Chapter 26 Meeting Xu Fang
According to their agreement, Andromeda headed first for Liu Xueyi's office as soon as she arrived at his company.
Unlike before when there was a hint of her confusion, this time, she cat-walked towards the elevator smiling as she entered.
She met a few persons going up as well but did not utter a word, ignoring the glances they stoke at her.
In her mind, they just had to deal with it. In time they would be seeing more of her as the days go by.
She arrived at the last floor and moved in the direction of his secretary's desk. A small smile adorned her lips, adding to her already beautiful face.
"Good morning."
"Morning ma. He is waiting inside," she returned her smile with a tight-lipped one.
"I see. Thank you."
Without being told, she knew he must have spoken to his secretary because she no longer had that defiant air about her and respectfully delivered her message.
Standing before the big doors, Andromeda inhaled slowly before placing a knock on the door twice.
She did not wait long for his answer as she turned on the doorknob, entered and closed it behind her.
"Good morning," she greeted, causing the stares of the two men to be averted in her direction.
To her surprise, he wasn't alone as she had expected. He had company and one exuding the same aura with more smiling charm.
Her eyes fluttered briefly, before tilting her head to the left a bit. "Should I come at another time?"
Her smile remained as she hoped he would give in to her demand but to her disappointment, he did not.
Instead, the man seated in front of him flashed a dashing smile at her.
"Good morning, Andromeda," Liu Xueyi's voice broke her out from her small investigation as she took in his friend.
"Please come in and have a seat," he offered.
"Thanks." She appreciated it and walked over. Each step taken, brought their eyes to different parts of her body, giving them time to appreciate her divine beauty.
She wore a plain blue skirt and a tucked-in lower-patterned long sleeve shirt with a small blue shawl she neatly tied around her neck. Her hair was left to cascade down her back, giving her the look of a nymph.
She wore matching white sandal heels and a white handbag. She left her ears and neck free of any jewellery but complemented with her white wristwatch.
The simplistic approach to her design plus how magnificently she looked, made Liu Xueyi suck in a deep breath.
"You look lovely," he complimented as she took her seat.
"Thanks, boss."
"I believe," Xu Fang began, "I have not had the honour of officially meeting this gorgeous beauty, have I?"
"Ah, yes. I have not done the intros." He smiled at his friend, giving him the warning look of 'do not dare try nonsense.'
Being who he was Xu Fang smiled back at him, beaming his daring smirk in the process.
That look simply told Liu Xueyi that he was going to try something stupid.
"Andromeda, please meet my friend and business partner, Xu Fang. Well, he is the vice CEO of Liu Corporation," Liu Xueyi introduced, gesturing at Xu Fang.
She smiled, waiting for him to conclude the introduction. "And Xu Fang, this is Andromeda Kai, my new top designer."
His cheek puffed at aside, revealing a bit of tooth as he extended his hand for a shake at his side.
"Nice to meet you, Miss Kai."
"The pleasure is mine, Mr Xu."
Not only did Xu Fang fail to let go of her hand, but he also leaned closer, pulling her hand a bit as he dipped in his head, placing a soft kiss on the back of her palm.
Her smile brightened at his gesture. It was obvious he had his way with girls and was a nice flatterer.
While she smiled at the gesture and did not think too much about it, Liu Xueyi was shooting the best-smiling glares he could at Xu Fang.
"Huh… Can I have my hands back," Andromeda voiced out first before Liu Xueyi got the chance to.
"Oh yes. I got mesmerized by your dazzling look that I forgot time did not stop," Xu Fang explained. He let go of her hand and straightened in his seat before turning to face Liu Xueyi.
Liu Xueyi who was taken aback by his friend's boldness was about eye talk him down when Andromeda too turned to face him.
"I believe I can start now. Are there any things I need to know before I begin?"
"No." He abruptly stated, retaining his smile. The corners of his eyes formed wrinkles and relaxed soon enough when he managed to compose himself, ignoring the look Xu Fang gave him.
"Just that… I expect great things from you here."
"Okay if that is all…"
"No," he interjected. "I would take you to your team to introduce you and then you can start."
"If it is no bother, I would love to observe them for a day or two. Why not have someone take me there as an intern or just a junior staff or something."
Both Liu Xueyi and Xu Fang had their brows crease at her request.
Noticing this, she explained. "You see I want to know who my people are first. Even more so I need to know the truth and their working style. I do not like working with pretenders and for this to work and succeed."
"I see. Nice plan, Ms Kai. Simply put, to know your people, you need to work with them without class and favouritism or rank as an obstacle."
"And to also to know what their opinion about you is," am I right?" Liu Xueyi questioned.
"Yes. You both are. Now that you know, would you grant me my request?"
"I would. Know your teams. I need the best designs coming out by Monday. You can keep your disguise till Wednesday when you have to reveal yourself. Understood?"
"Got it, Mr Liu. Thank you."
"Anytime." He stood up, and so did she. "I would send the Public Relations Department Manager to take you there. Have a lovely first day of work."
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