Deviant: No Longer Human

Chapter 69: School Trip (5)

"Shenji, are you finally going to confess today?" Jun, the guy beside him, threw an arm around Wu Shenji's shoulder, his eyes dancing with mischief.

"Haha, don't joke, Jun. Shenji doesn't have the guts for that!"

Wu Shenji, a blush dusting his cheeks, chuckled nervously. "You guys..."

Meanwhile, in the midst of the animated gathering, Wang Jiarong and Wang Xueying shared a seat in the central area. Wang Xueying's eyes flicked towards the blonde guy. "Sis, they're definitely looking at us," she remarked.

With a carefree attitude, Wang Jiarong casually stuffed a tender chicken into her mouth before advising, "Don't let them bother you."

Wang Jiarong, with a nonchalant air, was well aware of the unfolding dynamics, but she couldn't muster the energy to pay it much attention. The recent incident involving Leng Xiyi still lingered in her mind, and her indifference served as a protective shield.

As for Leng Xiyi, she sat in seclusion, her eyes smoldering with unspoken fury. Surrounded by concerned friends eager to know what transpired, Leng Xiyi adamantly kept the details to herself, the tension palpable.

Fei Yun, seated near the third-year girls' group close to Wu Shenji, appeared to join in the laughter, yet her mind wandered into her own contemplations.

The table was set, but amidst the laughter and camaraderie, a quiet conspiracy brewed in the minds of each individual.

The common thread weaving through their thoughts was bound to be Wang Xiao, a central figure in the unspoken tensions simmering beneath the surface.

Blissfully unaware of the brewing conspiracies behind his back, Wang Xiao made his way back to his room, with Dong Kai closely trailing behind.


As the door swung open, Zhang Sisi and Chen Li glanced toward the entrance, their eyes twitching as they observed both of them entering without any signs of a confrontation.

Had the earlier exchange been nothing more than a staged performance?

The two onlookers couldn't help but feel a mix of disbelief and frustration. They exchanged glances, resisting the urge to metaphorically bash their heads against the wall, before eventually sighing and retiring for the night after a shared dinner.

The allure of the BBQ failed to attract many from the junior high and lower classes, wary of standing out in the crowd. The dense mist outside hinted at the possibility of rainfall, casting a chill over the night's atmosphere.


January 16, 2024

Wang Xiao awoke to a bitter gust of cold wind against his face, and he wasn't alone in this rude awakening. Dong Kai and Chen Li's eyes flickered open simultaneously, each registering the unwelcome chill seeping into their bodies.

"Why is it so cold?" Wang Xiao grimaced, feeling his legs almost frozen.

"Are we in a glacier?" Chen Li questioned, her breath forming frosty clouds in the frigid air.

Dong Kai, with a furrowed brow, scanned the room. His eyes widened as he noticed the door ajar. "Who the hell left the door open!?" he bellowed. Wang Xiao and Chen Li followed suit, leaping from their beds with furrowed brows. Their collective gaze landed on Zhang Sisi's now-empty bed. "It's her!"

The realization struck them simultaneously, and they exchanged glances. Dong Kai snorted, "This is why I don't like her!"

Chen Li nodded, "Where is she anyway?"

Dong Kai muttered dismissively, "She can die for all I care..." The frosty air inside the room seemed to mirror the frostiness settling over their relations.

As frustration filled the room with their verbal sparring, Wang Xiao's gaze drifted to the window. "Snow...?" he muttered, rubbing his eyes to confirm the unexpected sight. It wasn't a mere dusting; it was a thick layer of snow, an anomaly in a region unaccustomed to such heavy snowfall.

Amidst this peculiar scene, the other kids had already donned their ski gear, trekking off in a specific direction. Glancing at the clock, Wang Xiao realized, "10 am... We're late by 2 hours." It became apparent that Zhang Sisi, the punctual one, had likely risen at the designated time of 8:00 and, in the process, left the door ajar as the others continued to slumber.

An hour later, Wang Xiao asked Chen Yongzheng to get them some ski equipment, as the resort, prepared for skiing equipments.

Unexpectedly, it wasn't Chen Yongzheng who arrived with their ski equipment, but Lei Xia herself, flanked by two staff members. "It's you three again?" she remarked, her eyes narrowing at the sight of the notorious trio standing together.

Undeterred, Lei Xia resolved not to let their presence ruin her mood. She handed over the ski equipment with a directive, "Wear these and follow me outside." With that, she turned on her heel, leaving Wang Xiao and Dong Kai exchanging glances for reasons unknown.


Lei Xia led them to an open area, where other students were already engaged in various winter activities. The snow-covered expanse held the promise of a day filled with adventure. Despite the chill in the air, there was an underlying excitement among the students.

Lei Xia, with a stern expression, gestured toward a line of ski slopes. "Get yourselves acquainted with the basics. We don't have the luxury of time." Her tone carried a mix of authority and impatience.

Wang Xiao left Chen Li and Dong Kai behind, forging a few solitary steps forward. As he did, the landscape unfolded in a breathtaking panorama. Perched on a mountainous region, gondolas descended gracefully from below, transporting students to the snowy slopes. The entire expanse transformed into a winter wonderland, with the snow-decked slopes inviting adventure.

The usual snowfall had been modest, but an unexpected rainfall yesterday deepened the snow, blanketing not only the slopes but also extending into the nearby forests. The air carried a pristine stillness, promising a day filled with snowy delights.

Carrying his skis, Wang Xiao meandered through the snowy canvas, spotting multiple familiar faces. Laughter and cheers echoed as students embraced the winter magic.

In his exploration, Wang Xiao stumbled upon Zhang Sisi, who made a dramatic entrance, skillfully skiing toward him. Her hair was lightly adorned with snow, and she sported goggles, exuding an air of proficiency on the slopes. With a playful tone, she quipped, "So, you guys finally decided to wake up?"

Wang Xiao chuckled, "Fashionably late, as always. What's the rush?"

Zhang Sisi smirked, "Well, some of us actually appreciate the beauty of the morning. You should try it sometime."

Wang Xiao grinned, "Maybe when the morning decides to sleep in."

"Whatever..." Zhang Sisi spoke, playing with her hair slightly, normally Wang Xiao would take it as a invitation, but considering her age he didn't even put that as a possibility.

"You know how to Skii?" She asked.

Wang Xiao nodded confidently, a smirk playing on his lips. "Of course, I'm practically a snow whisperer." With a flourish, he took his skis and expertly clicked them into place. The mountainous terrain awaited his prowess, and he gestured playfully. "Care to witness some real skiing magic?"

Zhang Sisi raised an eyebrow, a hint of skepticism in her expression. "Prove it."

Wang Xiao launched himself down the slope, weaving effortlessly between others with the grace of a seasoned skier. The wind tousled his hair as he executed quick turns and daring maneuvers, leaving a trail of snow in his wake. He gracefully coasted to a stop, looking back at Zhang Sisi with a self-satisfied grin.

"So, what do you think?" he asked, the glint of mischief still in his eyes.

Zhang Sisi observed with a raised eyebrow, an amused smile playing on her lips. "Impressive," she conceded, though a teasing undertone lingered in her voice. "But can you handle a real challenge?"

"What Challenge?" Wang Xiao narrowed his eyes at her, he along with his whole family have visited skii resorts in the northern china, for quite a lot of times, he doesn't believe she can beat him in any kind of challenge related to it.

"What challenge?" Wang Xiao narrowed his eyes, his confidence rooted in the numerous visits his family had made to ski resorts in northern China. He doubted she could best him in any skiing challenge.

Zhang Sisi grinned mischievously, "How about a race down the slope? Winner gets bragging rights for the rest of the trip. Unless, of course, you're scared to lose." Her challenge was punctuated by a playful wink.

Wang Xiao was slightly taken aback by Zhang Sisi's casual attitude today, but he nodded nonetheless, increasing the stakes. "I don't want such bragging, how about—"

His words were abruptly cut off by a sudden eruption of chaos in the vicinity.


"Who is she!"

"A snow fairy!?"

The unexpected commotion drew their attention, diverting the conversation to the unfolding spectacle nearby.

Amid the flurry of surprised exclamations, Wang Xiao and Zhang Sisi turned their gaze toward the source of the commotion. A figure clad in a vibrant snowsuit gracefully descended a steeper slope, executing intricate turns and jumps with apparent ease.




[A/N: Leave reviews already eveyrone, the volume 1 is ending soon! The next volume would be even more interesting!]

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