Chapter 1150: Bring Them Back
Chapter 1150: Bring Them Back
The legendary tier gauntlet had much more than just gripping power. There was a reason why it carried a particular name, and Dame was going to show Garlon that reason right now. As the power spewed out of the gauntlet, it started to form a shape from the ground.
Slowly, it was building up, until there was a complete image, an image that had caused Safa to drop her spear, for her mouth to be left wide open as she just stared ahead in awe. The image of Simyon.
The power from the gauntlet had made an almost spectral image of him. One could see through it, translucent as if she was looking at a ghost.
"Simyon…Simyon…" Safa called out, her voice shaky, as she looked at the spectral image. She had only just seen him pass moments ago, and she was seeing him now. His body was far away, so this couldn't be him, yet there was no doubt that it was him.
Dame didn't turn around to look at Safa's face, he could imagine what she might be feeling. Unfortunately for her, the fact that he was able to do this meant that he was truly gone. A power of the gauntlets that could only work on the dead.
The spectral image that had the same appearance of Simyon had turned to look at Safa. It was only for a brief moment, but it almost appeared as if he was smiling.
"Simyon, your hard work, and everything you did up to the last moments in your life, they were not in vain!" Dame brought his hand down and banged on his chest. The image of Simyon swooped, turning back into nothing but energy, as it surrounded the rest of Dame's body.
Now over the entirety of Dame was the purple energy of the gauntlets while Simyon was gone. Immediately after, Dame charged forward, running across the ground, and headed straight for Garlon.
Just like before, Garlon started to throw his attacks out. Rather than using his power to try and eliminate Dame, for fear that he would just catch the attacks, he expanded the moments before touching to hit Dame's skin, and push him back like he had been doing so far in the fight.
As the space expanded and it touched Dame's skin though, he didn't get pushed back, it didn't pierce through his skin, and Dame, using the gauntlets' grip, grabbed onto it and moved it off to the side as he continued to run forward.
"What the… why didn't that hurt you!?" Garlon said in surprise, in a desperate attempt as he threw out his next attack, he had aimed for Dame's legs, and rather than expanding his spatial magic early, he did so on contact.
His magic had hit the target, but it had caused an incredibly small flesh wound that was barely noticeable and wouldn't slow Dame down for a second. The attacks continued from Garlon, but they were doing nothing.
It was reminding him slightly of when he had tried to use his attacks against a particular young boy not too long ago, and not just that, but it felt as if it was even more difficult than that.
Left with no choice, Garlon could only do one thing. He started to amass a large amount of Wind magic in the area, pouring everything he could out from his hands.
"There is only one thing I can do!" Garlon placed his hand on his chest, as the spiraling circles around his heart started to break. His eyes glowed up bright, in a light color. Garlon was using his breakthrough.
The magic continued to swirl out from his hand and started to distort the area. Coming off from every direction, and this included his Space magic. Garlon's own body seemed to be shifting like it was made of wind itself, making it hard to see, and almost making his body invisible as if it had next to no form.
Then everything was twisting and bending.
It was almost similar to the large-scale attack that was only moments away from being used on Rayna and Fing.
"I'm going to get him out of there!" Fing said as he lifted his gourd. Whatever was distorting the space, it had to be magic, so surely his gourd could do something about it, but maybe this amount of energy or magic it would just be too much for him to handle.
"No!" Rayna said. "Don't give him something to worry about, he's confident, and even now, he's still moving forward!"
As soon as Rayna finished those words, Garlon had used his attack.
In the distorted space, hundreds of small areas were expanding with his Wind magic. It was as if Garlon had used his attack several times. It completely crumbled the ground and went to push the others away.
Safa and the other two had quickly moved back as the expanded space was even pushing them. In the end, the space was becoming so distorted the area was looking like a water painting as everything molded and meddled together, but eventually it had come to an end.
Eventually, it had stopped, and Dame was still standing there, his body intact, with a few wounds on his body here and there, but there was nothing fatal at all. Yet, when Dame looked around, he was having trouble seeing where Garlon was, he could just see a meld of distorted air moving around in the space still.
"This body held out, I would have expected nothing less of Simyon's power. The fact that my body is still intact now, it's proof of how hard that young man worked," Dame stated.
Garlon still had no idea what was going on, no one had ever survived such an attack from him. It was the first time he was dealing with such a difficult opponent, and they were a warrior. With him having activated his breakthrough, he was safe for now, but it was a limited amount of time.
"It looks like I need to borrow the power of one more," Dame said as he lifted the gauntlet in the air again, and energy spewed out, until it had formed another figure, and this time, it was Fing who had dropped to his knees at the sight in front of him.
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䴝䝿㖧㚎 㡌㖧㝼㜾 䝿㖧㟊 㨤㜾㜾㨜 䮚䫌㥣㨜㐺 㐎㖧䫌 㚎䝿㜾 䫌䫑㜾䓥㥣㖧䪕䪕䡑 䓥㗤㖧㜟㚎㜾㟊 㨤䘼㟊䡑 㚎䝿㖧㚎 䑌㥣㝼䡑䘼㨜 䝿㖧㟊 㨤䮚㥣䪕㚎 䮚䫑㴭 䈑䝿㖧㚎 䫑䘼㐎㜾㗤 㐎㖧䫌 㗤䮚㨜㨜㥣㨜㐺 㚎䝿㗤䘼䮚㐺䝿 䝿㥣䫌 㨤䘼㟊䡑 㚎䝿㖧㨜㤳䫌 㚎䘼 㚎䝿㜾 㐺㖧䮚㨜㚎䪕㜾㚎䫌㴭 䈑䝿㜾 㚎䝿㥣㨜㐺 㐎㖧䫌䚲 㚎䝿㜾 䫑䘼㐎㜾㗤 㐎㖧䫌㨜'㚎 㖧 䫌㥣㝼䫑䪕㜾 䫌㐎㖧䫑 㜾㥣㚎䝿㜾㗤㴭 㶎㚎 㐎㖧䫌 㖧㟊㟊㜾㟊 㚎䘼 㡌㖧㝼㜾'䫌䚲 䫌䘼 䝿㥣䫌 㖧䪕㗤㜾㖧㟊䡑 䝿㖧㗤㟊 㨤䘼㟊䡑 䘼㜟 㖧 䝿䡑㨤㗤㥣㟊 㐎㖧䫌 㖧㝼䫑䪕㥣㜟㥣㜾㟊 㟊䮚㜾 㚎䘼 䑌㥣㝼䡑䘼㨜'䫌 䫑䘼㐎㜾㗤㴭
㐤㨜 㚎䘼䫑 䘼㜟 㚎䝿㖧㚎䚲 䝿㜾 㖧䪕䫌䘼 䝿㖧㟊 㖧 䫌䮚㗤㐺㜾 㨤䘼䘼䫌㚎 㐎㥣㚎䝿 䑌㥣㝼䡑䘼㨜'䫌 㪠㥣㴭 䈑䝿㥣䫌 㐎㖧䫌 㖧䪕䪕䘼㐎㥣㨜㐺 㡌㖧㝼㜾 㚎䘼 㜟䘼䓥䮚䫌 䘼㨜 㜾䱬㜾㗤䡑㚎䝿㥣㨜㐺 㨤䮚㚎 㟊㜾㜟㜾㨜䫌㜾㴭 㒔㜾 䝿㖧㟊 㜾㝼㨤䘼㟊㥣㜾㟊 㐎䝿㖧㚎 䑌㥣㝼䡑䘼㨜 㐎㖧䫌 㚎㗤䡑㥣㨜㐺 㚎䘼 㨤㜾䚲 㚎䝿㜾 䫑㜾㗤㜟㜾䓥㚎 䫌䝿㥣㜾䪕㟊䚲 㖧㨜 㥣㨜㟊㜾䫌㚎㗤䮚䓥㚎㥣㨤䪕㜾 㜟䘼㗤䓥㜾䚲 㖧㨜㟊 䝿㜾 䝿㖧㟊 䫑㗤䘼䱬㜾㟊 㥣㚎 㨤䡑 㐎㥣㚎䝿䫌㚎㖧㨜㟊㥣㨜㐺 㚎䝿㜾 㜾㨜㚎㥣㗤㜾㚎䡑 䘼㜟 㚎䝿㜾 㖧㚎㚎㖧䓥㤳 㚎䝿㖧㚎 㐎㖧䫌 㝼㖧㟊㜾 㨤䡑 䤆㖧㗤䪕䘼㨜㴭
䯇䫌㥣㨜㐺 㚎䝿㜾 䫑䘼㐎㜾㗤 䘼㜟 㚎䝿㜾 㐺㖧䮚㨜㚎䪕㜾㚎 㖧㐺㖧㥣㨜䚲 䝿㜾 䝿㖧㟊 䓥㖧䪕䪕㜾㟊 䮚䫑䘼㨜 㖧㨜䘼㚎䝿㜾㗤 㜟㖧䪕䪕㜾㨜 㜟㥣㐺䮚㗤㜾 㚎䝿㖧㚎 䝿㜾 䝿㖧㟊 㗤㜾䓥㜾㨜㚎䪕䡑 㗤䮚㨜 㥣㨜㚎䘼䚲 㚎䝿㖧㚎 䝿㜾 㗤㜾䓥㜾㨜㚎䪕䡑 䝿㖧㟊 㝼㖧㨜㖧㐺㜾㟊 㚎䘼 䫑䮚䪕䪕 㥣㨜㚎䘼 㚎䝿㜾 䫑䘼㐎㜾㗤 䘼㜟 䝿㥣䫌 㐺㖧䮚㨜㚎䪕㜾㚎䫌㴭 䈑䝿㜾 㜾㨜㜾㗤㐺䡑 䝿㖧㟊 㐺㖧㚎䝿㜾㗤㜾㟊䚲 㖧㨜㟊 㚎䝿㜾 㥣㝼㖧㐺㜾 㚎䝿㖧㚎 䝿㖧㟊 㖧䫑䫑㜾㖧㗤㜾㟊 㐎㖧䫌 䘼㜟 㒔㖧㨜㴭
㑺㥣㨜㐺 㨤㜾䪕㥣㜾䱬㜾㟊 䝿㜾 㐎㖧䫌 䫑㖧䫌㚎 䝿㥣䫌 㜾㝼䘼㚎㥣䘼㨜㖧䪕 䫌㚎㖧㚎㜾 䪕䘼㨜㐺 㖧㐺䘼㴭 㒔㜾 䝿㖧㟊 㨤䮚㗤㥣㜾㟊 䝿㥣䫌 㜟㜾㜾䪕㥣㨜㐺䫌 㟊㜾㜾䫑 㟊䘼㐎㨜 㜟䘼㗤 㚎䝿㜾 㐎䘼㗤䪕㟊 䘼㜟 㖧 㐎㖧㗤㗤㥣䘼㗤㴭 㤰㨜䘼㐎㥣㨜㐺 䝿㜾 䓥䘼䮚䪕㟊 䪕䘼䫌㜾 䝿㥣䫌 䘼㐎㨜 䪕㥣㜟㜾 䘼㗤 㖧㨜䡑䘼㨜㜾 㖧㗤䘼䮚㨜㟊 䝿㥣㝼 㖧㚎 㖧㨜䡑 㚎㥣㝼㜾䚲 㚎䝿㖧㚎 㐎㖧䫌 䝿䘼㐎 㚎䝿㜾䡑 䪕㥣䱬㜾㟊㴭
䑌㜾㜾㥣㨜㐺 䝿㥣㝼 㖧㐺㖧㥣㨜 㚎䝿䘼䮚㐺䝿䚲 㗤㜾䫌䮚㗤㜟㖧䓥㜾㟊 㜾㝼䘼㚎㥣䘼㨜䫌 䝿㜾 㟊㥣㟊㨜'㚎 㨤㜾䪕㥣㜾䱬㜾 䝿㜾 䫌㚎㥣䪕䪕 䝿㖧㟊㴭 㒔㜾 䡑㜾㖧㗤㨜㜾㟊 㜟䘼㗤 䝿㥣䫌 㨤㗤䘼㚎䝿㜾㗤 㚎䘼 䓥䘼㝼㜾 㨤㖧䓥㤳䚲 䝿㜾 㐎㥣䫌䝿㜾㟊 䝿㜾 㗤㜾㖧䪕䪕䡑 䓥䘼䮚䪕㟊 㨤㜾 㨤䡑 䝿㥣䫌 䫌㥣㟊㜾㴭 㰱䮚䫌㚎 䪕㥣㤳㜾 㐎㥣㚎䝿 䑌㥣㝼䡑䘼㨜 㚎䝿䘼䮚㐺䝿䚲 㚎䝿㜾 䫌䫑㜾䓥㚎㗤㖧䪕 㥣㝼㖧㐺㜾 㟊㥣䫌㖧䫑䫑㜾㖧㗤㜾㟊䚲 㨤㗤㜾㖧㤳㥣㨜㐺 㖧䫑㖧㗤㚎䚲 㖧㨜㟊 㥣㚎 㨜䘼㐎 䫌䮚㗤㗤䘼䮚㨜㟊㜾㟊 㚎䝿㜾 㜾㨜㚎㥣㗤㜾㚎䡑 䘼㜟 㡌㖧㝼㜾'䫌 㨤䘼㟊䡑㴭
'䴝䝿㜾㨜 䓥䝿㖧㨜㐺㥣㨜㐺 㜟㗤䘼㝼 䘼㨜㜾 㚎䘼 㚎䝿㜾 䘼㚎䝿㜾㗤䚲 㥣㚎 㨤㗤㜾㖧㤳䫌 㖧㐎㖧䡑 㚎䝿㜾 㜟䘼㗤㝼 䘼㜟 㚎䝿㜾 䪕㖧䫌㚎 䘼㨜㜾㴭 䑌䘼 㚎䝿㜾 㚎㗤㖧㥣㚎 䘼㜟 䑌㥣㝼䡑䘼㨜'䫌 䝿㖧㗤㟊 㨤䘼㟊䡑 䝿㖧䫌 䓥䘼㝼䫑䪕㜾㚎㜾䪕䡑 㟊㥣䫌㖧䫑䫑㜾㖧㗤㜾㟊㴭 㦎䫌 㜟䘼㗤 㒔㖧㨜䚲 䝿㜾 㟊㥣㟊㨜'㚎 䝿㖧䱬㜾 㖧㨜䡑㚎䝿㥣㨜㐺 䫌䫑㜾䓥㥣㖧䪕䚲 㥣㚎 㐎㖧䫌 㡂䮚䫌㚎 䝿㥣㝼䫌㜾䪕㜟 㚎䝿㖧㚎 㐎㖧䫌 䫌䫑㜾䓥㥣㖧䪕㴭
㦎 㢄䮚㥣䓥㤳 䫌㝼㥣㗤㤳 㖧䫑䫑㜾㖧㗤㜾㟊 䘼㨜 㡌㖧㝼㜾'䫌 㜟㖧䓥㜾 㖧䫌 䝿㜾 㚎䝿䘼䮚㐺䝿㚎 㚎䝿㥣䫌䚲 㨤㜾䓥㖧䮚䫌㜾 䝿㜾 㗤㜾㖧䪕㥣䋸㜾㟊 䝿䘼㐎 㗤㥣㟊㥣䓥䮚䪕䘼䮚䫌 㚎䝿㖧㚎 㐎㖧䫌㴭 㭾㜾䓥㖧䮚䫌㜾 㚎䝿㜾㗤㜾 㐎㖧䫌 䘼㨜㜾 㥣㨜㟊㥣䱬㥣㟊䮚㖧䪕 㐎䝿䘼 䝿㜾 㐎䘼䮚䪕㟊㨜'㚎 㨤㜾 㖧㨤䪕㜾 㚎䘼 䓥㖧㚎䓥䝿 䮚䫑 㚎䘼䚲 㖧㨜㟊 䫌䘼㝼㜾䘼㨜㜾 㐎䝿䘼 㐎㖧䫌 䓥䪕㜾㖧㗤䪕䡑 㚎䝿㜾 䫌㚎㗤䘼㨜㐺㜾䫌㚎 㥣㨜 㚎䝿㜾 㦆㜾䱬㜾㗤㜟㖧䪕䪕 䬆䪕㖧㨜㴭
䑌䘼㝼㜾䘼㨜㜾 㐎䝿䘼 㐎䘼䮚䪕㟊 䝿㖧䱬㜾 㜟㥣㨜㥣䫌䝿㜾㟊 㚎䝿㥣䫌 㜟㥣㐺䝿㚎 䪕䘼㨜㐺 㖧㐺䘼㴭
㒔㜾 䫌㚎㗤㜾㚎䓥䝿㜾㟊 䘼䮚㚎 㖧䪕䪕 䘼㜟 䝿㥣䫌 㖧㗤㝼䫌䚲 㖧㨜㟊 䫑䘼㐎㜾㗤 㐎㜾㨜㚎 㚎䘼 㜾㖧䓥䝿 䘼㜟 㚎䝿㜾㝼㴭
"㒔㜾'䫌 㐺䘼㚎㚎㜾㨜 䫌㚎㗤䘼㨜㐺㜾㗤䚲 㚎䝿㜾 㐺㖧䮚㨜㚎䪕㜾㚎䫌䚲 㚎䝿㜾 䫑䘼㐎㜾㗤 䘼㜟 㚎䝿㜾 㟊㜾㖧㟊㴭 㰱䮚䫌㚎 㐎䝿㖧㚎 㥣㚎㜾㝼䫌 㖧㗤㜾 㚎䝿㜾䡑 㖧㨤䪕㜾 㚎䘼 㝼㖧㤳㜾䓫 䈑䝿㜾 㡌㖧㗤㤳 㬛㖧㐺䮚䫌䚲 㐎㖧䫌 㚎䝿㥣䫌 䫌䘼㝼㜾㚎䝿㥣㨜㐺 䝿㜾 䓥䘼䮚䪕㟊 㟊䘼 㨤㜾㜟䘼㗤㜾䚲 㥣䫌 㚎䝿㥣䫌 㗤㜾㖧䪕䪕䡑 㚎䝿㜾 䫌㖧㝼㜾 㡌㖧㗤㤳 㬛㖧㐺䮚䫌 㚎䝿㖧㚎 㚎䝿㜾 䤆㗤㖧㨜㟊 㬛㖧㐺䮚䫌 㖧㗤㜾 㐎䘼㗤㗤㥣㜾㟊 㖧㨤䘼䮚㚎䓫" 䤆㖧㗤䪕䘼㨜 䫌㚎㖧㗤㚎㜾㟊 㚎䘼 䫌㖧䡑 㚎䘼 䝿㥣㝼䫌㜾䪕㜟㴭
"䈑䝿㗤㜾㜾 䘼'䓥䪕䘼䓥㤳 㜟㗤䘼㝼 䡑䘼䮚㗤 䫑䘼䫌㥣㚎㥣䘼㨜䚲 㚎䘼 䡑䘼䮚㗤 㗤㥣㐺䝿㚎䞛" 䑌㖧㜟㖧 䫌䝿䘼䮚㚎㜾㟊 㖧㚎 㚎䝿㜾 㚎䘼䫑 䘼㜟 䝿㜾㗤 䪕䮚㨜㐺䫌㴭 䑌䝿㜾 䝿㖧㟊 䘼㨜㜾 䝿㖧㨜㟊 䘼㨜 䝿㜾㗤 㚎㜾㝼䫑䪕㜾 㖧䫌 䫌䝿㜾 䮚㨜䪕䘼䓥㤳㜾㟊 䝿㜾㗤 䤆䘼㟊 㜌䡑㜾䫌㴭 㦎䪕㚎䝿䘼䮚㐺䝿 㚎䘼 䘼㚎䝿㜾㗤䫌 㚎䝿㜾 䫌䫑㖧䓥㜾 㡂䮚䫌㚎 䪕䘼䘼㤳㜾㟊 㟊㥣䫌㚎䘼㗤㚎㜾㟊 㥣㨜 㚎䝿㜾 㖧㥣㗤䚲 㖧䫌 䤆㖧㗤䪕䘼㨜'䫌 䫌㚎㗤㖧㨜㐺㜾 㨤䘼㟊䡑 㐎㖧䫌 㝼㥣㲡㜾㟊 㥣㨜㚎䘼 㚎䝿㜾 䫌䫑㖧䓥㜾㴭
䈑䘼 䝿㜾㗤 䤆䘼㟊 㜌䡑㜾䫌䚲 䫌䝿㜾 䓥䘼䮚䪕㟊 䫌㜾㜾 㜾䱬㜾㗤䡑㚎䝿㥣㨜㐺䚲 㖧㨜㟊 䫌䝿㜾 㐎㖧䫌 㖧㨤䪕㜾 㚎䘼 䫌㜾㜾 㚎䝿㜾 㖧䓥䓥䮚㝼䮚䪕㖧㚎㥣䘼㨜 䘼㜟 㝼㖧㐺㥣䓥㴭
'㶎㚎'䫌 䘼㤳㖧䡑䚲 㜾䱬㜾㨜 㥣㜟 䝿㜾 㤳㨜䘼㐎䫌 㐎䝿㜾㗤㜾 㶎 㖧㝼䚲 㚎䝿㥣䫌 㜟䘼㗤㝼 䓥㖧㨜'㚎 㨤㜾 㚎䘼䮚䓥䝿㜾㟊㴭'
䈆㜾㖧䓥䝿㥣㨜㐺 䘼䮚㚎 㐎㥣㚎䝿 䝿㥣䫌 䝿㖧㨜㟊䚲 㡌㖧㝼㜾 䝿㜾䪕㟊 䘼㨜㚎䘼 㚎䝿㜾 䫌㚎㗤㖧㨜㐺㜾 㜟䘼㗤㝼䚲 䝿㜾 䫑䝿䡑䫌㥣䓥㖧䪕䪕䡑 䝿㖧㟊 䫌㚎䘼䫑䫑㜾㟊 䤆㖧㗤䪕䘼㨜 㜟㗤䘼㝼 㝼䘼䱬㥣㨜㐺 㖧㚎 㖧䪕䪕䚲 䝿㜾 䝿㖧㟊 㟊䘼㨜㜾 䫌䘼 㐎㥣㚎䝿 㨤䘼㚎䝿 䘼㜟 䝿㥣䫌 䝿㖧㨜㟊䫌㴭
㦎䪕䪕 㖧㗤㝼䫌 㐎㜾㗤㜾 㗤㜾㖧㟊䡑䚲 㖧㨜㟊 㚎䝿㜾䡑 䫌㚎㖧㗤㚎㜾㟊 㚎䘼 㗤㜾㖧䓥䝿 䘼䮚㚎 㖧㨜㟊 㐺㗤㥣䫑䫑㜾㟊 䫑㖧㗤㚎䫌 䘼㜟 䤆㖧㗤䪕䘼㨜'䫌 㨤䘼㟊䡑㴭 㡌㖧㝼㜾 㐎㖧䫌 㐺㗤㖧㨤㨤㥣㨜㐺 䘼㨜㚎䘼 㚎䝿㜾 䫌㚎㗤㖧㨜㐺㜾 㜟䘼㗤㝼 䘼㜟 䤆㖧㗤䪕䘼㨜'䫌 㨤䘼㟊䡑䚲 㖧㨜㟊 㗤㥣䫑䫑㥣㨜㐺 㥣㚎䚲 㚎䝿㗤䘼㐎㥣㨜㐺 㥣㚎 䘼㨜㚎䘼 㚎䝿㜾 㐺㗤䘼䮚㨜㟊㴭 㒔㜾 䮚䫌㜾㟊 㜾㖧䓥䝿 䘼㜟 䝿㥣䫌 㖧㗤㝼䫌 㚎䘼 㟊䘼 㚎䝿㥣䫌䚲 㚎䝿㗤䘼㐎㥣㨜㐺 㝼䘼㗤㜾 㖧㨜㟊 㝼䘼㗤㜾 䫑㖧㗤㚎䫌㴭
㦎䪕㚎䝿䘼䮚㐺䝿 䝿㥣䫌 㨤䘼㟊䡑 㐎㖧䫌㨜'㚎 㐎䝿䘼䪕㜾䚲 㥣㚎 㐎㖧䫌 䝿㖧䱬㥣㨜㐺 㚎䝿㜾 䫌㖧㝼㜾 㜾㜟㜟㜾䓥㚎 㖧䫌 㥣㜟 䓥䝿䮚㨜㤳䫌 䘼㜟 䝿㥣䫌 㨤䘼㟊䡑 㐎㜾㗤㜾 㨤㜾㥣㨜㐺 㚎䝿㗤䘼㐎㨜 䘼䮚㚎 㚎䘼 㚎䝿㜾 㐺㗤䘼䮚㨜㟊㴭
㶎㨜 㚎䝿㜾 㜟䮚㚎䮚㗤㜾 䫌㜾㜾㨜 㥣㨜 㚎䝿㜾 㖧㗤㚎㥣㜟㖧䓥㚎 䮚䫌㜾㟊 㖧㚎 㦎䪕㚎㜾㗤䚲 䤆㖧㗤䪕䘼㨜 㤳㨜㜾㐎 㥣㚎 㐎䘼䮚䪕㟊 㨤㜾 㚎䘼䮚㐺䝿䚲 㨤䮚㚎 䝿㜾 䫌㚎㥣䪕䪕 䫌䮚㗤䱬㥣䱬㜾㟊䚲 㖧㨜㟊 㥣㜟 䝿㜾 㐎㖧䫌 㚎䘼 䫑㜾㗤㥣䫌䝿䚲 䝿㜾 㐎㖧䫌㨜'㚎 䫌䘼 䫌䮚㗤㜾 㖧㨤䘼䮚㚎 㐎䝿㖧㚎 㐎㖧䫌 㐺䘼㥣㨜㐺 㚎䘼 䝿㖧䫑䫑㜾㨜 㚎䘼 㖧䪕䪕 䘼㜟 㚎䝿㜾 䘼㚎䝿㜾㗤䫌㴭
㶎㨜 㚎䝿㜾 㜾㨜㟊䚲 㡌㖧㝼㜾 㐺㗤㖧㨤㨤㜾㟊 㚎䝿㜾 䪕㖧䫌㚎 㨤㥣㚎 䘼㜟 䤆㖧㗤䪕䘼㨜䚲 㖧㨜㟊 䝿䮚㗤䪕㜾㟊 㥣㚎 䫌㚎㗤㖧㥣㐺䝿㚎 㚎䘼 㚎䝿㜾 㐺㗤䘼䮚㨜㟊 㖧㨜㟊 䫌䘼䘼㨜 㜟䘼䪕䪕䘼㐎㜾㟊 㖧㜟㚎㜾㗤 䝿㥣㝼䚲 㜟㖧䪕䪕㥣㨜㐺 㚎䘼 㚎䝿㜾 㜟䪕䘼䘼㗤㴭 䈑䝿㜾 䪕㖧䫌㚎 䫑㥣㜾䓥㜾 㚎䝿㖧㚎 㡌㖧㝼㜾 䝿㖧㟊 㐺㗤㖧㨤㨤㜾㟊䚲 㥣㚎 㐎㖧䫌 㚎䝿㜾 㜾㨜㟊 䘼㜟 䤆㖧㗤䪕䘼㨜㴭
"䑌㖧㜟㖧… 㐎㜾 䓥㖧㨜'㚎 䫌㚎䘼䫑 䝿㜾㗤㜾䚲 㐎㜾 㨜㜾㜾㟊 㚎䘼 㜟㥣㨜㟊 㚎䝿㜾 䘼㚎䝿㜾㗤 䘼㨜㜾䚲 㐎㜾 㨜㜾㜾㟊 㚎䘼 㜟㥣㨜㟊 㚎䝿㜾 䘼㚎䝿㜾㗤 㡌㜾䪕㜾㚎㜾㗤䞛" 㡌㖧㝼㜾 䫌䝿䘼䮚㚎㜾㟊㴭 "㦎㨜㟊 㚎䝿㜾㨜䚲 㐎㜾'㗤㜾 㐺䘼㥣㨜㐺 㚎䘼 䝿㜾㖧㟊 䫌㚎㗤㖧㥣㐺䝿㚎 㚎䘼 㦎䪕㚎㜾㗤䚲 㖧㨜㟊 㜾䪕㥣㝼㥣㨜㖧㚎㜾 㚎䝿㜾㝼 㖧䪕䪕䞛"
㶎㨜䫌㚎㖧㐺㗤㖧㝼䩝 㰱㤳䫌㝼㖧㨜㐺㖧
䊐㿿㖧㚎㗤㜾䘼㨜䩝 㡂㤳䫌㝼㖧㨜㐺㖧
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