Chapter 362 – Aiko Learning and Rampage!
Aiko was in the room with everyone. Mei was going through her stuff and the Herbs that she would be using for refining during this trip.
"Everyone should keep in mind that we will be visiting the Human Sect for the Tournament. From there they will be choosing those that will be able to go into the mainland, so it's important to place high on the leaderboard." Mei warned everyone, but only Aiko didn't pay attention.
"Moreover Humans have more Cultivation Techniques, so they are more versatile than Beasts, you will have a harder time with them." Mei added.
"Why would that be? We are a lot stronger than Humans." Yuxi nudged Aiko who was going through the Jade Slip, but there was close to no reaction.
"That would be because we will be suppressed by the Humans." Mei sighed. "Humans are too weak, so they will use suppression Arrays to make us as weak as they are."
"Can we dodge it?" Wanshu asked. She was not interested in this tournament.
"No..." Mei glanced at Aiko but didn't say more.
"So we will have to fight Humans that have an advantage." The Blood Fox summed it up.
"Yes." Mei nodded.
Everyone pondered on how to deal with Humans, except for Aiko who was going through the Herbs.
Yuxi sneaked behind Aiko who was lying on her stomach.
Aiko was resting while also going through the Jade Slip, so she ignored her surroundings.
Yuxi lowered her body onto Aiko's, startling her.
"What is it?" The Moon Aiko was unlike the Horny Aiko, so there was not much of a reaction.
"How long are you going to revise that Jade Slip, Mistress?" When Yuxi wanted to play the part, she would always call Aiko Mistress.
"Until we arrive, since there is not much to do." Aiko answered quite flatly.
Mei narrowed her eyes. She had the urge to drag Aiko away to refine with her, but she stopped herself for the time being.
Yuxi tilted her head. "But what about playing with us, Mistress~" She tried to tease Aiko with her voice, but there was once again not much of a reaction from Aiko.
"You should learn some Beast Techniques." Aiko dismissed them.
"We are a bit short for that." Yuxi sighed. Mei was ruthless when it came to the requirements of using Beast Techniques.
"Divine Sense not good enough?" Aiko raised her eyebrow.
"Yeah." Yuxi asked as she hugged Aiko.
Aiko was now much softer than before, so hugging her felt really nice.
"Are you cheating on me~?" Wanshu teased Yuxi.
"Yes." Yuxi admitted shamelessly. "You should join me." She stuck out her tongue.
Wanshu took Yuxi's tongue into her mouth and gave her a deep kiss.
"If it gets too stuffy, I will kick you off." Aiko warned them, ignoring their little lovey-dovey world.
Wanshu and Yuxi raised their eyebrows. Aiko would normally throw a fit if they did this in front of her, but now she doesn't mind? How strange.
"That's hard-working Aiko." Mei laughed at their antics.
The duo pouted, but still laid on Aiko. They also made sure that Aiko wouldn't kick them off.
"You are right. She smells nice." Wanshu said. She was replenishing the Aiko drug right now.
"That's not what I was talking about, but you are right." Yuxi nodded gently nuzzling to Aiko.
"I mean she is pretty soft, but I would have to touch other places to know for sure." Wanshu narrowed her eyes.
"Don't even try it or she will send us flying." Yuxi glared at her partner.
"Booo." Wanshu booed her before nuzzling back.
Aiko finished reading the Jade Slip, but realised she couldn't move.
Not just the Twins, but also Blood Fox and Mei joined the fray.
"What's happening?" Aiko didn't pay attention at all, so she was shocked to see this whole thing unfold in front of her.
"What am I supposed to do now?" Everyone was happily snoozing and she didn't have the heart to wake them up.
"I suppose I can sleep a bit more too." Aiko nodded gently before closing her eyes.
The Flying ship boarded the last few Foxes and immediately embarked on the Heavenly Mountain, where the Tournament would take place.
The group noticed this movement, but they were not really interested in going out. On today's menu was Aiko Pillow.
"No way in hell!" The Nightmare Aiko shook everyone off. She was the one that's supposed to tie others, not the other way around!
The Twins giggled, while Mei was intending to drag Aiko away.
The Blood Fox glared at Mei. It seemed like there was a silent warfare going on between everyone.
Mei was speechless at being placed on such a pedestal and wanted to spank everyone.
Unfortunately, Aiko was already grabbed by Mei and dragged to the Pill Cauldron.
Aiko could only sigh in her mind as Mei gave her Herbs to Refine...
The time on the ship was spent somewhat peacefully. There were always Foxes messing around with others, so it was not quite as peaceful, but very peaceful compared to the Fox Village.
The Heavenly Mountain was on every continent. It was the highest mountain cut by Sword Cultivators and the arena was built upon them.
That arena was a battleground to choose who would escape this small continent onto the big one.
As such, there would be ambushes and other things to make the journey harder.
Now you might ask, will the Foxes be attacked?
No. While everyone loved to get inside Foxes, they also hated to go against them.
They were trained to pretty much suck the Soul out of you, so not many would attempt such an ambush.
They arrived at the bottom of this mountain. It had natural flying restrictions, so everyone would have to climb from there.
The small Aiko with her team disembarked from the Flying Ship.
It was quite windy outside, especially so because they landed on a rocky mountain.
Each Sect could choose to land alone or with others. It depended on their relationships and other things.
The journey to the top was not the easiest. With each step, your body would grow heavier, so you would grow weary and more susceptible to ambushes.
This was another part of the journey, and that's also where ambushes for Foxes would also happen.
Why here and not high in the sky? Because you can conceal your tracks easily down on the ground than up in the sky.
Many would hunt Beasts to sell them on the market, especially Foxes that could transform into pseudo-humans.
Aiko looked around in her small form. She started to quite hate this form since everyone looked down on her.
She was really tempted to rip everyone's legs out so that she wouldn't feel so small.
As you might expect, she was quite fussy because everyone used her as a Pillow. Aiko swore that she would get rid of those Titles, since she was supposed to be the one to use others as pillows and not the other way around!
Aiko was sulking during the gathering, so much so that it attracted a lot of attention.
Some believe that she was sulking because she had to walk all the way up, while others believe that she couldn't enjoy the joy of other Foxes and was interrupted during it.
There were a lot of different opinions, but it seemed like the rumours around Aiko calmed down greatly.
Mei was still conversing with Elders, she acted with concerned expression while fishing for information.
Soon everyone formed groups, but most of them followed closely behind Aiko's team.
'It's said that other Sects will try to accuse Beast of Evolving inside the Secret Realm.' Mei transmitted this through telepathy.
'Is it that bad?' Aiko asked, still playing the part.
'Not really. They don't have any kind of evidence, so they will be just shooting headless arrows.' Mei shrugged.
'Can I beat them up?' Aiko glanced behind. Pretty much the whole ship was following them.
'No.' Mei's lips twitched at Aiko's question, even more so once she clicked her tongue.
'You can't beat them up just because they follow us.' Mei shook her head and stopped Aiko.
'But I feel too stuffy in this small form.' Aiko was already used to the big form and she also hated how small she was compared to everyone.
Now don't get her wrong, even in her big form, she was still smaller than most Foxes, but it was not that bad compared to her small form where she barely reached above their waists.
'Why are we walking like this? Can't we just run?' Aiko asked Mei.
'We are making them indebted to us, so bear with it.' Mei smiled like a devil.
Aiko groaned gently. She was not happy about this whole situation and had the itch to do something about it.
'I have some Pill Candies for later and even tasty meat.' Mei smiled from ear to ear when she saw Aiko twitch with her ears.
'But a lot of it.' Aiko demanded, since she was bothered by the moans that happened behind her group.
'Can we speed up?' Aiko felt like they were going too slowly.
Mei rolled her eyes. 'I can see what you want to do in your eyes.'
'Oh! Suddenly you know how to read my eyes?!' Aiko shot back.
Mei coughed awkwardly. 'Just go.' She would let Aiko go so that she could play a bit.
Aiko's eyes shined and she dashed away startling everyone.
"Where is she going?" One of the Foxes that loved the cute small Aiko asked.
"To play." Mei dismissed their interest.
"Play-" The Fox was confused, but an answer immediately appeared.
A scream spread throughout the forest. Someone was just impaled by a certain Fox and it would not be the last victim...
More and more victims were impaled by Aiko as she was angry. They didn't have any Treasures, just some drugs and sacks.
She kept pounding their asses with poles as she dashed between the assailants.
It was obvious that these were the Cultivators who were aiming for the Beasts or Foxes. So it was only right for Aiko to give them such treatment.
But even if they weren't such people, she would still pole them since she was upset that they were followed by a pack of little chicks!
Aiko wanted to run around, hunt some meat and eat it, but because all eyes were on them, Mei wouldn't allow it!
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