Chapter 22 22: A Partly Normal Day
It was now nighttime and I was just about to sleep when Mona suddenly spoke up to me.
"Is Ganyu going to be one of us next?"
"I don't really know…"
The reason they were mad was because they didn't get to talk to Keqing first. I don't really know if Keqing likes me. She seems to be the type who'll be hard to get. I also only met her. Same with Ganyu. The reason I fell for the others is because we interacted a lot, but that wasn't the case for the other two.
I barely have any interaction with them. Hell, I only ever interacted with them this morning and the other day.
"We don't really know that much about Keqing and Ganyu, but I've heard from Jean that those two have actually been keeping an eye on you for a while now."
Oh? Maybe that's the reason why they already knew me. While looking at Mona, I could see her face growing more worried.
"What is it?"
"I'm scared. Even though I said I'm alright with you having other women, I'm still scared that you'll leave me and never notice me again."
She started sobbing as she held my hand tightly. It pains me seeing her like this.
"I won't leave you, okay? I love you the same way as I love the others. Hell, I might even love you more. You're important to me and it pains me to see you hurt. So please don't cry."
I held her tightly in my arms as she tried to calm down. After a few minutes, she looked up at me and said.
"Comfort me for the night, okay?" she said with a smile.
I think you already know what that means. I smiled at her and kissed her forehead.
We did it until midnight, but this time, I was a lot more gentle. Although, I think Paimon will still have to endure the moans and shaking.
The next morning I was feeling refreshed. I looked beside me and saw the usual yet breathtaking sight of a naked Mona. I put a blanket on her to prevent the cold from getting to her and stood up from the bed.
Looking at the top bunk, I could see Paimon still sleeping soundly. I guess she was already asleep last night when Mona and I started going at it.
After getting dressed, I did my usual routine. Albeit a bit slowly due to my sore body. After the smell of the food started to scatter around, Mona woke up. She went to the kitchen with Paimon.
"Good morning, Aether." she said as she rubbed her eyes.
"Good morning, Mona." I said as I put down her plate.
After we ate breakfast, we took a bath together. Jean told me that it was alright for me not to wear the uniform since I am an honorary knight. Even Keqing gave her permission. Although, I think the reason for that is that they actually forgot about my uniform entirely.
While putting on my clothes, Mona suggested something.
"How about we just tie your hair in its usual style without the braid?"
"Hm… Alright, let's try that out."
When we did that, my hair appeared much longer. I don't really know if I look good or not. Seeing my worried expression, Mona gave me a kiss on the cheek.
"Don't worry, I love it."
I could feel my face redden. I still wasn't used to surprise attacks like this.
I also suggested to Mona that she should keep her hair down today as well. She looked really beautiful. She was also worried about it, so I gave her the same surprise attack.
"I love it."
"Not fair."
We walked together to school and met up with Albedo and Sucrose again. Just like yesterday, we all walked together to school. When we got to school,we saw something that ruined my good morning.
""Haah, seriously?""
Said me and Albedo in unison. It seems like he was also in a good mood. I decided to just get it over with.
What was it? It was an Abyss mage. A dark blue variant, which means this one is Hydro. Not having a care in the world, I appeared in front of it and slashed its shield with my Cryo imbued sword. Since it's Hydro, the shield froze. Then, I used Pyro to destroy the shield, killing the Abyss mage along with it.
"Geez, you could have at least warned me there. I panicked when you suddenly disappeared." said Mona.
"Sorry, I just had to deal with that mood ruiner as soon as possible."
And with that, both my mood and Albedo's mood went back to normal. I want today to be a normal laid back one without any problems. I hope I'm not jinxing it. Anyways, we walked together to school and the usual group of girls greeted us when we arrived.
"Wow, you both look good with those new hairstyles."
"Thanks." I said.
"Ehehe." Mona just giggled.
We took our seats and the first half of the day. When the bell rang signaling break time, we all headed to the garden. We haven't eaten there in a while. This was also a way for me to not endure all the glares that were directed at me. When we got to the garden we all ate the food that was prepared by Noelle.
"This is good."
"T-thank you…"
Noelle's cheeks reddened at my compliment. Out of the four of them, Noelle was the one I had less interaction with. Maybe that's because she was really sure about her feelings yet. I should try to talk to her more.
After we finished eating, we went back to the classroom and the day continued on as normal. When class ended however, a Hydro Abyss mage was sighted at the gates with five Hilichurls in tow. I heaved a sigh of annoyance, told Mona and the others what I was about to do and quickly warped to the gate. It's not my obligation to do this, but it'll be annoying if we were to let this be left undone.
While walking towards them, I had a thought. How about I use a different weapon? Which one? While pondering such things, the first one to attack was the Hilichurls. I dodged each strike without breaking a sweat. Their moves were easy to read, they didn't have proper form.
All their attacks were just random strikes.
After a few moments, I decided to use a spear. I haven't seen the others use a spear actually. I created a spear out of wind and did a strike that hit all five of the Hilichurls. I wasn't really used with a spear, so my moves were kinda sloppy.
That was when I realized something. I couldn't exactly pass the elements my sword has to this spear. It needed physical contact. So, I summoned my sword on my left and tapped it to the spear's point. With that, it won't burn or freeze my hand. Oh, I made the spear into a Halberd before I summoned my sword.
With that, I can use two elements at once by means of the point and axe head.
I appeared behind the Abyss mage and used the axe head to freeze its shield and then the point to melt it and pierce the mage. There was a bit of resistance, but I made it through. With that, all was done. I couldn't help but feel that something was not right with this though.
I looked behind me and saw Ganyu running to me. Damn, she's thic- I mean beautiful.
"What is it?"
"I just want to thank you for doing these things out of your own volition. You've already dealt with these things two times today. How about I treat you to a diner nearby?"
"Did Keqing send you to do this?"
"Nope, it's of my own volition."
Now that I think about it, she's talking a bit more differently than the other times we've interacted. I told her to wait and warped to where Mona and the others are and told them about Ganyu's suggestion.
"You should go. This is a perfect opportunity for you two to get to know each other." said Mona.
"How about you?"
"You can just pick me up at Barbara's dorm."
With that, I am going to have a date with Ganyu… kinda.
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