are you mentally prepared? Raciel asked.

Yes, I am, the gladiator replied.

Relax. You wont die.


Alright, here we go.



The moxa stick ignited intensely, filling the air with the scent of mugwort. The gladiator, his muscles tense, shifted uncomfortably on the bed. Raciel gently tapped the gladiators shoulder.

Its going to be a bit hot.


But its better than enduring the pain youve been dealing with every day. Just bear with it for a little while. The pain will be brief, but the relief will last.

Ah, okay Understood.

The gladiator lay on the bed, shivering, summoning all his endurance. Raciel watched him with satisfaction and then glanced around the hall.

Once a spacious area used for banquets and events, it had been transformed into a temporary clinic with thirteen neatly arranged white beds. The room was filled with the aroma of burning mugwort.

Ah, it brings back memories.

Thirteen gladiators, or rather patients, lying down while receiving moxibustion. Suddenly, Raciel was reminded of his time in South Korea.

The Busan Oriental Medicine Clinic he had opened, burdened with debt. A place that was known as Booking Oriental Clinic in the local community. It was a respectable clinic, with several regular patients who came consistently.

Until that cursed Corona situation arose, until a confirmed patient visited, until word spread like wildfire in the community, it had been like that.

In reality, he had fallen from the Yanghwa Bridge. He likely fell into the Han River. Had he been declared missing there? And what had happened to the remaining clinic? He needed to provide retirement benefits for Nurse Kim and Nurse Lee.

Tsk, stop thinking about it.

Fighting off the encroaching gloominess, Raciel shook his head to dispel the lingering thoughts. He no longer knew how to return. Frankly, he didnt even want to go back. There was nothing to gain by returning.

So, stop thinking about it.

Dont worry about it.

Embrace the reality he had encountered here.

Then I can enjoy a sweet life for the rest of my days.

Royal life awaited him. If he could solve the issues of health and lifespan, he could enjoy a life of luxury as a royal for the remainder of his days.

So lets focus.

Raciel made a resolution and examined the moxa stick placed on the backs of the gladiator. He removed the burnt sticks and brushed off the ashes. He applied an ointment to the blisters caused by the moxibustion, using a burn ointment made from Gardins recipe.

He checked the reactions of the gladiators who had completed their first moxibustion session.

So, how do you feel?

Where does it hurt?

Um, my back is stinging.

Thats because of the burn. Anything else?

My head huh?

The gladiator, who had been gritting his teeth from the heat of the moxibustion, hesitated for a moment. Initially, he had shown signs of questioning why he had to endure such torture.

But after being asked that question, he paused at one point. He must have realized the change that had come over him.

A smile naturally appeared on his face.

How is it? Raciel asked eagerly.

My head, um, feels refreshed? the gladiator responded, his voice filled with surprise.

Doesnt it? Raciel chuckled.

Huh? Yes! It really does! Whats this? Hehe? Hahaha! The gladiator suddenly sat up.

He moved his neck around, finding the sensation unfamiliar. With both hands, he repeatedly touched his chin, cheeks, and eyes. The agonizing glossopharyngeal neuralgia that would inevitably occur unless he took narcotic painkillersthe neuralgia that had been creeping up on him until just a while ago, even as he lay down for moxibustion.

But after the moxibustion, it seems to have completely disappeared. Its amazing, and nothing could be more welcome. I dont feel any pain. Its been years since I felt this refreshed

The gladiator couldnt continue his words as he was overcome with emotion. Witnessing his reaction brought a sense of fulfillment and a genuine smile to Raciels face. After all, it was gratifying to see someone relieved of their pain after receiving treatment here.


They must improve, become healthier, more confidently so. That way, theyll grant me bonus lifespans!

Raciel eagerly looked forward to it with a sly smile.

However, he also felt a sense of anxious anticipation.

Perhaps a message would appear before him, indicating that the gladiators life expectancy had increased and granting him bonus lifespans. But no matter how long he waited, no such message materialized.

Tsk. Maybe the first moxibustion wasnt enough.

It was the same with Demian.

The same applied to the other gladiators as well.

Even after completing the first moxibustion on the initial day of treatment, there was no message proclaiming their cure.

The same held true the following day when the moxibustion was administered.

The gladiators rejoiced over their vanquished neuralgia, yet there was no sign of a cure message anywhere.

As expected. Theres a mountain to climb. Only after safely traversing it can they be considered cured.

Raciel had a hunch about what that mountain was.

It was the withdrawal syndrome.

Demian and the rest of the gladiators had been dependent on narcotic painkillers to numb the pain inflicted by the curse of the Brand.

Currently, a total of 14 gladiators were undergoing treatment, including Demian. Most of them had been relying on narcotic painkillers for over a year. For some, the duration stretched to nearly seven years.

They must be severely addicted. And the withdrawal symptoms will be severe.

Raciel steeled himself.

The gladiators were currently reveling in the absence of pain. However, he knew the situation would change over time. They would all suffer from withdrawal symptoms.

A few days passed.

On the sixth day of moxibustion treatment, Raciels predictions manifested into reality.


From morning, the gladiators began to vomit.

But that wasnt all.

Their complexions were incredibly pale or even bluish. Profuse sweating was common. Their steps lacked strength. It was the onset of severe withdrawal symptoms.

Just as I expected.

Just as he had foreseen.

Just like the content of the novel.

Because Demian also went through the same process.

In the novel, Demian escaped the gladiator arena during the fire incident. The fleeting joy of gaining freedom quickly transformed into immense pain. It was the withdrawal symptoms that emerged when he ceased taking the narcotic painkillers.

He suffered for several days. Moreover, being a fugitive, he couldnt receive proper treatment or rest. Literally, he overcame withdrawal symptoms alone in the worst situation. How? Just with superhuman willpower.

The more Raciel contemplated it, the more admirable it became.

Truly, superhuman willpower. If it wasnt the protagonists cheat in the novel, then what was it? Yet Raciel couldnt find fault with that aspect of the novels setting.

Because right next to him, Demian was, in fact, looking far healthier(?) than the other gladiators.

Hey, Demian?

Yes, Your Highness.

Arent you feeling dizzy?

I am dizzy.

Dont you feel nauseous like the other gladiators?

I am nauseous.

But youre not vomiting?

I am holding it back.

Raciel was left speechless.

Demian claimed to be dizzy and nauseous but managed to hold back the urge to vomit. From the outside, he appeared perfectly fine. Unless he mentioned it, he looked like a perfectly healthy individual.

How are you doing it?

Raciel had to ask. But as expected, Demians response was

Im simply enduring it with all my might.

Its a cheat. Thats how it always goes with novel protagonists. Raciel gave a wry smile. He couldnt rely on Demian as a reliable reference for overcoming withdrawal symptoms.

Then Ill have to implement the treatment I had in mind.

He had anticipated the withdrawal symptoms and had a treatment plan to alleviate them.


Yes, Your Highness.

Bring Sergio. As for the other gladiators there will be no moxibustion treatment today. Let them rest in their quarters. And remind them to drink plenty of water.


Shortly after, Demian returned with a man named Sergio. Among the group of gladiators, Sergio had the most experience and age, somewhat resembling a spiritual leader.

However, his condition was far from good.

You you called for me.

He trembled uncontrollably.

Early spring had brought relatively warmer weather. Sergio wasnt even dressed in thin clothing. Yet the muscular, scar-riddled tough guy shivered pitifully, as if stranded on a snowy mountain in the dead of winter, wearing nothing but his underwear. Even standing seemed like a challenge for him.

Raciel swiftly guided him to the treatment bed.

So, youre struggling with the withdrawal symptoms?

No, no Im fine.

You dont look fine at all. But Ill help you feel better.

You youre going to treat me?

Yes, with this.

Raciel produced a needle.

It was the same needle he always used during his self-acupuncture practice. Sergios eyes widened at the sight of the needle.

How are you going to with that

Im going to prick your foot with this. Relax and lie down.

Sergios face tensed with apprehension.

Raciel also felt a sense of tension.

Will it work?

He wasnt certain.

But it was his best shot. Thats why he had called for Sergio, to test if his best efforts would yield results.

Sergio, among the gladiators, has been on narcotic painkillers for the longest period. As a result, his withdrawal symptoms are severe. Hes the most suitable candidate to determine if this method will be effective.

If acupuncture works on him? If it can alleviate his withdrawal symptoms? Then it could potentially benefit the other gladiators as well.

Raciel took a deep breath.

He ran his hands over Sergios right foot.

Lets go with the Stomach Meridian of Foot-Yangming.

The gladiators were experiencing withdrawal symptoms characterized by hyperactive nerves. This manifested as cold sweats and gastric spasms. To soothe the stomach, especially the gastric nerves, it seemed appropriate to target the acupoints along the Stomach Meridian of Foot-Yangming.

The first acupoint is Li Dui ().


Located on the outer side of the distal phalanx of the second toe, near the nail root, was the Li Dui acupoint. It was particularly effective for neurogenic gastrointestinal disorders and nausea.

Raciel lightly tapped the needle inserted into the Li Dui acupoint.

He provided the right stimulus.

And then


Suddenly, Sergio let out a scream and jolted upright. His fierce hands reached out, attempting to grab Raciels neck.


There was no chance to dodge.


Raciel fell backward. A dull impact struck the back of his head. Sergios hands continued to grip his neck, or rather, strangle him. He climbed on top of Raciel, his eyes wide and rolling, saliva dripping from his mouth.

Ghaaah! Guuah!


Raciel struggled to breathe. He tried to shake Sergio off, but the difference in strength was too great. He couldnt dislodge him.


Raciel began to panic.

And then, at that moment


With a dull sound, Sergios face swung around. His hand, which had been gripping Raciels neck, released its grip.

Sergio collapsed right then and there.


Huff! Huff!

As Raciel caught his breath, a hand reached out to him.

Are you alright?

It was Demian.

Had Demian knocked out Sergio with a single blow just now? Raciel grabbed Demians hand and rose to his feet. His strangled neck felt incredibly sore. It seemed bruised. Observing Sergio, he was completely unconscious.

Perhaps due to the withdrawal syndrome Did he experience a seizure from even a minor stimulus?

It was possible that the excessive stimulation had affected his blood vessels. That seemed to be the case. Raciel instinctively furrowed his brow. Such a severe seizure triggered by a mere needle prick.

No, its not minor in this case. The nervous system is hypersensitive due to withdrawal syndrome. Even a small stimulus would feel like being deeply stabbed with a knife.

So, what should I do?

Round needles might be okay.

Suddenly, Raciel thought of the needles used in acupuncture clinics. They were called round needles. They were much thinner than the needle he was currently using, and the tip was rounded.

So, the pain would be significantly reduced.

I need round needles.

No matter how he thought about it, that seemed to be the answer. If he used round needles, the pain would be significantly less. It would likely cause less commotion.


Less painful.

It should be possible to avoid excessive stimulation or impact on the blood vessels.

So, should I request them from the blacksmith? No, can they even make them here?

Raciel pondered.

He called the blacksmith. It was the same blacksmith who had made the shield last time. However, this time the confident blacksmith seemed troubled.

Well, Your Majesty, I can make a needle as thin as a thread, but


Im not confident in making the thickness of multiple needles perfectly consistent.

The blacksmith spoke in an embarrassed voice.

The thickness of the needle tip and the back may vary, and there may be minute unevenness in between.

Cant you make them perfectly smooth?

Im sorry, Your Majesty. That I dont think I can do it unless I become a dwarf craftsman.

The blacksmith bowed his head.

Raciel tasted bitter defeat. Even a talented blacksmith couldnt match the quality of round needles made by machines in a factory.

If the thickness is not constant, its a problem.

Then the stimulation on the patient would also be inconsistent. Some needles would cause less pain, while others would sting sharply.

It would be disastrous to trigger the same seizure as before. That cant happen.

Should he try to find a dwarf craftsman, as the blacksmith mentioned, even if it meant searching all over? But how much more time would that take?

Im going insane.

There was no time.

The withdrawal symptoms would only worsen. In the worst-case scenario, the gladiators might start dying due to nerve hypersensitivity.

So, what should I do.

Raciel was enveloped in worry.

But then

Ding dong.

[Your Five Viscera and Six Bowels have detected your stress.]

[Stress is the root of all diseases and an enemy of health.]

[Your Five Viscera and Six Bowels are providing advice to relieve your stress.]


An unexpected message appeared.

Raciel looked at the message with a furrowed brow. The advice from the Five Viscera and Six Bowels came just when he needed it the most.

Are they trying to give me some useless advice?

He opened the message without any expectations. But its contents were a bit strange.

[Heart: Need round needles? Having trouble? You should ask us then. Thats what the accumulated HP is for.]

[Lungs: Finally Phew Exciting Huh Pa]

[Spleen: Anyway, we have a great solution. It would be wonderful if you listened before your anal sphincter relaxes, right?]


That was the moment when an unexpected breakthrough occurred, something he hadnt anticipated.


In Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), the Five Viscera and Six Bowels are a system of classifying the internal organs. The Five Viscera are the heart, liver, spleen, lung, and kidney. The Six Bowels are the gallbladder, stomach, small intestine, large intestine, urinary bladder, and triple energizer.

The Five Viscera are considered to be hollow organs that store essential substances, such as blood, qi, and fluids. They are also thought to be responsible for the production of essential substances, such as blood and qi. The Six Bowels are considered to be solid organs that transport and eliminate waste products.

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