Chapter 16 16: Confession
It was moving a bit weirdly. As if it was rusting. It didn't even go to us as well. Does it have a range limit? But as I was thinking that, a strange noise came from it. It turned around and hooked it's long arms to the ground.
It lowered it's back and suddenly, six missiles came out of its back. The missiles were all directed at Amy.
"Watch out!"
I stood in front of her and created an Anemo shield. However, after five of the missiles hit it, it cracked and shattered. I had to block the last missile using my sword. I managed to endure the explosion and stay in play, but I think I broke my left arm when I used it to support the blade. This sword is really durable.
"Are you okay?!" said Amy in a worried voice.
"Don't worry about me. Now, how do we defeat this thing?"
"It's weak against Element attacks, but even with that it's still quite difficult to defeat since it's really durable."
I looked at it and thought of something.
"Amy, fire an arrow at the eye in the middle. That's it's weak spot, right?" she nodded so I continued. "I'm going to make a huge vortex to pull it back so it can't come here. You ready?"
I pulled back my right arm and charged my attack while Amy fired an arrow at the Ruin Guard. It seemed to be stunned by that attack, good.
"Keep firing!"
Ah, even though I haven't launched the attack yet, I already feel tired. I need more time since this thing is way heavier than anything I've fought before. Just as I was thinking that though, it jumped. It jumped towards me. Do I really need to use this now? I grit my teeth and just released the unfinished vortex as I dodged.
Oz started to fire lightning bolts at the Ruin Guard and the vortex. The vortex turned from green to purple as soon as the lightning bolts hit the Ruin Guard. I then used my left arm to make a bow and aim at the Ruin Guard. I endured the pain in my left arm and fired an Anemo arrow to it's eye. As soon as the arrow got into the Ruin Guard, I made it compress, creating a second and more lethal vortex.
The Ruin Guard fell down with a loud thump. I followed suit. I was too tired, those two vortex's I made took a lot out of me. I could faintly see Amy coming over to me as my vision started to get blurry and I lost consciousness.
I don't know how long I've been out for. I opened my eyes and surprise surprise the deathly headache was back again. I can't use my Elemental powers right now. I looked beside me and saw Amy resting just beside me. I smiled and pinched her cheek. Ah~ so soft.
I then realized that my left arm was now repaired. Stood up and looked around me. I saw the huge tree and the Anemo statue glowing amidst the night. I guess the statue healed my injury. Wait, did Amy carry me here and just waited until I woke up? Well, I woke up before her.
I sat down next to Amy and just watched her sleeping face. I actually haven't seen her without that eyepatch yet. She always wears it even after she finishes bathing. I'm naturally curious, but it'll be bad if I just took it off without permission.
I sighed and laid back, looking at the stars. It's pretty peaceful here, not a threat in sight. Is Lumine seeing the same stars that I'm seeing?
When I looked at where the sound came from, I saw that Amy was already awake. I smiled and waved at her.
"Thanks for dragging me here."
"No problem. It's getting pretty late, we should head back."
I agreed with her. She told me that she'll just call Katheryne and report the completion of the quest to her. When we got back to the dorms, I was quickly hugged by Mona. What got her so worried?
"You got yourself hurt again! Fischl told us that you got your arm broken!"
I guess she told them this when I was unconscious. Seeing her like this hurts me a lot.
"I'm sorry…" that was all I could say.
Hearing Mona say this, the girls all left and went into the bedroom. I wonder what's up?
"Please don't leave me…" she said as she buried her head on my chest.
A few moments later, she started to sob.
"You're too reckless! What if… what if you didn't just break your arm? What would I do?"
She started to sob even more. I don't know what kind of expression I'm making right now, but I know it's not pleasant. I really can't bear seeing her like this. I hugged her back and was taken aback by what she said next.
"Do you love me?"
I smiled and took a bit before answering. I see, so this was she told the others to leave.
"Isn't it obvious?"
"I want to hear it from you."
"Hah, man this is embarrassing…"
I took all the courage I had because this is seriously embarrassing for me.
"I love you, Mona."
"Mhm. I love you too, Aether."
After that, we just stood there hugging each other. As I thought, kissing is way too embarrassing to do right now.
It was now the next day, that means it's finally time to end this storm. I slept besides Mona this time since Amber said she'll need to prepare for the mission. She ended up not sleeping at all.
Amber's phone rang meaning that they were already at the Adventurer's Guild.
"Let's go?"
Just before I was about to leave, Mona tugged my sleeve.
"Be careful, okay?"
"Don't worry, I'll make sure to come back safely this time."
I gave her a kiss on the forehead and gave her a pat. I could do at least this much. After that, I warped us to the Adventurer's Guild. When we got there, Jean waved at us. She was with two other people I don't know.
"Hi there cutie, my name's Lisa. What's yours?"
Those knockers are big… Wait, I have Mona. Stop, looking at her boobs.
Anyways, she had a fair skin tone, green eyes, and wavy honey-brown hair. She was about the same height as Jean. I introduced myself and after that, the other one came over.
"Hey there, my name is Kaeya. Glad to make your acquaintance."
He had dark skin, navy-blue hair with lighter blue steaks, and periwinkle eyes with diamond-shaped pupils. He was also wearing an eyepatch over one eye. I feel light something is wrong with this dude, but I can't quite put a finger on it…
After introductions, Jean said that we'll walk there. They all brought umbrella's except for me. I sighed and snapped my fingers. A second later, we were all at the giant tree that was located in Windrise.
"What the?!" said Kaeya.
"Oh my…" said Lisa.
"I'm gonna vomit…" said Jean.
Whoops, I should have told them.
"I've been here yesterday, so I can go here anytime I want."
"Oh, so this was where your arm was broken?"
"This is where I healed. My arm was broken just over there."
I said as I pointed just south from where we were. After a few minutes of them composing themselves, we went to the first Domain. The temple of the Falcon.
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