ENF Academy: For Some Reason, She Can Only Save the World if She’s Naked

Ch 2.75: Nothing

Ch 2.75: Nothing

Elaina noticed the main gambling hall slowing down even more as Shein led her back out. Some members of the staff even seemed to be escorting patrons outside.

“Cover charge,” Shein said, anticipating Elaina’s question. “Five gold to see the remainder of the night play out, for people that didn’t already pay to participate in the tournament anyway.”

“I’m surprised you let your lackeys take care of that. You seem like more of a hands-on type of boss to me.”

“Only the important things, like dealing with you,” Shein said with a quick flash of a smile over her shoulder. 

Elaina was even more sure of her plan now. She didn’t really mind less people in the main room since it gave her a chance to think. There wasn’t much she could do now though, other than focus on this match ahead of her. As she wondered, her eyes wandered, towards the quiet stage, devoid of the musicians before, only one person on it, a blonde girl in a shining blue dress.

Prisma looked irritated, to Elaina at least. She was definitely trying to look dignified, hold her composure, but that natural smile Elaina remembered from what seemed almost a century ago wasn’t there right now, instead replaced by a forced look of contentment Elaina saw on far too many of the kids at Endrin.

“She’s my opponent,” Elaina said as they approached the stage. It wasn’t a question, just resignment to the fact.

“Indeed,” Shein said. “You know her, if I remember that little squabble from earlier correctly?”

“We’re acquaintances,” Elaina replied.@@novelbin@@

Gods, it wasn’t the time for distractions. Temmie was on the line, and that’s all that mattered. Elaina would be able to push everything else aside, no matter what. “Elaina!” she heard a voice shout from the side. It was Tira, alone.

“Where are they?” Elaina asked as Tira ran up, still following after Shein.

“Bathroom. Are you okay?”

“I’m fine, you’ll see what’s going on soon enough, I’m pretty sure.” Tira wanted to continue the conversation from the looks of it, but a guard stopped her from following as Shein and Elaina walked on stage. 

It was a different feeling, looking down on the room from up top. Everything seemed just a bit smaller, a little more distant. She could get used to this, she thought. Maybe in another life she could’ve been that singer, playing whatever crystal instrument there’d been, singing songs for her living. But that wasn’t this life, and she had work to do right now.

Prisma looked surprised too, of course, but only for a moment before righting herself. That moment was one Elaina would remember though, a genuine look of expression, that long flowing blue dress, modest shoulders and legs, less so in the chest, her hair pulled up into a bundle of curls up top held by a matching blue ribbon, her eyes looking like someone who’d just seen a friend they’d been missing for years. 

Shein grabbed the crystal device from the stand in front that the vocalist had sang into. “Well, lovely patrons, do I have some good news for you. We have a special exhibition match for you tonight. Feel sorry for those that have already left, and think twice about leaving just because you haven’t paid the cover for viewing the rest of tonight’s tournament.

“These two lovely ladies think they’ve been cheated out of their rightful spots in tonight’s grand event.” A chorus of laughter rang through the establishment at that, all eyes turning to the stage. “I know, I know. My patrons, cheating? Perish the thought. But I understand the frustration, with the fabulousness of tonight’s prize and all.”

Shein walked over to the center of the stage, grabbing a cloth from one of the instrument stands and whipping it off the side, revealing a locked, glass case. Inside was indeed the subcore, wrapped in two leather strips, a suspiciously familiar looking crystal embedded in them, the same kind that was on Elaina’s wrist at that very moment. The crowd gasped at the sight of it, which Elaina found a little odd.

“Behold, a Temmie! One of the largest pieces of pure crystal on its own, in a perfectly spherical shape no less. It also acts as an awakening crystal, but beyond that it emits crystal energy in such large quantities we’ve had to suppress its power with our aspect restraints, less who knows what happens.

“Which is of course why I’m trying to offload it. I’m hot myself, and enjoy hot things like these two beside me, but this item is a little too hot, even for me, if you know what I mean.” The crowd laughed again, though Prisma seemed to recoil at the comment.

“Now, for the prelude to the main event, or maybe the real main event, considering how lucky we are. “The young lady on the right has suffered what she considers betrayal. Someone she believed her ally betrayed her, taking her spot in the tournament that she had been promised. And the lady on my left was the victim of a very unfortunate deck misprinting, ended up losing to a duplicate ace. These types of things just happen in poker, as you all know, but I’m a generous host, so I’m extending an offer to them out of the goodness of my hearts. Ladies, gentlemen, and all other fine people, tonight, in a last ditch bid to remain in contention for the glorious Temmie, these two beautiful women will participate in the most exhibition-est match you’ve ever seen! Now, participants, are you ready?”

Elaina looked around the stage, pretty sure she wasn’t ready. “There’s no table?” she said.

“Oh, dear me, I’ve forgotten to explain the rules; how silly of me! This will not be a round of poker, as poker is dreadfully lacking as a spectator experience. You’re both familiar with the game ‘stone, parchment, shears,’ correct?”

Elaina had to think for a moment, but she nodded, followed shortly after by Prisma. Everyone knew the rules to stone, parchment, shears; it was the ultimate way to settle things when you were a kid.

“Good! We’ll be playing a game of that, first to take, say—” Shein paused and looked up and down Prisma and Elaina both before continuing, “five points, I think, from your opponent will win the match. Of course, I have my other paying competitors to keep in mind. I don’t want them to feel slighted by this change of events, so to make it up to them, we’re altering the rules slightly. I said earlier to consider whether you wanted to leave without paying the In this game, each point will equal one article of clothing, and as you lose, you’ll have to strip down.”

Even despite the gambling machines no longer running, the band not playing, and the smaller crowd, the roar of the applause that followed was the loudest sound that Elaina had heard that night. “What the fuck?” she barely heard Prisma scream from only a few feet away.

“Neither of you are forced to participate, of course,” Shein shouted, taking the crystal voice amplifier away from her face.

“That’s absurd!” Elaina shouted. She couldn’t do this right? Even with half the crowd gone, there were dozens of people out there, all their eyes looking towards the stage, all of them applauding… Soon enough, she could be completely naked in front of them, classmates and strangers alike. She could feel her pulse pounding, her pussy longing to be touched just at the thought, ready to plow into herself right there on the stage. Gods, she knew she wouldn’t be able say no. Winning was another chance at getting the subcore, and losing? Well, if she lost, she would just have to deal it.

“Now,” Shein continued into the crystal, “I’ll explain the conditions in full while these competitors decide if they’re up to the task. The winner will be allowed to redress, and then continue on to round two of the poker tournament. The loser, of course, will remain naked for the rest of the tournament for all our viewing pleasure, but will also be under my personal protection. Remember, harassment is never tolerated in this establishment.

“It’s up to you two whether you want to compete, but once you agree there is can be no backing out. So, what say you?”

The room ended up as quiet as Elaina’s bedroom at night with that question, everyone waiting on the answers. To Elaina, the loudest thing was her own beating heart. “I accept!” she shouted, triggering another round of raucous cheers.

“Wonderful,” Shein said, turning to Prisma. “But the game requires two to play, I’m afraid. What say you, young lady?”

If Prisma heard the question, she didn’t make it known, instead staring straight at Elaina, eyes popping out in astonishment, mouth hanging open. For the first time, Elaina realized what would really happen if she were to win, what would happen to Prisma. That thought ran circles around her head, causing her heart to beat even faster. But no, she couldn’t do that to Prisma. She shook her head, holding her hands up, ready to place all her trust into Carly.

“I’ll play,” Prisma said, “and I won’t lose.”

The crowd started cheering again before Elaina could process the response. Why in the stars would Prisma agree to something like this?

“And that’s that!” Shein continued. “We’ll start in just a few minutes, so pay your fees now if you haven’t, tell your friends nearby if you have them, and soon enough we’ll be seeing one of these two lovely ladies walking off the stage with sweet victory, and one walking off the stage with absolutely nothing.”

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