Descent of the Demon Master

Chapter 1024: Reuniting (4)

The chief flight attendant, Bak Gang-Hyeok, sneakily wiped away the beads of cold sweat rolling down his forehead.

‘What the heck is going on here, I wonder?’

Despite his head being full of chaotic thoughts, Bak Gang-Hyeok still busily moved about like a well-oiled machine. Then again, he'd been doing this job for the past decade. Unsurprisingly, he was quite used to getting things and people ready for a take-off. He could do it with a blindfold on if he had to. However…!

His problem right now was why they were taking off like this, though!

His original departure schedule was supposed to be tomorrow. But then, he got a call early in the morning about how his plane was earmarked to return to Korea later in the day!

Bak Gang-Hyeok could hardly believe his ears.

Although losing a valuable day off lazily lounging around in London was unfortunate, at least he was prepared to overlook that much. It wasn't as if his next flight would move forward because of this schedule change, anyway.

Besides, personally speaking… Bak Gang-Hyeok would prefer spending the extra day off at home rather than in a foreign city, to begin with!

However, what got him tripping in confusion was that “will” alone wasn’t quite enough to bring forward the departure schedule.

A plane that has covered a long distance must be inspected first. No ifs and buts about it. And it was not allowed to fly again without passing the inspection first.

Even if some kind of special situation arose, allowing the plane to bypass inspection, considering how tightly packed Heathrow’s schedules were… Organizing a new departure schedule that delayed other airlines couldn’t have been an easy task.

But that difficult task had become a reality before Bak Gang-Hyeok’s eyes.

‘Just who’s supposed to ride this plane?’

An event like this always reeked of someone higher up in the food chain interfering. An unnamed figure with incredible political power should have no problem brushing aside an airport’s circumstances, after all!

However, there was a small wrinkle in that scenario. This was England, not South Korea!

Something like this wouldn’t have been treated as a major issue back in South Korea. But the request for the rescheduling this time came from the British. Not just any British, but the dang British government, no less!

‘Didn't they say they were specifically contacting a Korean airline because the passengers were Koreans? That they wanted to ensure the passengers would be as happy as possible during the flight?’

Now that was not something arrogant-as-mothereffers, also known as British bureaucrats, would say with a straight face.

Bak Gang-Hyuk would unhesitantly pick the French as the most absurd crazies out there, but the Britons would have to take the cake as the most irritating to deal with.

That was because he had run into his fair share of British knuckleheads who genuinely subscribed to the outlandish notion of Britons being incomparably superior to East Asians.

But now… Such Brits were directly requesting for cooperation from a Korean airline and not their own homegrown one?

Just who could be this super VIP that the British government had to bend over backward like this?

‘Hang on… Did the President of Korea secretly pop in here for a state visit or something?’

Of course that couldn't be it. But the situation was absurd enough to make Bak Gang-Hyeok seriously consider that possibility.

“Chief Bak? The boarding gate’s opened.”

“Got it!” Bak Gang-Hyeok nodded while nervously swallowing his saliva at the junior flight attendant’s report.

According to the briefing he received earlier, the number of passengers was around one hundred. Their identities were not to be checked as per the British government’s request.

Bak Gang-Hyeok felt his curiosity balloon up till it threatened to blow up. He waited with bated breath to see who would slip past the open gate and enter this plane.

Soon, his eyes caught the figures of the passengers walking through the gate and approaching the plane.

“Oi, oi… I’m getting kinda amped up about this!”

“Wha? Keep your voice down, man. You’re f*cking embarrassing us.”

“What's your problem? This is your first time on a plane, too, right?”

“Huh? Are you dumb or what? Didn't we fly on a plane to get here?”

“Eii, come on, dude. We were riding in a cargo plane. That doesn’t count! Seriously! I haven’t even been to Jeju, you know? This is practically my first flight ever.”[1]

“I hear you, so shut up, okay! So bloody embarrassing…”

Bak Gang-Hyeok's expression subtly stiffened as he listened to the conversations of these passengers.

A rookie at this job would’ve exposed their true feelings on their face, but not Bak Gang-Hyeok. He was a chief flight attendant with over a decade of experience under his belt! Controlling his expression was child’s play to him.

Even then, his expression still subtly slipped out of his control because… The general appearance of the passengers approaching the plane seemed rather suspicious!

‘Huh? Are they some kind of… athletes? Maybe?’

If Bak Gang-Hyeok had to search for the closest description, it had to be that one.

It was plainly obvious that all those people boasted some seriously impressive physiques. And most of them wore tracksuits, too. More importantly, though, they exuded the typical hooligan-like attitude of athletes, too!

‘No, wait! That can’t be right. There’s no freaking way they are athletes!’

Logically speaking, why would the British government be all nice and considerate toward Korean athletes? Even the world-famous British footballers didn’t get preferential treatment from their government, after all!

Besides, Bak Gang-Hyeok was a fan of various sports. And he didn’t recognize any of these people.

One of the passengers noticed Bak Gang-Hyeok and asked first. “Oh, uh… Can we enter the plane now?”

“Yes, of course. Please, this way.”

“Can I sit anywhere?”

“Yes, sir. You’re free to choose your own seat.”

“Whoa, that’s cool. Then Imma go over there, and…”

Bak Gang-Hyeok faltered slightly. “Oh, my apologies, sir, but that’s for first-class passengers only…”

“Eh? I’m not supposed to go in there?”

“Ah, that’s because…”

Just as Bak Gang-Hyeok was urgently searching for the right words to say, a savior suddenly entered the plane and announced his presence.

“What the hell!? Get to the back of the plane, you numbnuts!” Lee Hyeon-Su yelled while entering the plane.

“Heol? Chief Lee?! But…”

Lee Hyeon-Su’s expression crumpled as he shoved his way inside deeper into the plane. “Hey! You think you’re going on a school field trip?!”

“N-no, sir.”

“Stop making things difficult for these hard-working folks, and get your ass to the back of the plane!”

“Yessir! On my way!”

The rowdy atmosphere instantly calmed down with Lee Hyeon-Su’s appearance, and the unruly passengers urgently filed inside the plane.

Bak Gang-Hyeok could only dazedly observe this situation in silence.

‘Hang on… Maybe they really are athletes?’

It was as if he had witnessed the scene of a fierce coach grilling his unruly players or something!

Lee Hyeon-Su turned around and faced Bak Gang-Hyeok next. “My apologies. Our boys can be uncultured idiots, you see.”

“N-no, sir. It’s not a problem,” said Bak Gang-Hyeok while standing stiffly at attention.

‘I don’t know who this is… But he is a big fish!’

These athlete-like men were important enough for the British government to offer preferential treatment. And this man was capable of controlling them like a herd.

Bak Gang-Hyeok obviously had no idea who this man was, but at least one thing was for certain. He shouldn’t even dream of being rude in this place!

Lee Hyeon-Su frowned deeply while looking outside the plane’s entrance. “Hurry up and get in already, you dumb sh*ts! The Assembly Master is right behind you!”

“S-sir! Coming!”

That was when Gong Yeong-Gil suddenly called out from the back of the plane. “Chief! This seat is too small!”

“Is that right? You wanna stand during the flight, then?”

“Sir, this seat fits me perfectly! Thank you, sir!”

“Tsk…” Lee Hyeon-Su continued to frown while confirming the last of the Martial Assembly members had boarded the plane. Then, he glanced at the demon cult believers next. “You guys hurry up, too.”

“Yes, sir!”

Lee Hyeon-Su watched the demon cult believers file inside the plane before starting his finger wagging and pointing. “What the hell! You idiots shouldn’t sit there! Over here! Over here, you dumb idiots! At least try to sit with your own group, okay!”

“Yes, sir!”

Lee Hyeon-Su finally finished assigning the seats, then addressed Bak Gang-Hyeok with a smooth smile. “Please do note that the passengers on the right side are Chinese. Their grasp of Korean still has some ways to go.”

“Oh. You don’t have to worry, sir. The flight crew can converse in Chinese.”

“That’s good to hear,” Lee Hyeon-Su nodded before stepping aside.

Soon, several more people appeared through the check-in gate.

“Heol…!” Bak Gang-Hyeok’s eyes opened super-wide at the figure of one of the new passengers.

‘Is that even really a person…?’

More pertinently, though...! Could someone that big even pass through the plane’s entrance?!

Bak Gang-Hyeok spent the last ten years watching people board and disembark his planes, but never once had he clapped eyes on someone as humongous as that person.

Even before the chief flight attendant could hide his shock, the owner of the humongous physique, Vator, arrived at the plane’s entrance.

Vator furrowed his brow. “Hmm. It’s small.”

Lee Hyeon-Su smiled awkwardly. “Sir, it’s you who’s abnormally large.”

“This is why I’m not a fan of civilian aircrafts…” Vator grunted, then bent down to start folding himself through the entrance.

Lee Hyeon-Su hurriedly raised his voice. “S-sir. The first class is this way.”

“Urgh…” Vator groaned loudly. Even though he had contorted and bent down as much as possible, he still got stuck by the plane's entrance. He did his absolute best not to damage the plane and, eventually, managed to squeeze inside.

Once that hurdle cleared, Lee Hyeon-Su sighed deeply in relief. The biggest problem had been sorted out.

“…!” Bak Gang-Hyeok’s trembling eyes continued to stare at Vator, who was practically crawling on the floor to enter the plane. He never knew a human being could grow that big!

That man must’ve been bigger than a brown bear Bak Gang-Hyeok saw in a Russian zoo!

‘And who are those people supposed to be?’

The passengers following the giant could not be called ordinary, either. The white-haired older gent in a black business suit and a pair of sunglasses emitted an aura of a male supermodel, even though it didn't suit him at all! And the middle-aged man walking next to him was… How should Bak Gang-Hyeok describe him?

‘...A thug?’

Or more like a high-ranking member of a criminal syndicate? That was the vibe distinctively wafting out of that man.

The older gent smiled back at Bak Gang-Hyeok. “We’ll be in your care now.”

The member of a criminal syndicate grinned excitedly. “Will we get in-flight meals? You know, like beef or chicken?”

The two men stepped into the plane while grinning like schoolboys.

‘...There’s more?’

Bak Gang-Hyeok blinked his eyes. Because a cherry was about to land on top of this cake’s icing!

‘...Is he an actor or something?’

Bak Gang-Hyeok’s jaw fell slightly at the next passenger. A middle-aged Caucasian gentleman who instinctively oozed slick sophistication from every pore of his body leisurely approached the entrance before slipping inside like a pro.

The flight attendants bowed at him. “Welcome aboard, sir.”

“Oh, thank you kindly,” said the sophisticated gentleman.

His attitude indicated that he was used to air travel. He courteously greeted Bak Gang-Hyeok and the flight attendants, then lightly patted Lee Hyeon-Su’s shoulder a couple of times before heading to the first-class seating area in front of the plane.

‘Is that all?’

All these people streaming in weren't just brimming full of individual personality, they were practically ready to burst at the seams from so much of it!

Lee Hyeon-Su addressed the flight attendants. “There's one more, and that will be all.”

‘Really? Who will it be this time?’

Bak Gang-Hyeok couldn’t help but stare tensely at the entrance. However…!


The last passenger, a young East Asian man, grandly betrayed Bak Gang-Hyeok’s expectations by appearing rather ordinary and plain.

‘Well, at least he's good-looking, so there's that.'

That was the first impression Bak Gang-Hyeok got. But that man's good looks alone weren't enough to pass the barometer of “Memorable,” which had been set sky-high thanks to all the passengers boasting such a… strong presence. The bar had been raised so high that such a handsome young man came across as ordinary!

Lee Hyeon-Su addressed the young man. “Sir. Everyone has been accounted for.”

“Mm…!” Kang Jin-Ho nodded at that report, then followed Lee Hyeon-Su’s lead to head toward the front of the plane. “Mm? Is this plane from a Korean airline?”

“Yes, sir. It seems the British government has made a request specifically for a Korean company. Which works for us since this will make things a little easier.”

“I guess so. Looks like the Master wields more influence than he lets on. To think he has enough clout to make the British government do his bidding.”

“The truth is that our Assembly is the one lacking influence in its own country, sir. The Master wields enough power to replace the British Prime Minister if he wants to, after all. Telling the British government to source a passenger plane wouldn't be much trouble at all.”

“I see…”

While inadvertently eavesdropping on this conversation, Bak Gang-Hyeok strongly squeezed his eyes shut.

‘Nope. I didn’t hear anything. I heard eff-all just now!’

The contents of the conversation were as crazy as it could get, but Bak Gang-Hyeok's instincts told him everything these two men said was real. How could it not be, when the presence of these passengers on this very plane was the irrefutable proof!

Unfortunately, it would've been better had Bak Gang-Hyeok not heard anything just now. Sometimes, it was better to not know about some things in this world.

Bak Gang-Hyeok swore to become a deaf and blind man until the end of this flight.

“The plane door is closing!”

Once everyone was seated, Bak Gang-Hyeok quickly closed the plane’s entrance, then headed to the first-class area.

“It is my pleasure to have you all on board, everyone. My name is Bak Gang-Hyeok, the chief flight attendant on this flight. The flight crew will do our utmost best to ensure your flight with us is safe and comfortable. This plane is scheduled to take off from London's Heathrow and land in Incheon International…”

“Oiii! You there!” Vator suddenly cut Bak Gang-Hyeok off mid-announcement.

Since the giant spoke in Chinese, maybe he was originally from there? Bak Gang-Hyeok politely smiled and replied to Vator. “Yes, sir. May I be of assistance?”

Vator didn’t say anything but continued to twist and squirm around uncomfortably in his seat. Even though that first-class seat was large enough for two grown adults to lie down and still have enough room to spare, it looked rather cramped with Vator’s figure perched up on it!

Vator continued to contort his figure while frowning deeply. This sight was probably too scary for most ordinary people to endure!

“I don’t care about that!” Vator suddenly yelled.

“Y-yes, sir?!”

“When are we getting our meals?!”


Bak Gang-Hyeok’s jaw slightly fell in flabbergast. He scanned his surroundings for help, but it seemed no one here in the first-class area was interested in doing so.

“...Sir, we’ll bring the meals once we’ve safely taken off.”

“Don’t forget, then!”

“Of course, sir.”

Bak Gang-Hyeok instinctively realized that today’s flight might become something of a rollercoaster!

1. Jeju is an island south of the Korean peninsula. It’s a popular tourist destination. ☜

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