Descent of the Demon Master

Chapter 1021: Reuniting (1)

Crack, crunch, chew…

Hang Eun-Sol shuddered grandly in the driver’s seat. Those noises coming from the backseat had been getting on his nerves for a while now!

The noises of someone chewing on nails had this mysterious power to make the listener feel anxious for some reason.

“N-noona?” Han Eun-Sol cautiously called out after failing to endure this torture. When he sneakily glanced at the rearview mirror, he could see Choi Yeon-Ha in the backseat viciously chomping on her index fingernail. “W-what are you doing, noona?! Didn't you pay an arm and a leg to get those nails done?!”

Choi Yeon-Ha’s gaze drifted toward her nails. She silently nodded, then lowered her hand.

“Fuu-woo…” Han Eun-Sol sighed quietly, then focused on the road ahead.

He should be concentrating on driving the car, but those chewing noises made it too difficult to focus on anything. At least now that distraction had stopped, maybe he could…

Crunch, crack, chew…!

“Argh, come on!”

After crying out in dismay, Han Eun-Sol hurriedly steered the car toward the curb before slamming on the brake.

“Seriously! Noona, I can’t focus on driving with you making all that noise! Please!”

“...Mister Han Eun-Sol?” Choi Yeon-Ha quietly called out.

“...Y-yes, noona?”

“You’ve grown bolder, haven’t you?”


“And I’ve gotten a lot nicer these days, right? Wouldn’t you say?”

“N-no way that’s true… Uh, noonim.”

“What was that? You don’t think I’m nicer now?”

“N-No, I didn’t mean that. Of course you’re nicer now. You’re practically an angel these days.” Han Eun-Sol diligently licked his fast-drying lips.

It was true that Choi Yeon-Ha had gotten nicer. Kinder.

In the past, the job of Choi Yeon-Ha’s manager was referred to as a hellish spot only the special forces-grade madmen of the managerial world would take on. And the infamy was well deserved, considering no one lasted six months on the job before Han Eun-Sol came around!

However, the current difficulty was on the level of a tutorial compared to those days. Anyone worth their salt as a manager could more or less survive in this job now.

Of course, there was no guarantee of Choi Yeon-Ha treating those prospective managers as nicely as she had done with Han Eun-Sol, but still!

“I-it’s just that, you know… I gotta focus on driving, noonim! But you’re distracting me.”

Choi Yeon-Ha crossed her legs and jutted her chin out in a show of arrogance. “If it's so distracting, get earplugs. Or earphones.”

“...We’ll die if we do that, noona!”

To think Choi Yeon-Ha would suggest wearing earplugs while driving! Where was her common sense? Her bloody common sense!

“Why are you suddenly acting up like… Your nails! Stop chewing on your nails, noona! Those were expensive, you know!”

“You know I’m loaded,” Choi Yeon-Ha tutted.

“It’s not the issue with the money!”

Choi Yeon-Ha stopped chewing on her nails and frowned deeply.

Han Eun-Sol groaned loudly.

‘Why is she in a foul mood, anyway?'

Choi Yeon-Ha seemed fine until yesterday, so Han Eun-Sol couldn’t figure out why she was in such a bad mood today.

Then again, Choi Yeon-Ha's mood swings put tropical regions' sudden weather changes to shame, anyway. In one moment, it'd be moderate sunshine and nice, cool breezes… Only for a vicious squall to lash out. And just as you get used to all the pelting rain, the sun would suddenly peek out…

However, it seemed like Choi Yeon-Ha had turned over a new leaf lately and found a way to stay calm and behave herself. So, what could've caused this sudden downturn?

“Noona, you haven't done an interview in a while, right? You know how crucial today's taping is. Right?”

Choi Yeon-Ha disinterestedly grunted. “So what?”

“...You haven’t done an interview in Korea, right? So, shouldn’t you show up with a happy, smiling face, at least?”

“Who, me?”

If it's not you, then who? You want me to do the interview instead?!

Han Eun-Sol had oh-so many things he wanted to get off his chest. However, blurting everything he could think of out in the open was not the right way to live in South Korean society.

“Noona, why are you so…” Han Eun-Sol glanced back at Choi Yeon-Ha as anxiety bloomed in his heart.

‘This is a really bad time to be like this, you know!'

Choi Yeon-Ha was scheduled to tape an interview with a public broadcaster today, something she hadn't done in a long time. The historical drama she filmed in China had already begun airing over there.

‘That’s why this interview is so important!’

Even Han Eun-Sol could tell the reactions to the show were better than expected.

A soon-to-be-hit TV show usually displayed all the promising signs from early on. Since South Korea’s TV market was fundamentally different from its Chinese counterpart, one shouldn’t use examples prevalent in Korea. Even so, the signs all pointed to Choi Yeon-Ha’s new show being a colossal hit.

Not just her talent agency, but even the production company could barely temper their excitement about the show.

So, the correct thing to do would be to make hay while the sun shone brightly. Choi Yeon-Ha should ride this momentum and cement her place in the memories of people in the Great China Region as THE face of the Korean Wave.

She should hop back to China right away and show her face everywhere in that country as much as possible. If not, at least she should tirelessly hawk the product called 'Choi Yeon-Ha' to the South Korean audience.

However… With the product behaving this way…!

“Noona, you know we’re in a crucial period! Your show is going to be a huge hit, right? And you want to change the agency, too! Which means you gotta do all these promo tours to make sure everything works out. You know all this!”

Choi Yeon-Ha dismissively snorted. “Hey, Eun-Sol?”

“Yes, noona?”

“Do you honestly think the show will tank just because I didn’t actively promote it?”

“...No, it won’t.”

Choi Yeon-Ha haughtily cocked her head back a little. “Of course the show will be a hit. I went through hell and back to film that damn thing, after all. But I’m not a rookie, okay? Why should I go around all over the town and giggle like a moron in front of a camera?”

“...N-no, well, I guess you don’t have to?” Han Eun-Sol progressively shrank deeper in his seat.

Not only was he being crushed by Choi Yeon-Ha’s indomitable force, but the correctness of her assertions left him breathless, too!

An actor on Choi Yeon-Ha's level didn't really have to go around madly promoting her new project. After all, promotion was one of the methods to increase people's awareness of the project and make them talk more about it.

Didn’t Choi Yeon-Ha already possess both people’s awareness and popularity?

“S-still, noona! We've promised to do it, so can't you at least put on a smile?”


Choi Yeon-Ha had really changed recently. In the past, the first thing she’d do after being talked back like this would be flip the interior of this car into an unholy mess. But her humanity had progressed to a point where she at least pretended to listen to her manager’s worries!

Without replying to Han Eun-Sol, Choi Yeon-Ha took out her phone and intensely glared at its screen. After a lengthy glare-off, a strange expression formed on her face as she slightly shook her head.

“I’m getting a bad feeling, you know…?”

Han Eun-Sol blinked his eyes. “Sorry?”

“My sixth sense is acting up, Eun-Sol. My sixth sense!” Choi Yeon-Ha, her face deeply frowning, repeatedly gripped her phone in anxiety before letting it go.

“What sixth sense are we talking about here?”

“He still hasn’t called me, you know!”

Han Eun-Sol finally realized what this was about and openly groaned. “Noona… It's only been a couple of days. And you know Mister Jin-Ho's not really the type who stays in touch all the time.”

“Nope, not this time. My gut feeling says things are a little different this time!”

“Hah. Gimme a break. You and your gut feeling…”

“What was that, you brat?!”

“...N-no, it’s nothing.”

Choi Yeon-Ha glared unhappily at her manager before shifting her attention back to her phone.

‘Why do I keep getting this bad feeling?’

It felt like an army of ants was crawling up and down Choi Yeon-Ha’s spine. The feeling wasn’t bothersome to the point of making her lose her temper. Even so, she couldn’t get over how itchy and annoying it all felt.

Objectively speaking, she didn't have a reason to feel this way. Knowing that only made her more irritated, however.

“Listen, Eun-Sol. Women can have a sixth sense in things like this. I'm telling you, something is happening to that guy!”

“In that case, how about you call him?”

“Calling and nagging a man on a business trip abroad is kinda… You know.”

Han Eun-Sol shrugged helplessly. “Well, you better bottle it up, then.”

“I want to but can’t! And that’s the problem!”

What am I supposed to do for you, then?!

Han Eun-Sol felt like vomiting blood right now. Sure, he usually felt this way once every hour or so while hanging out with Choi Yeon-Ha, but today? It felt especially worse for some reason!

“I get what you're trying to say, but… Noona, it's almost time to tape the interview. I beg of you, noona! Please, please! If you're planning to blow your top, do it after the interview, okay?”

“What the hell?! Am I a time bomb or something? Why would I blow my top!”

“At least you know when a time bomb is supposed to explode. You’re more like an anti-tank mine, noona.”

“I’m not doing this stupid interview! Turn the car around, now!”

“Argh, please stop! Please!”

Han Eun-Sol had to spend quite a long time trying to pacify Choi Yeon-Ha before eventually succeeding in his quest. With a less irate Choi Yeon-Ha as his passenger, Han Eun-Sol silently drove on, his face still cramped with worry.

‘I hope noona won’t cause a scene in the TV station…’

Of course, Han Eun-Sol already knew such a wish coming true was next to impossible now.


“You did great today,” said the top producer of the program, Han.

“Oh, no, Mister Han. It wasn't me, but everyone involved with the interview doing a wonderful job,” said Jo Seul-Gi with the most radiant smile she could manage plastered all over her face.

When Han saw that smile, even he couldn’t help but grin like a happy father.

‘Man… Now there’s a refreshing smile.’

Although it was fun to observe an actor who had already bloomed into a wonderful flower, watching a bud about to spread its petals was just as fulfilling to Han.

Blooming radiantly from a bud called the entertainment industry was tougher than dying and reviving somehow, but the way Han saw it… This up-and-coming actress named Jo Seul-Gi had all the potential to bloom as a flower.

Han nodded deeply. “I hope your new movie does well at the box office, Miss Jo.”

“Yes, me too! We all worked so hard to make the best movie we could, you see!”

“Hahaha! I'm sure things will work out with all the passion and commitment like that!”

“Thank you, Mister Han! I'll entrust everything in your capable hands. Please make us look great by editing the interview favorably!”

“Of course, of course. You don’t have to worry. Hahahah!”

Jo Seul-Gi bowed ninety degrees to bid farewell. “Again, thank you very much.”

“I'd be wonderful if we could have you on the show for another interview in the future, though. Ah, by then, I'm sure you've already become too famous for our little show. That might make it harder to score an interview with you!”

“I wouldn’t let that happen, you know! I’ll always say yes to an interview with you, Mister Han.”

“Hahaha! That would be wonderful.”

“It’ll be my honor. Really! In any case… Please take care of yourself. Bye!”

“Yes, you too. Have a good day.”

Han smiled contentedly while watching Jo Seul-Gi cheerily leave the recording studio.

“Man… How great would it be if every actor was like that lass?”

Of course, that would be asking for a miracle.

Han couldn't tell if this line of work changed people or only that type of people were attracted to this work. Either way… If someone asked him to pick one profession in South Korea where the most foul-natured people congregated, Han would unhesitantly pick “actresses!”

The actress he was about to deal with next just so happened to be at the top of the ill-tempered, foul-mouthed actress hierarchy.

Han glanced at his assistant director. “...So? Is she on the way?”

“Yes, boss. Her manager said they are almost here.”

Han groaned loudly. “Gee whiz. How could she be one hour late to her own interview!”

“But that worked out in our favor, no? Choi Yeon-Ha didn’t have to be on standby because of Jo Seul-Gi, after all. If that woman arrived on time only to be put on standby because of an up-and-coming younger actress… You know she would’ve flipped the studio upside down.”

“Well, yeah. That’s true…” Han groaned again. He didn’t want to imagine that scene. He sank deep into one of the folding chairs used during interviews before rubbing his face in weariness. “Man… That Choi Yeon-Ha? Why is she still popular?”

“I think you losing your job will happen faster than Choi Yeon-Ha losing her popularity, boss.”

“What the hell? You punk! Are you trying to curse me or something?”

“It’s not a curse if it’s true, boss. I mean, look… With Choi Yeon-Ha’s looks, her acting chops, and her passion for work? There’s something wrong with the world if her popularity suddenly declines.”

“I think you forgot about her personality.”


Han yelled back at his assistant director. “Hey! Why aren’t you saying anything? What about her personality!”

“Boss? Nobody is perfect in this world.”

“Gimme a f*cking break. Stop yammering nonsense and hurry up with the preparations. You know we'll have a crisis if the studio is still a mess when Choi Yeon-Ha shows up. The chief will have my head if this interview goes sideways.”

“Understood, boss. I’ll get it done right away.”

Han sighed deeply before glancing at the studio’s exit.

“Man… I’ll probably only get to breathe again after the new blood gets rid of all the old blood…”

The tyrant’s oppression had lasted way too long, that was for sure!


Jo Seul-Gi’s expression instantly changed when she exited the recording studio.

‘What an idiot. Grinning like that and all…!’

Her pretty face furrowed ever so slightly.

‘You think I’ll do another interview with you once I’m famous? Don’t make me laugh!’

Jo Seul-Gi’s manager walked up to her. “We gotta go to the next interview.”

“Got it. After I pop into the ladies’ room first.”

“...Hey, come on. Do it in the car.”

“Argh, I said, I’m going to the loo!”


Jo Seul-Gi didn't say anything else and walked straight into the bathroom reserved for female talents.

Most actresses didn't want to share a bathroom with the production staff or regular audience members, necessitating the availability of such a dedicated place.

“Hah… F*cking hell!”


The first thing Jo Seul-Gi did after waltzing into the bathroom was yank out a cigarette from her bag and mouth it.

Click. Click!

After snapping at her lighter a couple of times to get a flame going, she finally lit her cigarette.

“What a bunch of f*cking losers. Asking me those stupid questions!”

Even if she was here to tape an interview, she still wouldn't want to answer some questions. But her job as a member of the entertainment industry meant she had to grin and bear with it.

“Urgh. So annoying…!”

However, the reason for Jo Seul-Gi’s annoyance was something else.

During the interview, she noticed all the signs of the interviewer and the production staff worrying about something else that obviously had nothing to do with her.

How could she not notice that when they constantly sneaked a look at their watches? How dare they think about something else when Jo Seul-Gi was right in front of their stupid eyes!

Just who was Jo Seul-Gi, anyway? Wasn’t she the hottest rookie in town? So, to think these people would worry about someone else!

“...We’ll see later. I’ll make you pay for this, you bunch of losers.”

That was when Jo Seul-Gi heard the toilet being flushed loudly.

However, she didn't bother to look behind her. So what if someone saw her smoking like this? Jo Seul-Gi was sure no one in the studio, at least those qualified to use this bathroom, was worthy of her time.

Besides, wasn't it common for an actress to take a quick smoke break inside a bathroom?

Unfortunately for her, though, this situation didn’t unfold the way Jo Seul-Gi had envisioned.

“Who the f*ck is smoking in the bathroom?!”


The cubicle was violently shoved open.

“What did you say?!” Jo Seul-Gi pursed her lips in displeasure and spun her head around. Who would dare swear at her and… “M-Miss Choi Yeon-Ha?!”

Jo Seul-Gi’s widened eyes caught the figure of Choi Yeon-Ha emerging angrily through the cubicle door.

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