Chapter 12 – The first of many
Oliver nodded and swam in space, "Right. So, leveling up is straightforward. You just tell me to spend the Stardust. You will then get to choose to Rank up an existing Skill or choose a new one."
"I’m assuming Rank up means improved efficiency in some way?"
"Can we see a list of the new Skills?"
"Nope. Instead, you just describe what you want, and The Cosmic System either finds a matching Skill from the database or invents a new one."
"If I’m going to be surviving on an alien planet with more of these apex predators…combat efficiency makes the most sense. What would Ranking up Dark Matter Blade do?"
The answer filtered across his vision.
Dark Matter Blade (Rank 2) - The entire blade from hilt to tip is rendered invisible.
"And what about Rank 3 if I wanted to pursue that route?"
Dark Matter Blade (Rank 3) - As Rank 2, and the blade inflicts those struck with a minor gravitational pull, slowing their movement.
"Seems handy," Oliver said.
"It does" Jace replied. "But that’s another level off. What about Dark Matter Shield? What do the next two ranks offer?"
Dark Matter Shield (Rank 2) - The barrier expands to the size of a tower shield.
Dark Matter Shield (Rank 3) - The barrier encompasses the whole body. Unlike prior Ranks, blocking damage consumes the user’s energy.
Well, it’s good to know that just manifesting the Shield at Rank 1 or 2 doesn’t drain more energy for blocking. But fully encompassing myself in a shield? That’s tempting. "Question for you, Oliver. Can I manifest a Skill at a lower Rank than whatever I have currently?"
"Alright, last one. What about Swordmage Stance?"
Swordmage Stance (Rank 2) - The user becomes an expert with all bladed weapons.
Swordmage Stance (Rank 3) - The user becomes a master with all bladed weapons.
"Well, that is a bit subjective," Oliver quipped, crossing his little arms as his tail swung in place.
"Let’s go with the Dark Matter Shield Rank up," Jace stated. He saw Oliver reach into where a pocket would be on the side of his leg and a chunk of glimmering Starlight flew from him and into Jace’s chest. He felt a warmth spread from the center of his torso; the same warmth he felt sinking into that starry sea.
Name: Jace Seren (Aspirant, Tier 1)
Power [Class Level.]: Dark Matter [Swordmage 2.]
Skills: Skill Name (Rank) [Evolutions.]: Universal Translation, Environmental Adaptation, Dark Matter Blade (Rank 1), Dark Matter Shield (Rank 2), Swordmage Stance (Rank 1)
Stardust: 15
Equipment: Swordmage blade, Swordmage starting gear, flechette pistol, flechette ammunition (x45), Wirecannon Arm, Runner’s Replacement (damaged), messenger bag, sliverscreen, survival knife, survival meals (x50), canteen (x2), medical kit, orange tarp, flint bar, flashlight
Boons: None
Jace sighed as the heat faded. His muscles were very relaxed. For a moment, he was acutely aware of the prosthetic arm and the ramshackle cosmetic feet. But that feeling quickly faded. "What’s a Skill Evolution? I saw that on my information screen before."
Oliver swam around in the air, obviously quite excited. "Well, it is a unique Boon from a Quest. They alter the Skill. They are a prefix. Only one Evolution can apply at a time. But it can be applied to any Rank of Skill."
Jace nodded, "Good to know. Oh, crap. One more thing." He went to the survival kit and pulled out the knife. He cut off the glove on his prosthetic arm from the wrist-down so the palm-grapnel was not covered. He looked around at the small bunker. "I think I’m ready to move on. I feel ready."
He said the last as he stared at the back of his hand where the symbol for Dark Matter slowly moved in a tumbling cascade, a dark dance of tumultuous shapes. Cosmic Power in the palm of my hand. This is ridiculous and awesome.
Oliver smiled and his deep voice once more was uncharacteristically enthusiastic. "Let us go! Oh. And…this sounds weird. I would like you to call me Ollie."
Jace smiled, "Alright, Ollie. Let’s pack up." He set to gathering up everything he could in the duffel bag. Spare metal bits and components from the supply closet to do repairs on his feet if needed. The food. He poured all the water he could fit into the temperature-controlled messenger bag. And, of course, he grabbed his flechette pistol and the ammunition. There were several well-concealed pockets in the pants, and he shoved the ammunition and the makeshift weapon into one.
Going to the decontamination shower, he pulled the door aside and walked down the tunnel. The same tunnel he had dragged himself down, injured, and exhausted, only a week prior. Now, he climbed up the ladder with a confidence that he had not felt in a long, long time. 2 levels down. 98 to go. And then, 100 of an Advanced Class.
I’m going to bring you back, Chroma. I promise.
Quinn looked down at the small display mounted to her wrist. It had been a single day since she passed her Trial of Ascension, and she looked past the wrist-mounted screen and at the back of her hand. A radiant sun that shifted color; bright orange, gold-yellow, and a deep red all spun slowly in place marking her Cosmic Power selection. Her fingernails also glowed with the same soft glow - an indicator of her being a Signer for the Star Council.
Greg had split off and headed back to Earth. As he put it, "I want to see if I can get paid for my last job. I might come and join you later."
Mizarion walked next to her, chewing on a pineapple - not bothering to take off the rough exterior. "This is so juicy! I love the crunchy exterior. You Earthlings have a lot of tasty food."
Quinn nodded and looked at the Ascendant. "Thanks for the escort. And you’re not supposed to eat the husk."
"Hey, no problem! I wanted you to get to faction HQ as soon as possible. And, well, you’re part of us now! Not fully fledged, but good enough. Also, I like the crust more than the interior."
Quinn had learned that most, not all, but most people became a Signer for the faction that matched their Cosmic Power. Sticking with an Ascendant who could keep her safe seemed like the wisest option, especially once she learned how valuable her Class was. She looked over her information sheet again.
Name: Quinn Cipher (Aspirant, Tier 1)
Power [Class Level.]: Star [Broker 1.]
Skills: Skill Name (Rank) [Evolutions.]: Universal Translation, Environmental Adaptation, Broker’s Instinct (Rank 1), Broker’s Contract (Rank 1), Broker’s Fee (Rank 1)
Stardust: 50
Equipment: Broker’s interface, Broker’s starting gear, Webwalker Implants, Cybereyes Mk. 3, Cybermind Mk. 4
Boons: None
She dismissed the screen from her vision and looked over at Valerie, her Wayfinder, who was perched on her shoulder. "The whole point of my Class is trade of information and physical goods, right? Not just data?"
"Correct," The bird chirped with a melodic, feminine voice. "Your three skills help you find useful sources of information or goods to trade. You can make binding contracts with other Aspirants, and whenever you do a trade, you acquire a bit of Stardust." She preened herself a bit, removing a spectral feather that drifted into nothingness. "It’s a safe way to work towards Ascendant."
"And" Mizarion added. "We can never have too many merchants in The Eternal City. Especially in the Star Council. Most end up going with the Nebula Alliance."
That was the allure that really made Quinn choose this faction. In the Nebula Alliance, she could have more opportunity for rapid advancement, but they were also a bit cutthroat in the way they did business. Competitors often sabotaged or killed others to get an edge in the market. And she did not want any of that. A safe, simple life, protected by one of the more prominent factions seemed like the perfect life to her. It would let her use her information gathering and Webwalking talents, since The Cosmic System had something akin to the Webnet.
"We’re here," Mizarion said as he ate the rest of the pineapple - stem and all. He turned to face a building, and Quinn craned her head back to look up. It was a colossal skyscraper that went up thousands of feet. The exterior was burnished bronze with gold and orange highlights depicting the various stages of a star’s life cycle. Mizarion led the way inside, and Quinn followed right behind him.
They walked into a large lobby, and a pleasant looking woman stared out at the two from behind a desk. "Mizarion. Did you have a fun time?" She had dark, midnight black hair that was held up in a bun. She had glasses on that masked her eyes, and her skin was a deep, calming green like a verdant forest.
"I did," he replied with a flourishing bow before he put his hand on Quinn’s shoulder and gently patted her. "This is Quinn Cipher. She’s Signed for us!"
"I can tell," the woman replied. As she stood up, Quinn felt a sense of admiration. From her waist down, a spider’s body replaced the female form. "I am Casey Selsam. Concierge for the Star Council. Tier 6 Ascendant. What Class did you choose?"
"Broker," Quinn stated proudly.
"Perfect!" The woman clapped her hands. "We do not have many trade-oriented Classes amongst our faction - whether Ascendant or Signer. Well, we have a wonderful safe place to set you up-"
"Actually," Quinn interrupted. "I had an idea for that. Put me somewhere that can be protected by the Star Council, but open enough that those not affiliated with the faction would want to visit. More opportunity for trades."
"Hmm." Casey looked at Mizarion, "Your thoughts?"
"Unless Star Dad wants me to do something? I’m fine babysitting for a bit. Earth has a ton of neat foods to try out. I’m sure Quinn here can tell me the good ones."
Casey’s eyebrow twitched behind the glasses, "You know he does not like that name. Use his full name."
Mizarion chuckled, "Nope. Come on, Quinn. I know the perfect place."
Jace emerged from the bunker and into a bright, shining sun. He had to shield his eyes as he adjusted to the overwhelming light. After blinking rapidly for a few seconds, he could make out the landscape with clarity.
The grasslands were not as vibrant as they were during the night; they were still striking, only less-so. Deep, rolling green fields with no trace of the flowers from when he first arrived. They must be night blooms, he thought. He did not know much about flowers, but he could have sworn he had heard of flowers that only bloom at night back in the orphanage. Overhead, murky grey skies, and a few, scattered black clouds were all that he could make out.
"There’s no main sequence star," Ollie commented as he floated around Jace. "Like your sun in the Sol system that Earth orbits. Instead, it is a trinary system - three stars. One green, one white, and one deep orange. You would be able to see them - but we have overcast weather from rain the past two days."
Jace nodded and drew the slim sword with his left hand. He quickly traced the pattern he had practiced and manifested the Dark Matter Shield (Rank 1) and Dark Matter Blade (Rank 1). Barely visible, light purple surrounded his prosthetic arm before it elongated into the heater shield shape. His blade ignited with deeper, purple energy - an indicator that to others it was now invisible. If a predator charges me, I can just hold my ground and let it impale itself. He took a few practice swings before glancing at the shield. I should have this at Rank 2. Those predators had large mouths.
He moved the prosthetic fingers in the pattern he had memorized, and the shield activated at (Rank 2), altering form until it covered his whole body from ankle to torso; still a shield, but one that towered at nearly his full height. It was almost non-existent weight wise, and he moved it around his body as he got used to how he would have to shift his body to swing while wielding it. I could use this thing to bludgeon things also.
"Practicing?" Ollie asked as he rose up higher to keep a watch.
Jace nodded and practiced a few swings with the blade, alternating between swinging and hiding behind the shield. The movement felt natural and second nature, as if he had been using a sword and shield his whole life. "Yeah, I think this will do." Thankfully, only manifesting the Skills themselves cost any amount of his energy, and he only felt slightly winded - as if he had just jogged a few hundred feet. "Let’s get going."
He trudged over the landscape, staying quiet as to not attract any predators with his voice. Ollie hovered above him at his maximum tether range of ten feet, scanning the horizon line for any trace of the creatures. "They’re nocturnal hunters," Ollie muttered. "But I queried the System last night about this planet’s remaining threats. The Vyrknadine you beat is the apex predator and only hunts at night, lone wolf style. They are the top dogs. Lower down the food chain, you have another predator called a Brontasp which is active during the day and hunts in packs. Then, you have a prey type animal called a Neeshk. They burrow."
Jace nodded and kept his eyes peeled for any movement amongst the gently rolling grass. The breeze brought a clean scent to him - fresh fallen rain. It was something he was not used to smelling, as the rain that fell back on Earth was laden with chemicals from the toxic smoke and smog. For the hours that passed as the skies brightened before darkening once more, he felt quite at ease despite the possible threat of danger.
As night began to descend, and he saw the moons coming, he began to think about where he would stay for shelter. I need to find somewhere defensible. I don’t have a shovel, so I can’t dig a hole and cover it with the tarp. Ideally a cave. An abandoned one. "Any thoughts?" he asked, breaking the silence.
Ollie floated down to him and shook his head, "Not sure what you mean."
"About where to stay," Jace softly said. "I can’t just sleep in a field."
Ollie floated back up and spun in a slow, lazy circle before coming back down. "There is a slight indent in the grassland about two-hundred feet ahead. That way." He pointed and Jace followed the direction, coming upon a small dell.
At the center was a grass-covered, overgrown cave. Small enough for him to duck and crawl into. "Convenient," he muttered. "Mind scouting?"
Ollie saluted and flew to the edge of the tether range of ten feet from Jace’s position. The latter walked forward as the spectral river otter flew down the burrow before re-emerging. "It’s empty and pretty shallow."
Jace crouched down and crawled into the cramped tunnel. His sight hue-shifted to purple as the dark vision activated, and he could make out an abandoned nest of some dried grasses. Droppings, as well - but those were desiccated and ancient. "Definitely abandoned," he muttered as he pulled the satchel from his back, sheathed the sword, and dismissed the shield.
He pulled out the orange tarp and covered the entrance - leaving a small hole at the top for his breath to escape. Digging deeper into the burrow, he shoved dirt up along the edges of the tarp, and finally pushed his bag up against it. It’s not the best, but it’s something. Having a sheet of metal to put over would make me feel a lot safer.
He broke open and consumed a double portion of ration - having skipped a meal that day - and laid down, shutting his eyes as Ollie disappeared with a pop.
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